How to resist Biden- if he's elected


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
IMHO, thousands of pickup trucks in Washington Rolling Coal during the inauguration will be a great way to launch the resistance against Sleepy Joe, if the worst were to happen.

Pushing for impeachment has to be the focus of the GOP as well as investigation.

BTW, I wonder if the so-called Lincoln Project "conservatives" and George Will will be participating in Resistance fighting?

They say they oppose Biden's ultraliberalism.
How to resist Biden- if he's elected


Guam here I come.....
IMHO, thousands of pickup trucks in Washington Rolling Coal during the inauguration will be a great way to launch the resistance against Sleepy Joe, if the worst were to happen.

Pushing for impeachment has to be the focus of the GOP as well as investigation.

BTW, I wonder if the so-called Lincoln Project "conservatives" and George Will will be participating in Resistance fighting?

They say they oppose Biden's ultraliberalism.

Impeachment for what when the guy hasn't been in office for one day? Absurd. We actually need a complete investigation of several of trump's actions in office. Why has the GOP stonewalled these such investigations?

In any event, your proposal is ridiculous. I drove to work in DC on normal days for many years, and you can't get there from here. A bunch of ignorant assholes in pick-up trucks would never get near the ceremonies. The police block off the streets for miles for events like it. You diseased jerks should stay home, and kneel in front of the altars to trump that you have in your houses.:rolleyes:
IMHO, thousands of pickup trucks in Washington Rolling Coal during the inauguration will be a great way to launch the resistance against Sleepy Joe, if the worst were to happen.

Pushing for impeachment has to be the focus of the GOP as well as investigation.

BTW, I wonder if the so-called Lincoln Project "conservatives" and George Will will be participating in Resistance fighting?

They say they oppose Biden's ultraliberalism.

Impeachment for what when the guy hasn't been in office for one day? Absurd. We actually need a complete investigation of several of trump's actions in office. Why has the GOP stonewalled these such investigations?

In any event, your proposal is ridiculous. I drove to work in DC on normal days for many years, and you can't get there from here. A bunch of ignorant assholes in pick-up trucks would never get near the ceremonies. The police block off the streets for miles for events like it. You diseased jerks should stay home, and kneel in front of the altars to trump that you have in your houses.:rolleyes:

So you are against the First Amendment right to free expression?

As far as the Biden Investigation and impeachment, he's already committed the impeachable offenses. Extorting Ukraine to get them to fire the prosecutor that was investigating his son. That's Obstruction of Justice.

I don't know if Hunter is guilty or not of crimes in Ukraine, but his dad had no business obstructing the justice system's attempt to get him locked down in a Kiev dungeon.
IMHO, thousands of pickup trucks in Washington Rolling Coal during the inauguration will be a great way to launch the resistance against Sleepy Joe, if the worst were to happen.

Pushing for impeachment has to be the focus of the GOP as well as investigation.

BTW, I wonder if the so-called Lincoln Project "conservatives" and George Will will be participating in Resistance fighting?

They say they oppose Biden's ultraliberalism.

Why do NaziCons hate functional government? George Will and Lincoln Project members are fighting to return to functional government.
IMHO, thousands of pickup trucks in Washington Rolling Coal during the inauguration will be a great way to launch the resistance against Sleepy Joe, if the worst were to happen.

Pushing for impeachment has to be the focus of the GOP as well as investigation.

BTW, I wonder if the so-called Lincoln Project "conservatives" and George Will will be participating in Resistance fighting?

They say they oppose Biden's ultraliberalism.

Why do NaziCons hate functional government? George Will and Lincoln Project members are fighting to return to functional government.

A loyal opposition is part of a functional government. The idea of Sleepy Joe being an autocrat with a Rubber Stamp Congress is something more like North Korea instead of America.
IMHO, thousands of pickup trucks in Washington Rolling Coal during the inauguration will be a great way to launch the resistance against Sleepy Joe, if the worst were to happen.

Pushing for impeachment has to be the focus of the GOP as well as investigation.

BTW, I wonder if the so-called Lincoln Project "conservatives" and George Will will be participating in Resistance fighting?

They say they oppose Biden's ultraliberalism.

Why do NaziCons hate functional government? George Will and Lincoln Project members are fighting to return to functional government.

A loyal opposition is part of a functional government. The idea of Sleepy Joe being an autocrat with a Rubber Stamp Congress is something more like North Korea instead of America.

