How Much Corruption Will You Liberals Accept???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY

Every day, in every way, Democrats/Liberals show that honor and honesty play no role in their actions.

Let's prove it together.

1. … an investigation into the FBI’s procedures that allowed Hillary Clinton to receive special treatment,” Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said at a press conference Wednesday. “We’ll also investigate the unprecedented bias against President [Donald] Trump that exists when we allow people who hate the president to participate in the investigations against him.” GOP Lawmakers Press for Investigation of FBI's 'Special Treatment' of Hillary Clinton Probe

2. "At least nine of the lawyers on special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation team of 16 attorneys donated to Democrats, with most giving money to either the campaigns of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, a review of Federal Election Commission records shows.

None of the 16 lawyers on his team is listed as donating money to President Donald Trump’s campaign or to the presidential campaigns of any past Republicans, …."
Robert Mueller Team: Nine Donated to Hillary or Democrats

3. "…senior members of the Justice Department during the Obama administration, released emails Tuesday showing officials praised then-acting attorney general Sally Yates when she ordered staff not to defend Trump’s first travel ban in court.

One of those emails came from Andrew Weissmann, now a senior adviser to Mueller’s ongoing probe …"
Conservative group says Mueller team lawyer’s email shows bias

4. Sooo.....Flynn is guilty of lying to the FBI?
Who is allowed to lie to the FBI?

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

5. "Jeannie Rhee, another lawyer hand-picked by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to serve on Russia probe, is coming under scrutiny for her pro-Hillary Clinton bias, after two others were forced to leave the team for the same reason….
“What Mueller did was hire a pedigree team of obvious partisans,” Ingraham said. “They should all step aside … including Bob Mueller.”

Rhee also represented the Clinton Foundation against a racketeering lawsuit brought by a conservative legal activist in June 2015, and donated a total $5,400 to Clinton’s political action committee in 2015 and 2016. She also represented Clinton herself, in a lawsuit seeking access to her private emails, according to CNN."

Bias.....clear and evident.
Yet.....Democrats/Liberals are down wit' it.

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You accepted 25 million dollars worth of Trump corruption in just one matter - Trump University.

So get off your imaginary high horse.
11 seconds into the Dump’s inaugural rant, Mike Flynn texted a business partner,” THe Russian sanctions will now be taken off and we’re going to be rich.”
The dump’s National security Adviser.
IT only took 11 seconds for the corruption to begin in this totally corrupt administration
aaah the ever nebulous "corruption" bogeyman... :uhoh3:

a world without corruption is a world without human beings...

we live by rule of law so that 'corruption' can be held accountable.

if the system is flawed, then tweak the system...

just don't expect or pretend that human beings within that system will never be flawed.

self righteous nitwits imagine their corruption would be so much better than that other corruption.

dishonest hacks have conflated corrupt individuals with entire political systems since forever...

11 seconds into the Dump’s inaugural rant, Mike Flynn texted a business partner,” THe Russian sanctions will now be taken off and we’re going to be rich.”
The dump’s National security Adviser.
IT only took 11 seconds for the corruption to begin in this totally corrupt administration

To be clear, your post indicates both a lack of intellectual ability and your inadvertent agreement with the premise.

Every day, in every way, Democrats/Liberals show that honor and honesty play no role in their actions.

You've been very helpful.
aaah the ever nebulous "corruption" bogeyman... :uhoh3:

a world without corruption is a world without human beings...

we live by rule of law so that 'corruption' can be held accountable.

if the system is flawed, then tweak the system...

just don't expect or pretend that human beings within that system will never be flawed.

dishonest self righteous nitwits imagine their corruption would be so much better than that other corruption.


To be clear, your post indicates both a lack of intellectual ability and your inadvertent agreement with the premise.

Every day, in every way, Democrats/Liberals show that honor and honesty play no role in their actions.

You've been very helpful.
Their acceptance of corruption knows no limits. They live by it, it's in their DNA.

Every day, in every way, Democrats/Liberals show that honor and honesty play no role in their actions.

Let's prove it together.

1. … an investigation into the FBI’s procedures that allowed Hillary Clinton to receive special treatment,” Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said at a press conference Wednesday. “We’ll also investigate the unprecedented bias against President [Donald] Trump that exists when we allow people who hate the president to participate in the investigations against him.” GOP Lawmakers Press for Investigation of FBI's 'Special Treatment' of Hillary Clinton Probe

2. "At least nine of the lawyers on special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation team of 16 attorneys donated to Democrats, with most giving money to either the campaigns of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, a review of Federal Election Commission records shows.

None of the 16 lawyers on his team is listed as donating money to President Donald Trump’s campaign or to the presidential campaigns of any past Republicans, …."
Robert Mueller Team: Nine Donated to Hillary or Democrats

3. "…senior members of the Justice Department during the Obama administration, released emails Tuesday showing officials praised then-acting attorney general Sally Yates when she ordered staff not to defend Trump’s first travel ban in court.

