How much time before Sessions resigns?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
I must be careful with my threads, since somewhat right-wing leanings among some board monitors like to "castigate" and banned me......But, regarding Sessions.

will he be gone in a week?
a month? guess is the end of July.....

(then Sessions can go back to lighting a few crosses in neighbors' lawns to his heart's content....)
I must be careful with my threads, since somewhat right-wing leanings among some board monitors like to "castigate" and banned me......But, regarding Sessions.

will he be gone in a week?
a month? guess is the end of July.....

(then Sessions can go back to lighting a few crosses in neighbors' lawns to his heart's content....)


Yeah, that will distract from the Comey disaster. :thup:
Sessions worked to desegregate schools in the democratic south along with prosecuting a grand wizard of the kkk.

Robert Byrd? Darling of the demofascists?

Uh huh. Libs were the party of slavery and segregation. They still do it today when they divide and separate people into different little groups. Its no wonder that they're always trying to whitewash history. Its something to be ashamed of.
Hey, all Sessions did was meet with the Russian government, outside of normal channels, 3 times, when he had no reason to do so. And then lie about it.

It was an honest oversight. Anyone could accidentally meet with the Russian government and then lie about it.

And haven't the Trump snowflakes heard? Trump is already tossing Sessions under the bus, and going full Sgt. Schultz. Hence, they have cult approval to say Sessions was a rogue actor, and DearLeader was not involved in any way.
Sessions worked to desegregate schools in the democratic south along with prosecuting a grand wizard of the kkk.

He also worked to disenfranchise poor Southern and voted against extension of the Voters Rights Act. He's Southern racist to the core which is why he so enthusiastically supported Trump's candidacy.

Lets not forget about good LBJ and his n word usage......all the time. Not only that, another dem who led us into a useless war that killed 50,000 soldiers.

Heres another jewel: "Another famous example is cited in "Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908-1960", by Robert Dallek. Johnson defended the Supreme Court appointment of the famous Thurgood Marshall, rather than a black judge less identified with the civil rights cause, by saying to a staff member, "Son, when I appoint a n-----r to the court, I want everyone to know he's a n-----r."

President LBJ: "I’ll have those n*****s voting Democratic for the next 200 years" - Is this a real quote? • r/AskHistorians
Uh huh. Libs were the party of slavery and segregation. They still do it today when they divide and separate people into different little groups. Its no wonder that they're always trying to whitewash history. Its something to be ashamed of

Hey moron......the only reason that racists became democrats was because Lincoln was a decent republican........

Notice you don;t want to address the thread about scum bucket, Session.....
Sessions worked to desegregate schools in the democratic south along with prosecuting a grand wizard of the kkk.

Robert Byrd? Darling of the demofascists?

Uh huh. Libs were the party of slavery and segregation. They still do it today when they divide and separate people into different little groups. Its no wonder that they're always trying to whitewash history. Its something to be ashamed of.

You do realize that the political parties of today are no where near the same as they used to be right?
I must be careful with my threads, since somewhat right-wing leanings among some board monitors like to "castigate" and banned me......But, regarding Sessions.

will he be gone in a week?
a month? guess is the end of July.....

(then Sessions can go back to lighting a few crosses in neighbors' lawns to his heart's content....)

January 2025
Uh huh. Libs were the party of slavery and segregation. They still do it today when they divide and separate people into different little groups. Its no wonder that they're always trying to whitewash history. Its something to be ashamed of

Hey moron......the only reason that racists became democrats was because Lincoln was a decent republican........

Notice you don;t want to address the thread about scum bucket, Session.....

Nope. Thats whitewashed history that was spoon fed to you.
Sessions worked to desegregate schools in the democratic south along with prosecuting a grand wizard of the kkk.

Robert Byrd? Darling of the demofascists?

Uh huh. Libs were the party of slavery and segregation. They still do it today when they divide and separate people into different little groups. Its no wonder that they're always trying to whitewash history. Its something to be ashamed of.

You do realize that the political parties of today are no where near the same as they used to be right?

Im very aware that both parties are worthless today.
Sessions worked to desegregate schools in the democratic south along with prosecuting a grand wizard of the kkk.

Robert Byrd? Darling of the demofascists?

Uh huh. Libs were the party of slavery and segregation. They still do it today when they divide and separate people into different little groups. Its no wonder that they're always trying to whitewash history. Its something to be ashamed of.

You do realize that the political parties of today are no where near the same as they used to be right?

Im very aware that both parties are worthless today.

If you were so aware you would understand that neither party is the same as it was in the early 20th Century, but then again that would kill your speaking point wouldn't it?
Third undisclosed secret contact with the Russians. He should resign.
HE should have resign the moment he declare he was bringing back the war on drugs and mandatory minimums. But that's exactly what Trump wants. HE has no idea it was a failure for decades.
Everything Trump does is wrong.
Bill Clinton's A.G. authorized the attack on U.S. citizens with tanks and gas and the subsequent incineration of 80 presumed innocent men, women and children at Waco. Barry Hussein's A.G. refused to testify and was held in contempt of congress and finally resigned after the incredible "Operation Fast and Furious" where he authorized the shipment of more than 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico. What is Sessions accused of?
Sessions worked to desegregate schools in the democratic south along with prosecuting a grand wizard of the kkk.

Robert Byrd? Darling of the demofascists?

Uh huh. Libs were the party of slavery and segregation. They still do it today when they divide and separate people into different little groups. Its no wonder that they're always trying to whitewash history. Its something to be ashamed of.

You do realize that the political parties of today are no where near the same as they used to be right?

Im very aware that both parties are worthless today.

If you were so aware you would understand that neither party is the same as it was in the early 20th Century, but then again that would kill your speaking point wouldn't it?

So now you're apologizing for the democrats past indescretions.

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