How the rich get richer

They can no longer afford to even think of giving you a raise, because guess what? Thats right their taxes have gone up too, along with their responsiblity for offering healthcare in a system that does not allow true competition, especially now that the Fed has gotten involved and severly taken away a level playing field.

Nope, I would say for an American company, gotta coddle those "shareholders". Thus, the employee's salary and benefits go bye bye to keep those profits up. That and to keep and the CEO/executives paid. I work for a Japanese company, and they're much more humane. The highest paid executive makes no more than 70x the lowest worker and the benefits are great.

The Fed needs to get involved after the lovely hijinks perpetrated by Wall Street and mortgages lenders due to deregulation. Seriously.

The government will always favor corporations and the rich because they have the ability to make big campaign contributions (as well as give better 'tips' - using the term as in the movie "Born Yesterday" with Melanie Griffith)

However, even without government aid, the rich will tend to get richer because they can live on less of their total income, allowing them to invest the excess and gain even greater wealth. When great wealth is coupled with complete lack of morals, then problems tend to arise, and that is occurring in the US today. Inherited wealth is perhaps the greatest corrupter and the ability of the very rich to effectively sidestep inheritance taxes propagates more inequity.
If the country does well, the pie itself increases, and everyone can get a bigger piece.

Bullshit. Doesn't work that way. The rich get richer because they are parasites on the lower classes. They use their labor and talent to become wealthy but do not adequately compensate those people for their hard work and talent. How else do you explain the 400x gap in what executives vs. front line employees make? The pie is only increasing for those who can buy legislation to funnel even more money their way. The middle class is SHRINKING, not growing. The rich have their tax cuts and loopholes and corporate welfare... so WHY is the middle class shrinking? Why is poverty increasing? Why is the income gap larger than right before the great depression? Hmm??? Trickle down doesn't work. Never has and never will. Why do you think it is considered "voodoo economics"? Trickle up DOES work. Look at the age of prosperity after WWII until the 70's when wages started to stagnate...
:cuckoo:Where do you get this 400x number?

A lot of business owners struggle financially too. I am lucky that I am not in that situation.

Unless you yourself benefit, it will not help you one iota to pull other people down.

I guess trickle up does work. It does bring people down.

The reason there is such high unemployment is because businesses are struggelling. If a business fails, all those employees lose their jobs. As it is 50% of businesses fail.

The said part is that you want them to fail. Don't you realize what happens to all those employees if a business fails, or if a business can't meet it's payroll?

Do you truely think it benefits you to make businesses suffer?
And you think the Fed's have nothing to do with this? You say you may have $40 a month to save now, kiss that goodbye, once the dreaded Bush tax cuts end this year guess what happens, your taxes go up 5%. Oh and then Obamanismcare goes into effect and your taxes go up again.Now you can't even afford the place you live in, so you look to the Fed's for a subsidy. They decide to grant you one because you are considered low income and need the help. Guess what happens now? You are now in the welfare system of the Federal Government of the United States. And not only are you there becuase you haven't got the money to get off of it, but so does the company you work for. They can no longer afford to even think of giving you a raise, because guess what? Thats right their taxes have gone up too, along with their responsiblity for offering healthcare in a system that does not allow true competition, especially now that the Fed has gotten involved and severly taken away a level playing field.

Are you ok with that? Or would you at least like to have the ability to try and pursue something a little more lucrative in the long run? I.E. Reduced tax's ????
Don't forget that Obama is also floating the VAT tax, the internet tax, and new gas taxes.

That should really help Peeper save more money too...
Bullshit. Doesn't work that way. The rich get richer because they are parasites on the lower classes. They use their labor and talent to become wealthy but do not adequately compensate those people for their hard work and talent. How else do you explain the 400x gap in what executives vs. front line employees make? The pie is only increasing for those who can buy legislation to funnel even more money their way. The middle class is SHRINKING, not growing. The rich have their tax cuts and loopholes and corporate welfare... so WHY is the middle class shrinking? Why is poverty increasing? Why is the income gap larger than right before the great depression? Hmm??? Trickle down doesn't work. Never has and never will. Why do you think it is considered "voodoo economics"? Trickle up DOES work. Look at the age of prosperity after WWII until the 70's when wages started to stagnate...

