How Trump's executive order on campus free speech could affect colleges

The reason that some colleges have turned away some voices has nothing to do with denying free speech and everything to do with maintaining security on campus.

In today’s media on demand cultures, nobody is prevented from being heard.

Next fake controversy.

That's an indictment of the students in college today.

No it isn’t. You should meet some of them.

If the students resort to physical violence because they don't want other students to hear things, they're a problem.
The reason that some colleges have turned away some voices has nothing to do with denying free speech and everything to do with maintaining security on campus.

In today’s media on demand cultures, nobody is prevented from being heard.

Next fake controversy.

What you are saying then is all people on campus have to do to stop people they don't like from speaking - is to threaten violence.

That's ridiculous. That is giving into violence...accepting it. Allowing bullies to flourish.

I generally despise Trump as POTUS...but he is right here.

All he is saying is: 'if you want federal funding, you better make damn sure that the people whom you invite to speak are allowed to do so you do not allow people to bully/threaten people on your campuses to muzzle other people from exercising their right to Freedom of Speech.'

There is NOTHING wrong with that.

It’s not a problem that requires action. It’s limited in scope and overblown by RW whiners who need something to stir up their base with.

College students and their institutions are not opposed to hearing differing POV. They simply want to keep hate speech where it belongs.
And show me EXACTLY where in the Constitution it says that Freedom of Speech should be suspended when someone deems that speech 'hate speech'?

'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'

The protests that you have seen when someone like Milo or Spencer books a gig at a college are organic. Nobody is planning to shut down speech.

Of course they are...the violence about Ann Coulter's speech was trying to do EXACTLY that.

And it seems Elizabeth Warren disagrees with you.

Elizabeth Warren Speaks Out In Support Of Ann Coulter Like A True Patriot (VIDEO)
Perhaps all colleges should make the speaker rent a space off campus and hold their speech and the speaker can provide their own security.

U.S. colleges spend millions on security to host controversial speakers

This is a pic of Milo

You represent the demise of our nation. Its not inclusion you want. It is domination. And our comptiveness is suffering for it.

So Feminism is a cancer, gee Kellyanne Conway's says she is a feminist (or in love with Trump), and Melaina overlooked Trump sexual assaults as locker room talk. Also Democrats have a mental disorder.

Do you agree with his viewpoints and should the college pay to protect this hater and misogynist. He is also a pedophile

He is such a good mentor for students. Well only for conservative students. LOL.
Feminism did its job. But now it is off the rails. Crazy things are done today. You have shamed women into not getting married and being a homemaker is taboo. Raising a child in this way if possible is the best one by percentages. And I believe a few million women or more that decide to go this route then would be will strengthen our nation. This is not going back 70 years. This is sense. And frankly you have emasculated white males and put them on the bottom of the list. There is a growing amount of poverty with them and they do not get the goodies you get. With the amount of poverty in real sense growing with males in all cultures the game is being set for violence in our future. Over forty years ago we were warned that a generation would be poorer for the first time then the previous and the millenial sare just that. Then about twenty years ago or so we were warned that another part of the world will take over our tech and competiveness and in a couple of decades East Asia will be just that. You will see what 2nd place means. Everything we do with foundation is getting expensive now. We put the massive amounts of fiat currencies into paper investments to keep the real inflation down or into things like housing which should not even be this expensive. Demographics tells you what is going to happen. A stock market collapse will be nasty this time around.
The reason that some colleges have turned away some voices has nothing to do with denying free speech and everything to do with maintaining security on campus.

In today’s media on demand cultures, nobody is prevented from being heard.

Next fake controversy.

That's an indictment of the students in college today.

No it isn’t. You should meet some of them.

If the students resort to physical violence because they don't want other students to hear things, they're a problem.

Hardly ever happened. Isn’t a major issue.

This EO will have zero impact.

