How To Start Real Change

Let me ask you a question ...

What difference would it make? If we sat around and lingered on all the bad things that have been done by every ethnic group to another ...

As I've told IM2, I've had multiple friends victimized by black criminals (including robbery, rape, and physical assault). Should I hold a grudge? What good is that going to do me? What good does that do for anyone?
Where was the term grudge ever mentioned or implied?

Why are you ignoring and/or refusing to answer the question? Why?!?!?

I'll ask again...

Why did you, and continue to, ignore the 400 years of whites mistreating blacks?

Whites mistreating blacks, blacks mistreating Asians , hispanics mistreating whites, vice versa.....pick a group and switch it around. The fact of the matter is that I am only responsible for myself. I have VERY good friends happen to be black that I would gladly lay down my life for that have been with me from the beginning on this journey and have helped guide me on my quest for the truth. They are certainly more aware of this debt slavery system and those behind it than whites because they have been the most hurt by it. Malcolm X is someone I respect tremendously and he knew about the powers behind this system . He was the most intelligent and articulated man of his time and a grave threat to those he spoke out against. He said that he would welcome anyone of any skin tint that wanted to join in the fight. I would have gladly stood by him....he knew.

I understand where you are coming from but you will never sway hearts and minds with anger and there are some that you will never sway because they are either shackled by guilt (which accomplishes nothing constructive) or they are not capable of empathy if the shoe was on the other foot or they are simply yanking your chain. I simply know that venting anger and throwing out insults is a waste of time....but it's your cyber dime.

You guys are funny. We are talking about laws and policies made that are part of the mistreatment which you cannot switch around to any other group in this nation.
Whites mistreating blacks, blacks mistreating Asians , hispanics mistreating whites, vice versa.....pick a group and switch it around. The fact of the matter is that I am only responsible for myself. I have VERY good friends happen to be black that I would gladly lay down my life for that have been with me from the beginning on this journey and have helped guide me on my quest for the truth. They are certainly more aware of this debt slavery system and those behind it than whites because they have been the most hurt by it. Malcolm X is someone I respect tremendously and he knew about the powers behind this system . He was the most intelligent and articulated man of his time and a grave threat to those he spoke out against. He said that he would welcome anyone of any skin tint that wanted to join in the fight. I would have gladly stood by him....he knew.

I understand where you are coming from but you will never sway hearts and minds with anger and there are some that you will never sway because they are either shackled by guilt (which accomplishes nothing constructive) or they are not capable of empathy if the shoe was on the other foot or they are simply yanking your change. I simply know that venting anger and throwing out insults is a waste of time....but it's your cyber dime
Quote the words that depicted "my anger" to you.

BTW, weren't you in full agreement with the open display of anger the Tea Party folks displayed for years during their prominence?

Be honest.

Whites mistreating blacks, blacks mistreating Asians , hispanics mistreating whites, vice versa.....pick a group and switch it around. The fact of the matter is that I am only responsible for myself. I have VERY good friends happen to be black that I would gladly lay down my life for that have been with me from the beginning on this journey and have helped guide me on my quest for the truth. They are certainly more aware of this debt slavery system and those behind it than whites because they have been the most hurt by it. Malcolm X is someone I respect tremendously and he knew about the powers behind this system . He was the most intelligent and articulated man of his time and a grave threat to those he spoke out against. He said that he would welcome anyone of any skin tint that wanted to join in the fight. I would have gladly stood by him....he knew.

I understand where you are coming from but you will never sway hearts and minds with anger and there are some that you will never sway because they are either shackled by guilt (which accomplishes nothing constructive) or they are not capable of empathy if the shoe was on the other foot or they are simply yanking your change. I simply know that venting anger and throwing out insults is a waste of time....but it's your cyber dime
Quote the words that depicted "my anger" to you.

BTW, weren't you in full agreement with the open display of anger the Tea Party folks displayed for years during their prominence?

Be honest.
I haven't gone through the entire thread but you can be very combative at times because you are one of the posters I read here when I see you have written something. I am not saying that you are right or wrong about how you feel or wish to portray your arguments, I am simply saying that those like IM2, Asceclipes (sorry for the spelling) will never sway hearts and minds with angry retorts and insults is all.

