How well does "CHAZ" represent PROG?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Seattle and coastal California are in competition to see who is more PROG. This time Seattle wins, after all, the City of Love is pretty nice. Follow the "logic".

A. Thug is killed by thug cop with a screw loose. Somehow I feel this may have been a set-up all along, but that's another thread. Anyway, BLM again, it's election time. COVID was a nice twist on things, NICE CALL PROG-elite, somehow I'm always surprised how deep they'll go. The message? single out and patronize races for sake of "integration". Especially blacks who are to be pitied, because you need to be reminded, wait for it....................... their lives actually matter..................................You PROGS are funny. Don't forget to rip it ALL down.

B. "Protesters" AKA animals for destruction take over Seattle. No slight to animals, it's a figure of speech, the animal kingdom isn't pathetic. Anyway, PROG-government declares it the City of Love. How very "liberal", talk about progressive idealists, they're really going to make this happen.

C. "Protesters" beg for food, water, alcohol, cigarettes, rags, rubbers and fixes. Who'd have guessed PROGS would be unprepared to face an inconvenient thing called LIFE? Somehow this idealism isn't working out as unplanned. The irony is delicious in today's world, don't you agree? One might conclude these people don't know how to deal with it, am I right?

Weeks go by. BLM matter, so destroy all you can.

D. "Protesters" attack fellow protesters. Who had assaults inside the City of Love for June?

E. PROG-THINK needs rethinking.. The orange man said nip it in the bud, but you know what I mean. Perhaps we better take our city back after-all. What a bummer.

Perfectly describes PROG right? How many billions did that one cost Seattle? So what's the message they signed off on for future "protesters"? Fuck I don't know, but I know it wasn't a deterrent. PROGS don't believe in deterrents outside of their PC culture (aka thought-police), it's one reason why their cities are in a shambles.
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Queen Antifa's minions proved that if they achieve political power they will create a dystopia beyond Orwell's nightmares. These parasites are the bottom of the food chain, everyone of them should have been aborted. Every breath they take is a misdemeanor theft of oxygen. The only thing they're capable of doing is destroying shit. Their greatest contribution to the planet will be fertilizer.

One positive outcome may be that they disgust so many cognizant people, like those occutards did, that people will be repulsed at the idea of voting democrook.

So what do you think PROGS, solid representation, right?
Just me or do PROGS cower when they're called out clear and cleanly?

You'd think being unable to defend your positions would mean something to them, but back to cowards.

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