Class warfare nonsense.

The biggest erosion in the standard of living for the middle class is the huge increase in taxes they pay as a percent of income. This amount has doubled since the 1950s from 18% to 38% in 1998.

The Tax Foundation - The Tax Burden of the Median American Family
There is no doubt a huge income gap growing in this country, and its because the Fed's have created the New Middle Class by employing and overpaying many who work for them.Don't belive me, go read the ariticle

You just HATE IT when working people get paid, don't you?
Much of "working" for the government is just transfer payments from people who actually produce something to people on the government payroll.

Some government employees do provide services (military, fireman, police, etc.) - but a vast many are just make work jobs that suck oxygen from the private sector.

If one person makes a tire, and has to give half of his pay to a government employee, the result is not two tires.
There is no doubt a huge income gap growing in this country, and its because the Fed's have created the New Middle Class by employing and overpaying many who work for them.Don't belive me, go read the ariticle

You just HATE IT when working people get paid, don't you?

No. Actually I love it. It's the left that has the problems with people keeping their own money.
When someone works hard and achieves wealth sometimes his or her achievement comes at the expense of the interest of other people, it's unavoidable. The good thing about our economic system is that everyone has an opportunity to be a wealth earner.
Wealth is not a 0-sum gain, when I earn a thousand dollars I'm not taking it from a poor person. If you want to see real poverty than keep supporting the current economic path our country is on now. Opportunity should never be limited especially by government.

Read the links about tax loopholes and corporate welfare, those are things that are not earned, middle class and lower class people work just as hard and put in even more hours than the rich yet they are not getting richer, the rich put in less hours and get richer, the notion that everyone can somehow get rich and have the same opportunities to get rich just like the wealthy is pure individualistic lies and propaganda.

Corporate welfare? It seems to me that if I was employed by a corporation I would be happy to see that my government values the worth of the company I work for.
Corporations do a tremendous amount of good for our society and without them we would be in a world of hurt.
If a corporation gets a tax break or a "loop Hole" and can continue to create, employ, and innovate than that's a good thing for society and a worthy investment if you ask me. A far more worthy investment than extending unemployment compensation.
If you are talking about small corporation that exist in every town and city in this country, I agree. But if you speaking of the big multi-national, I totally disagree. These corporation could care less about this country. They operate on a global scale, building their products oversea taking advantage of the cheap labor and lack of government regulation. Many have sales larger than the GNP of many countries they operate in. Their size allows them to buy and sell government officials, control elections, and dictate national policy. NO, these are not the good guys. What's good for GE, Shell, or Exxon is not good for US.
The middle class is shrinking because of Government Obstructionism, We are even being displaces by Government workers who are now the new middle class. If You don't Produce, Manufacture, Develop, Distribute, Service, Sell, that get's pretty close to the definition of Parasite or obstructionist to me.

You're joking, right?

No You are. 401K huh? Maybe you should drop that and just put everything into Fannie and Freddie? You seem to complain about things already under heavy Government regulation??? Connect the dots, bro.
Much of "working" for the government is just transfer payments from people who actually produce something to people on the government payroll.

Some government employees do provide services (military, fireman, police, etc.) - but a vast many are just make work jobs that suck oxygen from the private sector.

If one person makes a tire, and has to give half of his pay to a government employee, the result is not two tires.

More likely half a tire.
Read the links about tax loopholes and corporate welfare, those are things that are not earned, middle class and lower class people work just as hard and put in even more hours than the rich yet they are not getting richer, the rich put in less hours and get richer, the notion that everyone can somehow get rich and have the same opportunities to get rich just like the wealthy is pure individualistic lies and propaganda.

