How to get righties to wear masks

We weren't the ones downplaying the virus

Did the virus get its feeling hurt? Is it angry and messing with us?

I think it is.
It's killed 2.5 million worldwide and over 500,000 in the US, I would say it's feelings are hurt more than a 13 year old girl who just lost her 1st boyfriend, by a long shot.

That's because you're clearly a moron who anthropomorphizes things. (No, I'm not going to define it. Go look it up.)
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.

It's a pretty flawed premise you're vomiting.

Most of the population wears masks. Most reports show 80-90%. "Righties" make up near 50% of the population. Meanwhile, assuming any and every non-mask-wearer is right wing is also false.

Increasingly, non-wearers are just tired of the whole thing, from what I can see. People aren't designed to live at DEFCON-1 panic levels for long periods of time. I doubt it's even an intentional, defiant non-wearing for most of them. They're just not in a place where, "OMG, I must have a mask on!" is the first and most urgent thing on their minds anymore.
Needless to say, the liberal mask conspiracy goes way back. Crafty, those liberals, creating propaganda about how basic medical science says that masks prevent the mask wearer from infecting others.

Mask wearing in medical facilities predates covid culture, and this is because bacteria has been a problem in medical facilities. Bacteria are 1000 times larger than viruses, and masks have been used to help out in medical settings. Doctors were not wearing masks at the local grocery before mask mandates.

Also, we aren't wearing the masks they wear, nor are we wearing them the way they wear them.
Masks and social distancing killed the flu this year. Flu season was ten times smaller than usual.

That means you have to be some special type of stupid to say that masks and social distancing don't work. Most Trump cultists _are_ that special type of stupid. Their cult orders them to be morons, so they joyfully comply.
Talking about yourself again, I see.

We had a mild flu season because the vaccination rates were way up and the kids were not in school. It has nothing to do with masks.

Children are the primary spreaders of the flu. They give it to each other, generally at school, and then bring it home to the rest of the family. That's not the case with C-19. Children are not transmitting C-19 to to each other like they transmit the flu to each other because, unlike the flu, they have a lot of immunity to C-19.

Not all viruses are the same, jackass.

You doomsday cult moonbats are pathetically ignorant of science.
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If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.

No one is censoring anti mask disinformation. The facts on masks are too numerous to counter but anti maskers refuse to watch and then they demand that ppl prove to them that face masks work :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Masks are placebos for the Sheeple that don't understand Science.

Moon Bats are always confused about Science. They really have a problem with Climate Science and Biology.


Democrats care deeply about how something makes them and their constituents FEEL. Once they throw money at anything, they have no interest whatsoever in following that expense up with any evaluation or accountability. If it makes folks FEEL better, that's all that counts.

Our government had no answers when COVID-19 hit our shores and to make things worse, China and the UN's World Health Organization lied to us and the world. So, wear a mask, it won't do squat for you but it will make you FEEL like you're doing something.

Democrats whine that we must watch the SCIENCE. Then they refuse and say, oh not THAT SCIENCE, you have to watch OUR science because it makes us FEEL BETTER.
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.

The fact is more than 90% of Americans, including republicans BTW, wear masks when the go out in public. Another fact is masks didn't stop the winter spike in cases. That's reality.

That's because they ignored all the warnings and got together for Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years anyway.

The winter spike in respiratory virus infections occurs for several reasons.

Respiratory viruses tend to spread easier in low humidity.

And viral load has an effect too. People tend to stay indoors longer
Why didn't more people use their $1500 checks to buy a respirator that would actually protect them from being infected by the virus?

If masks are all so important, then why isn't the government handing them out by the case?

I'd be MORE prone to wear one if it was OPTIONAL and VOLUNTARY. As soon as you say they are MANDATORY, the deal is off.

TO BE HONEST, once this is all over, I'm going to start wearing a mask. I'll be going everywhere I can that it pisses people off, Banks, Federal buildings, anywhere, WEARING a full face covering, mask, sunglasses, hat, places that normally WANT your face exposed for security camera, etc., and I'll REFUSE to take it off.

I want them all telling me I CAN'T wear a mask, DEMANDING that I remove it! :21:
They should have sent out hydroxychloroquine to millions of Americans with those $1500 checks.

