How Pharma and Insurance Intend to Kill the Public Option

Well protection from me is going to cost you buddy.

And you say you want nothing, but then an emergency may happen and we will bail you out. Or if you have a heart attack, we'll send the ambulance for you whether you want it or not. You are not an island. .
Well genius I have no problem paying for those things if I want them, I just don't expect everybody else to pay for them, nor would I support legalized plunder to force anybody else to pay for them, you see the difference?

If you want to be by yourself, then move to the wilderness
Actually it's you collectivists that should move to the wilderness, since I'm not the one that's a threat to those around me, people that think like YOU are. After all You're the ones that like to use force on everybody else in society to make them comply with your wishes, I'm the one that disdains the use of force except in self defense.

And MOST Americans want and deserve much more than to be JUST LEFT ALONE.
Wow are you confused, most Americans have earned the right to be left alone and don't require or want a nanny state run by imbecilic collectivists to tell them how to dispose of their own property or how to live their lives. This is something that you folks who have issues with self reliance and voluntary cooperation will never understand.
People like you don't realize how much help they got to be where they are today.

Nope. Wrong. The country is better than any other precisely because its citizens have not been sitting on their asses waiting for government to fix things for them.
Well. with the possible exception of New Orleans!! :lol:
People like you don't realize how much help they got to be where they are today.

Nope. Wrong. The country is better than any other precisely because its citizens have not been sitting on their asses waiting for government to fix things for them.

You are right. Like, when we started unions or protested the viet nam war.

And this country is great because of its strong/huge middle class. Liberal policies created the middle class.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class
Well protection from me is going to cost you buddy.

And you say you want nothing, but then an emergency may happen and we will bail you out. Or if you have a heart attack, we'll send the ambulance for you whether you want it or not. You are not an island. .
Well genius I have no problem paying for those things if I want them, I just don't expect everybody else to pay for them, nor would I support legalized plunder to force anybody else to pay for them, you see the difference?

If you want to be by yourself, then move to the wilderness
Actually it's you collectivists that should move to the wilderness, since I'm not the one that's a threat to those around me, people that think like YOU are. After all You're the ones that like to use force on everybody else in society to make them comply with your wishes, I'm the one that disdains the use of force except in self defense.

And MOST Americans want and deserve much more than to be JUST LEFT ALONE.
Wow are you confused, most Americans have earned the right to be left alone and don't require or want a nanny state run by imbecilic collectivists to tell them how to dispose of their own property or how to live their lives. This is something that you folks who have issues with self reliance and voluntary cooperation will never understand.

Well if you put it that way.

And most people don't want to see their wages go down while the companies profits and CEO's pay go up.

Again, we are all in this together. God bless you and me for not needing government cheese. But that doesn't make me hate the people who do need it. And just because 2% of them are just lazy, that doesn't make me want to cut everyone off.

Do you buy home owners insurance? Why? Apply the same thoughts to why we are all in this together.
And most people don't want to see their wages go down while the companies profits and CEO's pay go up.
People have the freedom (so far) to work for somebody else, not buy XYZ companies products, or start their own business and work for themselves, they don't need the gub'ment (especially one that's bought and paid for by corporations) to intervene.

Again, we are all in this together. God bless you and me for not needing government cheese. But that doesn't make me hate the people who do need it. And just because 2% of them are just lazy, that doesn't make me want to cut everyone off.
You should have the freedom to "help" anyone you wish with your OWN resources what you don't have the right to do is determine how to utilize MY resources to service your WANTS.

Do you buy home owners insurance? Why? Apply the same thoughts to why we are all in this together.
What the heck does home owners insurance have to do with anything? We're not all in this together and won't be until you collectivists wake up and start respecting the rights and property of your fellow citizens and stop advocating the use of force to deprive us of them.
Isn't the GOP the party of the rich?

and the Democrats are not? is where you are brainwashed Bobo.....i can at least see that BOTH parties can give a rats ass about the rest of us....oh they will throw us a bone once in a while,maybe sometimes it will even have a little meat on it....but they both can give a rats ass about you and me....and right now the Democrats are going to do as little as possible,but yet make it look like they are doing every thing they can to "help us out" comes a bone with a little meat.....and the Dems. and Repub. leaders walk back into their chambers laughing and patting themselves on their backs knowing,that guys like Bobo just ate it up....
Isn't the GOP the party of the rich?

and the Democrats are not? is where you are brainwashed Bobo.....i can at least see that BOTH parties can give a rats ass about the rest of us....oh they will throw us a bone once in a while,maybe sometimes it will even have a little meat on it....but they both can give a rats ass about you and me....and right now the Democrats are going to do as little as possible,but yet make it look like they are doing every thing they can to "help us out" comes a bone with a little meat.....and the Dems. and Repub. leaders walk back into their chambers laughing and patting themselves on their backs knowing,that guys like Bobo just ate it up....


Where does Barack Obama fundraise when he REALLY needs an ace in the hole? A cash cow? A goose that lays a golden egg.

if you think health care is expensive now.....wait until its free....

