How Much You Wanna Bet We Put The Amount Of Troops Back In Iraq We Should've Left There?

Obama pulled out government aids that where guiding the Iraqi government. Obama wanted out and nothing less.

Yes he pulled them just before the Bush deadline said they had to go. They had to go unless the Iraqis and their parliament decided they would grant immunity just like they did up until 2012. They decided not to grant immunity and no one thought it would pass.

Anyway General Petraeus does not agree with your assessment. I will take his word over yours and EconChick who didn't even know that Iraq's Parliament approved the 2008 SOFA.
In addition to all that, Obama specified to al Maliki that any SOFA had to be passed by the full Iraqi parliament, something never before required.

Heck, it's almost as if Obama didn't really want a SOFA . . . lol.

LOL, I made the mistake of telling NOTFOOLED this about 2 months ago and he's been playing dumb ever since then.

He gets really confused when we talk about the 2008 SOFA that was never meant to be the final SOFA and what I keep calling the 2011 SOFA that they had verbally almost completely agree to until O screwed it up.
Obama pulled out government aids that where guiding the Iraqi government. Obama wanted out and nothing less.

Yes he pulled them just before the Bush deadline said they had to go. They had to go unless the Iraqis and their parliament decided they would grant immunity just like they did up until 2012. They decided not to grant immunity and no one thought it would pass.

Anyway General Petraeus does not agree with your assessment. I will take his word over yours and EconChick who didn't even know that Iraq's Parliament approved the 2008 SOFA.

Um it's well known Obama wanted out and didn't care about dealing with malaki.
Yes Iraq wasn't going to grant that, but there is more to that story that you left out.
Only on planet Pub dupe...
Obama wants in the worse way to stand down from this. He intended to be the president who ended wars, not one more president who wages wars; particularly new wars in the land of Islam.

Didn't you get the RW Obama hater talking points that this is not a new war. This is the 'old war' to find WMD that didn't exist that Bush started and won. Its not a new war according to the haters. Will you stick to your point here that this is a 'new war'? Since it is a 'new war' it means EconChick's entire propaganda effort is tossed into the dumpster.''

Bush said the MISSION was ACCOMPLISHED in May 2003 so how can this be the same war.

Putin already helped Assad lose his WMDs. This is merely a continuation of the same Neocon plan that Bush used in Iraq. Obama thinks he's going to use going after ISIS as a cover. No one is buying it because he lies to much.

Dillo, they're not all gone from Syria. Come on bud, you know not to trust Putin and Assad.

Well maybe Obama can drag that out as his reason to depose Assad unless he's just too afraid to publicly declare what he's doing.
Obama wants in the worse way to stand down from this. He intended to be the president who ended wars, not one more president who wages wars; particularly new wars in the land of Islam.

Didn't you get the RW Obama hater talking points that this is not a new war. This is the 'old war' to find WMD that didn't exist that Bush started and won. Its not a new war according to the haters. Will you stick to your point here that this is a 'new war'? Since it is a 'new war' it means EconChick's entire propaganda effort is tossed into the dumpster.''

Bush said the MISSION was ACCOMPLISHED in May 2003 so how can this be the same war.

Putin already helped Assad lose his WMDs. This is merely a continuation of the same Neocon plan that Bush used in Iraq. Obama thinks he's going to use going after ISIS as a cover. No one is buying it because he lies to much.

Dillo, they're not all gone from Syria. Come on bud, you know not to trust Putin and Assad.

Well maybe Obama can drag that out as his reason to depose Assad unless he's just too afraid to publicly declare what he's doing.

'That's why he drew the red line in Syria last year. Everyone knew is was for sarin gas. Sarin gas is WMD. The press was too corrupt to call it that but they knew it was WMD
In addition to all that, Obama specified to al Maliki that any SOFA had to be passed by the full Iraqi parliament, something never before required.

You get to be as ignorant about Iraq as EconChick. She didn't know either that the 2008 SOFA had to be passed by the full Iraqi Parliament. And that was not at the urging of GW Bush. It is a requirement by Iraq's Judicial System to be a legally binding treaty. It was not at the urging of Obama either. Obama wanted a legally binding agreement to protect our troops. If the Iraqis decided they don't need to vote and can guarantee a legally binding agreement the parliament matter goes away under Obama.
Obama wants in the worse way to stand down from this. He intended to be the president who ended wars, not one more president who wages wars; particularly new wars in the land of Islam.

Didn't you get the RW Obama hater talking points that this is not a new war. This is the 'old war' to find WMD that didn't exist that Bush started and won. Its not a new war according to the haters. Will you stick to your point here that this is a 'new war'? Since it is a 'new war' it means EconChick's entire propaganda effort is tossed into the dumpster.''

Bush said the MISSION was ACCOMPLISHED in May 2003 so how can this be the same war.

