How Stupid do the Ds Think Their voters are?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
This is not a thread bashing D voters but rather about the contempt the DNC shows to their voters.

The inspiration for this thread is the thread about how the Ds in congress claim that a SALT deduction cap benefits the rich, who run up against the cap not the, at least relatively, poor who can't run out of the deduction.

Yet many D voters voted for Trump not because they liked him but simply because they were tired of being treated like mushrooms by the people they voted for.

And then there is the witch hunt. For those of you who haven't noticed the Rs are having a quiet little food fight over who gets to nail the special counsel's office. The combatants are the senate, house, DOJ IG and the administration.

This witch hunt based on perjured FISA warrants is going to get Trump impeached and make Pence president. If this goal could be reached it would give whole new meaning of jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. Pence would enforce the criminal penalties for sanctuary city, county and state officials who aid illegal immigration among other things. Do you think the Ds want to do jail time? If not then they are going to junk all of their campaign promises instantaneously, if elected. Then there is the not so little matter that the only ones the deep state can roll over on are:

members of congress,
Obama appointees
and currently unknown members of the deep state.

Yeah the Ds want Mueller to succeed about as much as they want a rock salt round to their private parts.

Does anyone believe that the Ds want to carry out their agenda?
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Don’t look at us......we didn’t vote for a birther reality TV Star
Uhm they don't think they are stupid they know they are and count on it....what they don't realize as demoquacks they are equally as stupid.

It's like a clown show where all the clowns are being led by clowns. But what would you expect from the likes of Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, Booker, etc? Seriously have you ever listened to those morons? They're as stupid as stumps
This is not a thread bashing D voters but rather about the contempt the DNC shows to their voters.

The inspiration for this thread is the thread about how the Ds in congress claim that a SALT deduction cap benefits the rich, who run up against the cap not the, at least relatively, poor who can't run out of the deduction.

Yet many D voters voted for Trump not because they liked him but simply because they were tired of being treated like mushrooms by the people they voted for.

And then there is the witch hunt. For those of you who haven't noticed the Rs are having a quiet little food fight over who gets to nail the special counsel's office. The combatants are the senate, house, DOJ IG and the administration.

This witch hunt based on perjured FISA warrants is going to get Trump impeached and make Pence president. If this goal could be reached it would give whole new meaning of jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. Pence would enforce the criminal penalties for sanctuary city, county and state officials who aid illegal immigration among other things. Do you think the Ds want to do jail time? If not then they are going to junk all of their campaign promises instantaneously, if elected. Then there is the not so little matter that the only ones the deep state can roll over on are:

members of congress,
Obama appointees
and currently unknown members of the deep state.

Yeah the Ds want Mueller to succeed about as much as they want a rock salt round to their private parts.

Does anyone believe that the Ds want to carry out their agenda?

Benghazi was a witch hunt .

Ain’t karma a bitch ? Tell me if this reminds you of anything : “LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!!”

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