That would have likely stopped the Chinese bioweapon from becoming so widespread in the USA.

But of course Democrats saw the virus as a gift from God from the very beginning. They hate Americans more than anything in the universe.

We weren't the ones downplaying the virus, calling it a hoax or suggesting they inject disinfectant.
That was the stable "genius", Dr. Trump.

And of course you are simply lying again, as is usual with you low IQ easily brainwashed TDS afflicted morons.

All of intelligent people in this forum know that Trump did not say the virus is a hoax or suggest that people should inject themselves with disinfectant.

You're an idiot.

You're a lying moron, just like your dear leader.
Dotard compared the virus to other hoaxes.

In the wake of the criticism, Trump said at a press conference on Feb. 29 that he used the term “hoax” to refer not to coronavirus itself but to Democrats’ criticism of how his administration had responded to it.

Asked if he regretted using that particular word, he replied “No. No. No. Hoax referring to the action that they take to try and pin this on somebody because we’ve done such a good job. The hoax is on them not… I’m not talking about what’s happening here. I’m talking what they’re doing. That’s the hoax. That’s just a continuation of the hoax, whether it’s the impeachment hoax or the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. This is what I’m talking about.
Was the impeachment a hoax?
Was Russia a hoax?

If Dotard is comparing the virus to other hoaxes, he calling the virus, a hoax.
He' didn't compare the virus to any hoax, you fucking idiot.

You need to check your reading comprehension skills, you stupid low IQ TDS afflicted moron. I have a 5 year old with better reading comprehension skills than you.
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.

The fact is more than 90% of Americans, including republicans BTW, wear masks when the go out in public. Another fact is masks didn't stop the winter spike in cases. That's reality.

That's because they ignored all the warnings and got together for Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years anyway.

The winter spike in respiratory virus infections occurs for several reasons.

Respiratory viruses tend to spread easier in low humidity.

And viral load has an effect too. People tend to stay indoors longer
Why didn't more people use their $1500 checks to buy a respirator that would actually protect them from being infected by the virus?

If masks are all so important, then why isn't the government handing them out by the case?

I'd be MORE prone to wear one if it was OPTIONAL and VOLUNTARY. As soon as you say they are MANDATORY, the deal is off.

TO BE HONEST, once this is all over, I'm going to start wearing a mask. I'll be going everywhere I can that it pisses people off, Banks, Federal buildings, anywhere, WEARING a full face covering, mask, sunglasses, hat, places that normally WANT your face exposed for security camera, etc., and I'll REFUSE to take it off.

I want them all telling me I CAN'T wear a mask, DEMANDING that I remove it! :21:
They should have sent out hydroxychloroquine to millions of Americans with those $1500 checks.

That would have likely stopped the Chinese bioweapon from becoming so widespread in the USA.

But of course Democrats saw the virus as a gift from God from the very beginning. They hate Americans more than anything in the universe.

We weren't the ones downplaying the virus, calling it a hoax or suggesting they inject disinfectant.
That was the stable "genius", Dr. Trump.

And of course you are simply lying again, as is usual with you low IQ easily brainwashed TDS afflicted morons.

All of intelligent people in this forum know that Trump did not say the virus is a hoax or suggest that people should inject themselves with disinfectant.

You're an idiot.

You're a lying moron, just like your dear leader.
Dotard compared the virus to other hoaxes.

In the wake of the criticism, Trump said at a press conference on Feb. 29 that he used the term “hoax” to refer not to coronavirus itself but to Democrats’ criticism of how his administration had responded to it.

Asked if he regretted using that particular word, he replied “No. No. No. Hoax referring to the action that they take to try and pin this on somebody because we’ve done such a good job. The hoax is on them not… I’m not talking about what’s happening here. I’m talking what they’re doing. That’s the hoax. That’s just a continuation of the hoax, whether it’s the impeachment hoax or the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. This is what I’m talking about.
Was the impeachment a hoax?
Was Russia a hoax?

If Dotard is comparing the virus to other hoaxes, he calling the virus, a hoax.
He' didn't compare the virus to any hoax, you fucking idiot.