It’s a piece of meaningless red meat to the base who largely despises higher education.
The reason that some colleges have turned away some voices has nothing to do with denying free speech and everything to do with maintaining security on campus.

In today’s media on demand cultures, nobody is prevented from being heard.

Next fake controversy.

What you are saying then is all people on campus have to do to stop people they don't like from speaking - is to threaten violence.

That's ridiculous. That is giving into violence...accepting it. Allowing bullies to flourish.

I generally despise Trump as POTUS...but he is right here.

All he is saying is: 'if you want federal funding, you better make damn sure that the people whom you invite to speak are allowed to do so you do not allow people to bully/threaten people on your campuses to muzzle other people from exercising their right to Freedom of Speech.'

There is NOTHING wrong with that.

It’s not a problem that requires action. It’s limited in scope and overblown by RW whiners who need something to stir up their base with.

College students and their institutions are not opposed to hearing differing POV. They simply want to keep hate speech where it belongs.
And show me EXACTLY where in the Constitution it says that Freedom of Speech should be suspended when someone deems that speech 'hate speech'?

'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'

The protests that you have seen when someone like Milo or Spencer books a gig at a college are organic. Nobody is planning to shut down speech.

Of course they are...the violence about Ann Coulter's speech was trying to do EXACTLY that.

And it seems Elizabeth Warren disagrees with you.

Elizabeth Warren Speaks Out In Support Of Ann Coulter Like A True Patriot (VIDEO)

Once again. This is a rare occurrence and the objection that students have is not about hearing differing POV. It’s about their institutions being used to promote hate speech.

Ann Coulter is heard. Believe me.
The reason that some colleges have turned away some voices has nothing to do with denying free speech and everything to do with maintaining security on campus.

In today’s media on demand cultures, nobody is prevented from being heard.

Next fake controversy.

What you are saying then is all people on campus have to do to stop people they don't like from speaking - is to threaten violence.

That's ridiculous. That is giving into violence...accepting it. Allowing bullies to flourish.

I generally despise Trump as POTUS...but he is right here.

All he is saying is: 'if you want federal funding, you better make damn sure that the people whom you invite to speak are allowed to do so you do not allow people to bully/threaten people on your campuses to muzzle other people from exercising their right to Freedom of Speech.'

There is NOTHING wrong with that.

It’s not a problem that requires action. It’s limited in scope and overblown by RW whiners who need something to stir up their base with.

College students and their institutions are not opposed to hearing differing POV. They simply want to keep hate speech where it belongs.
And show me EXACTLY where in the Constitution it says that Freedom of Speech should be suspended when someone deems that speech 'hate speech'?

'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'

The protests that you have seen when someone like Milo or Spencer books a gig at a college are organic. Nobody is planning to shut down speech.

Of course they are...the violence about Ann Coulter's speech was trying to do EXACTLY that.

And it seems Elizabeth Warren disagrees with you.

Elizabeth Warren Speaks Out In Support Of Ann Coulter Like A True Patriot (VIDEO)

Freedom of speech has not been suspended.

That’s you being a pants on fire weirdo.

Have you ever looked to see how many colleges and universities that Ann Coulter has spoken at in the last 5 years?

Is it zero?
The reason that some colleges have turned away some voices has nothing to do with denying free speech and everything to do with maintaining security on campus.

In today’s media on demand cultures, nobody is prevented from being heard.

Next fake controversy.

What you are saying then is all people on campus have to do to stop people they don't like from speaking - is to threaten violence.

That's ridiculous. That is giving into violence...accepting it. Allowing bullies to flourish.

I generally despise Trump as POTUS...but he is right here.

All he is saying is: 'if you want federal funding, you better make damn sure that the people whom you invite to speak are allowed to do so you do not allow people to bully/threaten people on your campuses to muzzle other people from exercising their right to Freedom of Speech.'

There is NOTHING wrong with that.

It’s not a problem that requires action. It’s limited in scope and overblown by RW whiners who need something to stir up their base with.

