How many posters here are smarter than all the world's scientists?

What would you know about the company of research scientists? ...
Simple. They get together and culminate their results at IPCC. You can look this up yourself. It's publicly available info.

Now, my turn. Please link us to your climate research papers. don't have any? And no education or experience whatsoever in climate science? Then why should anyone listen to a word you say?

The IPCC is by invitation only ... Dr Mark Landsea, one of the world's foremost experts in hurricanes, hurricane development and hurricane cyclogenesis, was kicked off for pointing out there wasn't enough empirical data to support the IPCC's claims ... I think you'll find no dissenting opinions in the IPCC's reports ... these reports aren't put to the typical peer-review process, thus are considered "self-published" by the scientific community ... not a group to pin any authenticity to ... the United Nations is a political body, their report is intended for other political bodies ... it contains science, but it is a political document ...

My only claim is to have taken a class ... Atmospheric Science 201-203 ... I've also finished Physics 101-103, Chemistry 101-103, Math 101-103, 201-203 (calculus), Math 499H (gradients) ... I've also taken a half-year of Astrophysics (Astronomy 299H) and LinAlgebra (Math 311) ... the main area I'm weak in is Field Theory, but luckily meteorology basics are set down under Classical Physics, solutions using the stress tensor are satisfactory, but so are systems of partial differential equations ... Oregon State, 1977-1980, if you must know ...

How about yourself? ... how much college education do you have? ...
In case you were unsure, if you have EVER put up a post that accused all those scientists of lying, of being biased by "donations and bribes", of claiming that they put out results to please whoever pays for their grants, you should post "ME!". Got it? Okay. Can't wait to see the results!
Well, I haven't said any if those things. I've only said their models have been terribly inaccurate and they have no scientific proof of manmade global warming.

And that whole hockey stick "hide the decline" fiasco somewhat soured any uncritical faith in their prognostications.

I'm sorry but your talking points here show that you are not particularly familiar with this topic. Global climate models (GCMs) have been quite accurate though several denier factions have been utterly dishonest and intentionally deceptive in their attempts to make them look bad (ex: Roy Spencer). * The original "hockey stick" graph (Mann, Bradley, Hughes, 1998) was criticized for a flaw in its statistical analysis and was corrected (MBH 1999 and later). No lay person could tell the difference between the old and the new, particularly since the numerical results - how much warmer the world has become than it once was - were completely unchanged by this "correction". The comment about hiding the decline and was a comment taken completely out of context. Phil Jones, then director of the Hadley Met Office in the UK was referring to a statistical procedure used by researchers Michael Mann and Keith Briffa to compensate for changes over time in the proportionality between tree ring thicknesses and temperature. Before you jump to the conclusion that this was done to make warming look worse than it did, note that this change happened in the latter half of the 20th century where there were plenty of accurate thermometer data against which to see the change. The "trick" made the data more accurate, not less.

If you have rejected global warming because of these two points, I think you need to reexamine your position.

* - A Google search on scholarly articles on the accuracy of climate models: Google Scholar
For a layman's critique of Spencer's GCM "analysis", see: Roy Spencer's latest deceit and deception
For a lengthy but objective discussion on the development and accuracy of global climate models, see General Circulation Models of the Atmosphere
I'm no expert on climate science...but I am an expert on the scientific method.

If HR= all human recorded temperature data from 1850 to present...

...and if AP=all reconstructed proxy temperature pre 1850...

...and MA=all post 1850 proxy temperatures...

...and AP and MA were extrapolated using the exact same method...

If MA is not congruent with HR then AP is not valid data.

My understanding is that Climategate revolves around this very anomoly...and to hide the anomoly, the post 1850 algorithmically reconstructed data (MA) was eliminated after 1960 and the human recorded data (HR) was substituted because the MA data was not congruent with the historical human recorded record beyond 1960...casting significant doubt of the entire set of reconstructed data (AP).

MA being congruent with HR is the science.

Failing that check on the reconstructed proxy data makes all the proxy data suspect.

Without valid reconstructed data, there is no data to apply any science to.

So instead of divulging the truth...they covered it up by misrepresenting the data to fit the desired result.

That's not science.
None of the models, when past climate data is plugged in, can accurately represent current climate.
Silly, embarrassing lie that would get you laughed out of the room, if in the company of research scientists.
Wow, you sure did refute my claim with proof of the models predicting current climate using past data!