You need to check your reading comprehension skills, you stupid low IQ TDS afflicted moron. I have a 5 year old with better reading comprehension skills than you.

"That’s just a continuation of the hoax, whether it’s the impeachment hoax or the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. This is what I’m talking about".
Good god, you're a fucking, imbecile, Q NUT.

a. The act or fact of going on or persisting: the continuation of the war.
b. The state of continuing in the same condition, capacity, or place: the mayor's continuation in office.
2. An extension by which something is carried to a further point: The sequel was a continuation of the story that had been established in the first book of the series.

The "dikshunarry" is your friend.
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.

The fact is more than 90% of Americans, including republicans BTW, wear masks when the go out in public. Another fact is masks didn't stop the winter spike in cases. That's reality.

That's because they ignored all the warnings and got together for Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years anyway.

The winter spike in respiratory virus infections occurs for several reasons.

Respiratory viruses tend to spread easier in low humidity.

And viral load has an effect too. People tend to stay indoors longer
Why didn't more people use their $1500 checks to buy a respirator that would actually protect them from being infected by the virus?

If masks are all so important, then why isn't the government handing them out by the case?

I'd be MORE prone to wear one if it was OPTIONAL and VOLUNTARY. As soon as you say they are MANDATORY, the deal is off.

TO BE HONEST, once this is all over, I'm going to start wearing a mask. I'll be going everywhere I can that it pisses people off, Banks, Federal buildings, anywhere, WEARING a full face covering, mask, sunglasses, hat, places that normally WANT your face exposed for security camera, etc., and I'll REFUSE to take it off.

I want them all telling me I CAN'T wear a mask, DEMANDING that I remove it! :21:
They should have sent out hydroxychloroquine to millions of Americans with those $1500 checks.

That would have likely stopped the Chinese bioweapon from becoming so widespread in the USA.

But of course Democrats saw the virus as a gift from God from the very beginning. They hate Americans more than anything in the universe.

We weren't the ones downplaying the virus, calling it a hoax or suggesting they inject disinfectant.
That was the stable "genius", Dr. Trump.

And of course you are simply lying again, as is usual with you low IQ easily brainwashed TDS afflicted morons.

All of intelligent people in this forum know that Trump did not say the virus is a hoax or suggest that people should inject themselves with disinfectant.

You're an idiot.

You're a lying moron, just like your dear leader.
Dotard compared the virus to other hoaxes.

In the wake of the criticism, Trump said at a press conference on Feb. 29 that he used the term “hoax” to refer not to coronavirus itself but to Democrats’ criticism of how his administration had responded to it.

Asked if he regretted using that particular word, he replied “No. No. No. Hoax referring to the action that they take to try and pin this on somebody because we’ve done such a good job. The hoax is on them not… I’m not talking about what’s happening here. I’m talking what they’re doing. That’s the hoax. That’s just a continuation of the hoax, whether it’s the impeachment hoax or the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. This is what I’m talking about.
Was the impeachment a hoax?
Was Russia a hoax?

If Dotard is comparing the virus to other hoaxes, he calling the virus, a hoax.
He' didn't compare the virus to any hoax, you fucking idiot.

You need to check your reading comprehension skills, you stupid low IQ TDS afflicted moron. I have a 5 year old with better reading comprehension skills than you.

"That’s just a continuation of the hoax, whether it’s the impeachment hoax or the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. This is what I’m talking about".
Good god, you're a fucking, imbecile, Q NUT.

a. The act or fact of going on or persisting: the continuation of the war.
b. The state of continuing in the same condition, capacity, or place: the mayor's continuation in office.
2. An extension by which something is carried to a further point: The sequel was a continuation of the story that had been established in the first book of the series.

The "dikshunarry" is your friend.

You are the poster boy for the Dunning-Kruger effect.

You are so fucking stupid that you are incapable of comprehending how stupid it is to present such ridiculous circular reasoning.

You're an idiot.
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.

No one is censoring anti mask disinformation. The facts on masks are too numerous to counter but anti maskers refuse to watch and then they demand that ppl prove to them that face masks work :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Alleging that mask work, and then backing the allegations with propaganda does not make me feel confident. I specified the most important thing that I would need to see in order to feel protected, I specified the most important thing right there in the opening post. When you evade what I specified to be the most important thing that would make me want to wear a mask, it makes me not trust mask propaganda and culture. You completely failed to demonstrate that you read and understood the opening post and title of the thread, and are instead trying to impose your agenda instead of selling it.
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.