College students and their institutions are not opposed to hearing differing POV. They simply want to keep hate speech where it belongs.
And show me EXACTLY where in the Constitution it says that Freedom of Speech should be suspended when someone deems that speech 'hate speech'?

'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'

The protests that you have seen when someone like Milo or Spencer books a gig at a college are organic. Nobody is planning to shut down speech.

Of course they are...the violence about Ann Coulter's speech was trying to do EXACTLY that.

And it seems Elizabeth Warren disagrees with you.

Elizabeth Warren Speaks Out In Support Of Ann Coulter Like A True Patriot (VIDEO)

Freedom of speech has not been suspended.

That’s you being a pants on fire weirdo.

Have you ever looked to see how many colleges and universities that Ann Coulter has spoken at in the last 5 years?

Is it zero?

Is 'hate speech' protected under the 'Free Speech' First Amendment in the Constitution?

Yes or no?
The reason that some colleges have turned away some voices has nothing to do with denying free speech and everything to do with maintaining security on campus.

In today’s media on demand cultures, nobody is prevented from being heard.

Next fake controversy.

What you are saying then is all people on campus have to do to stop people they don't like from speaking - is to threaten violence.

That's ridiculous. That is giving into violence...accepting it. Allowing bullies to flourish.

I generally despise Trump as POTUS...but he is right here.

All he is saying is: 'if you want federal funding, you better make damn sure that the people whom you invite to speak are allowed to do so you do not allow people to bully/threaten people on your campuses to muzzle other people from exercising their right to Freedom of Speech.'

There is NOTHING wrong with that.

It’s not a problem that requires action. It’s limited in scope and overblown by RW whiners who need something to stir up their base with.

College students and their institutions are not opposed to hearing differing POV. They simply want to keep hate speech where it belongs.
And show me EXACTLY where in the Constitution it says that Freedom of Speech should be suspended when someone deems that speech 'hate speech'?

'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'

The protests that you have seen when someone like Milo or Spencer books a gig at a college are organic. Nobody is planning to shut down speech.

Of course they are...the violence about Ann Coulter's speech was trying to do EXACTLY that.

And it seems Elizabeth Warren disagrees with you.

Elizabeth Warren Speaks Out In Support Of Ann Coulter Like A True Patriot (VIDEO)

Once again. This is a rare occurrence and the objection that students have is not about hearing differing POV. It’s about their institutions being used to promote hate speech.

Ann Coulter is heard. Believe me.

So the next time Ann Coulter books a hall at a college to speak - all someone has to do to stop it is threaten the college with violence.

And you think this is fine? And the federal government should still support these colleges completely and matter how many times this occurs?

Or...if you do have a limit on how many times a college should allow this before their federal funding should be many times would that be?

2? 5? 10? 100?

Give us a number?
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Perhaps all colleges should make the speaker rent a space off campus and hold their speech and the speaker can provide their own security.

U.S. colleges spend millions on security to host controversial speakers

This is a pic of Milo

You represent the demise of our nation. Its not inclusion you want. It is domination. And our comptiveness is suffering for it.

So Feminism is a cancer, gee Kellyanne Conway's says she is a feminist (or in love with Trump), and Melaina overlooked Trump sexual assaults as locker room talk. Also Democrats have a mental disorder.

Do you agree with his viewpoints and should the college pay to protect this hater and misogynist. He is also a pedophile

He is such a good mentor for students. Well only for conservative students. LOL.

Obviously I think everything he is saying is horrible/nonsense.

But 'yes' - I think a college has a duty to it's students to protect them from violence simply from exercising free speech (disgusting though it maybe).

And if this jerk is not a student - then simply stop him from entering the campus. The campus is not obligated to allow everyone on campus.

But if he is a student OR Ann Coulter is originally booked by the university to speak (which she was) - they have a duty to protect her from assault and to allow her to speak.

