How much lower can Biden sink?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The China sellout, Abandoner-In-Chief, girl sniffer has sunk to a new low. He is now accusing our border patrol of being vicious Racists whipping Haitians and vowed TO MAKE THEM PAY. What would happen if the border patrol gave Biden the collective finger and went on strike until he apologized on national television? Could anyone blame them? Hey it's what China Joe wants anyway, open borders right? What could be more open than no border patrol?
The China sellout, Abandoner-In-Chief, girl sniffer has sunk to a new low. He is now accusing our border patrol of being vicious Racists whipping Haitians and vowed TO MAKE THEM PAY. What would happen if the border patrol gave Biden the collective finger and went on strike until he apologized on national television? Could anyone blame them? Hey it's what China Joe wants anyway, open borders right? What could be more open than no border patrol?

Have a listen to yourself. You're a hate filled brain dead Republican.
Get over it.
Have a listen to yourself. You're a hate filled brain dead Republican.
Get over it.
At this point Colin. . . I am having a hard time believing you are even a real person, and not a paid poster.

I don't believe there are any on the left that can support or defend the absurdity of the current office holders.

I know the real liberals and leftists on this site, only voted for those fools because they hated Trump.

Materially? There isn't a lot wrong with what Mike has wrote. Are you really one of the useful idiots that actually believes the propaganda?

Look at this, from the LA Times;

Kamala Harris says footage of Border Patrol evokes images of slavery​

At time of posting? 16 likes 117 dislikes

A sample of some of the more liked comments;

To compare this to slavery is evil, pure unadulterated evil.

Nasty a sitting vice president would say such a thing ! How was she elected or given power? Insane

Remember when Slaves Snuck into the Colonies ?
Will the Op ever manage to get chips off of shoulders in time for the holiday season where liberals will cancel Christ-mass....??
Will the Op ever manage to get chips off of shoulders in time for the holiday season where liberals will cancel Christ-mass....??
Everything is on the table for a Prog. There are people who have promoted that. Even our wars now do not honor Christmas as Viet Nam had cease fires during that time of the year. We are more godless now. More self important and gods to ourselves. And look at the results.
The China sellout, Abandoner-In-Chief, girl sniffer has sunk to a new low. He is now accusing our border patrol of being vicious Racists whipping Haitians and vowed TO MAKE THEM PAY. What would happen if the border patrol gave Biden the collective finger and went on strike until he apologized on national television? Could anyone blame them? Hey it's what China Joe wants anyway, open borders right? What could be more open than no border patrol?

The last time Biden said someone was gonna pay an innocent family full of young children were hunted down, targeted and droned.

Unfortunately, he could sink all the way to the bottom and his base would hold onto the ship the whole way down.
The China sellout, Abandoner-In-Chief, girl sniffer has sunk to a new low. He is now accusing our border patrol of being vicious Racists whipping Haitians and vowed TO MAKE THEM PAY. What would happen if the border patrol gave Biden the collective finger and went on strike until he apologized on national television? Could anyone blame them? Hey it's what China Joe wants anyway, open borders right? What could be more open than no border patrol?
Millions of Democrat voters are racist latino nationalists who brag about transforming America into another latino country.
Get over what? Your worthless President attacking the hardest working law enforcement people we have? No I don't think so. How about you wake up to what is happening since your President has taken over.

Settle down Rambo. There will be no pullaging hordes of Chinese trashing the capitol like trumps goons.

Nothing is happening. It is still a democracy. the difference being your silent majority arseholed your Lord and savior.
The az audit results proved he won. Suck eggs.

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