How Trump is making money off this election:

Typical Right-winger, too LAZY to even click on a link!!!
Get a job you lazy fuck!

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump's businesses have been paid $8.2 million by his campaign, according to a new report, roughly 7% of the entire amount of money his campaign has spent.

Politico's analysis of Trump's campaign finance filings found that Trump's campaign, which has been largely funded by other donors and not Trump in the general election, has paid $1.3 million in rent for his campaign offices, more than a half-million dollars for food and facilities towards his companies, and more than a third of a million dollars to Trump's corporate staffers.

That arrangement is a unique one in modern politics: No other recent presidential candidate has funneled anywhere near that amount of money from private donors back into their own business enterprises.
You were too lazy to find the content then demanded I do it for you. You must be a leftist.

But the link claimed 8.2 million and the content says 1.3. And who should they rent from? Why not Trump's facilities if they are suitable? Is there a law against it?
Is Donald Trump making money off his presidential bid?

In the month of May, Trump spent more than $1 million in campaign cash on his own businesses. Put another way, nearly 20 percent of Trump’s campaign spending last month went to benefit Trump-owned companies.


He also spent more than $423,000 to rent out his private Mar-a-Lago club. And in July, Trump’s campaign paid $48,239 to rent the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County. By comparison, holding an event for thousands of people at the nearby Westchester County Center costs about $10,000.

On rent, the campaign has spent over $830,000 for office space at Trump Tower. In July, it paid over $169,000, up 133 percent from May. Trump officials reportedly said they expanded into more office space in anticipation of additional staff.

Trump Got $1.6M From Secret Service

U.S. Secret Service has paid Donald Trump's campaign a total of about $1.6 million to have their agents fly on a plane owned by Trump.


Normally, the campaign rents the plane. But they don't rent the plane as a body, but rent the seats. For instance, the press corp usually pays for it's own seats and the Secret Service pays the airline for their seats. Only this time, Trump owns the plane.

Wowie Kazowie!

Trump's donors are making him more and more rich.

Remember, we said Trump will scam his minions. And there he is, scamming his minions.

Is it hard to sit down yet?

Go ahead, send him some more money. He has loans to pay off to China, India, Russia and Wall Street. He needs about a billion more.

U.S. Secret Service has paid Donald Trump's campaign a total of about $1.6 million to have their agents fly on a plane owned by Trump.

You forgot RDerp when Michelle took air force two to Europe and spent 5 billion gazillion dollars to vacation in France ?

Facts blows your mind away don't it?
5 billion gazillion is a "fact"????

Reminds me of that joke about Bush. Right after the invasion of Iraq, his aid came running into the Oval Office saying "President Bush, a Brazilian just died in Iraq". The president wails and cries and pulls out some of the hair he has left and weeps, "Oh what are we going to do?" The aid looks perplexed and says, "Mr. President, what is wrong?"
Bush slowly looks up and says "How much is a Brazilian again?"

That's how ridiculous you are.
Is Donald Trump making money off his presidential bid?

In the month of May, Trump spent more than $1 million in campaign cash on his own businesses. Put another way, nearly 20 percent of Trump’s campaign spending last month went to benefit Trump-owned companies.


He also spent more than $423,000 to rent out his private Mar-a-Lago club. And in July, Trump’s campaign paid $48,239 to rent the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County. By comparison, holding an event for thousands of people at the nearby Westchester County Center costs about $10,000.

On rent, the campaign has spent over $830,000 for office space at Trump Tower. In July, it paid over $169,000, up 133 percent from May. Trump officials reportedly said they expanded into more office space in anticipation of additional staff.

Trump Got $1.6M From Secret Service

U.S. Secret Service has paid Donald Trump's campaign a total of about $1.6 million to have their agents fly on a plane owned by Trump.


Normally, the campaign rents the plane. But they don't rent the plane as a body, but rent the seats. For instance, the press corp usually pays for it's own seats and the Secret Service pays the airline for their seats. Only this time, Trump owns the plane.

Wowie Kazowie!