One of those emails came from Andrew Weissmann, now a senior adviser to Mueller’s ongoing probe …"
Conservative group says Mueller team lawyer’s email shows bias

4. Sooo.....Flynn is guilty of lying to the FBI?
Who is allowed to lie to the FBI?

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

5. "Jeannie Rhee, another lawyer hand-picked by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to serve on Russia probe, is coming under scrutiny for her pro-Hillary Clinton bias, after two others were forced to leave the team for the same reason….
“What Mueller did was hire a pedigree team of obvious partisans,” Ingraham said. “They should all step aside … including Bob Mueller.”

Rhee also represented the Clinton Foundation against a racketeering lawsuit brought by a conservative legal activist in June 2015, and donated a total $5,400 to Clinton’s political action committee in 2015 and 2016. She also represented Clinton herself, in a lawsuit seeking access to her private emails, according to CNN."

Bias.....clear and evident.
Yet.....Democrats/Liberals are down wit' it.

Yo, the Communist are hard at work!!!

11 seconds into the Dump’s inaugural rant, Mike Flynn texted a business partner,” THe Russian sanctions will now be taken off and we’re going to be rich.”
The dump’s National security Adviser.
IT only took 11 seconds for the corruption to begin in this totally corrupt administration

lol, I'm surprised it took that long.
11 seconds into the Dump’s inaugural rant, Mike Flynn texted a business partner,” THe Russian sanctions will now be taken off and we’re going to be rich.”
The dump’s National security Adviser.
IT only took 11 seconds for the corruption to begin in this totally corrupt administration

No proof of that though.

Congress is ripping the FBI new assholes right now if anyone cares to look. The Mueller investigation has lost all integrity and credibility. Jeff Sessions should dissolve it and appoint another special prosecutor to investigate what Mueller was doing.
11 seconds into the Dump’s inaugural rant, Mike Flynn texted a business partner,” THe Russian sanctions will now be taken off and we’re going to be rich.”
The dump’s National security Adviser.
IT only took 11 seconds for the corruption to begin in this totally corrupt administration

To be clear, your post indicates both a lack of intellectual ability and your inadvertent agreement with the premise.

Every day, in every way, Democrats/Liberals show that honor and honesty play no role in their actions.

You've been very helpful.
My post reveals something you don’t have the integrity to admit. The Dump Administration is quickly gaining on Reagan’s as the most corrupt one in history.
Reagan’s had the most indictments and convictions.
The Dump’s: 2 guilty pleas, 2 indictments with many more to come.
But nobody expects a dishonest hack like you to get her head out of her fat ass long enough to see any deep deep republican corruption.

Of course like a typical cultist you use the white supremacy site Breitbart.
Par for the course..
i laugh in your general direction...

Let's review:

You are unable to find any error in the five examples of Democrat/Liberal corruption that I provided..... you are simply going to stamp your widdle feet and squeeze your eyes shut real tight.

Exposing the asininity of posters is one of my guilty pleasures.....but it would be redundant in your case.
Their acceptance of corruption knows no limits. They live by it, it's in their DNA.

It is simply a spin-off of their predecessors...

They are not yet powerful enough in America to follow this model:

"Hang at least 100 hostages, execute the kulaks, do it in such a way that people for hundreds of miles around will see and tremble."
11 seconds into the Dump’s inaugural rant, Mike Flynn texted a business partner,” THe Russian sanctions will now be taken off and we’re going to be rich.”
The dump’s National security Adviser.
IT only took 11 seconds for the corruption to begin in this totally corrupt administration

To be clear, your post indicates both a lack of intellectual ability and your inadvertent agreement with the premise.

Every day, in every way, Democrats/Liberals show that honor and honesty play no role in their actions.

You've been very helpful.
My post reveals something you don’t have the integrity to admit. The Dump Administration is quickly gaining on Reagan’s as the most corrupt one in history.
Reagan’s had the most indictments and convictions.
The Dump’s: 2 guilty pleas, 2 indictments with many more to come.
But nobody expects a dishonest hack like you to get her head out of her fat ass long enough to see any deep deep republican corruption.

Of course like a typical cultist you use the white supremacy site Breitbart.
Par for the course..

Did any of the five examples show errors, or inaccuracies?



BTW.....more to get the antacids ready.
11 seconds into the Dump’s inaugural rant, Mike Flynn texted a business partner,” THe Russian sanctions will now be taken off and we’re going to be rich.”
The dump’s National security Adviser.
IT only took 11 seconds for the corruption to begin in this totally corrupt administration

No proof of that though.

Congress is ripping the FBI new assholes right now if anyone cares to look. The Mueller investigation has lost all integrity and credibility. Jeff Sessions should dissolve it and appoint another special prosecutor to investigate what Mueller was doing.
You mean the Jeff Sessions that said “ I don’t recall” 89 times?
He’s up to his neck in this Russian scandal. All 3 feet of him..
Admit it. You’re scared shitless that The Mueller investigation is now heading into the White House Inner circle and Mr. Mueller now has Trump’s tax returns.
We will find out why your Russian whore refused to release them and I guarantee you it won’t be pretty.
When all is done you will find out you supported a true American traitor.
Corruption is a dem thing?
OF COURSE, PC the hack, would play on that.
Fucking idiot.
How many threads has this pol cultist started about the long sordid history of conservative/ republican corruption?
That’s the definition of being a political dishonest hack.

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