Michael Moore says that Americans are not good people

Story by Scott Whitlock
Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore broke his silence about the 2024 election on Wednesday, lashing out at Americans as "not a good people" for electing Donald Trump to a second term by a wide margin.

By contrast, the progressive director and activist offered total confidence before the election, predicting Trump was "toast" against Vice President Kamala Harris.

"If you stop and think about it, we’ve come up with a lot of doozies in our history," he wrote in a post on MichaelMoore.com. "Like the genocide of 20 million Native Americans. Or the enslavement of 12 million kidnapped Africans. Or us invading Vietnam and killing 4 million Asian people for no reason at all. We are not a good people."

After saying that America has a "laundry list of evil deeds that led us directly to last week," he derided fellow citizens for picking "a 34-time convicted felon, a fascist, and a civilly-charged and convicted sexual abuser to be our 47th president of the United States."

Michael Moore wants Americans to feel ashamed for electing Trump.
He wants us to feel bad about the European Explorers.
He wants us to feel bad about slavery.
He wants us to feel bad about Vietnam War.
But I don't.
Michael Moore?

Michael Moore is a goddamn disgrace. He produces a movie seemingly to stand up for the union worker when he made Roger and Me; depicting the exploitation of union autoworkers who eventually get laid off. He filmed the movie across the border in Canada so that he wouldn’t have to pay Union wages or be subject to USA labor regulations.
That is not murder and it was a justified war,

we were never supposed to be afraid of them we were opposing their aggression
Aggression? Do you think the Vietcong had aircraft carriers and nuclear weapons? JFK was murdered because he vowed to never send American soldiers to Vietnam. His speech at American University did not go over well with our Military Industrial Complex.
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Aggression? Do you think the Vietcong had aircraft carriers and nuclear weapons? JFK was murdered because he vowed to never send American soldiers to Vietnam. His speech at American University did not go over well with our Military Industrial Complex.
They did not need aircraft carriers or nukes. Invasions do not depend on such weapons all you need is feet.

JFK never made any such vow. He was murdered strictly because Oswald was a nut bar who never said a thing about the MIC

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