First of all, healthcare isn't free no matter who is running it. From my viewpoint, my personal cost for healthcare right now is over $15,000 per year, if I could afford it that is. That doesn't include my kids; that's just for me. If I could afford it, by the time I reach 55, in ten years, my personal cost will increase to nearly $25,000 per year.

So are you telling me that if the government becomes involved in healthcare, my cost is going to be more than that?

im saying if the Feds have any say on HOW the plan is to work and what gets coverage and who gets coverage......then whatever some people are experiencing now will be nothing compared to what is coming down the line....if your not bald now will be....
if you think health care is expensive now.....wait until its free....

First of all, healthcare isn't free no matter who is running it. From my viewpoint, my personal cost for healthcare right now is over $15,000 per year, if I could afford it that is. That doesn't include my kids; that's just for me. If I could afford it, by the time I reach 55, in ten years, my personal cost will increase to nearly $25,000 per year.

So are you telling me that if the government becomes involved in healthcare, my cost is going to be more than that?

im saying if the Feds have any say on HOW the plan is to work and what gets coverage and who gets coverage......then whatever some people are experiencing now will be nothing compared to what is coming down the line....if your not bald now will be....

So if the Feds have a say, less people will be covered? People will be denied whenever they become sick and need coverage the most? That's a bit funny since that is the way the system currently works as per my situation. So, I would have to disagree with you there Harry. I can't see it getting worse than it is now.
Our current healthcare system is a disaster.

Every other Western democracy has a single payer system, and they pay HALF per capita what we pay for healthcare. Why? Because a single payer system is more efficient.

Eveyone in the world knows this except for the right wing idiots in America!
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Health care facilities closed, like car dealerships, in the name of cost cutting. Massive layoffs in the healthcare industry, like in the auto industry.

Taxes on healthcare benefits the government deems too "rich."

That is how the government will fix it.
Health care facilities closed, like car dealerships, in the name of cost cutting. Massive layoffs in the healthcare industry, like in the auto industry.

Taxes on healthcare benefits the government deems too "rich."

That is how the government will fix it.

The auto industry isn't in the public good, its a business. Its goal is to make money. Healthcares goal is to save lives. This is your problem, that you treat it like its a business. Its not.
Health care facilities closed, like car dealerships, in the name of cost cutting. Massive layoffs in the healthcare industry, like in the auto industry.

Taxes on healthcare benefits the government deems too "rich."

That is how the government will fix it.

The auto industry isn't in the public good, its a business. Its goal is to make money. Healthcares goal is to save lives. This is your problem, that you treat it like its a business. Its not.

The US government has command and control of the auto industry. It would have command and control of the healthcare industry. None of you drones will have any problem with the same type of cutbacks, which will happen. There will be no difference.

Or, there will be no cost savings, then what's the point? Providers will have to be eliminated.
Our current healthcare system is a disaster.

Every other Western democracy has a single payer system, and they pay HALF per capita what we pay for healthcare. Why? Because a single payer system is more efficient.

Eveyone in the world knows this except for the right wing idiots in America!

Chris are you not tired of saying the same dam thing every post?....just askin...
First of all, healthcare isn't free no matter who is running it. From my viewpoint, my personal cost for healthcare right now is over $15,000 per year, if I could afford it that is. That doesn't include my kids; that's just for me. If I could afford it, by the time I reach 55, in ten years, my personal cost will increase to nearly $25,000 per year.

So are you telling me that if the government becomes involved in healthcare, my cost is going to be more than that?

im saying if the Feds have any say on HOW the plan is to work and what gets coverage and who gets coverage......then whatever some people are experiencing now will be nothing compared to what is coming down the line....if your not bald now will be....

So if the Feds have a say, less people will be covered? People will be denied whenever they become sick and need coverage the most? That's a bit funny since that is the way the system currently works as per my situation. So, I would have to disagree with you there Harry. I can't see it getting worse than it is now.

double 0.....maybe im biased....i work for the Govt. and its funny how every time i hear about how things are done in other federal agencies its real similar....they fuck everything up.....there is a tendency to have way to many managers....too many managers mean that MANY of them have "jobs" that do nothing for the efficiency of the Co.,and these people are just creating NEEDLESS work trying to justify their i will say again....IF the federal Govt. is going to have ANY say in how this HC plan is going to be run.....your going to have an even more frustrating and less efficient system....if they let people who know what they are doing run it,and they stay out,then things should improve.....but so far in ALL the posts i have seen here,half say YES they will be sticking their nose in it and the others say NO they wont which is it?
Waiting lists for elective surgeries, elderly patients cut off from expensive medications.

We don't have those now at all with private healthcare.

with some yes....others no....i have Blue Shield and have never had to wait more than 2 weeks for anything.....they even gave my wife back 10 grand out of a 15 thousand dollar ins payment to them from another ins co.paying for my wifes injuries in an auto accident,which they did not have to do....because they said she suffered through all this and should be compensated (that was the limit by the way that that Ins.Co. was obligated to pay)....and then they did a $25,000 surgery on her thigh...yea they sound greedy.....
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