That should go without saying.

To do otherwise is giving in to terrorism.
The reason that some colleges have turned away some voices has nothing to do with denying free speech and everything to do with maintaining security on campus.

In today’s media on demand cultures, nobody is prevented from being heard.

Next fake controversy.

What you are saying then is all people on campus have to do to stop people they don't like from speaking - is to threaten violence.

That's ridiculous. That is giving into violence...accepting it. Allowing bullies to flourish.

I generally despise Trump as POTUS...but he is right here.

All he is saying is: 'if you want federal funding, you better make damn sure that the people whom you invite to speak are allowed to do so you do not allow people to bully/threaten people on your campuses to muzzle other people from exercising their right to Freedom of Speech.'

There is NOTHING wrong with that.

It’s not a problem that requires action. It’s limited in scope and overblown by RW whiners who need something to stir up their base with.

College students and their institutions are not opposed to hearing differing POV. They simply want to keep hate speech where it belongs.
And show me EXACTLY where in the Constitution it says that Freedom of Speech should be suspended when someone deems that speech 'hate speech'?

'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'

The protests that you have seen when someone like Milo or Spencer books a gig at a college are organic. Nobody is planning to shut down speech.

Of course they are...the violence about Ann Coulter's speech was trying to do EXACTLY that.

And it seems Elizabeth Warren disagrees with you.

Elizabeth Warren Speaks Out In Support Of Ann Coulter Like A True Patriot (VIDEO)

Freedom of speech has not been suspended.

That’s you being a pants on fire weirdo.

Have you ever looked to see how many colleges and universities that Ann Coulter has spoken at in the last 5 years?

Is it zero?

Is 'hate speech' protected under the 'Free Speech' First Amendment in the Constitution?

Yes or no?

Sure is.

Next dumb question.
College campuses / universities are supposed to be institutions of higher learning, where all ideas are welcome and experienced. Instead, they have been turned into Liberal Indoctrination Camps that enforce 'NO Free Speech Zones' to protect their beliefs and ideology while warping young impressionable youths' minds.

Refusing to allow differing opinions and ideas to be expressed is NOT JUST 'Intolerance' - it is a sign of FEAR.

If someone is SO sold on an idea or ideology, if they truly believe that what they believe in is THE only right belief then why are they so afraid of another being expressed?

Why are they so afraid to even have that alternate belief HEARD let alone welcome the opportunity to debate the ideas to prove what they belie REALLY is 'the right one'?

Intolerance is the suppression of other views, beliefs, ideology, is NOT the welcome free exchange and discussion of new / all ideas.

Humankind's history, for those who pay attention, has proven time and again to us that a people and/or government that forces its preferred views, beliefs, ideology, and actions on people - that they be made / forced / indoctrinated to accept, not only through violent intolerance but also by making all others we are starting to see now form the Socialist Democrats - usually turn out to be governments run by people like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, and Kim Jong-Un.

Our Constitution has been under attack from the Left for a very long time.

Our Constitutional Rights have been attacked and violated by those on the Left for a long while not.
-- Obama's administration illegally used the IRS as a weapon against US citizens who legally opposed his re-election.
--Obama's CIA illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and even political opponents.
-- Obama himself stripped Americans of the Constitutional Right to due process and KILLED THEM using his personal drone assassination program.
-- Evidence now proves Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI engaged in illegal acts and surveillance against a President and his team to effect a cop d'état.

The Left have become emboldened in their assaults on the Constitution and our freedoms - banning conservative speakers from speaking on campuses, censoring conservative speech on-line, poorly-hidden coup attempts - and choosing to break laws and refuse to enforce laws to push their liberal agenda / own benefit, as seen in the Hillary scandal as well as the Democrats standing with Illegals to keep the borders open, illegal immigration flowing, continuing to run illegal Sanctuary Cities, and by attempting to make it legal for criminal illegal invaders in the country to vote in our elections.