Trump's donors are making him more and more rich.

Remember, we said Trump will scam his minions. And there he is, scamming his minions.

Is it hard to sit down yet?

Go ahead, send him some more money. He has loans to pay off to China, India, Russia and Wall Street. He needs about a billion more.
And that is as bad as selling your office to foreign governments for money like Hillary Clinton did? Communists in glass houses comrade
Typical Right-winger, too LAZY to even click on a link!!!
Get a job you lazy fuck!

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump's businesses have been paid $8.2 million by his campaign, according to a new report, roughly 7% of the entire amount of money his campaign has spent.

Politico's analysis of Trump's campaign finance filings found that Trump's campaign, which has been largely funded by other donors and not Trump in the general election, has paid $1.3 million in rent for his campaign offices, more than a half-million dollars for food and facilities towards his companies, and more than a third of a million dollars to Trump's corporate staffers.

That arrangement is a unique one in modern politics: No other recent presidential candidate has funneled anywhere near that amount of money from private donors back into their own business enterprises.
You were too lazy to find the content then demanded I do it for you. You must be a leftist.

But the link claimed 8.2 million and the content says 1.3. And who should they rent from? Why not Trump's facilities if they are suitable? Is there a law against it?
1.3 million is what he has left over.

For instance, he spent over 5 million paying himself for planes he owns. Now, you can say, it costs money to fly a big jet, and it's true, it does. But if it cost that much, Airplane companies could afford to fly.
You see, Trump was paying as if he were renting. Like with his offices. Where he's filled up his building with his staffers when he owns the building and raising the rent when the money started pouring in. Or charging four hundred thousand to hold a campaign rally at his golf course where it would only cost ten thousand at a neighboring golf course with a comparable site. He is scamming his supporters. He can't help himself. It's who he is.
Typical Right-winger, too LAZY to even click on a link!!!
Get a job you lazy fuck!

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump's businesses have been paid $8.2 million by his campaign, according to a new report, roughly 7% of the entire amount of money his campaign has spent.

Politico's analysis of Trump's campaign finance filings found that Trump's campaign, which has been largely funded by other donors and not Trump in the general election, has paid $1.3 million in rent for his campaign offices, more than a half-million dollars for food and facilities towards his companies, and more than a third of a million dollars to Trump's corporate staffers.

That arrangement is a unique one in modern politics: No other recent presidential candidate has funneled anywhere near that amount of money from private donors back into their own business enterprises.
You were too lazy to find the content then demanded I do it for you. You must be a leftist.

But the link claimed 8.2 million and the content says 1.3. And who should they rent from? Why not Trump's facilities if they are suitable? Is there a law against it?
Now you are too lazy to read it!

The $1.3 Million was for just 1 (ONE) item of the 3 (THREE) listed in the pull quote. Again there was a link to a complete listing of all the items you were too lazy to click on.
Typical lazy fucking Trump voter!!!! They expect Trump to be Santa Claus and give them a no show job.
Is Donald Trump making money off his presidential bid?

In the month of May, Trump spent more than $1 million in campaign cash on his own businesses. Put another way, nearly 20 percent of Trump’s campaign spending last month went to benefit Trump-owned companies.


He also spent more than $423,000 to rent out his private Mar-a-Lago club. And in July, Trump’s campaign paid $48,239 to rent the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County. By comparison, holding an event for thousands of people at the nearby Westchester County Center costs about $10,000.

On rent, the campaign has spent over $830,000 for office space at Trump Tower. In July, it paid over $169,000, up 133 percent from May. Trump officials reportedly said they expanded into more office space in anticipation of additional staff.

Trump Got $1.6M From Secret Service

U.S. Secret Service has paid Donald Trump's campaign a total of about $1.6 million to have their agents fly on a plane owned by Trump.


Normally, the campaign rents the plane. But they don't rent the plane as a body, but rent the seats. For instance, the press corp usually pays for it's own seats and the Secret Service pays the airline for their seats. Only this time, Trump owns the plane.

