How will Sandy affect the election if at all?

It helps Obama by taking the focus off Benghazi.

It also creates a situation where he looks presidential.

It hurts him because early voting in Philly will be curtailed.

It will destroy him if Eastern Pennsylvania is dark on the 6th...Republicans would swim naked thru a mountain of red hot razor blades to vote against him....his constituency can barely be cajoled to get off the couch.

If it lingers, it's only positives for Obama. Nobody is going to go out of their way to vote for Mitt Romney.
It helps Obama by taking the focus off Benghazi.

It also creates a situation where he looks presidential.

It hurts him because early voting in Philly will be curtailed.

It will destroy him if Eastern Pennsylvania is dark on the 6th...Republicans would swim naked thru a mountain of red hot razor blades to vote against him....his constituency can barely be cajoled to get off the couch.

If it lingers, it's only positives for Obama. Nobody is going to go out of their way to vote for Mitt Romney.

But they will go out of their way to vote against Obama
It helps Obama by taking the focus off Benghazi.

It also creates a situation where he looks presidential.

It hurts him because early voting in Philly will be curtailed.

It will destroy him if Eastern Pennsylvania is dark on the 6th...Republicans would swim naked thru a mountain of red hot razor blades to vote against him....his constituency can barely be cajoled to get off the couch.

I like your thinking.
Will she make candidates look bad or linger long enough to be an issue on election day?

I noticed Romney cancelled two events so as to not use up first responders

Just remember they're "First Responders" when reacting to an emergency.

They are "Fat, Lazy Government Union Workers" the rest of the time.

For those keeping score at home.

But they will go out of their way to vote against Obama

no one has ever won an election by being "not that guy".

Which is why we aren't talking about President Kerry or President Dole or President Mondale today.

Other than the obligatory "He's a good businessman" schtick, I haven't seen one of you give me a reason why you are voting for Romney other than he's the guy the GOP establishment insisted you had to vote for.
If Sandy knocks out power in only right-wing districts,
will republican's realize,
God doesn't like you?​

Funny how god becomes real to some of you when politics is involved.

Oh, brother. You have no idea what anybody's relationship with God is. The right wing does not seem as into God as they claim. So judgmental.

Misjudged as usual. I don't believe in god. But i do watch what everyone else says. And I do usually respect their beliefs with the exception of joeb
Mitt Romney is campaigning again. Oh no, wait, it's a "disaster relief" event. Which, by sheer coincidence, is happening in Ohio. And they're asking for canned goods, even though the Red Cross is not accepting any physical goods (as mass-distributing randomly donated cans of corn is a logistical nightmare.)
No, what you're doing is complaining that the other side will be take legal steps for voters who were disinfranched due to servely bad weather, while assuring us you would demand your right to vote if it was denied due to weather.

The circle of hypocrisy is complete.

What "other side" would that be, dearie? Please explain just where the hypocrisy exists? Why is it that liberals appear to believe that their "side" includes the lazy, stupid, incapable?
I also agreed that I would do what was needed to ensure I could cast my ballot. If the "other side" were too stupid, lazy, or otherwise incapable of doing the same, too bad.


You are mixing two separate issues, so I will assume you aren't meaning to suggest that those trapped and in distress in the aftermath of Sandy are "too stupid, lazy, or otherwise incapable".
Mitt Romney is campaigning again. Oh no, wait, it's a "disaster relief" event. Which, by sheer coincidence, is happening in Ohio. And they're asking for canned goods, even though the Red Cross is not accepting any physical goods (as mass-distributing randomly donated cans of corn is a logistical nightmare.)

Not only that, but who the hell wants to skim a couple of cans of corn? And those Red Cross execs don't accept canned corn for pay, either.
No, what you're doing is complaining that the other side will be take legal steps for voters who were disinfranched due to servely bad weather, while assuring us you would demand your right to vote if it was denied due to weather.

The circle of hypocrisy is complete.

What "other side" would that be, dearie? Please explain just where the hypocrisy exists? Why is it that liberals appear to believe that their "side" includes the lazy, stupid, incapable?
I also agreed that I would do what was needed to ensure I could cast my ballot. If the "other side" were too stupid, lazy, or otherwise incapable of doing the same, too bad.


You are mixing two separate issues, so I will assume you aren't meaning to suggest that those trapped and in distress in the aftermath of Sandy are "too stupid, lazy, or otherwise incapable".

If trapped and in distress in the aftermath of a storm for which ample time to prepare was given and mandatory evacuations ordered over wide areas, then many of those facing such distress probably do exhibit one or more of the listed conditions.
Romney took a bit of time to make any sort of reaction..because he was looking to criticize Obama.

But thus far..everything has been handled well.

So..we go back to what Romney has said about FEMA. He wanted it privatized.

Anyone who thinks that private sector would do a better job handling big disasters should vote for Romney.
Romney took a bit of time to make any sort of reaction..because he was looking to criticize Obama.

But thus far..everything has been handled well.

So..we go back to what Romney has said about FEMA. He wanted it privatized.

Anyone who thinks that private sector would do a better job handling big disasters should vote for Romney.

That tears it, now I know exactly who to vote for, and why!
Romney took a bit of time to make any sort of reaction..because he was looking to criticize Obama.

But thus far..everything has been handled well.

So..we go back to what Romney has said about FEMA. He wanted it privatized.

Anyone who thinks that private sector would do a better job handling big disasters should vote for Romney.
Nice to see you being fair. I've seen several of his events and thus far i haven't heard him mention Obama. Rather I've seen him ask for food and money for the east coast.

The other issue would make for a good debate and I'm not sure how I feel about the idea.

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