How Religious Freedom Became A Rightwing Assault On The Rule Of Law

So whiny faggot minorities are not allowed their own religious beliefs?

See, that's what I am talking about. The majority isn't allowed to define itself as it truly is, becasue people like you pretend that a group of people being honest about who they are, somehow prevents someone else standing near by, from having their own thoughts.

And thus the whiny faggot minorities set policy, while the majority are not allowed to even talk about who and what they are or how as the majority they represent the majority of the nation and thus define it.
Probably because you are not actually Christian
And why not?
See, that's what I am talking about. The majority isn't allowed to define itself as it truly is, becasue people like you pretend that a group of people being honest about who they are, somehow prevents someone else standing near by, from having their own thoughts.

And thus the whiny faggot minorities set policy, while the majority are not allowed to even talk about who and what they are or how as the majority they represent the majority of the nation and thus define it.
That was some impressive gobldygook
The attacks on religion, on faith, on values, is a religion in itself, even if it is not presented as such.

Nowhere, I think, is it more obvious than what is now happening in public schools, with the pushing of a sexually-depraved agenda promoting homosexuality and transsexuality. This is Satan's religion, disguised as secularity, directly attacking the basic moral standards upheld by every legitimate religion, and even by rational non-religious sources.

We haven't banned all religion from public schools; we've just banned God's religion, in order to make way for Satanism.
Can you site a specific school in the country with documented evidence that pushes homosexuality and trans people?
Exactly where did I say they couldn't? It's you commies that are demanding everyone else conforms to your perversions.

You lied that they were pushing it? Can you back up those claims?
No one has stopped you from practicing your religion.

No one has ever hindered me and I lived in Arabia for years and years. I'm Episcopalian. What's your problem exactly?
People like you are my problem and this country's problem in spades. Then wtf are you talking about? Do you even know?
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There is a well-funded powerful network of Christian nationalist organizations and judges that are working to weaponize the First Amendment, to turn the protection of religious freedom enjoyed by all of us into a weapon of Christian privilege for the few.

Requiring a Christian organization that’s contracted with a city government to provide tax-funded services to abide by that city’s public accommodations laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation does not ‘violate’ the religious liberty of that Christian organization.

‘Religious liberty’ is not a license to discriminate against citizens because of who they are; ‘religious liberty’ is not a license to violate a woman’s right to privacy.
Yet here we have any number of anti-Amercan posters here like you who hate freedom of speech, hate freedom of religion, indoctrinate children into your totalitarian ideology as soon as you can get your clutches on them, consider some human beings "non-essential" and demand lock-step conformity so much that you seek to cancel any who do not submit.
What exactly is trying to get you to submit too? Specifically?
Good example.

Marriage has for centuries been about forming producitve family units so that children could be cared for and property inherited.

Gay couples, since they don't produce children, were not part of that. Naturally.

Also naturally as we as a society, became more tolerant of the gays, it would have been natural to have a discussion about expanding the institution or copying it, to include gays.

Instead, you people changed the meaning of the word and pretended that anyone that didn't immeditately agree with you,, were horrible bigots so that you would have an excuse to be offended and get hysterical. This was all fake of course.

The idea that not being for that expansion was religious based or an oppression is... nonsense.
Couldn't you form a family unit with several or multiple wives? Who invented marriage between one woman and one man?
There's also a saying that a woman needs a good slap now and then to keep her in line. Do you believe that too?
How do you know it isn't you who needs slapping you mysogynist pig?
Couldn't you form a family unit with several or multiple wives? Who invented marriage between one woman and one man?

In other places, long ago. Who invented normal marriage? Not sure, long before my time or my nations time. Sometime in old english common law maybe, if not before that even.

REgardless, point is, marriage meant one thing. INstead of having real conversation where the gay activists made their case, lefties played a game with word meaning and started playing lynch mob games.

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