Corporate welfare? It seems to me that if I was employed by a corporation I would be happy to see that my government values the worth of the company I work for.
Corporations do a tremendous amount of good for our society and without them we would be in a world of hurt.
If a corporation gets a tax break or a "loop Hole" and can continue to create, employ, and innovate than that's a good thing for society and a worthy investment if you ask me. A far more worthy investment than extending unemployment compensation.
If you are talking about small corporation that exist in every town and city in this country, I agree. But if you speaking of the big multi-national, I totally disagree. These corporation could care less about this country. They operate on a global scale, building their products oversea taking advantage of the cheap labor and lack of government regulation. Many have sales larger than the GNP of many countries they operate in. Their size allows them to buy and sell government officials, control elections, and dictate national policy. NO, these are not the good guys. What's good for GE, Shell, or Exxon is not good for US.

Why do you think they go overseas to take advantage of the government regulations?

There is a big cost in shipping too.
Much of "working" for the government is just transfer payments from people who actually produce something to people on the government payroll.

Some government employees do provide services (military, fireman, police, etc.) - but a vast many are just make work jobs that suck oxygen from the private sector.

If one person makes a tire, and has to give half of his pay to a government employee, the result is not two tires.

More likely half a tire.

And about as useful.
There is no doubt a huge income gap growing in this country, and its because the Fed's have created the New Middle Class by employing and overpaying many who work for them.Don't belive me, go read the ariticle

You just HATE IT when working people get paid, don't you?

Where did you get that? I work hard for my money, and therefor have a great appreciation for what I have been able to build over the years. I sacrificed a lot in my life to get where I am. Why in the hell would I want to give even more to the Gov't which is only there to secure my vote on election day by having me depend on them!

I don't depend on the Fed and I won't depend on the Fed. I can promise you that. I work hard, and my hard work has been rewarded by the same token!
Finally, someone making the rich pay the price

Goldman Sachs charged with fraud by SEC | Reuters

The rich stealing and ripping off those who earn far less than them because they're not content with the wealth they already have, they're just straight greedy, corrupt and evil, this is why more regulation is needed.

Not so sure more regulation is going to solve the problem. More oversight maybe, I don't know. I do know that Ken Lay didn't pay for his crime but Martha Stewart who was guilty of far less did pay for her crime.
I applaud the rich. However, if someone is doing something dishonest or unethical that is a different matter.
Finally, someone making the rich pay the price

Goldman Sachs charged with fraud by SEC | Reuters

The rich stealing and ripping off those who earn far less than them because they're not content with the wealth they already have, they're just straight greedy, corrupt and evil, this is why more regulation is needed.

Uh-huh...and would it interest you to know that they supported MANY politicians that brought this mess upon America? doesn't suit your purpose as a HACK.
Corporate welfare? It seems to me that if I was employed by a corporation I would be happy to see that my government values the worth of the company I work for.
Corporations do a tremendous amount of good for our society and without them we would be in a world of hurt.
If a corporation gets a tax break or a "loop Hole" and can continue to create, employ, and innovate than that's a good thing for society and a worthy investment if you ask me. A far more worthy investment than extending unemployment compensation.
If you are talking about small corporation that exist in every town and city in this country, I agree. But if you speaking of the big multi-national, I totally disagree. These corporation could care less about this country. They operate on a global scale, building their products oversea taking advantage of the cheap labor and lack of government regulation. Many have sales larger than the GNP of many countries they operate in. Their size allows them to buy and sell government officials, control elections, and dictate national policy. NO, these are not the good guys. What's good for GE, Shell, or Exxon is not good for US.

Why do you think they go overseas to take advantage of the government regulations?

There is a big cost in shipping too.

They go overseas for precisely the opposite. Government means to tax them out of existence. [This Government].