How will you protect your First Amendment ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Press freedom in the US is nothing special but it does look like Trump is taking a hammer to it in order to deflect from his failure to control the virus.
My understanding is that your founders believed that a free press was an essential component in any functioning democracy. I think that we can all agree on that.
Being critical of Trump is not an offence. Its a bit shocking that the folk who wave their guns around are less vocal on this issue, A press that cant criticise the President is a threat to freedom.

Press freedom in the US is nothing special but it does look like Trump is taking a hammer to it in order to deflect from his failure to control the virus.
My understanding is that your founders believed that a free press was an essential component in any functioning democracy. I think that we can all agree on that.
Being critical of Trump is not an offence. Its a bit shocking that the folk who wave their guns around are less vocal on this issue, A press that cant criticise the President is a threat to freedom.

With the 2nd. Silly boi.

Press freedom in the US is nothing special but it does look like Trump is taking a hammer to it in order to deflect from his failure to control the virus.
My understanding is that your founders believed that a free press was an essential component in any functioning democracy. I think that we can all agree on that.
Being critical of Trump is not an offence. Its a bit shocking that the folk who wave their guns around are less vocal on this issue, A press that cant criticise the President is a threat to freedom.
"Nothing special"? What could be meant by that? Does England have press freedom? Does France? I'm not talking about "some" or "in certain cases". Freedom of the press is like being pregnant; it is an either or situation.
If there is a problem in the U.S., it is that press freedom is not used enough, combined with the incredibly low level of reader comprehension.

Press freedom in the US is nothing special but it does look like Trump is taking a hammer to it in order to deflect from his failure to control the virus.
My understanding is that your founders believed that a free press was an essential component in any functioning democracy. I think that we can all agree on that.
Being critical of Trump is not an offence. Its a bit shocking that the folk who wave their guns around are less vocal on this issue, A press that cant criticise the President is a threat to freedom.

He himself is destroying the free press, not fox or the right wing rags.

Press freedom in the US is nothing special but it does look like Trump is taking a hammer to it in order to deflect from his failure to control the virus.
My understanding is that your founders believed that a free press was an essential component in any functioning democracy. I think that we can all agree on that.
Being critical of Trump is not an offence. Its a bit shocking that the folk who wave their guns around are less vocal on this issue, A press that cant criticise the President is a threat to freedom.
"Nothing special"? What could be meant by that? Does England have press freedom? Does France? I'm not talking about "some" or "in certain cases". Freedom of the press is like being pregnant; it is an either or situation.
If there is a problem in the U.S., it is that press freedom is not used enough, combined with the incredibly low level of reader comprehension.
Your press freedom ranks 45 on a world index.

Press freedom in the US is nothing special but it does look like Trump is taking a hammer to it in order to deflect from his failure to control the virus.
My understanding is that your founders believed that a free press was an essential component in any functioning democracy. I think that we can all agree on that.
Being critical of Trump is not an offence. Its a bit shocking that the folk who wave their guns around are less vocal on this issue, A press that cant criticise the President is a threat to freedom.
"Nothing special"? What could be meant by that? Does England have press freedom? Does France? I'm not talking about "some" or "in certain cases". Freedom of the press is like being pregnant; it is an either or situation.
If there is a problem in the U.S., it is that press freedom is not used enough, combined with the incredibly low level of reader comprehension.
Your press freedom ranks 45 on a world index.
What makes you think Reporters Without Borders is an authority on the matter, you easily brainwashed by a rhyme idiot?

Press freedom in the US is nothing special but it does look like Trump is taking a hammer to it in order to deflect from his failure to control the virus.
My understanding is that your founders believed that a free press was an essential component in any functioning democracy. I think that we can all agree on that.
Being critical of Trump is not an offence. Its a bit shocking that the folk who wave their guns around are less vocal on this issue, A press that cant criticise the President is a threat to freedom.
"Nothing special"? What could be meant by that? Does England have press freedom? Does France? I'm not talking about "some" or "in certain cases". Freedom of the press is like being pregnant; it is an either or situation.
If there is a problem in the U.S., it is that press freedom is not used enough, combined with the incredibly low level of reader comprehension.
Your press freedom ranks 45 on a world index.
"Your"? Assumptions and projections are dangerous.
No comment about English press freedom?
No link for this alleged rating?
Who said U.S. press freedom was the best?
What was said is that freedom is not used enough. That anything may be said as long as it is expressed as opinion should have been said, and is being said now.
While it may be understandable that other countries decide to prohibit some words or phrases, that does not alter the fact that this means "press freedom" is an exaggeration in that context. In any case, it is not words that damage, it is what a brain does with the information that may have negative results.
I do not trust a system that does not trust me to judge verbiage.

