How to understand Republicans.........


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
All you have to do is read Mein Kampf.

Most of Hitler's ideology is reflected in the current values of today's GOP.

What's even worse is the scary similarities between pre WWII Germany and America today with the jobs and the economy as well as the way the right is trying to demonize the left.
I'm calling you on this one, biker. You know I have a long and unblemished record as a staunch Liberal, but the tactic of sensationalizing the opposition is an egregious one.

But my main objection is the Hitler analogy itself! It dilutes the real horror of Hitler and the Nazis. You owe it to the victims of their vile work to only invoke Hitler when absolutely appropriate. Words are potent weapons. Playing the Hitler card is the ultimate trump. To waste it on what you see as Republican goals is overkill. It further dilutes Hitler to the point of being a throw away character with no real relevance and importance. He was anything but irrelevant and unimportant. He was evil in carnate and his memory should be held in disdain by all freedom loving people everywhere.

You know I have your back, but not when you throw Hitler around like so much hard candy from a parade float.
Actually, one of the first aspects of the economy the Nazis took over was health care.

It's chapter one in every totalitarian's playbook.

They had a fetish for trying to decide whose lives were worth living.
I'm calling you on this one, biker. You know I have a long and unblemished record as a staunch Liberal, but the tactic of sensationalizing the opposition is an egregious one.

But my main objection is the Hitler analogy itself! It dilutes the real horror of Hitler and the Nazis. You owe it to the victims of their vile work to only invoke Hitler when absolutely appropriate. Words are potent weapons. Playing the Hitler card is the ultimate trump. To waste it on what you see as Republican goals is overkill. It further dilutes Hitler to the point of being a throw away character with no real relevance and importance. He was anything but irrelevant and unimportant. He was evil in carnate and his memory should be held in disdain by all freedom loving people everywhere.

You know I have your back, but not when you throw Hitler around like so much hard candy from a parade float.

I stand by my post Nosmo. Especially with the demonization of liberals and all the right wing calling Obama everything from a socialist to a fascist.

Interestingly enough, this conversation came up this morning between me and my roommate. We started talking about the inbred way the GOP is acting, and then she told me that if I REALLY wanted to understand the GOP, all a person would have to do is read that book.

Then, we started comparing what they did, as well as how Hitler was pushing for no government (less government is the current battle cry of the teabaggers and the GOP), and then we started making comparisons of 1939 Germany to the current state of America now.

There are more similarities than you think, and that is a very uncomfortable thought, especially when you factor in the views that Hitler was pushing, and the way the GOP is currently acting when it comes to corporations.

Scary stuff what wiki had to say about that book and it's kinda chilling.
I'm calling you on this one, biker. You know I have a long and unblemished record as a staunch Liberal, but the tactic of sensationalizing the opposition is an egregious one.

But my main objection is the Hitler analogy itself! It dilutes the real horror of Hitler and the Nazis. You owe it to the victims of their vile work to only invoke Hitler when absolutely appropriate. Words are potent weapons. Playing the Hitler card is the ultimate trump. To waste it on what you see as Republican goals is overkill. It further dilutes Hitler to the point of being a throw away character with no real relevance and importance. He was anything but irrelevant and unimportant. He was evil in carnate and his memory should be held in disdain by all freedom loving people everywhere.

You know I have your back, but not when you throw Hitler around like so much hard candy from a parade float.

Hitler has to remain sui generias. Making false analogies like this dilutes your point and everybody can play, which eliminates the evil in the man.

I do agree understanding the conditions that gave rise to him is important. Weimar Germany was full of corruption, the economy was a shambles (sometimes deliberately fostered by the powers that be) the political system was stuck and unable to make any decision at all, rational or not.

If you are going to say "if you want to understand Republicans read My ' Fight' " you need to quote and demonstrate a) you read the bood and 2) What passages are relavant.

I tried to read it myself onetime. It is so perule and boring and narcissistic, I don't know how it sold a single copy.

Most Republicans would argue that they don't want that kind of Society. That is the reason they keep on asking that liberals read a little pamphlet called "The Road to Serfdom." Which is a conservative tract on the path the Germanies took to get to Hitler.

If you read that book, you would have cause to worry about your own views.
Not to mention that Hitler was more of a socialist than a conservative. :lol:

Wong stupid. Hitler was a right wing lunatic called a fascist.

You seem to be clueless about the man, his views, his arguments and his policy.

Much of which you agree with.

You also like his rhetorical style.

You should read up a bit more. And think things over. You have a lot more in common with the man than anyone else on the board. Especially when it comes to your debating style.
The Quotes By Hitler Goebbels and Marx are the issue ,not Mr Becks providing them.
[ame=]YouTube - Revolutionary holocaust 1.wmv[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Revolutionary holocaust 2.wmv[/ame]
Don't just assert, demonstrate! What are the parallels? Unless you can show us, your assertions have no more value than a fart at a bean festival.

And W did not just create the agency out of air. Congress had to approve. And much of that agency was set up in ways against Bush's wishes. Like the TSA for example.
God bless USMB... enough crazy for everyone.


How's this for a point: Hitler = Hitler.
Don't just assert, demonstrate! What are the parallels? Unless you can show us, your assertions have no more value than a fart at a bean festival.

And W did not just create the agency out of air. Congress had to approve. And much of that agency was set up in ways against Bush's wishes. Like the TSA for example.

What about the Patriot Act and the ability of that agency to spy on Americans?

By the way........the main mastermind behind that agency was Cheney. Jr. was just a puppet.
In completely sterile terms, Hitler was a politician and the Nazis were an elected political party. Because of this, they acted like any other political party seeking power, left or right...

Monger fear with a slippery slope. Find a target, isolate it, make it the source of all that is wrong in society. Demonize the opposition with hyperbole and misrepresentation. Lie big and often; lie by omission. Deflect. Castigate the other side for doing something, while you do that same thing yourself.

Sound familiar?

Yeah, that's right, the USMB is like Nazi Germany.
In completely sterile terms, Hitler was a politician and the Nazis were an elected political party. Because of this, they acted like any other political party seeking power, left or right...

Monger fear with a slippery slope. Find a target, isolate it, make it the source of all that is wrong in society. Demonize the opposition with hyperbole and misrepresentation. Lie big and often; lie by omission. Deflect. Castigate the other side for doing something, while you do that same thing yourself.

Sound familiar?

Yeah, that's right, the USMB is like Nazi Germany.

Interestingly enough, you've pretty much described the GOP and the teabaggers.
Don't just assert, demonstrate! What are the parallels? Unless you can show us, your assertions have no more value than a fart at a bean festival.

And W did not just create the agency out of air. Congress had to approve. And much of that agency was set up in ways against Bush's wishes. Like the TSA for example.

What about the Patriot Act and the ability of that agency to spy on Americans?

By the way........the main mastermind behind that agency was Cheney. Jr. was just a puppet.

Relavant passage highlighted.
In completely sterile terms, Hitler was a politician and the Nazis were an elected political party. Because of this, they acted like any other political party seeking power, left or right...

Monger fear with a slippery slope. Find a target, isolate it, make it the source of all that is wrong in society. Demonize the opposition with hyperbole and misrepresentation. Lie big and often; lie by omission. Deflect. Castigate the other side for doing something, while you do that same thing yourself.

Sound familiar?

Yeah, that's right, the USMB is like Nazi Germany.

Interestingly enough, you've pretty much described the GOP and the teabaggers.

Huh, and I think it sounds like how Obama treats the Repubs.

Two sides one coin. Government is the problem, not the solution.

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