How To Beat Mitch McConnell Even If We Don't Win Back The Senate


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
But what if the Democrats don’t win both Senate seats in Georgia? McConnell retains control of his chamber, and blocks all legislation and all nominees, leading to at least two years of solid obstruction. Game over, right?


After 8 years of rubber stamping George W. Bush, 8 years of obstructing everything Obama tried to accomplish, followed by 4 years of rubber stamping Trump, there are no norms, or values, or sense of decency. The Republicans, and their dark money donors, have abused every rule and norm for their own gain.

Since Republicans packed the courts with what they describe as "originalists", lets see how they react when those "originalist. textualists" words of the Constitution, are literally shoved up their asses.
But what if the Democrats don’t win both Senate seats in Georgia? McConnell retains control of his chamber, and blocks all legislation and all nominees, leading to at least two years of solid obstruction. Game over, right?


After 8 years of rubber stamping George W. Bush, 8 years of obstructing everything Obama tried to accomplish, followed by 4 years of rubber stamping Trump, there are no norms, or values, or sense of decency. The Republicans, and their dark money donors, have abused every rule and norm for their own gain.

Since Republicans packed the courts with what they describe as "originalists", lets see how they react when those "originalist. textualists" words of the Constitution, are literally shoved up their asses.

Poor skewsy

" He can extend the enrollment period"

It never changed, it is the same now as when Bambi started it.

" increase advertisement spending"

Use Tax dollars to advertise?

" and repeal the IRS rule that workers must accept a health care plan from their employer, no matter how bad, if one is offered. "

No such "rule" exists.

" Biden can also help states create their own plans—something Trump was not at all interested in"

The States are free to do this now as long as they maintain the 10 minimum coverages.
But what if the Democrats don’t win both Senate seats in Georgia? McConnell retains control of his chamber, and blocks all legislation and all nominees, leading to at least two years of solid obstruction. Game over, right?


After 8 years of rubber stamping George W. Bush, 8 years of obstructing everything Obama tried to accomplish, followed by 4 years of rubber stamping Trump, there are no norms, or values, or sense of decency. The Republicans, and their dark money donors, have abused every rule and norm for their own gain.

Since Republicans packed the courts with what they describe as "originalists", lets see how they react when those "originalist. textualists" words of the Constitution, are literally shoved up their asses.

The piece is hysterically funny. You would be wise to read articles written by someone who knows something of the Constitution, instead of the guesswork roughage offered by Kos and the like.
But what if the Democrats don’t win both Senate seats in Georgia? McConnell retains control of his chamber, and blocks all legislation and all nominees, leading to at least two years of solid obstruction. Game over, right?


After 8 years of rubber stamping George W. Bush, 8 years of obstructing everything Obama tried to accomplish, followed by 4 years of rubber stamping Trump, there are no norms, or values, or sense of decency. The Republicans, and their dark money donors, have abused every rule and norm for their own gain.

Since Republicans packed the courts with what they describe as "originalists", lets see how they react when those "originalist. textualists" words of the Constitution, are literally shoved up their asses.

The piece is hysterically funny. You would be wise to read articles written by someone who knows something of the Constitution, instead of the guesswork roughage offered by Kos and the like.

I did. Article 1 Section 3. Article 2. Supreme Court decisions backing Trump on his "Unilateral Powers".

What some fuckwit on the right thinks is irrelevant.
But what if the Democrats don’t win both Senate seats in Georgia? McConnell retains control of his chamber, and blocks all legislation and all nominees, leading to at least two years of solid obstruction. Game over, right?


After 8 years of rubber stamping George W. Bush, 8 years of obstructing everything Obama tried to accomplish, followed by 4 years of rubber stamping Trump, there are no norms, or values, or sense of decency. The Republicans, and their dark money donors, have abused every rule and norm for their own gain.

Since Republicans packed the courts with what they describe as "originalists", lets see how they react when those "originalist. textualists" words of the Constitution, are literally shoved up their asses.

The piece is hysterically funny. You would be wise to read articles written by someone who knows something of the Constitution, instead of the guesswork roughage offered by Kos and the like.

I did. Article 1 Section 3. Article 2. Supreme Court decisions backing Trump on his "Unilateral Powers".

What some fuckwit on the right thinks is irrelevant.

Fleeing from context will not save you. Try to grok.

The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

The Senate shall chuse their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States.
But what if the Democrats don’t win both Senate seats in Georgia? McConnell retains control of his chamber, and blocks all legislation and all nominees, leading to at least two years of solid obstruction. Game over, right?


After 8 years of rubber stamping George W. Bush, 8 years of obstructing everything Obama tried to accomplish, followed by 4 years of rubber stamping Trump, there are no norms, or values, or sense of decency. The Republicans, and their dark money donors, have abused every rule and norm for their own gain.

Since Republicans packed the courts with what they describe as "originalists", lets see how they react when those "originalist. textualists" words of the Constitution, are literally shoved up their asses.
Interesting. But imo Trump has forever changed EO. If building a wall is a national defense emergency, what about healthcare after we've seen China emerge a real econ threat? Student debt? Biden will be hesitent to do much change. And McConnell may compromise on taxes and funding for HC. But there's a new presidential "club" to be at least a viable threat to stonewalling.
But what if the Democrats don’t win both Senate seats in Georgia? McConnell retains control of his chamber, and blocks all legislation and all nominees, leading to at least two years of solid obstruction. Game over, right?