When was the last time that we've seen any "loyal opposition" from Republicans? President Obama received nothing but obstruction.
If Joe Biden wins impeachment proceedings should start immediately.
Investigate Biden for what?
You can't impeach him for something he hasn't done yet.
IMHO, thousands of pickup trucks in Washington Rolling Coal during the inauguration will be a great way to launch the resistance against Sleepy Joe, if the worst were to happen.

Pushing for impeachment has to be the focus of the GOP as well as investigation.

BTW, I wonder if the so-called Lincoln Project "conservatives" and George Will will be participating in Resistance fighting?

They say they oppose Biden's ultraliberalism.

Impeachment for what when the guy hasn't been in office for one day? Absurd. We actually need a complete investigation of several of trump's actions in office. Why has the GOP stonewalled these such investigations?

In any event, your proposal is ridiculous. I drove to work in DC on normal days for many years, and you can't get there from here. A bunch of ignorant assholes in pick-up trucks would never get near the ceremonies. The police block off the streets for miles for events like it. You diseased jerks should stay home, and kneel in front of the altars to trump that you have in your houses.:rolleyes:

So you are against the First Amendment right to free expression?

As far as the Biden Investigation and impeachment, he's already committed the impeachable offenses. Extorting Ukraine to get them to fire the prosecutor that was investigating his son. That's Obstruction of Justice.

I don't know if Hunter is guilty or not of crimes in Ukraine, but his dad had no business obstructing the justice system's attempt to get him locked down in a Kiev dungeon.

The story about Biden obstructing justice is a conspiracy theory cooked up by some crazed right-wing mascunazi garbage, considering that major multi-national organizations wanted this Ukrainian prosecutor removed because he was not doing his job. Moreover, impeachment only covers misconduct in office, and, in fact, your whore has stated that a sitting president has blanket immunity.

I support "the First Amendment right to free expression" just as much as the next person. Apparently you morons don't, or you would be on the streets protesting your orange whore's invasion of Portland with anonymous thugs. There are reports tonight that your whore's thugs invaded a park across the street and destroyed personal property belonging to protesters who were not engaged in any crime against federal property and tear-gassed people who were there, and, thus obviously not engaged in attacking federal property. You also ignore the fact that your whore's thugs were not invited there by state elected officials. Your whore has stated repeatedly that he is only interested in misusing federal employees to invade areas controlled by Democrats, admitting that his actions were taken purely for partisan political reasons.

I've been in the DC area since the Nixon administration, have marched in several peaceful demonstrations, and even attended the concert at the Lincoln Memorial celebrating President Obama's second inauguration. On every occasion, the police have blocked off the streets in large areas surrounding each event. You spoiled pick-up-truck trash would never get near it. Nobody was allowed to get anywhere close to your whore's inauguration, either. So don't whine to me about First Amendment free expression.
IMHO, thousands of pickup trucks in Washington Rolling Coal during the inauguration will be a great way to launch the resistance against Sleepy Joe, if the worst were to happen.

Pushing for impeachment has to be the focus of the GOP as well as investigation.

BTW, I wonder if the so-called Lincoln Project "conservatives" and George Will will be participating in Resistance fighting?

They say they oppose Biden's ultraliberalism.
We're doomed eventually either way muppet Joe will just speed things up
IMHO, thousands of pickup trucks in Washington Rolling Coal during the inauguration will be a great way to launch the resistance against Sleepy Joe, if the worst were to happen.

Pushing for impeachment has to be the focus of the GOP as well as investigation.

BTW, I wonder if the so-called Lincoln Project "conservatives" and George Will will be participating in Resistance fighting?

They say they oppose Biden's ultraliberalism.

Impeachment for what when the guy hasn't been in office for one day? Absurd. We actually need a complete investigation of several of trump's actions in office. Why has the GOP stonewalled these such investigations?

In any event, your proposal is ridiculous. I drove to work in DC on normal days for many years, and you can't get there from here. A bunch of ignorant assholes in pick-up trucks would never get near the ceremonies. The police block off the streets for miles for events like it. You diseased jerks should stay home, and kneel in front of the altars to trump that you have in your houses.:rolleyes:

So you are against the First Amendment right to free expression?

As far as the Biden Investigation and impeachment, he's already committed the impeachable offenses. Extorting Ukraine to get them to fire the prosecutor that was investigating his son. That's Obstruction of Justice.

I don't know if Hunter is guilty or not of crimes in Ukraine, but his dad had no business obstructing the justice system's attempt to get him locked down in a Kiev dungeon.
Russian created propaganda,

Trump' s consiglieri Rudy Giuliani got all is made up Biden lies, directly from them...

Look it up, Google it...

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