The fact is more than 90% of Americans, including republicans BTW, wear masks when the go out in public. Another fact is masks didn't stop the winter spike in cases. That's reality.

That's because they ignored all the warnings and got together for Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years anyway.
No, from the super spreader riots over the last year.
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.

The fact is more than 90% of Americans, including republicans BTW, wear masks when the go out in public. Another fact is masks didn't stop the winter spike in cases. That's reality.

That's because they ignored all the warnings and got together for Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years anyway.

Yeah it was awful!




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If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.

The fact is more than 90% of Americans, including republicans BTW, wear masks when the go out in public. Another fact is masks didn't stop the winter spike in cases. That's reality.

New CDC Study Finds Majority of Those Infected with COVID ...
New CDC Study Finds Majority of Those Infected with COVID-19 ‘Always’ Wore Masks - California Globe
The study found 74.2% reported wearing masks "always" while 14.5% wore masks "often," or 85% almost always woremasks. It is difficult not to conclude that wearing non-surgical cloth face masks or face coverings does little to prevent contracting the coronavirus.
I never wear a mask unless it is absolutely required.

Here in Florida most establishments don't care one way or another.

If it is a Democrat controlled Moon Bat local government they may say something but for most of the state nobody cares.
Which is why Florida has more Covid infections than even NY
But fewer DEATHS------despite we having all the old people and all the New Yorkers Fleeing NEW YORK's lock downs not to mention the Puerto Ricas, Jaimicans and everyone else from the 3rd world fleeing here for treatment.

GEE why is Florida doing so much better than NEW YORK----
No one is censoring anti mask disinformation.
This is huge. The term "disinformation", when referring to conservative news reporting, is a big component in the cancel culture censorship campaign. Putting together a sentence that combines "no one is censoring" and "disinformation" creates an oxymoron.
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I never wear a mask unless it is absolutely required.

Here in Florida most establishments don't care one way or another.

If it is a Democrat controlled Moon Bat local government they may say something but for most of the state nobody cares.
Which is why Florida has more Covid infections than even NY
But fewer DEATHS------despite we having all the old people and all the New Yorkers Fleeing NEW YORK's lock downs not to mention the Puerto Ricas, Jaimicans and everyone else from the 3rd world fleeing here for treatment.

GEE why is Florida doing so much better than NEW YORK----
Florida is not doing better than New York, even with a smaller population.

But fewer DEATHS------despite we having all the old people and all the New Yorkers Fleeing NEW YORK's lock downs not to mention the Puerto Ricas, Jaimicans and everyone else from the 3rd world fleeing here for treatment.
Florida has 30,000 deaths. Every state has lower deaths per capita than NY and NJ because we understand treatment better.

Florida has not only been a disaster for itself but for the rest of the country when idiots went there and then back home to spread the virus
If lefties really want righties to wear masks, all that needs to happen is lefties just tell the truth if mask culture really is the truth. Instead of censoring all anti-mask information, just leave it alone and show why the anti mask information or articles are flawed. Transparency. The most important thing that I would need to see if I were to start wearing a mask is a reasonable explanation of how exactly masks stop a virus or droplet from passing through holes that are 1000 times larger. Show me how on earth this happens, and I'll wear a mask.

The fact is more than 90% of Americans, including republicans BTW, wear masks when the go out in public. Another fact is masks didn't stop the winter spike in cases. That's reality.

New CDC Study Finds Majority of Those Infected with COVID ...
New CDC Study Finds Majority of Those Infected with COVID-19 ‘Always’ Wore Masks - California Globe
The study found 74.2% reported wearing masks "always" while 14.5% wore masks "often," or 85% almost always woremasks. It is difficult not to conclude that wearing non-surgical cloth face masks or face coverings does little to prevent contracting the coronavirus.
Those people "claimed" to always wear masks but when actually questioned they did NOT. In fact most of them engaged in indoor dining without masks...which has been identified as a major cause of covid spread

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