How to Pro Lifer feel about the Texas case

The judge in the case specifically said this was based on the merits of the one individual and had no bearing on any other person.

Lawyers will see it differently. A case concerning one always has legal implications that expand beyond that.
Lawyers will see it differently. A case concerning one always has legal implications that expand beyond that.

then each individual case can be heard on its own merits until such time as you and your big government loving authoritarian friends decided to get out of a woman's womb.
then each individual case can be heard on its own merits until such time as you and your big government loving authoritarian friends decided to get out of a woman's womb.

It's not like you to mindlessly lash out. I simply argued this case.
When a topic is intellectually above a person's simian brain we get stupid responses like the one above.

Mods, please open a toddler room where we can send the less intellectually evolved.

So just remind the board where you obtained your medical degree?...don't have one, then stop attempting to make medical choices for people other than yourself.
That's the same idiotic thinking as paxton.


Any Pro Lifers out there see something wrong with what’s happening in Texas? A woman who wants to be a mother has a non viable pregnancy… meaning the fetus will not survive and aborting the pregnancy is the best thing for her health and for her future ability to have kids.

I judge ruled that she can have the abortion and Paxton is petitioning the Texas Supreme Court to stop it… he is also threatening hospitals so they will not help this woman.

Anybody see something wrong with this situation??
Blah blah blah bullshit bullshit bullshit.
Just an attempt to use the courts to persue the pro abort agenda. Middle/upper class Dallas woman fully able to travel doing the lawyers and publicity game. Shreveport is 3 hours east on I-20 if this is an actual medical necessity.
Blah blah blah bullshit bullshit bullshit.
Just an attempt to use the courts to persue the pro abort agenda. Middle/upper class Dallas woman fully able to travel doing the lawyers and publicity game. Shreveport is 3 hours east on I-20 if this is an actual medical necessity.
Again we see it's not about being pro-life, it's about con-trolling women and their bodies.
Any Pro Lifers out there see something wrong with what’s happening in Texas? A woman who wants to be a mother has a non viable pregnancy… meaning the fetus will not survive and aborting the pregnancy is the best thing for her health and for her future ability to have kids.

I judge ruled that she can have the abortion and Paxton is petitioning the Texas Supreme Court to stop it… he is also threatening hospitals so they will not help this woman.

Anybody see something wrong with this situation??

The fetus will die within hours of birth and suffer a painful and horrible death. Paxton is headlines seeking asshat.
If the Dems are smart they will use this case in every campaign ad between now and the election.

Espically now that the TX SC has stepped in and overruled the lower court, at least temporarily

If the dems are smart? That is to damn funny. Both parties actually don't give a shit until a big doner says something. Then they heel so fast that they break their own legs!
But such draconian decisions were made in Texas by people outside the medical profession. Would you also endorse court ordered non treatment for any other medical emergency?
That would depend on the situation. Like I would be ok with the law not allowing minors to do cosmetic surgery without the consent of their parents. You skirted my question though

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