Press freedom in the US is nothing special but it does look like Trump is taking a hammer to it in order to deflect from his failure to control the virus.
My understanding is that your founders believed that a free press was an essential component in any functioning democracy. I think that we can all agree on that.
Being critical of Trump is not an offence. Its a bit shocking that the folk who wave their guns around are less vocal on this issue, A press that cant criticise the President is a threat to freedom.
We don’t have a free press,, The press are colluding To produce fake news and risk violent backlash if they go against Democrat press elites.
Is having a rating of 43, 45, 48, 45 "taking a hammer" to the 1st Amendment when his predecessor went from a 20 to 49(second lowest ranking ever) and from a 17 to a 53 (lowest rating ever) under President Bush? I don't even really like the guy and think you're trying too hard.

Press freedom in the US is nothing special but it does look like Trump is taking a hammer to it in order to deflect from his failure to control the virus.
My understanding is that your founders believed that a free press was an essential component in any functioning democracy. I think that we can all agree on that.
Being critical of Trump is not an offence. Its a bit shocking that the folk who wave their guns around are less vocal on this issue, A press that cant criticise the President is a threat to freedom.
"Nothing special"? What could be meant by that? Does England have press freedom? Does France? I'm not talking about "some" or "in certain cases". Freedom of the press is like being pregnant; it is an either or situation.
If there is a problem in the U.S., it is that press freedom is not used enough, combined with the incredibly low level of reader comprehension.
Your press freedom ranks 45 on a world index.
"Your"? Assumptions and projections are dangerous.
No comment about English press freedom?
No link for this alleged rating?
Who said U.S. press freedom was the best?
What was said is that freedom is not used enough. That anything may be said as long as it is expressed as opinion should have been said, and is being said now.
While it may be understandable that other countries decide to prohibit some words or phrases, that does not alter the fact that this means "press freedom" is an exaggeration in that context. In any case, it is not words that damage, it is what a brain does with the information that may have negative results.
I do not trust a system that does not trust me to judge verbiage.
The link is in the OP. This is what it says.

Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.

Of course it doesnt make the US a police state but it does trash the notion that your much vaunted first amendment places you above the rest of the world. It plainly doesnt.

Press freedom in the US is nothing special but it does look like Trump is taking a hammer to it in order to deflect from his failure to control the virus.
My understanding is that your founders believed that a free press was an essential component in any functioning democracy. I think that we can all agree on that.
Being critical of Trump is not an offence. Its a bit shocking that the folk who wave their guns around are less vocal on this issue, A press that cant criticise the President is a threat to freedom.
We don’t have a free press,, The press are colluding To produce fake news and risk violent backlash if they go against Democrat press elites.

Colluding nothing. They are an active arm of the Democratic Party.

Press freedom in the US is nothing special but it does look like Trump is taking a hammer to it in order to deflect from his failure to control the virus.
My understanding is that your founders believed that a free press was an essential component in any functioning democracy. I think that we can all agree on that.
Being critical of Trump is not an offence. Its a bit shocking that the folk who wave their guns around are less vocal on this issue, A press that cant criticise the President is a threat to freedom.
"Nothing special"? What could be meant by that? Does England have press freedom? Does France? I'm not talking about "some" or "in certain cases". Freedom of the press is like being pregnant; it is an either or situation.
If there is a problem in the U.S., it is that press freedom is not used enough, combined with the incredibly low level of reader comprehension.
Your press freedom ranks 45 on a world index.
"Your"? Assumptions and projections are dangerous.
No comment about English press freedom?
No link for this alleged rating?
Who said U.S. press freedom was the best?
What was said is that freedom is not used enough. That anything may be said as long as it is expressed as opinion should have been said, and is being said now.
While it may be understandable that other countries decide to prohibit some words or phrases, that does not alter the fact that this means "press freedom" is an exaggeration in that context. In any case, it is not words that damage, it is what a brain does with the information that may have negative results.
I do not trust a system that does not trust me to judge verbiage.
The link is in the OP. This is what it says.

Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.

Of course it doesnt make the US a police state but it does trash the notion that your much vaunted first amendment places you above the rest of the world. It plainly doesnt.

That the press is compromised and does not do its job is in no way reflective of 1A rights.

