How We Get Cheap Solar Panels

China uses a lot of coal
We ship them the coal
They produce a lot of co2
We get the solar panels that took many times more co2 to make.
Our liberals then act all high and mighty about how they care!!!

China uses a lot of coal
We ship them the coal
They produce a lot of co2
We get the solar panels that took many times more co2 to make.
Our liberals then act all high and mighty about how they care!!!
This is what I think about every time I meet a snotty lib who drives a hybrid. That power's got to come from somewhere.
How about we just say "fuck solar panels", go balls to the wall with oil production, build more nukes, and dig out more coal?

Hell, we could build some large energy-producing furnaces too. Stack those left-wing environmentalist wackos deep and high, and use them for fuel in the furnaces.
China uses a lot of coal
We ship them the coal
They produce a lot of co2
We get the solar panels that took many times more co2 to make.
Our liberals then act all high and mighty about how they care!!!
Yep. But solar panlels still have their uses. They are great for people who want true energy independence. But they're not created by magic. Maybe someday manufacturers will be using solar power themselves to be creating these panels.

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