How Normal People Feel After the Election.

Bill Maher is a far left partisan. He's funny sometimes but not very often as he somehow thinks political commentary is funny.

I'd dare this mental defective to have Kari Lake on his show some night and try to blow smoke up her dress. He won't, because she'd hand him his balls and by the end of it, have half his audience sold on the facts..
I feel like I must be pre-paid for any special requests from politicians for my attention and commentary. Otherwise I am not available. Oh, and put it in writing too, I want a lawyer to look it over. See you in court.
I'd elevate that to CONSCIOUS people. People are just mostly resigned now to this being the world they live in now in Biden's Marxist America, seeing absolutely ZERO leadership coming from the GOP on, anything.

Ain't that the truth.
The GOP is totally worthless,which is why we need Trump to be elected again.
He's the only President thats willing to fight this BS. I'd like to trust Desantis but he's another establishment politician. I hope I'm wrong about him and I will admit based on the way he's run Florida that he's our best hope other than Trump.
Ain't that the truth. The GOP is totally worthless, which is why we need Trump to be elected again.

The GOP is beyond worthless--- Mitch's Turtle Brigade are the party of do-nothings actually ENABLING all of this. The Democrats and 75% of the GOP are really the Uniparty of globally-aligned socialists that has been deceiving the public for years, and MAGA is the alternative.

While MAGA is for honest, basic, straight-forward Americanism, the Uniparty sees people as corn, part of the crop they must bring to market as leaders of Earth's new World Government necessary to guide humanity with careful management to meet their ends--- just that they ain't telling you the Big Plan because, believe me, no one but them will like it.

We need an unmitigated fighter like Trump willing and financially able to take on the entire rotten onion head-on, but I've really hoped I would see the growth necessary, afforded by the four years of bad experience Trump has already been through in Washington to allow him to grow and adapt, but so far I'm not sure I've seen enough to convince me that a man who barely made it past all the opposition of 2016 and 2020 now soon 8/10ths of a decade older will be able to defeat what I expect to be far greater opposition now.

I keep reassessing my estimation of Trump's position with time and events, but frankly, let's see how this new Congress goes first, the GOP have a lot to prove, and Trump is a good year ahead of really getting into the 24 Presidential Season.

And we just had an election where lots of offices ain't even settled yet in a setting where I expect some of the races supposedly already called to still yet face a lot of challenges.

Too bad none of it is coming from the GOP in Washington.
The GOP is beyond worthless--- Mitch's Turtle Brigade are the party of do-nothings actually ENABLING all of this. The Democrats and 75% of the GOP are really the Uniparty of globally-aligned socialists that has been deceiving the public for years, and MAGA is the alternative.

While MAGA is for honest, basic, straight-forward Americanism, the Uniparty sees people as corn, part of the crop they must bring to market as leaders of Earth's new World Government necessary to guide humanity with careful management to meet their ends--- just that they ain't telling you the Big Plan because, believe me, no one but them will like it.

We need an unmitigated fighter like Trump willing and financially able to take on the entire rotten onion head-on, but I've really hoped I would see the growth necessary, afforded by the four years of bad experience Trump has already been through in Washington to allow him to grow and adapt, but so far I'm not sure I've seen enough to convince me that a man who barely made it past all the opposition of 2016 and 2020 now soon 8/10ths of a decade older will be able to defeat what I expect to be far greater opposition now.

I keep reassessing my estimation of Trump's position with time and events, but frankly, let's see how this new Congress goes first, the GOP have a lot to prove, and Trump is a good year ahead of really getting into the 24 Presidential Season.

And we just had an election where lots of offices ain't even settled yet in a setting where I expect some of the races supposedly already called to still yet face a lot of challenges.

Too bad none of it is coming from the GOP in Washington.

Exactly right.
Liberals seem to be unable to grasp the situation at hand. When you have a man like Trump that both sides are trying their damndest to stop that should set off some warning bells in anyone's head who's paying attention.
In the end the left will be just as big a victim as the right yet they refuse to see it.
They cant seem to see the big picture,they seem to think that the invasion of muslims in the UK and the south american invasion in the US is just a coincidence. It's far from it,it's obviously a concerted effort by globalist to break down the west to usher in the new world order. Just like global warming is intended to redistribute Americas and the UK's wealth.
Unless they wake the fuck up I dont give our country or the wests chances of surviving much longer.
I hate to say it but I'm glad the Wife and I wont be around to see that come to fruition.
Although I worry about my niece who's just entered college even though she's a conservative.

How Normal People Feel After the Election​

When I see one, I'll ask him/her.

Hell, I don't need to tell you how I and millions of Americans felt after the election, I'll let Bill do, as he nails it.

Lauren Boebert and the House of Representatives say, "Hey, BibleBoy! Check this out!".........................

Is there something normal about 2 Million illegals entering your borders in a year, nearly double digit inflation and $7 a gallon or whatever it is you pay for gas?

I don't know, it's almost as if Maher and the people he works for hate America or something...
Is there something normal about 2 Million illegals entering your borders in a year, nearly double digit inflation and $7 a gallon or whatever it is you pay for gas?

I don't know, it's almost as if Maher and the people he works for hate America or something...

That's how I feel about all these people who support the current electoral system. You moan and groan about what the other party does wrong, but you don't actually want to change the actual electoral system to get proper representatives.
Is there something normal about 2 Million illegals entering your borders in a year, nearly double digit inflation and $7 a gallon or whatever it is you pay for gas?

I don't know, it's almost as if Maher and the people he works for hate America or something...
It's more like you know nothing about this country, outside of what you see on Faux News.
Hell, I don't need to tell you how I and millions of Americans felt after the election, I'll let Bill do, as he nails it.


The is THE BIGGEST projection job I've EVER seen any NaziKaren do to date!!!!

WOW! The LUNATIC LEFTOIDS just keep shoving their heads further up their asses, every day!!!

Yeah, Trump is the one hiring all the fuktards, freaks, weirdos, and psychopaths!!!

And YOU wouldn't know NORMAL if it hit you in the face with a sledgehammer!!!!

The is THE BIGGEST projection job I've EVER seen any NaziKaren do to date!!!!
WOW! The LUNATIC LEFTOIDS just keep shoving their heads further up their asses, every day!!!

Yeah, Trump is the one hiring all the fuktards, freaks, weirdos, and psychopaths!!!

And YOU wouldn't know NORMAL if it hit you in the face with a sledgehammer!!!!
You clearly have some mental issues

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