How Serious Are The Jan 6 Committee Hearings?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California

Larry Elder



Rep. Gohmert: “Has any defendant involved in the Jan. 6 events been charged with ‘insurrection’?”
Atty Gen Garland: “I don’t believe so.”
Gohmert: “Well, that is the word most used by Democrats here on Capitol Hill about Jan. 6, but no one has been charged with it…” 10/21/21

Rep Gohmert represents a district in Texas.

The whole thing is a circus
How serious could it be? The FBI already said it was not an insurrection. It was a riot, one that was much less damaging to property and left that the leftist riots during the Summer of Love.
The 6 Jan Hearing Is a Partisan Political Theatrical Waste Of Tax Dollars

  • How Can you say that?
Biden's Open Border Crisis - NO COMMITTEE HEARING
- Biden's Immigration Czar stated Cartels and Coyotes Control the border, not the US
- Massive Humanitarian Crisis
- 1.8 Million illegals entered the US, largest # of illegals 1980s
- Violations of Constitution & Immigration Laws
- Largest drug, human, child, sex trafficking and COVID Super Spreader event in history

Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster - NO COMMITTEE HEARING
- Biden breaks promise and leaves Americans and Allies behind to the terrorists

Antifa/BLM Domestic Terrorism - NO COMMITTEE HEARING
- Looting, defacing, Burning, destroying, assaulting, murdering
- Attempting to burn local and federal officers alive
- BILLIONS in damage perpetrated in Democrat-run cities all over the US

Antifa/BLM Domestic Terrorist Attack At Church Next to WH - NO COMMITTEE HEARING
- Required local police, Capitol police, DHS, FBI, and Secret Service to stop
- 17 Secret Service members inured'
- Violence so bad US President taken to WH Bunker for protection


- Climate Terrorists attacked the Department of the Interior / Biden's Eco-Terrorist Head of the Dept of the Interior
- Several officers injured as they broke into the Govt Building

Here are just 5 major National Security-Impacting events, all of which should have been / should be investigated....yet the Democrats have had NO intention of investigating any of them.

WHY? Because they all involve Biden / Democrat failures and / or them supporting / aiding / abetting domestic terrorists.

An independent bipartisan committee already investigated 1/6, and in their report they:
- HAMMERED the Capitol Police for not having the training or equipment they needed
- Reported the Capitol Police did not have a way to communicate with local / state police or national guard
- Reported there were ZERO CP supervisors or leaders on-hand to give guidance / direction'
- Revealed that Trump's recommendation to have Natl Guard on-hand was ignored, that it was the DC Mayor, Pelosi, and both the House and Senate Sergeant At Arms made the decision not to have the Natl Guard on hand - The House Sgt-at-arms did not want them because of 'bad optics'.

A Federal Judge has already declared they are being charged with misdemeanors - NO charges of sedition or treason, so before Pelosi's bogus hearing intended to pain Conservatives and Trump Supporters as 'terrorists' began their false narrative / plan had already been debunked!
The outcome will need to be decided based on the political climate. America's system of justice has been intimidated to some extent already and will not act with full force if it's going to result in violence that can't be contained by police and/or the military without large loss of lives on both sides.
This will of course depend on Trump's fortunes and his ability to lead his lieutenants into taking violent action to uphold him as still being legitimate.

In a sense, America has already fallen victim to some degree, by a planned future fascist takeover of its democracy.

The political climate will provide one side or the other with the momentum it needs. The DOJ will do what is necessary to prevent the impending disaster.

Larry Elder

Rep. Gohmert: “Has any defendant involved in the Jan. 6 events been charged with ‘insurrection’?”
Atty Gen Garland: “I don’t believe so.”
Gohmert: “Well, that is the word most used by Democrats here on Capitol Hill about Jan. 6, but no one has been charged with it…” 10/21/21

Rep Gohmert represents a district in Texas.

The whole thing is a circus

On one hand the powers that currently be want to send a dire message and warning to the majority of Americans who did not vote for JB: "Fuck around the Capitol Building again and we'll fuck you up like you won't believe." On the other hand the message they're really sending is "We'll slap your wrist most vigorously." Seems like an open invitation to me. Or an intelligence test. I hope most of us are smart enough to pass it.
The outcome will need to be decided based on the political climate. America's system of justice has been intimidated to some extent already and will not act with full force if it's going to result in violence that can't be contained by police and/or the military without large loss of lives on both sides.
This will of course depend on Trump's fortunes and his ability to lead his lieutenants into taking violent action to uphold him as still being legitimate.

In a sense, America has already fallen victim to some degree, by a planned future fascist takeover of its democracy.

The political climate will provide one side or the other with the momentum it needs. The DOJ will do what is necessary to prevent the impending disaster.
This entire thing is to damage Trump politically. PERIOD.

Nothing else.

They are scared of him.

If they were not scared, they would move on.
I think they’re right to be scared. Trump was only thwarted by people committed to the fundamental values that have governed the nation The fact that he got as far as he did in disrupting that should scare every person who loves this country.

I’m talking about this kind of behavior:

Trump was using loyalists in the DoJ to find ways to overturn the election.
Of course it is. A Pelousy circus. The FBI already investigated 1/6 and found no signs of planned insurrection by anyone.

Its a waste of time and tax dollars. Something Pelousy is good at.
There was a planned protest that was infiltrated by the FBI. They planned an escalation. People were arrested to punish them and make an example of them. They are supposed to be tortured.

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