How to Fix the America!


Apr 22, 2007
(1) Enact the Fair Tax:
How much of an advantage to US corporations and small businesses would a tax friendly corporate system be? IMMENSELY! How about no corporate tax, no income tax, no capital gains tax and no payroll tax! If our tax system works for our corporations, combine this with lower shipping costs and cost saving of being local, this would offset our disadvantage of competing against slave wages of China and the 3rd world. Make exceptions to: Buying real estate, contributions to retirement funds, purchasing vehicles, medical treatment and higher education tuition (some can be lowered, such as cars and property, and some can be waived retirement contributions, medical treatment and tuition)

(2) Make Federal and State Worker Pension Plans ILLEGAL:

In most states a gigantic part (more than HALF in most cases) of the budget is reserved for Government Worker and Teacher Pensions! THIS IS ROBBERY! I don't work for the government, so there is no reason I should have to pay for someone else retirement twice! Private business has done away with the flawed pension system (You know the elephant in the room that sunk GM and Chrysler) , so should/MUST government!

(3) Take health insurance coverage away from business:

Not saying we need to go UHC, rather we need to not have businesses pick the health plans from their workers. First, this puts our corporations at a huge disadvantage in the global market. Second, it puts our small businesses at a huge disadvantage to large businesses. Third, it makes it extremely expensive for the unemployed and self-employed. Fourth, company plans do what’s best for them and rarely allow a family to gear a plan that works best for them. Fifth, it restricts the employee's freedom of choice and competition.

(4) Get off of foreign oil:
This contributes greatly to the trade deficit! Get Draconian a little bit. Raise fuel standard. Promote the electric car and give incentives. And for god sake drill domestically. I hope the Volt, Tesla Model S, Honda and Toyota electric cars start a rapid trend of full electric cars come 2010!

(5) Kill the Environmentalist Fallacy Scare of Global Warming:

Yep I have come skeptical! We can't let environmentalist keep pushing a what-if scenario to greatly hurt our economy. Not to say we should push more for natural gas, wind, hydro, solar and clean coal! However, cap and trade right now, might be the straw that breaks the camel's back! Even environmentalist admit its going to be a big blow to the economy!

(6) Federally Regulate State Property Tax System:
I have a $300K house and pay $6,500 in taxes (That is 2.2%). And mine is low percentage-wise. I have heard horror stories of 3-5%! My parents purchased a summer home in Mexico for $300K, they pay $125 a YEAR. I say make a mandate that property taxes may NEVER exceed 1.5% (but of course it can be under) of the property value. Allow for a more home-owner friendly contesting system. Model Cook Counties!

(7) Renegotiate NAFTA and CAFTA and get out of the WTO.
NAFTA and CAFTA work against us! Ron Paul is 1000% right here. Either make these trade agreements work for it or get out. Get out entirely from the WTO! This organization works against us on every decision! I say FUCK THEM! :eusa_angel:

(8) Fighting Illegal immigration:
It's costly on hospitals, entitlements (welfare), schooling, prisons, crime prevention etc. Not too mention, they take jobs Americans could work and lower wages in just about every industry they touch! Any sanction sanctuary cities. Meaning make a rating system on sanctuary status. The higher the ranking the less Federal funds the city receives, once they start getting real high, then the city starts getting fined!

(9) Use protective subsidies on raw material industries:
China has been a master at it. Farm products, steel, rubber fore-sure. Maybe just subsidizes all car manufacturers, whether its Ford, Honda or Chinese cars, who built their cars stateside and us at least 50% American made parts. Subsidies bring blow-backs, but not like tariffs do. Automobile are the backbone of US manufacturing, no one should forget it!

(10) Take Power Away From Unions:
Unions still have their place, but the power they received has killed industries and have drove manufacturing jobs overseas faster than anything. The corruption, the illogical protection, the strong arm tactics, illogical demands have not only driven jobs overseas, but have made American Manufacturing less productive. Ever hear the cliche, why is that building taking so long to build, "oh because their Union Builders!" The cliche has some truth behind it!