The devil is in the details, and this bill / law might be hard to enforce, but this was a necessary step in the right direction IMO to begin eradicating the Liberal 'Constitution-Free Zones' and radical / criminal growth of intolerance openly called for by Democrats.
What you are saying then is all people on campus have to do to stop people they don't like from speaking - is to threaten violence.

That's ridiculous. That is giving into violence...accepting it. Allowing bullies to flourish.

I generally despise Trump as POTUS...but he is right here.

All he is saying is: 'if you want federal funding, you better make damn sure that the people whom you invite to speak are allowed to do so you do not allow people to bully/threaten people on your campuses to muzzle other people from exercising their right to Freedom of Speech.'

There is NOTHING wrong with that.

It’s not a problem that requires action. It’s limited in scope and overblown by RW whiners who need something to stir up their base with.

College students and their institutions are not opposed to hearing differing POV. They simply want to keep hate speech where it belongs.
And show me EXACTLY where in the Constitution it says that Freedom of Speech should be suspended when someone deems that speech 'hate speech'?

'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'

The protests that you have seen when someone like Milo or Spencer books a gig at a college are organic. Nobody is planning to shut down speech.

Of course they are...the violence about Ann Coulter's speech was trying to do EXACTLY that.

And it seems Elizabeth Warren disagrees with you.

Elizabeth Warren Speaks Out In Support Of Ann Coulter Like A True Patriot (VIDEO)

Freedom of speech has not been suspended.

That’s you being a pants on fire weirdo.

Have you ever looked to see how many colleges and universities that Ann Coulter has spoken at in the last 5 years?

Is it zero?

Is 'hate speech' protected under the 'Free Speech' First Amendment in the Constitution?

Yes or no?

Sure is.

Next dumb question.

You said above:

'College students and their institutions are not opposed to hearing differing POV. They simply want to keep hate speech where it belongs.'

1) where EXACTLY does 'hate speech' belong?

2) so, are you saying that students that utter 'hate speech' on campus should not be protected from violence by the college they attend?

Yes or no?
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Refusing to allow differing opinions and ideas to be expressed is NOT JUST 'Intolerance' - it is a sign of FEAR.
There are many in this country who claim to be liberal, but are clearly not.

There is nothing more liberal than the protection and advocacy of freedom of expression.

Instead of looking for every reason to promote it, these people look for any excuse to shut it down.

That is not liberal.
The reason that some colleges have turned away some voices has nothing to do with denying free speech and everything to do with maintaining security on campus.

In today’s media on demand cultures, nobody is prevented from being heard.

Next fake controversy.

What you are saying then is all people on campus have to do to stop people they don't like from speaking - is to threaten violence.

That's ridiculous. That is giving into violence...accepting it. Allowing bullies to flourish.

I generally despise Trump as POTUS...but he is right here.

All he is saying is: 'if you want federal funding, you better make damn sure that the people whom you invite to speak are allowed to do so you do not allow people to bully/threaten people on your campuses to muzzle other people from exercising their right to Freedom of Speech.'

There is NOTHING wrong with that.

It’s not a problem that requires action. It’s limited in scope and overblown by RW whiners who need something to stir up their base with.

College students and their institutions are not opposed to hearing differing POV. They simply want to keep hate speech where it belongs.
And show me EXACTLY where in the Constitution it says that Freedom of Speech should be suspended when someone deems that speech 'hate speech'?

'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'

The protests that you have seen when someone like Milo or Spencer books a gig at a college are organic. Nobody is planning to shut down speech.

Of course they are...the violence about Ann Coulter's speech was trying to do EXACTLY that.

And it seems Elizabeth Warren disagrees with you.

Elizabeth Warren Speaks Out In Support Of Ann Coulter Like A True Patriot (VIDEO)

Once again. This is a rare occurrence and the objection that students have is not about hearing differing POV. It’s about their institutions being used to promote hate speech.