After 8 years of rubber stamping George W. Bush, 8 years of obstructing everything Obama tried to accomplish, followed by 4 years of rubber stamping Trump, there are no norms, or values, or sense of decency. The Republicans, and their dark money donors, have abused every rule and norm for their own gain.

Since Republicans packed the courts with what they describe as "originalists", lets see how they react when those "originalist. textualists" words of the Constitution, are literally shoved up their asses.

What are you going to do about Joe Manchin. He is already on record as saying he will not support any of that
shit, like ending the filibuster...packing the Supreme Court...adding states. Manchin is from West Virginia and he cannot vote
wildly or he loses his spot in the Senate. And because of that, he doesn't have to worry about the Dems trying to get
his seat. Manchin is the only dem that can win in WV
But what if the Democrats don’t win both Senate seats in Georgia? McConnell retains control of his chamber, and blocks all legislation and all nominees, leading to at least two years of solid obstruction. Game over, right?


After 8 years of rubber stamping George W. Bush, 8 years of obstructing everything Obama tried to accomplish, followed by 4 years of rubber stamping Trump, there are no norms, or values, or sense of decency. The Republicans, and their dark money donors, have abused every rule and norm for their own gain.

Since Republicans packed the courts with what they describe as "originalists", lets see how they react when those "originalist. textualists" words of the Constitution, are literally shoved up their asses.

The piece is hysterically funny. You would be wise to read articles written by someone who knows something of the Constitution, instead of the guesswork roughage offered by Kos and the like.
Yes, FOX Noise is the main source of the RWNJs' knowledge of constitutional law, virulent diseases, economics, foreign and domestic policy, etc. There are few subjects that FOX Noise hasn't taught the RWNJs everything they know.

There won't be any Biden Administration, he's got a meeting with a Military Tribunal.
But what if the Democrats don’t win both Senate seats in Georgia? McConnell retains control of his chamber, and blocks all legislation and all nominees, leading to at least two years of solid obstruction. Game over, right?


After 8 years of rubber stamping George W. Bush, 8 years of obstructing everything Obama tried to accomplish, followed by 4 years of rubber stamping Trump, there are no norms, or values, or sense of decency. The Republicans, and their dark money donors, have abused every rule and norm for their own gain.

Since Republicans packed the courts with what they describe as "originalists", lets see how they react when those "originalist. textualists" words of the Constitution, are literally shoved up their asses.
You don't have a clue what "packing" the courts refers you, Skews? It's been tried FDR!
But what if the Democrats don’t win both Senate seats in Georgia? McConnell retains control of his chamber, and blocks all legislation and all nominees, leading to at least two years of solid obstruction. Game over, right?


After 8 years of rubber stamping George W. Bush, 8 years of obstructing everything Obama tried to accomplish, followed by 4 years of rubber stamping Trump, there are no norms, or values, or sense of decency. The Republicans, and their dark money donors, have abused every rule and norm for their own gain.

Since Republicans packed the courts with what they describe as "originalists", lets see how they react when those "originalist. textualists" words of the Constitution, are literally shoved up their asses.
Let me tell you exactly how it will go if Joe Biden DOES become President, Skews? Right now, Joe is secretly praying that the Democrats DON'T take control of the Senate because he knows damn well that all of the things that he's promised people in order to get elected he doesn't have a prayer of delivering on! If the GOP controls the Senate he can blame things not getting done on them...which is exactly what he wants to do!
But what if the Democrats don’t win both Senate seats in Georgia? McConnell retains control of his chamber, and blocks all legislation and all nominees, leading to at least two years of solid obstruction. Game over, right?


After 8 years of rubber stamping George W. Bush, 8 years of obstructing everything Obama tried to accomplish, followed by 4 years of rubber stamping Trump, there are no norms, or values, or sense of decency. The Republicans, and their dark money donors, have abused every rule and norm for their own gain.

Since Republicans packed the courts with what they describe as "originalists", lets see how they react when those "originalist. textualists" words of the Constitution, are literally shoved up their asses.
You don't have a clue what "packing" the courts refers you, Skews? It's been tried FDR!

It has been done by Moscow Mitch and his band of bitches.
But what if the Democrats don’t win both Senate seats in Georgia? McConnell retains control of his chamber, and blocks all legislation and all nominees, leading to at least two years of solid obstruction. Game over, right?


After 8 years of rubber stamping George W. Bush, 8 years of obstructing everything Obama tried to accomplish, followed by 4 years of rubber stamping Trump, there are no norms, or values, or sense of decency. The Republicans, and their dark money donors, have abused every rule and norm for their own gain.

Since Republicans packed the courts with what they describe as "originalists", lets see how they react when those "originalist. textualists" words of the Constitution, are literally shoved up their asses.
Are you fucking kidding?!
But what if the Democrats don’t win both Senate seats in Georgia? McConnell retains control of his chamber, and blocks all legislation and all nominees, leading to at least two years of solid obstruction. Game over, right?


After 8 years of rubber stamping George W. Bush, 8 years of obstructing everything Obama tried to accomplish, followed by 4 years of rubber stamping Trump, there are no norms, or values, or sense of decency. The Republicans, and their dark money donors, have abused every rule and norm for their own gain.

Since Republicans packed the courts with what they describe as "originalists", lets see how they react when those "originalist. textualists" words of the Constitution, are literally shoved up their asses.

It's a good idea but democrats don't have the spine to do any of that.

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