How MLK Was An Early Architect Of Critical Race Theory


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

The reason why ACCURATELY recounting history and providing CONTEXT triggers the conservative so much is because they have invested a great deal into telling themselves an ultra-nationalist fairy tale....them freaking out over CRT is exhibit #A thru other words, Martin Luther King was one of the early architects of critical race theory....In fact, the legal scholars who crafted CRT; drew much of their work from MLK's writings....his last book "Where Do We Go From Here" -- MLK literally summarizes CRT....

Example #1 -- CRT's main tenet is the fact that much of America's legal framework and jurisprudence was predicated on white supremacy/racism.....King agreed.....he wrote about it....

Now find the lie in what he said?? Is MLK a Marxist now??.

Example #2 -- Another core tenet of CRT is to push back against the many long running false narratives that became mainstream...King agreed.....he wrote about it....
Again....find the lie in what he said... Is MLK a Marxist now??.

Example #3....
.Another tenet of CRT is the critique of neo-liberalism/white moderates, so-called liberal clergy, etc....

King agreed.....he wrote about it....

Example #4 -- The reactionary claim that accurately teaching history will only make whites hate themselves or feel like they are evil...which is ludicrous....however, we know for a FACT that black children were definitely taught to hate themselves..I were LITERALLY taught to hate schools..
_00-rac008 (227).jpg

King agreed.....he wrote about it....


So for those who think accurately recounting the past instead of a nationalist fairy tale means that folks are trying to teach you that you are all racist or evil.....MLK wrote about that too...


So yea.....MLK was one of the original architects of please stop watering him down and condensing him into your box when you haven't read a single book of his.....class dismissed....

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Historical reminder.....

MLK family supported donald trump.

Remind us what kind of names you call blacks who do not vote for the party of slavery and segregation?
His niece did....

His own children did not....

In fact, his daughter is on my Twitter page right now...

And she said to keep her father's name out of your mouth...


The reason why ACCURATELY recounting history and providing CONTEXT triggers the conservative so much is because they have invested a great deal into telling themselves an ultra-nationalist fairy tale....them freaking out over CRT is exhibit #A thru other words, Martin Luther King was one of the early architects of critical race theory....In fact, the legal scholars who crafted CRT; drew much of their work from MLK's writings....his last book "Where Do We Go From Here" -- MLK literally summarizes CRT....

Example #1 -- CRT's main tenet is the fact that much of America's legal framework and jurisprudence was predicated on white supremacy/racism.....King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500344

Now find the lie in what he said?? Is MLK a Marxist now??.

Example #2 -- Another core tenet of CRT is to push back against the many long running false narratives that became mainstream...King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500346Again....find the lie in what he said... Is MLK a Marxist now??.

Example #3....
.Another tenet of CRT is the critique of neo-liberalism/white moderates, so-called liberal clergy, etc....

King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500348

Example #4 -- The reactionary claim that accurately teaching history will only make whites hate themselves or feel like they are evil...which is ludicrous....however, we know for a FACT that black children were definitely taught to hate themselves..I were LITERALLY taught to hate schools..
View attachment 500358

King agreed.....he wrote about it....

View attachment 500357

So for those who think accurately recounting the past instead of a nationalist fairy tale means that folks are trying to teach you that you are all racist or evil.....MLK wrote about that too...

View attachment 500350

So yea.....MLK was one of the original architects of please stop watering him down and condensing him into your box when you haven't read a single book of his.....class dismissed....

View attachment 500356

And that is why the Slave Holding South, grew so much faster than the stupid, poor, Free North, eventually dominating it, and then the world, spreading it's way of life and ideals across the world.
MLK was the opposite of Critical Racist Theory - but I'm unsurprised the Nazi party would pervert his legacy.
Conservatives called him a Communist and a Marxist..

M_007mlk.1112 (20).jpg

The same shit conservatives call anything today that they don't look like a moron right now...
MLK was the opposite of Critical Racist Theory - but I'm unsurprised the Nazi party would pervert his legacy.
No, he wasn't

It's amazing to me that I can post his OWN FUCKING WORDS and you morons still cling on to a lie....

That is how pathological it is with you folks

Question : if slavery was so important to the economic growth of this nation, why did the growth of the FREE NORTH, leave the SLAVE HOLDING SOUTH, in the dust?
MLK just might be one of the most misrepresented speakers, leaders in America.