Ann Coulter is heard. Believe me.

I'll support the right of students to shut down hate speech when I get to define what that is.
The reason that some colleges have turned away some voices has nothing to do with denying free speech and everything to do with maintaining security on campus.

In today’s media on demand cultures, nobody is prevented from being heard.

Next fake controversy.

That's an indictment of the students in college today.

No it isn’t. You should meet some of them.

If the students resort to physical violence because they don't want other students to hear things, they're a problem.

Hardly ever happened. Isn’t a major issue.

This EO will have zero impact.

It’s a piece of meaningless red meat to the base who largely despises higher education.

And where it happens, the university must deal with it appropriately or lose some federal funding. That's good.
The reason that some colleges have turned away some voices has nothing to do with denying free speech and everything to do with maintaining security on campus.

In today’s media on demand cultures, nobody is prevented from being heard.

Next fake controversy.

What you are saying then is all people on campus have to do to stop people they don't like from speaking - is to threaten violence.

That's ridiculous. That is giving into violence...accepting it. Allowing bullies to flourish.

I generally despise Trump as POTUS...but he is right here.

All he is saying is: 'if you want federal funding, you better make damn sure that the people whom you invite to speak are allowed to do so you do not allow people to bully/threaten people on your campuses to muzzle other people from exercising their right to Freedom of Speech.'

There is NOTHING wrong with that.

It’s not a problem that requires action. It’s limited in scope and overblown by RW whiners who need something to stir up their base with.

College students and their institutions are not opposed to hearing differing POV. They simply want to keep hate speech where it belongs.
And show me EXACTLY where in the Constitution it says that Freedom of Speech should be suspended when someone deems that speech 'hate speech'?

'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'

The protests that you have seen when someone like Milo or Spencer books a gig at a college are organic. Nobody is planning to shut down speech.

Of course they are...the violence about Ann Coulter's speech was trying to do EXACTLY that.

And it seems Elizabeth Warren disagrees with you.

Elizabeth Warren Speaks Out In Support Of Ann Coulter Like A True Patriot (VIDEO)

Once again. This is a rare occurrence and the objection that students have is not about hearing differing POV. It’s about their institutions being used to promote hate speech.

Ann Coulter is heard. Believe me.

That's irrelevant. The point is, and must remain, that students do not control what voices their fellow students are allowed to hear. Remember, these malcontents are not upset that THEY have to hear things they don't like, they're upset about what OTHER students may want to hear.
Refusing to allow differing opinions and ideas to be expressed is NOT JUST 'Intolerance' - it is a sign of FEAR.
There are many in this country who claim to be liberal, but are clearly not.

There is nothing more liberal than the protection and advocacy of freedom of expression.

Instead of looking for every reason to promote it, these people look for any excuse to shut it down.

That is not liberal.
Talk about having things backwards...

The extremely self-admitting LIBERAL politicians today - like the DNC 2016 criminal Presidential candidate - openly called for abandoning civility and an increase in violent intolerance...yet you want to post that BS about how that did not come from 'Liberals' ?

You want to claim self-proclaimed Liberal professors on campuses who taught/teach intolerance and helped have create liberal 'fortresses of solitude' where free speech rejected are not REALLY 'Liberal'?

Are you suggesting a candidate paying thugs to beat and bloody opponent supporters at their rallies is 'Conservative'....that rigging primaries, cheating in debates, stealing nominations and giving them to candidates who can not win them on their own, conducting an exposed coup d'état to undo an election / oust a newly elected President are not 'Liberal'?

I agree, there is nothing 'Liberal' about having to act to protect freedom of speech and to advocate freedom of expression where such activities have been banned or where anyone who tries to engage in those rights are beaten up, as we have seen happen on these 'Non-Liberal' campuses.

It seems what it is really called is what the new Democrats have embraced as the new name for the Democratic Party - The SOCIALIST Democratic party.

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