How to Avoid the 2 Biggest Killers in the Western World

How to Avoid the 2 Biggest Killers in the Western World​


Aside from shoving them feet first into a woodchipper machine.............I don't see how anybody on this planet can avoid them.
Short answer, "God Food" -- the food your Creator ing intended for you. There is a heavy price for ignoring the Science. Every culture that follows these principles live longer, healthier lives

Various studies say no, a vegan diet gives you no benefit. Coronary Artery Disease is based on your genetics. You can eat like a rabbit, and if you have the killer gene, you will die, the same as anyone else. The one thing that DOES improve outcomes for those with that gene is living a very active life. The more active, the better. Hard core sports is the best. Build up secondary capillaries around the heart and you might survive long enough to get to a hospital.

I consider myself healthy .....I eat fresh vegetables and fruit , chicken, fish, seafood.....the only thing I don't eat is red meat, but apart from that I do eat healthy and I cook most of the meals myself so I know exactly what's in it.

Oh....and one more thing, like said above, no poison jab for me, NEVER! ;)
Various studies say no, a vegan diet gives you no benefit. Coronary Artery Disease is based on your genetics. You can eat like a rabbit, and if you have the killer gene, you will die, the same as anyone else. The one thing that DOES improve outcomes for those with that gene is living a very active life. The more active, the better. Hard core sports is the best. Build up secondary capillaries around the heart and you might survive long enough to get to a hospital.

My grandmother smoked at age 14 didnt give them up till her 80s and drank a lot. She lived to be 102.
Short answer, "God Food" -- the food your Creator ing intended for you. There is a heavy price for ignoring the Science. Every culture that follows these principles live longer, healthier lives

This is God Food here in SW Wisconsin. I've gotten up every morning, drove three miles up the road, and had these for breakfast every morning for the last four years: A 4" sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit slathered with Tabasco sauce and ranch dressing, and washed down with a Monster energy drink. I call them "crack sammiches" because they're so addictive.


I KNOW less than 1 in 50 will actually spend the time to listen to the man in the OP. The rest will post their witty comebacks without honest discussion. This thread is for those looking to restore their health to what God intended for us. The arguers can go pound sand. You can't be helped until you're told you have cancer or heart disease. I wish you well
This is God Food here in SW Wisconsin. I've gotten up every morning, drove three miles up the road, and had these for breakfast every morning for the last four years: A 4" sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit slathered with Tabasco sauce and ranch dressing, and washed down with a Monster energy drink. I call them "crack sammiches" because they're so addictive.

Everything goes good with some HOT SAUCE. :FIREdevil:
This thread is for those looking to restore their health to what God intended for us.

OK, you want some HONEST discussion? You really want to restore your heath through right eating?

Then go buy and read THIS book:

See the source image

It was written in the 1920s but has been in continuous print for ages and you can still find and buy used copies of it on Amazon and elsewhere. This is THE book on diet and health.

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