Wowie Kazowie!

Trump's donors are making him more and more rich.

Remember, we said Trump will scam his minions. And there he is, scamming his minions.

Is it hard to sit down yet?

Go ahead, send him some more money. He has loans to pay off to China, India, Russia and Wall Street. He needs about a billion more.
You forget he's only half as corrupt as a career politician
Typical Right-winger, too LAZY to even click on a link!!!
Get a job you lazy fuck!

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump's businesses have been paid $8.2 million by his campaign, according to a new report, roughly 7% of the entire amount of money his campaign has spent.

Politico's analysis of Trump's campaign finance filings found that Trump's campaign, which has been largely funded by other donors and not Trump in the general election, has paid $1.3 million in rent for his campaign offices, more than a half-million dollars for food and facilities towards his companies, and more than a third of a million dollars to Trump's corporate staffers.

That arrangement is a unique one in modern politics: No other recent presidential candidate has funneled anywhere near that amount of money from private donors back into their own business enterprises.
You were too lazy to find the content then demanded I do it for you. You must be a leftist.

But the link claimed 8.2 million and the content says 1.3. And who should they rent from? Why not Trump's facilities if they are suitable? Is there a law against it?
Now you are too lazy to read it!

The $1.3 Million was for just 1 (ONE) item of the 3 (THREE) listed in the pull quote. Again there was a link to a complete listing of all the items you were too lazy to click on.
Typical lazy fucking Trump voter!!!! They expect Trump to be Santa Claus and give them a no show job.
I read what you posted. You were too lazy (or stupid) to find the content to make your case. Definitely too stupid to realize it is an op-ed with no evidence or citations.
Is Donald Trump making money off his presidential bid?

In the month of May, Trump spent more than $1 million in campaign cash on his own businesses. Put another way, nearly 20 percent of Trump’s campaign spending last month went to benefit Trump-owned companies.


He also spent more than $423,000 to rent out his private Mar-a-Lago club. And in July, Trump’s campaign paid $48,239 to rent the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County. By comparison, holding an event for thousands of people at the nearby Westchester County Center costs about $10,000.

On rent, the campaign has spent over $830,000 for office space at Trump Tower. In July, it paid over $169,000, up 133 percent from May. Trump officials reportedly said they expanded into more office space in anticipation of additional staff.

Trump Got $1.6M From Secret Service

U.S. Secret Service has paid Donald Trump's campaign a total of about $1.6 million to have their agents fly on a plane owned by Trump.


Normally, the campaign rents the plane. But they don't rent the plane as a body, but rent the seats. For instance, the press corp usually pays for it's own seats and the Secret Service pays the airline for their seats. Only this time, Trump owns the plane.

Wowie Kazowie!

Trump's donors are making him more and more rich.

Remember, we said Trump will scam his minions. And there he is, scamming his minions.

Is it hard to sit down yet?

Go ahead, send him some more money. He has loans to pay off to China, India, Russia and Wall Street. He needs about a billion more.
And that is as bad as selling your office to foreign governments for money like Hillary Clinton did? Communists in glass houses comrade
It would be bad if she ever did that.

Think about it, I know it's hard to use that brain organ, it hasn't been used for quite a while, but think about it.

The GOP hold both houses. They have unlimited Tax Payer's money. The have the best investigative operations in the world. So over thirty years. So with all those investigations, all that examination and all those thousands of pages of documents, the GOP couldn't find a single thing to pin on Mrs. Clinton? Either they are the most inept party in the world or Mrs. Clinton is innocent or Mrs. Clinton is the smartest woman in the world. For any three of those reasons, she would make a better president.
Is Donald Trump making money off his presidential bid?

In the month of May, Trump spent more than $1 million in campaign cash on his own businesses. Put another way, nearly 20 percent of Trump’s campaign spending last month went to benefit Trump-owned companies.


He also spent more than $423,000 to rent out his private Mar-a-Lago club. And in July, Trump’s campaign paid $48,239 to rent the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County. By comparison, holding an event for thousands of people at the nearby Westchester County Center costs about $10,000.