And yes, I was part of the Taxed Enough Already Party and we have people of all races that believed that socialism is just another step toward the one world, totalitarian, feudalistic state that has only two classes...the poor and the elites. The tint of Obama's skin had nothing to do with me opposing the socialist agenda that he was being told to push. Obama could have been as white as Larry Bird and I would have felt the same way. I despise the Clintons and Bush crime family as well and they should be tried as traitors along with Obama.

Hearts and minds aren't going to be swayed in places like this were whites think they can insult you then complain about how you are the only one insulting people. That's very insulting when you think about it.

Don't lie to us about how you didn't oppose Obama based on his skin color. Because he was trying to save us from a depression created by the very people the tea party supported. You really don't even know what socialism is. And if you really thought, you'd understand that system based upon the accumulation of capital ends up creating the 2 classes you are saying socialism does.

The tea party had rallies with pictures of Obama with bones in his nose, and other things. It was a racist based movement period. Whites such as yourself need to understand that blacks see, observe and learn just like everyone else. We know racist behavior because we've seen it our entire lives, been taught how it manifests itself by our elders when young. Yet every single time someone black here states something is racist, a white person wants to tell us how it's not so. Well a white person is probably the last person we are going to listen to telling us what's not racist.
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Hearts ad minds aren't going to be swayed in places like this were whites think they can insult you then complain about how you are the only one insulting people.

So this thread is a big waste of time and cyberspace! Agree or disagree?
Hearts ad minds aren't going to be swayed in places like this were whites think they can insult you then complain about how you are the only one insulting people.

So this thread is a big waste of time and cyberspace! Agree or disagree?

If hearts and minds aren't swayed, then what is the value to this thread? Venting?

People can learn from each other only by discussing differences. You have had no problems with whites posting up racsim in the many threads you and others here have participated in it. Certainly there was no attempt to accomplish anything by doing that. And no one asked questions about it.
So now you're saying that not all white people are bad for blacks? Then go tell IM2, he's still quite confused.
I said that all white people are white supremacists. That's not the same as saying all white people are evil.
Would blacks be black supremists if the roles were reversed?

Blacks had a couple thousand years to colonize Europe and didn't. Think about this as we continue talking.
I’ll give you this. Just look at Africa. Look at all those individual countries. Whites would have taken over and made it all one United States of africa

No they wouldn't because they didn't.
I’m saying if it were whites in the continent they wouldn’t have been happy to allow 20 different independent sovereign countries. They would have insisted on consolidating and manifest destiny.

Manifest destiny proves your point
I said that all white people are white supremacists. That's not the same as saying all white people are evil.
Would blacks be black supremists if the roles were reversed?

Blacks had a couple thousand years to colonize Europe and didn't. Think about this as we continue talking.
I’ll give you this. Just look at Africa. Look at all those individual countries. Whites would have taken over and made it all one United States of africa

No they wouldn't because they didn't.
I’m saying if it were whites in the continent they wouldn’t have been happy to allow 20 different independent sovereign countries. They would have insisted on consolidating and manifest destiny.

Manifest destiny proves your point

Whites were in the continent and did not do it.
Anyone who posts “don’t lie that you didn’t oppose Obama based on his skin color” is an illogical, race-baiting POS who doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously. When you assign motivation to your interlocutors and insist that they accept your assumptions as their positions, there is no reasonable discussion to be had on any subject.

And you wonder why almost every fucking thread here either starts out as or soon becomes nothing but shit-flinging from all sides.
I said that all white people are white supremacists. That's not the same as saying all white people are evil.
Would blacks be black supremists if the roles were reversed?

Blacks had a couple thousand years to colonize Europe and didn't. Think about this as we continue talking.
I’ll give you this. Just look at Africa. Look at all those individual countries. Whites would have taken over and made it all one United States of africa

No they wouldn't because they didn't.
I’m saying if it were whites in the continent they wouldn’t have been happy to allow 20 different independent sovereign countries. They would have insisted on consolidating and manifest destiny.