Always remembered is his "I have a dream" speech.
Always forgotten is his many speeches around the country imploring blacks to not fall for the temptation of accepting handouts from whites.
He spoke out on "white dependency". Spoke in favor of blacks building their own dreams, and making their own way out of hard work, honesty and integrity. Not out of accepting free housing, free food and free money from a white government.

MLK would be HORRIFIED by modern America. Not horrified by whites - but what blacks allowed themselves to become.
MLK was the opposite of Critical Racist Theory - but I'm unsurprised the Nazi party would pervert his legacy.
No, he wasn't

It's amazing to me that I can post his OWN FUCKING WORDS and you morons still cling on to a lie....

That is how pathological it is with you folks

Question : if slavery was so important to the economic growth of this nation, why did the growth of the FREE NORTH, leave the SLAVE HOLDING SOUTH, in the dust?
Why did the Confederacy say it was so important to the growth of the nation??

Like Mississippi for example.....why did they say this in their declaration??

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth."

Seems they didn't just think it was the greatest material interest in just their state -- or just their nation...but in the world....

Do you get tired of getting your ass kicked on this message board ??
MLK was the opposite of Critical Racist Theory - but I'm unsurprised the Nazi party would pervert his legacy.
No, he wasn't

It's amazing to me that I can post his OWN FUCKING WORDS and you morons still cling on to a lie....

That is how pathological it is with you folks

Question : if slavery was so important to the economic growth of this nation, why did the growth of the FREE NORTH, leave the SLAVE HOLDING SOUTH, in the dust?
Why did the Confederacy say it was so important to the growth of the nation??

Like Mississippi for example.....why did they say this in their declaration??

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth."

Seems they didn't just think it was the greatest material interest in just their state -- or just their nation...but in the world....

Do you get tired of getting your ass kicked on this message board ??

Funny, I have to support my argument, the historical record, that shows that the FREE NORTH, was the engine of growth, economic and industrial and population wise, that led to the US being the superpower it is today,

while you have the words of a long dead slaver.

Mmm, and you think you are kicking my ass?

MLK was the opposite of Critical Racist Theory - but I'm unsurprised the Nazi party would pervert his legacy.
No, he wasn't

It's amazing to me that I can post his OWN FUCKING WORDS and you morons still cling on to a lie....

That is how pathological it is with you folks

Question : if slavery was so important to the economic growth of this nation, why did the growth of the FREE NORTH, leave the SLAVE HOLDING SOUTH, in the dust?
Why did the Confederacy say it was so important to the growth of the nation??

Like Mississippi for example.....why did they say this in their declaration??

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth."

Seems they didn't just think it was the greatest material interest in just their state -- or just their nation...but in the world....

Do you get tired of getting your ass kicked on this message board ??

Funny, I have to support my argument, the historical record, that shows that the FREE NORTH, was the engine of growth, economic and industrial and population wise, that led to the US being the superpower it is today,

while you have the words of a long dead slaver.

Mmm, and you think you are kicking my ass?

View attachment 500378
So there was no slavery in the North??

Is that your dumb ass position?

My god you are pathetic.......
MLK was the opposite of Critical Racist Theory - but I'm unsurprised the Nazi party would pervert his legacy.
No, he wasn't

It's amazing to me that I can post his OWN FUCKING WORDS and you morons still cling on to a lie....

That is how pathological it is with you folks

Question : if slavery was so important to the economic growth of this nation, why did the growth of the FREE NORTH, leave the SLAVE HOLDING SOUTH, in the dust?
Why did the Confederacy say it was so important to the growth of the nation??

Like Mississippi for example.....why did they say this in their declaration??

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth."

Seems they didn't just think it was the greatest material interest in just their state -- or just their nation...but in the world....

Do you get tired of getting your ass kicked on this message board ??

Funny, I have to support my argument, the historical record, that shows that the FREE NORTH, was the engine of growth, economic and industrial and population wise, that led to the US being the superpower it is today,

while you have the words of a long dead slaver.

Mmm, and you think you are kicking my ass?

View attachment 500378
So there was no slavery in the North??

Is that your dumb ass position?

My god you are pathetic.......

So telling that you have to make up my "position" before you attack it.

When you do that, you telegraph to the world, that you know I just crushed you and you've got NOTHING to refute what I actually said.

The reason why ACCURATELY recounting history and providing CONTEXT triggers the conservative so much is because they have invested a great deal into telling themselves an ultra-nationalist fairy tale....them freaking out over CRT is exhibit #A thru other words, Martin Luther King was one of the early architects of critical race theory....In fact, the legal scholars who crafted CRT; drew much of their work from MLK's writings....his last book "Where Do We Go From Here" -- MLK literally summarizes CRT....