On rent, the campaign has spent over $830,000 for office space at Trump Tower. In July, it paid over $169,000, up 133 percent from May. Trump officials reportedly said they expanded into more office space in anticipation of additional staff.

Trump Got $1.6M From Secret Service

U.S. Secret Service has paid Donald Trump's campaign a total of about $1.6 million to have their agents fly on a plane owned by Trump.


Normally, the campaign rents the plane. But they don't rent the plane as a body, but rent the seats. For instance, the press corp usually pays for it's own seats and the Secret Service pays the airline for their seats. Only this time, Trump owns the plane.

Wowie Kazowie!

Trump's donors are making him more and more rich.

Remember, we said Trump will scam his minions. And there he is, scamming his minions.

Is it hard to sit down yet?

Go ahead, send him some more money. He has loans to pay off to China, India, Russia and Wall Street. He needs about a billion more.
And that is as bad as selling your office to foreign governments for money like Hillary Clinton did? Communists in glass houses comrade
It would be bad if she ever did that.

Think about it, I know it's hard to use that brain organ, it hasn't been used for quite a while, but think about it.

The GOP hold both houses. They have unlimited Tax Payer's money. The have the best investigative operations in the world. So with all those investigations, all that examination and all those thousands of pages of documents, the GOP couldn't find a single thing to pin on Mrs. Clinton? Either they are the most inept party in the world or Mrs. Clinton is innocent or Mrs. Clinton is the smartest woman in the world. For any three of those reasons, she would make a better president.
I always forget how dishonest you are.... people think you are stupid but I know you are just a lying scumbag.
Is Donald Trump making money off his presidential bid?

In the month of May, Trump spent more than $1 million in campaign cash on his own businesses. Put another way, nearly 20 percent of Trump’s campaign spending last month went to benefit Trump-owned companies.


He also spent more than $423,000 to rent out his private Mar-a-Lago club. And in July, Trump’s campaign paid $48,239 to rent the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County. By comparison, holding an event for thousands of people at the nearby Westchester County Center costs about $10,000.

On rent, the campaign has spent over $830,000 for office space at Trump Tower. In July, it paid over $169,000, up 133 percent from May. Trump officials reportedly said they expanded into more office space in anticipation of additional staff.

Trump Got $1.6M From Secret Service

U.S. Secret Service has paid Donald Trump's campaign a total of about $1.6 million to have their agents fly on a plane owned by Trump.


Normally, the campaign rents the plane. But they don't rent the plane as a body, but rent the seats. For instance, the press corp usually pays for it's own seats and the Secret Service pays the airline for their seats. Only this time, Trump owns the plane.

Wowie Kazowie!

Trump's donors are making him more and more rich.

Remember, we said Trump will scam his minions. And there he is, scamming his minions.

Is it hard to sit down yet?

Go ahead, send him some more money. He has loans to pay off to China, India, Russia and Wall Street. He needs about a billion more.
when he starts charging peoples credit cards without their permission, get back to me. Until then perhaps it would do you well to worry about the fraud whore hillary
The GOP hold both houses. They have unlimited Tax Payer's money. The have the best investigative operations in the world. So over thirty years. So with all those investigations, all that examination and all those thousands of pages of documents, the GOP couldn't find a single thing to pin on Mrs. Clinton? Either they are the most inept party in the world or Mrs. Clinton is innocent or Mrs. Clinton is the smartest woman in the world. For any three of those reasons, she would make a better president.
You keep claiming congress has unlimited money. Do you realize the executive branch has to sign off on spending? And quite a lot has been found wrong with Hillary, you leftists can't handle the truth so you simple chant like a child.
Doesn't this belong in conspiracy theory just like threads about Hillary's health does?
Nah, you can document with public records where the funds are going. And again, nothing illegal or conspiratorial is happening here. It's just....pretty shady.
Typical Right-winger, too LAZY to even click on a link!!!
Get a job you lazy fuck!