Manifest destiny proves your point

Ill-informed speculation is not “proof” of anything. Just more ignorance.
Robert Kennedy had a heart, he was rich and secure, the average Trump voter or conservative snowflake is bitter and feels like the elites and government is against them. They are insecure and have some reason to be so. The irony is the conservative elites play them as they fight unions, fair wages and outsource. But that lesson is never learned for a large smoke cloud of emotional baloney muddies the mind.

If you want to understand white resentment read the article and book linked below.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

And if you want to know about the smoke cloud read this: Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

"What white people have to do is try and find out in their own hearts why it was necessary to have a ‘nig-ger’ in the first place, because I’m not a nig-ger, I’m a man. But if you think I’m a nig-ger, it means you need him. The question you’ve got to ask yourself, is, if you invented him, you the white people invented him, then you’ve got to find out why. And the future of the country depends on that, whether or not it is able to ask that question.” James Baldwin

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
Your rant is very funny. If you believe what you wrote, you are delusional.
Whites mistreating blacks, blacks mistreating Asians , hispanics mistreating whites, vice versa.....pick a group and switch it around. The fact of the matter is that I am only responsible for myself. I have VERY good friends happen to be black that I would gladly lay down my life for that have been with me from the beginning on this journey and have helped guide me on my quest for the truth. They are certainly more aware of this debt slavery system and those behind it than whites because they have been the most hurt by it. Malcolm X is someone I respect tremendously and he knew about the powers behind this system . He was the most intelligent and articulated man of his time and a grave threat to those he spoke out against. He said that he would welcome anyone of any skin tint that wanted to join in the fight. I would have gladly stood by him....he knew.

I understand where you are coming from but you will never sway hearts and minds with anger and there are some that you will never sway because they are either shackled by guilt (which accomplishes nothing constructive) or they are not capable of empathy if the shoe was on the other foot or they are simply yanking your change. I simply know that venting anger and throwing out insults is a waste of time....but it's your cyber dime
Quote the words that depicted "my anger" to you.

BTW, weren't you in full agreement with the open display of anger the Tea Party folks displayed for years during their prominence?

Be honest.

Whites mistreating blacks, blacks mistreating Asians , hispanics mistreating whites, vice versa.....pick a group and switch it around. The fact of the matter is that I am only responsible for myself. I have VERY good friends happen to be black that I would gladly lay down my life for that have been with me from the beginning on this journey and have helped guide me on my quest for the truth. They are certainly more aware of this debt slavery system and those behind it than whites because they have been the most hurt by it. Malcolm X is someone I respect tremendously and he knew about the powers behind this system . He was the most intelligent and articulated man of his time and a grave threat to those he spoke out against. He said that he would welcome anyone of any skin tint that wanted to join in the fight. I would have gladly stood by him....he knew.

I understand where you are coming from but you will never sway hearts and minds with anger and there are some that you will never sway because they are either shackled by guilt (which accomplishes nothing constructive) or they are not capable of empathy if the shoe was on the other foot or they are simply yanking your change. I simply know that venting anger and throwing out insults is a waste of time....but it's your cyber dime
Quote the words that depicted "my anger" to you.

BTW, weren't you in full agreement with the open display of anger the Tea Party folks displayed for years during their prominence?

Be honest.
I haven't gone through the entire thread but you can be very combative at times because you are one of the posters I read here when I see you have written something. I am not saying that you are right or wrong about how you feel or wish to portray your arguments, I am simply saying that those like IM2, Asceclipes (sorry for the spelling) will never sway hearts and minds with angry retorts and insults is all.

And yes, I was part of the Taxed Enough Already Party and we have people of all races that believed that socialism is just another step toward the one world, totalitarian, feudalistic state that has only two classes...the poor and the elites. The tint of Obama's skin had nothing to do with me opposing the socialist agenda that he was being told to push. Obama could have been as white as Larry Bird and I would have felt the same way. I despise the Clintons and Bush crime family as well and they should be tried as traitors along with Obama.

Hearts and minds aren't going to be swayed in places like this were whites think they can insult you then complain about how you are the only one insulting people. That's very insulting when you think about it.

Don't lie to us about how you didn't oppose Obama based on his skin color. Because he was trying to save us from a depression created by the very people the tea party supported. You really don't even know what socialism is. And if you really thought, you'd understand that system based upon the accumulation of capital ends up creating the 2 classes you are saying socialism does.

