How many here support sharia law?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
sharia law is strict. It means women must be totally submissive. It means that men can beat and rape the women. Women have zero rights under sharia law. Being gay is punishable by death, as is blasphemy.

There are some protests across the country by people against sharia law. Groups of counter-protesters are shouting, attacking and throwing urine on the protesters, claiming that they are Islamophobic for speaking out against sharia law.

How many here think it should be okay to allow a form of government that denies women, children and gays any rights?
I don't think very many people really know what "sharia" is.
I don't support any kind of religious law, period.

I think this shit should be done away with like vooodooo...

Well fortunately in this country if a person wants to live by the dictates of his or her faith - they have the freedom to do long as they don't break the law or violate the constitution or violate another's rights.

I think that's a win win situation.
I don't think very many people really know what "sharia" is.

Those of us who do support it for Muslims, but not for anyone else.

If you decide to follow that path, have at it. Don't expect the rest of us to fold.
I don't think very many people really know what "sharia" is.

IMO, a decent generic working definition is law based on religion and many here do believe in it and want it made the law of the land.

Read any of the threads about marriage equality, women's reproductive rights, birth control and watch the Kim Davis Fan Club come out from under their rocks.

Thing is, trump has no more respect or love for the US Constitution than they do. That's why they voted for him"


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I don't think very many people really know what "sharia" is.

A generic working definition is law based on religion and many here do believe in it and want it made the law of the land.

Read any of the threads about marriage equality, women's reproductive rights, birth control and watch the Kim Davis Fan Club come out from under their rocks.

Thing is, trump has no more respect or love for the US Constitution than they do. That's why they voted for him"


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And if was the law of the land your head would no longer be as hat rack!
Sharia law is incompatible with the US Constitution. A forced religion and religious government is not allowed.

They have the right to practice their own religion, they do not have the right to force it on others under penalty of death and demand that their way is the only way..

Funny how left tards want this enforced for Christians but not for Muslims...
I don't think very many people really know what "sharia" is.

A generic working definition is law based on religion and many here do believe in it and want it made the law of the land.

Read any of the threads about marriage equality, women's reproductive rights, birth control and watch the Kim Davis Fan Club come out from under their rocks.

Thing is, trump has no more respect or love for the US Constitution than they do. That's why they voted for him"


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I know a good many Christians and while they oppose same sex marriage, they don't feel homosexuals should be killed (for example) - they feel marriage should be between a man and a woman. That can be argued as "religious law" but it is a tradition followed by every religion I'm aware of. Same with birth control - the main thrust of those arguments are they feel they should not have to pay for it, or - it ends human life. I don't agree with these - but, I don't see it as attempting to instill religious law.

The Bible calls for stoning adulterers, killing homosexuals, it has rules about slaves, and it tells you how to discipline children. If Christians were pushing to force that into law, then I'd agree.

Right about Trump though!
I don't think very many people really know what "sharia" is.

A generic working definition is law based on religion and many here do believe in it and want it made the law of the land.

Read any of the threads about marriage equality, women's reproductive rights, birth control and watch the Kim Davis Fan Club come out from under their rocks.

Thing is, trump has no more respect or love for the US Constitution than they do. That's why they voted for him"


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I know a good many Christians and while they oppose same sex marriage, they don't feel homosexuals should be killed (for example) - they feel marriage should be between a man and a woman. That can be argued as "religious law" but it is a tradition followed by every religion I'm aware of. Same with birth control - the main thrust of those arguments are they feel they should not have to pay for it, or - it ends human life. I don't agree with these - but, I don't see it as attempting to instill religious law.

The Bible calls for stoning adulterers, killing homosexuals, it has rules about slaves, and it tells you how to discipline children. If Christians were pushing to force that into law, then I'd agree.

Right about Trump though!

I have no problem with gay marriage as a civil matter. The problem arises when it is forced upon those who for religious reasons oppose it.

Congress shall make no law ...
Let me highlight the plight of people under Sharia...

Men: Dominant and unquestioned. Period! Rape of any women is ok. Four witnesses of all males must be present for the crime of rape to have occurred. Women don't count.

Women: Property. Can be sold, killed, or maimed for any reason. must remain fully covered or face honor killing (stoning in the street).

Children: Males- all privileges of being a man
Fe-males- can be sold for family profit. Killed for dishonoring the family by being uncovered or bringing shame on the family by crying rape, being rebellious, speaking, driving or going to school without the mans permission.. etc

People who claim they are gay, lesbian, or any other unnatural abomination - Off goes the head, stoning or over the building edge..

People who are not Muslims - Can be lied to, Killed, taken as slaves, but all will be subservient to the Muslim masters.

Sharia is so much fun for Men... Hell we even get 72 virgins for killing non-Muslims and then committing suicide..

Sharia is not a peaceful governmental/religious control..
sharia law is strict. It means women must be totally submissive. It means that men can beat and rape the women. Women have zero rights under sharia law. Being gay is punishable by death, as is blasphemy.

There are some protests across the country by people against sharia law. Groups of counter-protesters are shouting, attacking and throwing urine on the protesters, claiming that they are Islamophobic for speaking out against sharia law.

How many here think it should be okay to allow a form of government that denies women, children and gays any rights?
I've done extensive research on Sharia as well and what you say is only the tip of the iceberg. It truly does advocate very inhumane treatment of women, gays, children, and basically everyone who refuses to change to Islam. Pedophilia is endorsed allowing one man to wed four girl children at birth and consummate the marriage at the age of NINE. At any time men can claim a wife has been unfaithful and murder her or have her stoned in the street without needing a shred of proof to substantiate his claim.

Following this post I've added a very informative link that I advise everyone to read. After scrolling down and reading their laws, go to almost the bottom of the page to where the underlined words are located that say "Spread of Islam" to read about the FIVE phases of Islam. After that locate "Islamization of America" and read that as well.

At any rate, Muslims aided by progressive liberals are attacking those who see through what they're doing who are trying to stop them from overtaking our societies.

Because Sharia Law allows them to have four very young wives who can breed for a much longer time, their population numbers skyrocket and grow much faster than other societies.

There are Youtube videos showing them threatening people on the streets throughout Europe who try to tape their recruitment measures at stands. And as usual anyone who opposes their religion is shamed and called an "Islamophobe."

SPREAD OF ISLAM — History, Phases And The Current Status

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I don't think very many people really know what "sharia" is.

A generic working definition is law based on religion and many here do believe in it and want it made the law of the land.

Read any of the threads about marriage equality, women's reproductive rights, birth control and watch the Kim Davis Fan Club come out from under their rocks.

Thing is, trump has no more respect or love for the US Constitution than they do. That's why they voted for him"


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I know a good many Christians and while they oppose same sex marriage, they don't feel homosexuals should be killed (for example) - they feel marriage should be between a man and a woman. That can be argued as "religious law" but it is a tradition followed by every religion I'm aware of. Same with birth control - the main thrust of those arguments are they feel they should not have to pay for it, or - it ends human life. I don't agree with these - but, I don't see it as attempting to instill religious law.

The Bible calls for stoning adulterers, killing homosexuals, it has rules about slaves, and it tells you how to discipline children. If Christians were pushing to force that into law, then I'd agree.

Right about Trump though!

I have no problem with gay marriage as a civil matter. The problem arises when it is forced upon those who for religious reasons oppose it.

Congress shall make no law ...
So the gays are pushing Christians to become gay and get married....Sounds doable...

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