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump's businesses have been paid $8.2 million by his campaign, according to a new report, roughly 7% of the entire amount of money his campaign has spent.

Politico's analysis of Trump's campaign finance filings found that Trump's campaign, which has been largely funded by other donors and not Trump in the general election, has paid $1.3 million in rent for his campaign offices, more than a half-million dollars for food and facilities towards his companies, and more than a third of a million dollars to Trump's corporate staffers.

That arrangement is a unique one in modern politics: No other recent presidential candidate has funneled anywhere near that amount of money from private donors back into their own business enterprises.
You were too lazy to find the content then demanded I do it for you. You must be a leftist.

But the link claimed 8.2 million and the content says 1.3. And who should they rent from? Why not Trump's facilities if they are suitable? Is there a law against it?
Now you are too lazy to read it!

The $1.3 Million was for just 1 (ONE) item of the 3 (THREE) listed in the pull quote. Again there was a link to a complete listing of all the items you were too lazy to click on.
Typical lazy fucking Trump voter!!!! They expect Trump to be Santa Claus and give them a no show job.
I read what you posted. You were too lazy (or stupid) to find the content to make your case. Definitely too stupid to realize it is an op-ed with no evidence or citations.
There are links to the evidence you stupid lazy fuck.
Is Donald Trump making money off his presidential bid?

In the month of May, Trump spent more than $1 million in campaign cash on his own businesses. Put another way, nearly 20 percent of Trump’s campaign spending last month went to benefit Trump-owned companies.


He also spent more than $423,000 to rent out his private Mar-a-Lago club. And in July, Trump’s campaign paid $48,239 to rent the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County. By comparison, holding an event for thousands of people at the nearby Westchester County Center costs about $10,000.

On rent, the campaign has spent over $830,000 for office space at Trump Tower. In July, it paid over $169,000, up 133 percent from May. Trump officials reportedly said they expanded into more office space in anticipation of additional staff.

Trump Got $1.6M From Secret Service

U.S. Secret Service has paid Donald Trump's campaign a total of about $1.6 million to have their agents fly on a plane owned by Trump.


Normally, the campaign rents the plane. But they don't rent the plane as a body, but rent the seats. For instance, the press corp usually pays for it's own seats and the Secret Service pays the airline for their seats. Only this time, Trump owns the plane.

Wowie Kazowie!

Trump's donors are making him more and more rich.

Remember, we said Trump will scam his minions. And there he is, scamming his minions.

Is it hard to sit down yet?

Go ahead, send him some more money. He has loans to pay off to China, India, Russia and Wall Street. He needs about a billion more.

You get more pathetic with each passing day, R-Derp!
Couldn't find any content?
Typical Right-winger, too LAZY to even click on a link!!!
Get a job you lazy fuck!

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump's businesses have been paid $8.2 million by his campaign, according to a new report, roughly 7% of the entire amount of money his campaign has spent.

Politico's analysis of Trump's campaign finance filings found that Trump's campaign, which has been largely funded by other donors and not Trump in the general election, has paid $1.3 million in rent for his campaign offices, more than a half-million dollars for food and facilities towards his companies, and more than a third of a million dollars to Trump's corporate staffers.

That arrangement is a unique one in modern politics: No other recent presidential candidate has funneled anywhere near that amount of money from private donors back into their own business enterprises.
You were too lazy to find the content then demanded I do it for you. You must be a leftist.

But the link claimed 8.2 million and the content says 1.3. And who should they rent from? Why not Trump's facilities if they are suitable? Is there a law against it?
Now you are too lazy to read it!

The $1.3 Million was for just 1 (ONE) item of the 3 (THREE) listed in the pull quote. Again there was a link to a complete listing of all the items you were too lazy to click on.
Typical lazy fucking Trump voter!!!! They expect Trump to be Santa Claus and give them a no show job.
I read what you posted. You were too lazy (or stupid) to find the content to make your case. Definitely too stupid to realize it is an op-ed with no evidence or citations.
There are links to the evidence you stupid lazy fuck.
Stupid goddamn liar.

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