The tea party had rallies with pictures of Obama with bones in his nose, and other things. It was a racist based movement period. Whites such as yourself need to understand that blacks see, observe and learn just like everyone else. We know racist behavior because we've seen it our entire lives, been taught how it manifests itself by our elders when young. Yet every single time someone black here states something is racist, a white person wants to tell us how it's not so. Well a white person is probably the last person we are going to listen to telling us what's not racist.
Every post I see from you gets dumber than the previous. You are an angry racist that doesn't deserve to be read. You spew hatred and stupidity with glee. Go away neophyte. You are on ignore so I don't have to see your silly avatar or even be tempted to read your hate filled drivel. You are one sad little person that needs help. I don't say that trying to be funny, you are damaged.
Whites mistreating blacks, blacks mistreating Asians , hispanics mistreating whites, vice versa.....pick a group and switch it around. The fact of the matter is that I am only responsible for myself. I have VERY good friends happen to be black that I would gladly lay down my life for that have been with me from the beginning on this journey and have helped guide me on my quest for the truth. They are certainly more aware of this debt slavery system and those behind it than whites because they have been the most hurt by it. Malcolm X is someone I respect tremendously and he knew about the powers behind this system . He was the most intelligent and articulated man of his time and a grave threat to those he spoke out against. He said that he would welcome anyone of any skin tint that wanted to join in the fight. I would have gladly stood by him....he knew.

I understand where you are coming from but you will never sway hearts and minds with anger and there are some that you will never sway because they are either shackled by guilt (which accomplishes nothing constructive) or they are not capable of empathy if the shoe was on the other foot or they are simply yanking your change. I simply know that venting anger and throwing out insults is a waste of time....but it's your cyber dime
Quote the words that depicted "my anger" to you.

BTW, weren't you in full agreement with the open display of anger the Tea Party folks displayed for years during their prominence?

Be honest.

Whites mistreating blacks, blacks mistreating Asians , hispanics mistreating whites, vice versa.....pick a group and switch it around. The fact of the matter is that I am only responsible for myself. I have VERY good friends happen to be black that I would gladly lay down my life for that have been with me from the beginning on this journey and have helped guide me on my quest for the truth. They are certainly more aware of this debt slavery system and those behind it than whites because they have been the most hurt by it. Malcolm X is someone I respect tremendously and he knew about the powers behind this system . He was the most intelligent and articulated man of his time and a grave threat to those he spoke out against. He said that he would welcome anyone of any skin tint that wanted to join in the fight. I would have gladly stood by him....he knew.

I understand where you are coming from but you will never sway hearts and minds with anger and there are some that you will never sway because they are either shackled by guilt (which accomplishes nothing constructive) or they are not capable of empathy if the shoe was on the other foot or they are simply yanking your change. I simply know that venting anger and throwing out insults is a waste of time....but it's your cyber dime
Quote the words that depicted "my anger" to you.

BTW, weren't you in full agreement with the open display of anger the Tea Party folks displayed for years during their prominence?

Be honest.
I haven't gone through the entire thread but you can be very combative at times because you are one of the posters I read here when I see you have written something. I am not saying that you are right or wrong about how you feel or wish to portray your arguments, I am simply saying that those like IM2, Asceclipes (sorry for the spelling) will never sway hearts and minds with angry retorts and insults is all.

And yes, I was part of the Taxed Enough Already Party and we have people of all races that believed that socialism is just another step toward the one world, totalitarian, feudalistic state that has only two classes...the poor and the elites. The tint of Obama's skin had nothing to do with me opposing the socialist agenda that he was being told to push. Obama could have been as white as Larry Bird and I would have felt the same way. I despise the Clintons and Bush crime family as well and they should be tried as traitors along with Obama.

Hearts and minds aren't going to be swayed in places like this were whites think they can insult you then complain about how you are the only one insulting people. That's very insulting when you think about it.

Don't lie to us about how you didn't oppose Obama based on his skin color. Because he was trying to save us from a depression created by the very people the tea party supported. You really don't even know what socialism is. And if you really thought, you'd understand that system based upon the accumulation of capital ends up creating the 2 classes you are saying socialism does.