Oh,, you didn't.
Has Greta Thunberg graduated high school yet?
why? she is smarter than every scientist on earth.

She's richer than every scientist on Earth ... how are we measuring intelligence here? ...
I highly doubt she's made a dime.
On the contrary -- she's made a lot of money off of suckers.

At only 18 years, Greta Thunberg’s wealth is significant, considering that she is still in school. Her outstanding works in environment conservation continue to receive widespread admiration from different stakeholders.

In 2020, the Right Livelihood Foundation awarded Greta $102,062 for the Alternative Nobel Prize. Similarly, the Swedish teenager received $1.15m from a Portuguese rights award.

Thunberg used all the proceeds to set up The Greta Thunberg Foundation to build a climate revolution legacy. While announcing news about her non-profit agency, Greta reiterated that she had no philanthropic motive with the foundation.

Greta Thunberg's net worth information​

Greta has several income-generating platforms which well-wishers majorly sponsor. Although she doesn't consider the money hers, Thunberg's name is usually tagged along with the monetary aids. Greta Thunberg net worth is projected to be $1 million.
Has Greta Thunberg graduated high school yet?
why? she is smarter than every scientist on earth.

She's richer than every scientist on Earth ... how are we measuring intelligence here? ...
I highly doubt she's made a dime.
On the contrary -- she's made a lot of money off of suckers.

At only 18 years, Greta Thunberg’s wealth is significant, considering that she is still in school. Her outstanding works in environment conservation continue to receive widespread admiration from different stakeholders.

In 2020, the Right Livelihood Foundation awarded Greta $102,062 for the Alternative Nobel Prize. Similarly, the Swedish teenager received $1.15m from a Portuguese rights award.

Thunberg used all the proceeds to set up The Greta Thunberg Foundation to build a climate revolution legacy. While announcing news about her non-profit agency, Greta reiterated that she had no philanthropic motive with the foundation.

Greta Thunberg's net worth information​

Greta has several income-generating platforms which well-wishers majorly sponsor. Although she doesn't consider the money hers, Thunberg's name is usually tagged along with the monetary aids. Greta Thunberg net worth is projected to be $1 million.
I don't see the tools with which we used to post up polls but we can ad lib.

Just tell us in the comments. How many people believe they are more intelligent than all the world's active climate scientists. In case you were unsure, if you have EVER put up a post that accused all those scientists of lying, of being biased by "donations and bribes", of claiming that they put out results to please whoever pays for their grants, you should post "ME!". Got it? Okay. Can't wait to see the results!
I am wearing a white lab coat, therefore all you Leftards believe me without question.
Anyone can buy a white lab coat. The price of admission to the trusted is a doctorate on your wall and your name at the top of an article in a peer reviewed science journal.
Has Greta Thunberg graduated high school yet?
why? she is smarter than every scientist on earth.

She's richer than every scientist on Earth ... how are we measuring intelligence here? ...
I highly doubt she's made a dime.
On the contrary -- she's made a lot of money off of suckers.

At only 18 years, Greta Thunberg’s wealth is significant, considering that she is still in school. Her outstanding works in environment conservation continue to receive widespread admiration from different stakeholders.

In 2020, the Right Livelihood Foundation awarded Greta $102,062 for the Alternative Nobel Prize. Similarly, the Swedish teenager received $1.15m from a Portuguese rights award.

Thunberg used all the proceeds to set up The Greta Thunberg Foundation to build a climate revolution legacy. While announcing news about her non-profit agency, Greta reiterated that she had no philanthropic motive with the foundation.

Greta Thunberg's net worth information​

Greta has several income-generating platforms which well-wishers majorly sponsor. Although she doesn't consider the money hers, Thunberg's name is usually tagged along with the monetary aids. Greta Thunberg net worth is projected to be $1 million.
And how much of that has she claimed or spent on herself? Zero. By your logic, the heads of the world's charities are all wealthy grifters. So, fuck off Dave.
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Are either working in climatology? Have either published papers on climatological topics? No and no. But if you want to treat them as authorities on their actual areas of expertise, feel free.
Are either working in climatology? Have either published papers on climatological topics? No and no. But if you want to treat them as authorities on their actual areas of expertise, feel free.
Oh, you mean like Dr Bjørn Lomborg, former Director of Denmark’s Environmental Assessment Institute who says all this climate economic response is bullshit?
I bet he even owns a white lab coat too.
Anyone can buy a white lab coat. The price of admission to the trusted is a doctorate on your wall and your name at the top of an article in a peer reviewed science journal.

