How many Dems would support Gavin Newsom as an alternative to Biden?

No need to worry, Biden will run as President and Harris will be kicked to the curb and Newsome will become the VP candidate.
Could happen
Looks like Newsom is waiting in the wings to see if anyone drops out.

Same reason we have so many Republicans running. They want to see if Trump crashes and burns
Could happen
Looks like Newsom is waiting in the wings to see if anyone drops out.

Same reason we have so many Republicans running. They want to see if Trump crashes and burns
Harris has crashed and burned, she will be replaced, and Newsome is the answer that makes sense. Newsome makes Biden look stronger and puts into place Newsome as a successor to Biden in 2028, if Biden lives that long.
Harris has crashed and burned, she will be replaced, and Newsome is the answer that makes sense. Newsome makes Biden look stronger and puts into place Newsome as a successor to Biden in 2028, if Biden lives that long.

It is of course a possibility,a very improbable one but a possibility.
Biden easily handled Trump in a series of debates. One of which Trump refused to show up in.

For someone who refused to campaign….he beat Trump Big League
Which does nothing to illuminate the reality that the press would give his stepping down about 5 minutes of attention, then go back to round the clock TRUMP! bashing.
Newsom appeared on Hannity and held his own showing himself to be informed on the issues and willing to mix it up with the right.

How many Democrats would be willing to dump Biden for Newsom?

NOT ME, Am an independent but lean left.
What ever the hell is going on in Calif, its not good,
EVERY STATE that has little to no balance of power is a mess
Cant trust them when its party over country.
Ridiculous claim
Biden deciding not to run would receive major coverage
Just like LBJ
Not as long as TRUMP! is around. Only if he dropped out would there be any attention left for Quid Pro. It would take a while even then for the press to get over the sudden loss of their favorite hate target.
Newsom appeared on Hannity and held his own showing himself to be informed on the issues and willing to mix it up with the right.

How many Democrats would be willing to dump Biden for Newsom?

Well considering Democrats knowingly voted for an elderly man with OBVIOUS declining cognitive function - they will have no problem voting for a disastrous governor like Newsome.
Vs Trump

No brainer
Doesn't answer the question.
Newsom is a disastrous governor. That is not even up for debate, no one denies that.
YET - and go ahead and book mark this if you like....... the Democratic Party machine and their media will start pushing an anti-Biden narrative by the end of this year. They will FINALLY start talking about his cognitive decline, as well as his families deep corruption. They will do this. They must do this.
They need to make room for Newsom or someone else.

Mark it.
Doesn't answer the question.
Newsom is a disastrous governor. That is not even up for debate, no one denies that.
YET - and go ahead and book mark this if you like....... the Democratic Party machine and their media will start pushing an anti-Biden narrative by the end of this year. They will FINALLY start talking about his cognitive decline, as well as his families deep corruption. They will do this. They must do this.
They need to make room for Newsom or someone else.

Mark it.
DeSantis is a disastrous Governor .....not open for debate

Newsom was recently re-elected by a wide margin.

Let the people decide which governor they want
All Dems would vote for Newsome if their masters told them to.

He is certainly an off the chart Authoritarian who hates liberal principles, so that's a plus to the rank and file.

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