The tea party had rallies with pictures of Obama with bones in his nose, and other things. It was a racist based movement period. Whites such as yourself need to understand that blacks see, observe and learn just like everyone else. We know racist behavior because we've seen it our entire lives, been taught how it manifests itself by our elders when young. Yet every single time someone black here states something is racist, a white person wants to tell us how it's not so. Well a white person is probably the last person we are going to listen to telling us what's not racist.
Every post I see from you gets dumber than the previous. You are an angry racist that doesn't deserve to be read. You spew hatred and stupidity with glee. Go away neophyte. You are on ignore so I don't have to see your silly avatar or even be tempted to read your hate filled drivel. You are one sad little person that needs help. I don't say that trying to be funny, you are damaged.

This guy is a coward.
Are you for real? Why should whites feel guilt or shame?
Can you fucking read ? You dumb bastard.

Where did I say whites should feel guilty and shame ?

I said the exact opposite.
The part about most whites wanting blacks back in chains is ridiculous. No, i am not a dumb bastard, does it make you feel superior to talk down to people? It really is unbecoming
Whites mistreating blacks, blacks mistreating Asians , hispanics mistreating whites, vice versa.....pick a group and switch it around. The fact of the matter is that I am only responsible for myself. I have VERY good friends happen to be black that I would gladly lay down my life for that have been with me from the beginning on this journey and have helped guide me on my quest for the truth. They are certainly more aware of this debt slavery system and those behind it than whites because they have been the most hurt by it. Malcolm X is someone I respect tremendously and he knew about the powers behind this system . He was the most intelligent and articulated man of his time and a grave threat to those he spoke out against. He said that he would welcome anyone of any skin tint that wanted to join in the fight. I would have gladly stood by him....he knew.

I understand where you are coming from but you will never sway hearts and minds with anger and there are some that you will never sway because they are either shackled by guilt (which accomplishes nothing constructive) or they are not capable of empathy if the shoe was on the other foot or they are simply yanking your change. I simply know that venting anger and throwing out insults is a waste of time....but it's your cyber dime
Quote the words that depicted "my anger" to you.

BTW, weren't you in full agreement with the open display of anger the Tea Party folks displayed for years during their prominence?

Be honest.

Whites mistreating blacks, blacks mistreating Asians , hispanics mistreating whites, vice versa.....pick a group and switch it around. The fact of the matter is that I am only responsible for myself. I have VERY good friends happen to be black that I would gladly lay down my life for that have been with me from the beginning on this journey and have helped guide me on my quest for the truth. They are certainly more aware of this debt slavery system and those behind it than whites because they have been the most hurt by it. Malcolm X is someone I respect tremendously and he knew about the powers behind this system . He was the most intelligent and articulated man of his time and a grave threat to those he spoke out against. He said that he would welcome anyone of any skin tint that wanted to join in the fight. I would have gladly stood by him....he knew.

I understand where you are coming from but you will never sway hearts and minds with anger and there are some that you will never sway because they are either shackled by guilt (which accomplishes nothing constructive) or they are not capable of empathy if the shoe was on the other foot or they are simply yanking your change. I simply know that venting anger and throwing out insults is a waste of time....but it's your cyber dime
Quote the words that depicted "my anger" to you.

BTW, weren't you in full agreement with the open display of anger the Tea Party folks displayed for years during their prominence?

Be honest.
I haven't gone through the entire thread but you can be very combative at times because you are one of the posters I read here when I see you have written something. I am not saying that you are right or wrong about how you feel or wish to portray your arguments, I am simply saying that those like IM2, Asceclipes (sorry for the spelling) will never sway hearts and minds with angry retorts and insults is all.

And yes, I was part of the Taxed Enough Already Party and we have people of all races that believed that socialism is just another step toward the one world, totalitarian, feudalistic state that has only two classes...the poor and the elites. The tint of Obama's skin had nothing to do with me opposing the socialist agenda that he was being told to push. Obama could have been as white as Larry Bird and I would have felt the same way. I despise the Clintons and Bush crime family as well and they should be tried as traitors along with Obama.

Hearts and minds aren't going to be swayed in places like this were whites think they can insult you then complain about how you are the only one insulting people. That's very insulting when you think about it.