Example #1 -- CRT's main tenet is the fact that much of America's legal framework and jurisprudence was predicated on white supremacy/racism.....King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500344

Now find the lie in what he said?? Is MLK a Marxist now??.

Example #2 -- Another core tenet of CRT is to push back against the many long running false narratives that became mainstream...King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500346Again....find the lie in what he said... Is MLK a Marxist now??.

Example #3....
.Another tenet of CRT is the critique of neo-liberalism/white moderates, so-called liberal clergy, etc....

King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500348

Example #4 -- The reactionary claim that accurately teaching history will only make whites hate themselves or feel like they are evil...which is ludicrous....however, we know for a FACT that black children were definitely taught to hate themselves..I were LITERALLY taught to hate schools..
View attachment 500358

King agreed.....he wrote about it....

View attachment 500357

So for those who think accurately recounting the past instead of a nationalist fairy tale means that folks are trying to teach you that you are all racist or evil.....MLK wrote about that too...

View attachment 500350

So yea.....MLK was one of the original architects of please stop watering him down and condensing him into your box when you haven't read a single book of his.....class dismissed....

View attachment 500356
Wow what a bunch of wasted words that still don't get to the point.......Faced with a shortage of workers in america, the rich resorted forcing workers which included "criminals" from england, endentured poor people, and even after blacks and the catholic spanish brought slavery to america enslaving blacks and indians in order to save their heathen souls and make them christian. Several christian sects and workers were against this for moral and economic reasons.

The reason why ACCURATELY recounting history and providing CONTEXT triggers the conservative so much is because they have invested a great deal into telling themselves an ultra-nationalist fairy tale....them freaking out over CRT is exhibit #A thru other words, Martin Luther King was one of the early architects of critical race theory....In fact, the legal scholars who crafted CRT; drew much of their work from MLK's writings....his last book "Where Do We Go From Here" -- MLK literally summarizes CRT....

Example #1 -- CRT's main tenet is the fact that much of America's legal framework and jurisprudence was predicated on white supremacy/racism.....King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500344

Now find the lie in what he said?? Is MLK a Marxist now??.

Example #2 -- Another core tenet of CRT is to push back against the many long running false narratives that became mainstream...King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500346Again....find the lie in what he said... Is MLK a Marxist now??.

Example #3....
.Another tenet of CRT is the critique of neo-liberalism/white moderates, so-called liberal clergy, etc....

King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500348

Example #4 -- The reactionary claim that accurately teaching history will only make whites hate themselves or feel like they are evil...which is ludicrous....however, we know for a FACT that black children were definitely taught to hate themselves..I were LITERALLY taught to hate schools..
View attachment 500358

King agreed.....he wrote about it....

View attachment 500357

So for those who think accurately recounting the past instead of a nationalist fairy tale means that folks are trying to teach you that you are all racist or evil.....MLK wrote about that too...

View attachment 500350

So yea.....MLK was one of the original architects of please stop watering him down and condensing him into your box when you haven't read a single book of his.....class dismissed....

View attachment 500356

And that is why the Slave Holding South, grew so much faster than the stupid, poor, Free North, eventually dominating it, and then the world, spreading it's way of life and ideals across the world.
The south dominated the NORth? Seriously? They paid more taxes thanks to the Norths higher government representation and their exports, but that is about it. The North took the road of manufacturing which required a more skilled but fewer workers----while the south, had cotton and tobacco which required low skill level workers to pick and process especially with inventions such as the cotton gin.

The reason why ACCURATELY recounting history and providing CONTEXT triggers the conservative so much is because they have invested a great deal into telling themselves an ultra-nationalist fairy tale....them freaking out over CRT is exhibit #A thru other words, Martin Luther King was one of the early architects of critical race theory....In fact, the legal scholars who crafted CRT; drew much of their work from MLK's writings....his last book "Where Do We Go From Here" -- MLK literally summarizes CRT....

Example #1 -- CRT's main tenet is the fact that much of America's legal framework and jurisprudence was predicated on white supremacy/racism.....King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500344

Now find the lie in what he said?? Is MLK a Marxist now??.

Example #2 -- Another core tenet of CRT is to push back against the many long running false narratives that became mainstream...King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500346Again....find the lie in what he said... Is MLK a Marxist now??.

Example #3....
.Another tenet of CRT is the critique of neo-liberalism/white moderates, so-called liberal clergy, etc....

