How many of the uninformed think Trump is "anti-trade"?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How many of you reading headlines like this:
Trump's anti-trade rhetoric rattles the campaign message of Clinton ..
Donald Trump's anti-trade talk riles Republicans
Donald Trump's anti-trade rhetoric is textbook hypocrisy
Trump's Anti-Trade Populism Is the Opposite of What Made America ...

This are just a few of the 759,000 results of a Google search for ....Trump is anti-trade....

How many of you believe that?

Well here is Trump's position on "trade"...

The most important component of our China policy is leadership and strength at the negotiating table. We have been too afraid to protect and advance American interests and to challenge China to live up to its obligations. We need smart negotiators who will serve the interests of American workers – not Wall Street insiders that want to move U.S. manufacturing and investment offshore.

Our goal is not protectionism but accountability.
America fully opened its markets to China but China has not reciprocated.
Its Great Wall of Protectionism uses unlawful tariff and non-tariff barriers to keep American companies out of China and to tilt the playing field in their favor.

U.S.-China Trade Reform

Where in any of that does Trump make any
argument against TRADE with China?

But what Trump's position points out is China's GREAT WALL of protectionism which has kept
American companies OUT!!!

reading Trump's position .....NOT ONE statement being "ANTI-TRADE"....
Yet how many dummies thanks the biased MSM generating headlines like the above,
think Trump is "anti-trade"?

Trump wants "free trade" to be done FAIRLY which up to date...has not been done!!

So when you hear the Idiot in chief say:
Well, right now, I'm president, and I'm for it,” Obama said at a press conference earlier this month. “And I think I've got the better argument. And I've made this argument before. I'll make it again: We are part of a global economy. We're not reversing that.”

Read more: Obama to take trade battle to the heartland
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For all you non-idiots...
WHERE does Trump deviate from Obama's statement...we're not reversing global economy"!!!

Trump unlike Obama just wants to have America negotiate FAIR deals!


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