How to get a good paying job these days.......


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I say the best way is to change your name to Hunter Biden, or change your name to one of the other Congressional members sons our daughters and have plastic surgery to look like them. Then send your application abroad to the Ukraine and China for million dollar jobs.

I know, I know, the politicians will deny it is really their son or daughter. So think for a minute. Just tell those politicians like Joe Biden that his son was a cheap skate giving him only 10% off the top. I'll give him 20% and might even consider 30%.
I say the best way is to change your name to Hunter Biden, or change your name to one of the other Congressional members sons our daughters and have plastic surgery to look like them. Then send your application abroad to the Ukraine and China for million dollar jobs.

I know, I know, the politicians will deny it is really their son or daughter. So think for a minute. Just tell those politicians like Joe Biden that his son was a cheap skate giving him only 10% off the top. I'll give him 20% and might even consider 30%.
Says the cultist who is ok with jarod, din jr and Ivanka.


and it’s “well-paying”
1). Always be on the watch for a higher paying job
2). Be ready and willing to walk off of a job when need be. Give little notice you don't owe your employer anything more than a head nod and an honest days work. Do NOT be loyal. They are not loyal to you. It works both ways.
I taught my kids these rules and it has served them amazingly well. Employers are not in the business of keeping even their best employees.
How to get a good paying job these days.......

Get sent to prison for two years. Prisons have great training services to get you ready to enter the free enterprise system.

You can learn how to be a great—

Heavy machine operator
Mechanic cars/trucks/airplanes/motorcycles


But you have to want to learn
I taught my kids these rules and it has served them amazingly well. Employers are not in the business of keeping even their best employees.
I'm laughing at your post

lol :)-
Find a way to stick it to your's exhilarating.

This ^^^^^ kind of greasy scumbag thinking reveals a true lack of character. Such a person is unworthy of being a family member, a friend, or even a casual acquaintance. Never trust such a hollow, pretend-person ^^^^ with so much as a plug nickel.
I've had the pleasure, the thrill, of walking off of no less than 3 jobs during my lifetime. I gave no notice, nothing. the last one I skipped out on a meeting and went fishing. Besides my kids being born the 3 best days in my life. I had always secured a better job first though. But you want to talk about a feeling of elation omg.
I say the best way is to change your name to Hunter Biden, or change your name to one of the other Congressional members sons our daughters and have plastic surgery to look like them. Then send your application abroad to the Ukraine and China for million dollar jobs.

I know, I know, the politicians will deny it is really their son or daughter. So think for a minute. Just tell those politicians like Joe Biden that his son was a cheap skate giving him only 10% off the top. I'll give him 20% and might even consider 30%.

Or Trump. Honestly, why are we shocked that children born to people of power get special favors? It isn't like Biden is the first child to benefit from his parent's position of power.
That's easy OP, alls you gotta do is, pretend to be a defector from the Democratic "Plantation" and spew non-stop disparaging and/or insulting things about that party and their views, and the GOP Establishment will pay you handsomely. The job description is "grifter."
I've had the pleasure, the thrill, of walking off of no less than 3 jobs during my lifetime. I gave no notice, nothing. the last one I skipped out on a meeting and went fishing. Besides my kids being born the 3 best days in my life. I had always secured a better job first though. But you want to talk about a feeling of elation omg.

No honor, no character - an empty, untrustworthy punk attitude ^^^^^.
One doesn't owe his or her employer honor, character, or anything else other than to accoplish what is asked. Not an ounce, a smidgeon more, or less. This IS how to survive in america.
One doesn't owe his or her employer honor, character, or anything else other than to accoplish what is asked. Not an ounce, a smidgeon more, or less. This IS how to survive in america.

And yet the left routinely claim the employer owes the workers something beyond their paycheck.
Some low-lifes want to tell themselves they are 'saving' honor and character for the right time. A ridiculous farce. Such reprobates never have it to begin with. They delude themselves that they can just find it inside their empty shells when they want to, despite never exhibiting any in their worthless lives.
Yep..someone will indeed include what a great worker you were on your gravestone.

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