King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500348

Example #4 -- The reactionary claim that accurately teaching history will only make whites hate themselves or feel like they are evil...which is ludicrous....however, we know for a FACT that black children were definitely taught to hate themselves..I were LITERALLY taught to hate schools..
View attachment 500358

King agreed.....he wrote about it....

View attachment 500357

So for those who think accurately recounting the past instead of a nationalist fairy tale means that folks are trying to teach you that you are all racist or evil.....MLK wrote about that too...

View attachment 500350

So yea.....MLK was one of the original architects of please stop watering him down and condensing him into your box when you haven't read a single book of his.....class dismissed....

View attachment 500356

And that is why the Slave Holding South, grew so much faster than the stupid, poor, Free North, eventually dominating it, and then the world, spreading it's way of life and ideals across the world.
The south dominated the NORth? Seriously? They paid more taxes thanks to the Norths higher government representation and their exports, but that is about it. The North took the road of manufacturing which required a more skilled but fewer workers----while the south, had cotton and tobacco which required low skill level workers to pick and process especially with inventions such as the cotton gin.

I was being sarcastic. The South lagged behind. THe idea that slavery was the driving force of our economic growth is absurd.

The reason why ACCURATELY recounting history and providing CONTEXT triggers the conservative so much is because they have invested a great deal into telling themselves an ultra-nationalist fairy tale....them freaking out over CRT is exhibit #A thru other words, Martin Luther King was one of the early architects of critical race theory....In fact, the legal scholars who crafted CRT; drew much of their work from MLK's writings....his last book "Where Do We Go From Here" -- MLK literally summarizes CRT....

Example #1 -- CRT's main tenet is the fact that much of America's legal framework and jurisprudence was predicated on white supremacy/racism.....King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500344

Now find the lie in what he said?? Is MLK a Marxist now??.

Example #2 -- Another core tenet of CRT is to push back against the many long running false narratives that became mainstream...King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500346Again....find the lie in what he said... Is MLK a Marxist now??.

Example #3....
.Another tenet of CRT is the critique of neo-liberalism/white moderates, so-called liberal clergy, etc....

King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500348

Example #4 -- The reactionary claim that accurately teaching history will only make whites hate themselves or feel like they are evil...which is ludicrous....however, we know for a FACT that black children were definitely taught to hate themselves..I were LITERALLY taught to hate schools..
View attachment 500358

King agreed.....he wrote about it....

View attachment 500357

So for those who think accurately recounting the past instead of a nationalist fairy tale means that folks are trying to teach you that you are all racist or evil.....MLK wrote about that too...

View attachment 500350

So yea.....MLK was one of the original architects of please stop watering him down and condensing him into your box when you haven't read a single book of his.....class dismissed....

View attachment 500356
The guy who was recorded laughing at a woman being raped in front of him? THAT MLK? The guy who beat women?

The reason why ACCURATELY recounting history and providing CONTEXT triggers the conservative so much is because they have invested a great deal into telling themselves an ultra-nationalist fairy tale....them freaking out over CRT is exhibit #A thru other words, Martin Luther King was one of the early architects of critical race theory....In fact, the legal scholars who crafted CRT; drew much of their work from MLK's writings....his last book "Where Do We Go From Here" -- MLK literally summarizes CRT....

Example #1 -- CRT's main tenet is the fact that much of America's legal framework and jurisprudence was predicated on white supremacy/racism.....King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500344

Now find the lie in what he said?? Is MLK a Marxist now??.

Example #2 -- Another core tenet of CRT is to push back against the many long running false narratives that became mainstream...King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500346Again....find the lie in what he said... Is MLK a Marxist now??.

Example #3....
.Another tenet of CRT is the critique of neo-liberalism/white moderates, so-called liberal clergy, etc....

King agreed.....he wrote about it....
View attachment 500348

Example #4 -- The reactionary claim that accurately teaching history will only make whites hate themselves or feel like they are evil...which is ludicrous....however, we know for a FACT that black children were definitely taught to hate themselves..I were LITERALLY taught to hate schools..
View attachment 500358

King agreed.....he wrote about it....

View attachment 500357

So for those who think accurately recounting the past instead of a nationalist fairy tale means that folks are trying to teach you that you are all racist or evil.....MLK wrote about that too...

View attachment 500350

So yea.....MLK was one of the original architects of please stop watering him down and condensing him into your box when you haven't read a single book of his.....class dismissed....

View attachment 500356
thanks for your racist comments aimed at white people of today who never owned one single slave

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