How many bullets needed to kill a deer?

If you are a liberal AND a hunter, probably about 50.

LOL......try thousands. These people do home defense with pea shooters and pop up posters.:D:D

I get a hoot every nights these days watching the anchors with connect the dots issues over at MSNBC. Intelligent people all........just some thought processing issues. I think they really do think that if you have an assault weapons ban, these tragedy's will cease. Sure allows them to feel good about themselves though............

Liberals do not stalk and kill defenseless animals for sport. Banning the manufacturing and sell of ammunition will. But the Right will find other ways for people to kill children.

Harry Reid does.... He eats them too :eek:

Freedom's Lighthouse » Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in 2010 Extolled the Virtues of Guns: “I Carried a Gun Every Place I Went. . . But for Me, Guns are More than That (about Self-Defense) – Video 2010
If you are a liberal AND a hunter, probably about 50.

LOL......try thousands. These people do home defense with pea shooters and pop up posters.:D:D

I get a hoot every nights these days watching the anchors with connect the dots issues over at MSNBC. Intelligent people all........just some thought processing issues. I think they really do think that if you have an assault weapons ban, these tragedy's will cease. Sure allows them to feel good about themselves though............

Liberals do not stalk and kill defenseless animals for sport. Banning the manufacturing and sell of ammunition will. But the Right will find other ways for people to kill children.

I'm not a conservative (or a liberal, for that matter) but several of my hunting buddies are quite liberal and we all shoot them for the same reason:

They are delicious. Oh, and much healthier than buying commercial meant.

"Sport" has nothing to do with it. Scrumptiousness does.

I call this my 'deer and pig acquiring implement'.

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May be where you live but here in Reno, they are flying off the shelves in gun shops. The ammunitions is not. illegal either. Idiot.

The National Firearms Act of 1934, the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the Hughes Amendment in 1986 have all placed limits on how automatic guns can be bought and sold, but did not make it illegal to possess them entirely.

Why firearms sales surge after shootings « Exigent Circumstances

You are a damn liar... Civilians CAN NOT purchase "automatic" weapons!


Sure they can, they must have a federal firearms permit for it though. And they cost a few hundred dollars if I recall.

How do you think that gun range had an UZI? that kids dad rented and his child blew his brains out with at a shooting range?

Never been to a machine gun meet? I went to one in Idaho once. They got old junk cars wired the steering and such made them run in a big circle and shot them to death. Ahh what American fun.

Whatever old man.... Your average civilian can not get them.
You should support banning high-capacity magazines just out of common decency. They aren't needed nor will banning them magically fix the problem.

You ban them to make people feel better. Sometimes that's just the right thing to do.

That's exactly how bad legislation is started... Nothing good comes from that.
You should support banning high-capacity magazines just out of common decency. They aren't needed nor will banning them magically fix the problem.

You ban them to make people feel better. Sometimes that's just the right thing to do.
Please tell me you are joking.
We need to stop the manufacturing and sell of those ammunitions use in the kind so weapons that are used to kill lots of people.

Uh, hey, genius...there is absolutely ZERO different between the ammunition often used for defense and by the military and that used for hunting game. In other words, you can take the .223 round out of my home defense rifle and put it into one of my varmint rifles and it will work perfectly.

Before you start spouting off about what others need to do about firearms, perhaps you shouldn't be so completely ignorant on the subject. Just a thought.
If you are a liberal AND a hunter, probably about 50.

I've shot deer with gun and bow. There's no practical value to having, at most, a 5 shot capacity. Most deer, if you miss, will be off and running and never offer you another good shot, let alone giving you any opportunity to miss 19 times and get them with the 20th, or the 30th, or the 100th.
If you are a liberal AND a hunter, probably about 50.

I've shot deer with gun and bow. There's no practical value to having, at most, a 5 shot capacity. Most deer, if you miss, will be off and running and never offer you another good shot, let alone giving you any opportunity to miss 19 times and get them with the 20th, or the 30th, or the 100th.
Anyway, shooting at them too much hurts their feelings. :rolleyes:
I think a 5 round mag is the max allowed for deer hunting here.

Not sure I don't like to eat deer, I just raise cows to eat. yummy.
People are buying automatic guns at record speed...

Uh, no, they're not. People are buying SEMI-automatic firearms in record numbers. Fully automatic firearms are extremely expensive and time consuming to purchased.

Again, get your "facts" straight before trying to tell others what to do.
People claim they need these automatic weapons to protect themselves from the Government leaves me speechless.

The 2nd amendment isn't about duck hunting sweetheart.

Your ignorance of history and facts surrounding firearms is overwhelming.

Usually one to two. Feral hogs (wild boar), on the other hand, require a firearm capable of many follow up shots in quick succession. An AR15 platform, in any larger caliber, is the perfect weapon for hunting hogs.

Let me guess, you've never hunted for your own food. Am I right?
How many bullets are needed to mow down those five men who broke into your house?

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