Don't lie to us about how you didn't oppose Obama based on his skin color. Because he was trying to save us from a depression created by the very people the tea party supported. You really don't even know what socialism is. And if you really thought, you'd understand that system based upon the accumulation of capital ends up creating the 2 classes you are saying socialism does.

The tea party had rallies with pictures of Obama with bones in his nose, and other things. It was a racist based movement period. Whites such as yourself need to understand that blacks see, observe and learn just like everyone else. We know racist behavior because we've seen it our entire lives, been taught how it manifests itself by our elders when young. Yet every single time someone black here states something is racist, a white person wants to tell us how it's not so. Well a white person is probably the last person we are going to listen to telling us what's not racist.
Every post I see from you gets dumber than the previous. You are an angry racist that doesn't deserve to be read. You spew hatred and stupidity with glee. Go away neophyte. You are on ignore so I don't have to see your silly avatar or even be tempted to read your hate filled drivel. You are one sad little person that needs help. I don't say that trying to be funny, you are damaged.

This guy is a coward.

Can't all be Prime Time, champ.
Anyone who posts “don’t lie that you didn’t oppose Obama based on his skin color” is an illogical, race-baiting POS who doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously. When you assign motivation to your interlocutors and insist that they accept your assumptions as their positions, there is no reasonable discussion to be had on any subject.

And you wonder why almost every fucking thread here either starts out as or soon becomes nothing but shit-flinging from all sides.
You kill every thread
Would blacks be black supremists if the roles were reversed?

Blacks had a couple thousand years to colonize Europe and didn't. Think about this as we continue talking.
I’ll give you this. Just look at Africa. Look at all those individual countries. Whites would have taken over and made it all one United States of africa

No they wouldn't because they didn't.
I’m saying if it were whites in the continent they wouldn’t have been happy to allow 20 different independent sovereign countries. They would have insisted on consolidating and manifest destiny.

Manifest destiny proves your point

Ill-informed speculation is not “proof” of anything. Just more ignorance.
Fuck off pussy. Manafest destiny proves what kind of people we are. Too paranoid and possessive to have neighbors to our left or right.

I’m surprised we didn’t take Mexico and Canada too
Would blacks be black supremists if the roles were reversed?

Blacks had a couple thousand years to colonize Europe and didn't. Think about this as we continue talking.
I’ll give you this. Just look at Africa. Look at all those individual countries. Whites would have taken over and made it all one United States of africa

No they wouldn't because they didn't.
I’m saying if it were whites in the continent they wouldn’t have been happy to allow 20 different independent sovereign countries. They would have insisted on consolidating and manifest destiny.

Manifest destiny proves your point

Whites were in the continent and did not do it.
I’m surprised South African whites didn’t take over all of Africa it woulda been easy
Blacks had a couple thousand years to colonize Europe and didn't. Think about this as we continue talking.
I’ll give you this. Just look at Africa. Look at all those individual countries. Whites would have taken over and made it all one United States of africa

No they wouldn't because they didn't.
I’m saying if it were whites in the continent they wouldn’t have been happy to allow 20 different independent sovereign countries. They would have insisted on consolidating and manifest destiny.

Manifest destiny proves your point

Ill-informed speculation is not “proof” of anything. Just more ignorance.
Fuck off pussy. Manafest destiny proves what kind of people we are. Too paranoid and possessive to have neighbors to our left or right.

I’m surprised we didn’t take Mexico and Canada too

Good job contradicting yourself, moron. You inadvertently demonstrated your ignorance of history again as well, lonely dumbass.
I’ll give you this. Just look at Africa. Look at all those individual countries. Whites would have taken over and made it all one United States of africa

No they wouldn't because they didn't.
I’m saying if it were whites in the continent they wouldn’t have been happy to allow 20 different independent sovereign countries. They would have insisted on consolidating and manifest destiny.

Manifest destiny proves your point

Ill-informed speculation is not “proof” of anything. Just more ignorance.
Fuck off pussy. Manafest destiny proves what kind of people we are. Too paranoid and possessive to have neighbors to our left or right.

I’m surprised we didn’t take Mexico and Canada too

Good job contradicting yourself, moron. You inadvertently demonstrated your ignorance of history again as well, lonely dumbass.
Seally usually does.

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