(11) Restructure Social Security and Medicare:
Reflect that people live and work longer. I say raise it 10 years! Early retirement 70, regular retirement 75 and late retirement 80 years! Allow the social security money to be invested to increase the value of it and hedge of deflation. The biggest injustice on SS is that its not invested to grow!

(12) Truly FIGHT Spending, Entitlements and Pork:
I love Ron Paul's earmark idea. That every last dollar in a bill needs to be earmarked and stated exactly where it going, to who and any personal ties of the politician to the receiptents! Welfare and other entitlements should be reduced dramatically. Lastly start cutting with a butcher knife the vast amount of government agencies that do dick!

(13) Review, Revise and DRAMATICALLY REDUCE the mass amount of Regulations on business (the exception in the banking industry, they need increased regulation):
We regulate the shit out of our corporations and small businesses! Why because we want to make sure we hit one "negative" aspect, so we make the regulation SO board it covers dozens upon dozens of unintended positive aspects! Again here the US disadvantaged on the global scene!

(14) Promote education! Based in intelligence and behavior!
And educated work force competes globally. America is very quickly slipping behind in the global environment! It shouldn't start in college it should start when they are nearly out of the womb. The hell with the PC of treating all children the same, when they turn into adults they will find out quickly (as all of us have) that the world treats us based on the merits of your intelligence, drive, personality, looks, friendships and achievements.

First, No more free education to illegals. Look at CA free education and healthcare has sunk them.
Second, Have schools sectioned off by intelligence and valid scoring system. Give teachers and schools more power to take actions against disruptive students. Teachers and schools should have more power to remove students that are disruptive to children that want to learn. School should be a year round affair. Promote math and science more, giving more credits to this classes as incentive. Teach business in school including introduction to the stock market and world economy. Education is where it starts.

Here is how my system works. All children go to general schools starting form 4-8, during this time each child in evaluated while in the class room by specialist. At age 6 the children are split into 6 schools. 1st one is for the genius regardless of behavioral problem (unless the child is too disruptive - probably very rare). 2nd is for smart, but not genius level with low behavior problems. The 3rd is well the not so smart, but low behavior problems. The 4th is good intelligence but behavior problems and the 5th is the no so smart and behavior problems. The sixth is for extreme behavior problems and they get sent to an overnight, round the clock boot camp type school. Discipline is the primary object! Obviously there would be multiple schools for each level strategically placed throughout the State. No more state and county funds going to the school district. The school system would be administered statewide, including the funds. Each school would be geared towards the child. Obviously the geniuses would have more math, science etc. And the low intelligence behavior problem would be gear more towards labor and other jobs and have a more military type approach. From 6-8 they are still evaluated and could move either up or down. Then after that they could still move up or down, just not as easily. This would take a whole thread, so I will stop here.

(15) Curtail subsidies foreign owned companies receive from our State Governments.
This is not to say we should discourage foreign companies for investing America or American businesses, rather they shouldn't be giving competitive advantages over domestic investors

(16) End the Counter-productive Drug War:
I am going on record to say it unwinable and in the 80 years we have been fighting it we have seen little effect on stopping it. Decriminalize all drugs but Meth (since that is a huge danger to where its made)! Allow it to be grow stateside and REQUIRE it to be processed stateside. Require age limits. Tax the shit out if it like cigarettes! Invest HEAVILY in addiction treatment. Imagine all the tax dollars that can be spend other places. Not to mention the positive effects on taking the money makers away from the drug cartels that cripple Latin America, specifically Colombia and Mexico!
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(17) Change Congress Terms:
(a) Set a 2 term, term limit:
Get rid if these career politicians who eventually lose touch with the people and business environment and eventually cater to special interest. In effect start doing what they think is popular and will garner votes, rather than what they think is best for the country!
(b) Change House Representative Term Length from 2 yrs to 6 yrs:
WHY? Because all House of Representative do is run for reelection. They have no time to do their jobs and run the country!
I find it interesting that people are so good at saying what is wrong with the American Economy, but rarely do I see people making concrete suggestion!

I find it very very interesting!

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