Press freedom in the US is nothing special but it does look like Trump is taking a hammer to it in order to deflect from his failure to control the virus.
My understanding is that your founders believed that a free press was an essential component in any functioning democracy. I think that we can all agree on that.
Being critical of Trump is not an offence. Its a bit shocking that the folk who wave their guns around are less vocal on this issue, A press that cant criticise the President is a threat to freedom.
"Nothing special"? What could be meant by that? Does England have press freedom? Does France? I'm not talking about "some" or "in certain cases". Freedom of the press is like being pregnant; it is an either or situation.
If there is a problem in the U.S., it is that press freedom is not used enough, combined with the incredibly low level of reader comprehension.
Your press freedom ranks 45 on a world index.
"Your"? Assumptions and projections are dangerous.
No comment about English press freedom?
No link for this alleged rating?
Who said U.S. press freedom was the best?
What was said is that freedom is not used enough. That anything may be said as long as it is expressed as opinion should have been said, and is being said now.
While it may be understandable that other countries decide to prohibit some words or phrases, that does not alter the fact that this means "press freedom" is an exaggeration in that context. In any case, it is not words that damage, it is what a brain does with the information that may have negative results.
I do not trust a system that does not trust me to judge verbiage.
The link is in the OP. This is what it says.

Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.

Of course it doesnt make the US a police state but it does trash the notion that your much vaunted first amendment places you above the rest of the world. It plainly doesnt.

That the press is compromised and does not do its job is in no way reflective of 1A rights.
When the press cannot criticise the government you have no rights.
Of course it doesnt make the US a police state but it does trash the notion that your much vaunted first amendment places you above the rest of the world. It plainly doesnt.
The 1st Amendment is not limited to, nor can be judged by, freedom of the press alone. It covers religious freedom, speech, assembly, and the right to petition. When you look at all of the other things it covers by the interpretations of those rights, I'd say it's pretty special.

Press freedom in the US is nothing special but it does look like Trump is taking a hammer to it in order to deflect from his failure to control the virus.
My understanding is that your founders believed that a free press was an essential component in any functioning democracy. I think that we can all agree on that.
Being critical of Trump is not an offence. Its a bit shocking that the folk who wave their guns around are less vocal on this issue, A press that cant criticise the President is a threat to freedom.
"Nothing special"? What could be meant by that? Does England have press freedom? Does France? I'm not talking about "some" or "in certain cases". Freedom of the press is like being pregnant; it is an either or situation.
If there is a problem in the U.S., it is that press freedom is not used enough, combined with the incredibly low level of reader comprehension.
Your press freedom ranks 45 on a world index.
"Your"? Assumptions and projections are dangerous.
No comment about English press freedom?
No link for this alleged rating?
Who said U.S. press freedom was the best?
What was said is that freedom is not used enough. That anything may be said as long as it is expressed as opinion should have been said, and is being said now.
While it may be understandable that other countries decide to prohibit some words or phrases, that does not alter the fact that this means "press freedom" is an exaggeration in that context. In any case, it is not words that damage, it is what a brain does with the information that may have negative results.
I do not trust a system that does not trust me to judge verbiage.
The link is in the OP. This is what it says.

Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.

Of course it doesnt make the US a police state but it does trash the notion that your much vaunted first amendment places you above the rest of the world. It plainly doesnt.

That the press is compromised and does not do its job is in no way reflective of 1A rights.
When the press cannot criticise the government you have no rights.
if you don't know by now that the press are the enemy, you are helpless
It takes determination and courage to be a real journalist. Having been "in the trenches", the fear can be real and danger quite present. That is the way it has always been. At least, in the U.S., opinion can be expressed, even if it hurts feelings.

Press freedom in the US is nothing special but it does look like Trump is taking a hammer to it in order to deflect from his failure to control the virus.
My understanding is that your founders believed that a free press was an essential component in any functioning democracy. I think that we can all agree on that.
Being critical of Trump is not an offence. Its a bit shocking that the folk who wave their guns around are less vocal on this issue, A press that cant criticise the President is a threat to freedom.
"Nothing special"? What could be meant by that? Does England have press freedom? Does France? I'm not talking about "some" or "in certain cases". Freedom of the press is like being pregnant; it is an either or situation.
If there is a problem in the U.S., it is that press freedom is not used enough, combined with the incredibly low level of reader comprehension.
Your press freedom ranks 45 on a world index.
"Your"? Assumptions and projections are dangerous.
No comment about English press freedom?
No link for this alleged rating?
Who said U.S. press freedom was the best?
What was said is that freedom is not used enough. That anything may be said as long as it is expressed as opinion should have been said, and is being said now.
While it may be understandable that other countries decide to prohibit some words or phrases, that does not alter the fact that this means "press freedom" is an exaggeration in that context. In any case, it is not words that damage, it is what a brain does with the information that may have negative results.
I do not trust a system that does not trust me to judge verbiage.
The link is in the OP. This is what it says.

Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.

Of course it doesnt make the US a police state but it does trash the notion that your much vaunted first amendment places you above the rest of the world. It plainly doesnt.

That the press is compromised and does not do its job is in no way reflective of 1A rights.
When the press cannot criticise the government you have no rights.
if you don't know by now that the press are the enemy, you are helpless
Ridiculous. The "press" is not the enemy, ignorance is.

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