Putin already helped Assad lose his WMDs. This is merely a continuation of the same Neocon plan that Bush used in Iraq. Obama thinks he's going to use going after ISIS as a cover. No one is buying it because he lies to much.

Dillo, they're not all gone from Syria. Come on bud, you know not to trust Putin and Assad.

Well maybe Obama can drag that out as his reason to depose Assad unless he's just too afraid to publicly declare what he's doing.

'That's why he drew the red line in Syria last year. Everyone knew is was for sarin gas. Sarin gas is WMD. The press was too corrupt to call it that but they knew it was WMD

Ya and Putin stepped in on Kerry's blunder and Obama backed off on his threat to bomb Assad. Much to McCain and the "moderate rebels" chagrin.
Maybe he can stick with the plan this time and take out Assad.
For the umpteenth fucking time idiot I was talking about the FINAL SOFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. I asked if you were talking about the 'placeholder' and you won't answer. That is because the "placeholder" bs you made up is about the 2008 SOFA. There is no 2011 SOFA for you to talk about . It does not exist. There is no 'FINAL SOFA' either. The 2011 SOFA exists only in your head.
Obama has already put the 1400 he publicly announced over the past few weeks. After the election he will certainly pour more in. By December 31, I predict at LEAST a Brigade will be sent. By next year there will be more. knew all about ISIL before our troops left Iraq? Where are your posts about that....?

Oh, look, it's my favorite flake. I've never seen you get ONE post right, not one.

And yes, many of us knew this would happen. Now being the moron that you are, you'll get hung up on the exact name someone is calling an Islamic extremist group or which splinter group is prominent at any one time but no, it wasn't hard to see coming.

But what does that have to do with my OP? It has nothing to do with it.

Try to keep up darlin.

Better yet, go back to painting your nails.
Obama pulled out government aids that where guiding the Iraqi government. Obama wanted out and nothing less.

Yes he pulled them just before the Bush deadline said they had to go. They had to go unless the Iraqis and their parliament decided they would grant immunity just like they did up until 2012. They decided not to grant immunity and no one thought it would pass.

Anyway General Petraeus does not agree with your assessment. I will take his word over yours and EconChick who didn't even know that Iraq's Parliament approved the 2008 SOFA.

Um it's well known Obama wanted out and didn't care about dealing with malaki.
Yes Iraq wasn't going to grant that, but there is more to that story that you left out.
Only on planet Pub dupe...
PBS is not planet dupe. These are wish to deny reality that's your issue
Um it's well known Obama wanted out and didn't care about dealing with malaki. Yes Iraq wasn't going to grant that, but there is more to that story that you left out.

As an American that hated to see 4584 American troops get killed in an unnecessary war, it is VERY WELL KNOWN to me that Maliki did not give a shit about the sacrifice those soldiers made that gave him a chance to govern Iraq in place of Saddam Hussein. Maliki didn't do or even try to do what Our President rightfully expected of him to protect the sacrifice that our soldiers and we taxpayers spent in Iraq for almost a decade.

You choose to take Maliki's side and blame Obama for not 'caring about dealing' with Maliki. I don't mind saying you Maliki symps are piss poor Americans. You must be driven by hatred of Obama.... since that is the only thing that explains such un-American behavior.
In addition to all that, Obama specified to al Maliki that any SOFA had to be passed by the full Iraqi parliament, something never before required.

You get to be as ignorant about Iraq as EconChick. She didn't know either that the 2008 SOFA had to be passed by the full Iraqi Parliament. And that was not at the urging of GW Bush. It is a requirement by Iraq's Judicial System to be a legally binding treaty. It was not at the urging of Obama either. Obama wanted a legally binding agreement to protect our troops. If the Iraqis decided they don't need to vote and can guarantee a legally binding agreement the parliament matter goes away under Obama.

I just explained for about the millionth time why your stupid brain failed to understand what I was saying. I wasn't talking about the 2008 SOFA.

This is called chasing a squirrel around the back yard.

Sorry retard, I won't play your game the way you want to play it. I'll only play it when I want to play it.

Which is until you libs get drummed right into the ground on election day. :Boom2:

Then we'll see who's laughing and partying.

For the umpteenth fucking time idiot I was talking about the FINAL SOFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. I asked if you were talking about the 'placeholder' and you won't answer. That is because the "placeholder" bs you made up is about the 2008 SOFA. There is no 2011 SOFA for you to talk about . It does not exist. There is no 'FINAL SOFA' either. The 2011 SOFA exists only in your head.

Retard, you have got to be lobotomized. For the hundredth time, there were verbal agreements made that kept changing all the way up to the end....but were never finalized. The verbal agreements that were almost made were the SOFA 2011 I'm talking about as opposed to the 2008.

What is so hard for you to grasp about that???

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