"There you go again" -- Pres. Ronald Reagan ...

The title of the OP uses the word "scientists" ... which includes geologists, pediatricians, social scientists and astrology ... now you're limiting the sample pool to just PhD's in Climatology in order to drive up your probabilities ... lame, even for you ...

How about a link to your published scientific paper ... any subject is fine, just one ...

ETA: I've had a few chess games published ... the main one was a great counter-attack out of the Steinitz Defense ... the Chess Life editors thought it was a good illustration of the dangers White can get into if they aren't very careful ... even against a Class D player ...
Last edited:
Anyone can buy a white lab coat. The price of admission to the trusted is a doctorate on your wall and your name at the top of an article in a peer reviewed science journal.

You're sadly misinformed about what a "peer review" does ... one thing they do is insure all the details are included so that other researches can duplicate the experiment exactly ... NOT that the results are valid ... cold fusion and dino-DNA are two examples of peer-reviewed scientific papers that have been found to be in error ...

YOU certainly fail the "price of admission" ... maybe time for you to shut the fuck up? ...
View attachment 486006

Is this like the COVID thing where hundreds of millions are going to die within a few short months if we don't all wear masks and lock down forever?

Just wondering... Oh wait! Haven't those same scientists you're talking about predicted that the world would be without ice caps within a decade thirty years ago and that we were all going to die?



Like clockwork, the first fish jumps out of the water to self identify.
By now NYC was supposed to be underwater and there should be no polar ice caps anymore. It is bullshit.

Nope, the scientists never predicted that. You're repeating some fabricated nonsense that your cult fed you, because that's what authoritarian-followers do

Well, I didn't see a single peer reviewed article among those sources and a large portion were all from one man (Paul Ehrlich) but despite that, I will put you down for a firm YES.
Knock yourself out. Another lie, another virtue signaling cause, another globalist scheme to lower our standard of living. The climate is unimportant to them it is being exploited for political reasons.
Politics consumes every aspect of your life. Your political cult suffers from one hell of an inferiority complex.

Never change.
Has Greta Thunberg graduated high school yet?
why? she is smarter than every scientist on earth.

She's richer than every scientist on Earth ... how are we measuring intelligence here? ...
I highly doubt she's made a dime.
On the contrary -- she's made a lot of money off of suckers.

At only 18 years, Greta Thunberg’s wealth is significant, considering that she is still in school. Her outstanding works in environment conservation continue to receive widespread admiration from different stakeholders.

In 2020, the Right Livelihood Foundation awarded Greta $102,062 for the Alternative Nobel Prize. Similarly, the Swedish teenager received $1.15m from a Portuguese rights award.

Thunberg used all the proceeds to set up The Greta Thunberg Foundation to build a climate revolution legacy. While announcing news about her non-profit agency, Greta reiterated that she had no philanthropic motive with the foundation.

Greta Thunberg's net worth information​

Greta has several income-generating platforms which well-wishers majorly sponsor. Although she doesn't consider the money hers, Thunberg's name is usually tagged along with the monetary aids. Greta Thunberg net worth is projected to be $1 million.
There's plenty of money for pushing the "eeeeek wheeze all gunna die from American CO2" narrative
There you go. Now name some more. And when you get up to somewhere near the 54,195 peer reviewed articles accepting AGW found by Professor James Powell in his 2017 survey, you let us know. Right? Right!

Publishing something to get a paycheck means nothing.
Showing you know it’s full of shit is everything.

Record number of private jets set to fly into conference addressing climate change​

Anyone can buy a white lab coat. The price of admission to the trusted is a doctorate on your wall and your name at the top of an article in a peer reviewed science journal.

You're sadly misinformed about what a "peer review" does ... one thing they do is insure all the details are included so that other researches can duplicate the experiment exactly ... NOT that the results are valid ... cold fusion and dino-DNA are two examples of peer-reviewed scientific papers that have been found to be in error ...

YOU certainly fail the "price of admission" ... maybe time for you to shut the fuck up? ...
Even Leftist Time can’t stand the stench.

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