How many seats will the Ds lose because of the Kavanaugh hearings?

North Dakota and Missouri are gone, gone, gone...I don't believe Tennessee, Texas, and Indiana are anywhere near as close as we're being told...Florida, Arizona, and Nevada are crapshoots.

I'll split the difference and say (R) +5.

In the Senate, Indiana will remain Democrat. North Dakota and Missouri are too close to call. Arizona, Tennessee and Nevada are a lean to Democrats.
Sez the fake polls.
definitely possible but whose jurisdiction will it be?

Department of Justice I would guess. If the Republicans retain the House, I think reviving the HUAC committee could be a good choice. The activities of Feinstein et al are definitely un-American.

A request for a special counsel and criminal charges would be appropriate but the senate acts on expulsion on its own.

Little point in expelling Feinstein as the left wing guv in CA would just install another extremist.

Prosecuting Feinstein, Ford and other miscreants that may have been jobbing the system is a different story.
FL is not a toss-up, the Ds for the third time have come up with an even sleazier Gov. Candidate than the Rs did. Gillum is definitely under investigation by FDLE as a matter of record. Nelson needs support from the governor's race to win, not a jurisdiction battle of whether he appears in the state or federal court first.

The Florida Governor's race is a lean to Democrats. The fact is DeSantis is Trump's crony and that is why he is likely to lose. I favor Nelson in the Senate race by a small margin.
My best guess is that 2-4 net seats because of the hearings and probably more than that due to Witch hunt declassification. The DOJ/FBI and independent counsel's office criminals will need higher ups to roll over on to get to plea bargains. Pelosi, Schiff and Waters are the gimmes. But they are also the rainmakers for the Ds and they can roll over on Senators. Therefore I have no idea how that will work and the losses will be after the elections. so what do you think?

For their disgraceful behavior is trying to destroy Kavanaugh's life based on uncorroborated tales they deserve to get shut out in 2018.

I would hope that the computers of Feinstein and Ford and Avenatti and other key Liberal players in this are seized and analyzed. My guess is the whole story was concocted out of whole cloth and the time frame pre-determined.

Just a skanky trip trying to rig the Supreme Court. Disgraceful, and IMHO, treasonous.

Typical post from a animal. Dr Ford was sexually assaulted and her case is strengthened by the fact the Republicans are clearly trying to cover it up. A bunch of angry white men.
Typical post from a animal. Dr Ford was sexually assaulted and her case is strengthened by the fact the Republicans are clearly trying to cover it up. A bunch of angry white men.

The Republicans have no inside knowledge to know if the tales of Rape Train Parties are real or not, they were never in a position to cover anything up.

The fact that Kavanaugh's official calendar from the period shows ZERO rape train parties scheduled during the year in question is incontrovertible evidence that they didn't happen

Needless to say, as a kid in prep school, Kav had no idea that he was going to be nominated for the Supreme Court. Further, he had no idea that his high school activities would be analyzed even if he was.

So there was absolutely no reason for the gentleman to lie.
Democrats have lost women voters over this but beyond that, how many men will be voting democrat?
5th post
definitely possible but whose jurisdiction will it be?

Department of Justice I would guess. If the Republicans retain the House, I think reviving the HUAC committee could be a good choice. The activities of Feinstein et al are definitely un-American.
I think the House should look into the 527 Foundations if I am right they are not allowed to get into Politics or activity involved in them. If so they need to have their ratings changed. Just a idea...
FL is not a toss-up, the Ds for the third time have come up with an even sleazier Gov. Candidate than the Rs did. Gillum is definitely under investigation by FDLE as a matter of record. Nelson needs support from the governor's race to win, not a jurisdiction battle of whether he appears in the state or federal court first.

The Florida Governor's race is a lean to Democrats. The fact is DeSantis is Trump's crony and that is why he is likely to lose. I favor Nelson in the Senate race by a small margin.
They guy running against him is a Soros troll and is not very trusted. Good luck Fla you are going to need it.
FL is not a toss-up, the Ds for the third time have come up with an even sleazier Gov. Candidate than the Rs did. Gillum is definitely under investigation by FDLE as a matter of record. Nelson needs support from the governor's race to win, not a jurisdiction battle of whether he appears in the state or federal court first.

The Florida Governor's race is a lean to Democrats. The fact is DeSantis is Trump's crony and that is why he is likely to lose. I favor Nelson in the Senate race by a small margin.

Considering the superb job that President Trump has been doing- unemployment now at a 49 year low, one would think his alliance with The Trumpster would be a point of positivity.

Don't Floridians like a roaring economy?
My best guess is that 2-4 net seats because of the hearings and probably more than that due to Witch hunt declassification. The DOJ/FBI and independent counsel's office criminals will need higher ups to roll over on to get to plea bargains. Pelosi, Schiff and Waters are the gimmes. But they are also the rainmakers for the Ds and they can roll over on Senators. Therefore I have no idea how that will work and the losses will be after the elections. so what do you think?
If the Dems WIN, will you leave the board for good?
define "win."
10th post
If Kav is defeated tomorrow, the disgraceful performance of the Democrats in the confirmation process will become the new standard MO for confirmations.

It would be great if a half dozen or more decent Dems would denounce Schumer and Difi and vote "aye" tomorrow.
not going to happen. the Ds just lost 30-5 states with 60-70 senators. Plus of their 15 state governments 10 are flirting with default. You may or may not have noticed that the market went up when Kavanaugh looked better and went down when it looked like he wouldn't make it.
North Dakota and Missouri are gone, gone, gone...I don't believe Tennessee, Texas, and Indiana are anywhere near as close as we're being told...Florida, Arizona, and Nevada are crapshoots.

I'll split the difference and say (R) +5.

Optimistic to say the least
I think the Dems will pick up one seat for 50

John McCains former seat and 51 will come later
not going to happen. the Ds just lost 30-5 states with 60-70 senators. Plus of their 15 state governments 10 are flirting with default. You may or may not have noticed that the market went up when Kavanaugh looked better and went down when it looked like he wouldn't make it.
Market dropped 180 today when it appeared he would be confirmed
15th post
Democrats have lost women voters over this but beyond that, how many men will be voting democrat?
How did they lose women voters?

Women voters are peevish because the libs are parading phony sex assault victims like Swetnick as if they are the real thing and condemning decent guys like Kav who they see as their sons or fathers. Makes the people think that every sex assault victim is phony.

But we know about real victims like Juanita Broaderick exist and so do broads

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