How looting turned the most upscale part of San Francisco into a ghost town

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This is how Progressivism destroys a city

"Progressive prosecutors are also letting more criminals free, sending the message that theft is an understandable response to poverty. In early 2020, San Francisco’s progressive District Attorney, Chesa Boudin, told the co-founder of Black Lives Matter before an audience at the Commonwealth Club that wealth inequality caused crime, and declared he would reduce prosecution of theft.

“We have some of the richest people in the history of the world in this city. Fortunes never imaginable 10 or 20 or 50 years ago. . . . When we have those extremes in close proximity, there’s going to be some level of property crime. That’s a reality.”

Creepy, Kosher, domestic terrorist wannabes getting jobs as DAs such as Chesa has been very effective in destroying the country. The one legit job of cops is to protect citizens, their businesses and their property. When the city policy is to not protect citizens and their property, I agree with the domestic terrorist group BLM that "law enforcement" should be shut down. I differ with BLM in regards to the subsequent solution which is citizens taking care of the problem because BLM considers defending oneself from Black and Brown savages is racist and sh!t.
This is how Progressivism destroys a city

"Progressive prosecutors are also letting more criminals free, sending the message that theft is an understandable response to poverty. In early 2020, San Francisco’s progressive District Attorney, Chesa Boudin, told the co-founder of Black Lives Matter before an audience at the Commonwealth Club that wealth inequality caused crime, and declared he would reduce prosecution of theft.

“We have some of the richest people in the history of the world in this city. Fortunes never imaginable 10 or 20 or 50 years ago. . . . When we have those extremes in close proximity, there’s going to be some level of property crime. That’s a reality.”

A tiny & powerful minority who know they will never personally be negatively impacted are making/enforcing laws which negatively impact the less fortunate & vast majority.

What could go wrong? :)
This is how Progressivism destroys a city

"Progressive prosecutors are also letting more criminals free, sending the message that theft is an understandable response to poverty. In early 2020, San Francisco’s progressive District Attorney, Chesa Boudin, told the co-founder of Black Lives Matter before an audience at the Commonwealth Club that wealth inequality caused crime, and declared he would reduce prosecution of theft.

“We have some of the richest people in the history of the world in this city. Fortunes never imaginable 10 or 20 or 50 years ago. . . . When we have those extremes in close proximity, there’s going to be some level of property crime. That’s a reality.”

Every country has ghettos for their progressively unemployed(leisure class). Sanatorium Frisco is one such ghetto that does a pretty decent job @ keeping the kooks, yard birds, bimbos, losers, druggies & strike out artists out of the general American public. I mean would you rather have the Frisconites camping out in your neck of the woods(or worse your backyard?) or have them stranded in Frisco proper???
Is BLM right after all in regards to cops? White guy exposes and trolls retarded possibly insane, unconstitutional cops.

Dayem, city hall personnel are obese, arrogant, low IQ monsters and their police are grotesque douchebags who hate America. Fuck the c@ps!

Dayem, city hall personnel are obese, arrogant, low IQ monsters and their police are grotesque douchebags who hate America. Fuck the c@ps!

Id be willing to bet that the average BLM member is FAR fatter than your average cop, and a fuck of a lot dumber too.
Dayem, city hall personnel are obese, arrogant, low IQ monsters and their police are grotesque douchebags who hate America. Fuck the c@ps!

This guy enters city hall and starts acting like an asshole and you blame the cops? Dude, just shut the fuck up. Youre a fucking loser if you support that troll bullshit.
Id be willing to bet that the average BLM member is FAR fatter than your average cop, and a fuck of a lot dumber too.

There is nothing quite so stupid or lacking in human decency as a racist, fuck boy, calling minorities names. You should have your mouth washed out with soap and be sent to your room to learn manners.
This is how Progressivism destroys a city

"Progressive prosecutors are also letting more criminals free, sending the message that theft is an understandable response to poverty. In early 2020, San Francisco’s progressive District Attorney, Chesa Boudin, told the co-founder of Black Lives Matter before an audience at the Commonwealth Club that wealth inequality caused crime, and declared he would reduce prosecution of theft.

“We have some of the richest people in the history of the world in this city. Fortunes never imaginable 10 or 20 or 50 years ago. . . . When we have those extremes in close proximity, there’s going to be some level of property crime. That’s a reality.”

Can't say I feel sorry for them. They keep electing lefty loon idiots to run the place so they get what they vote for.
This is how Progressivism destroys a city

"Progressive prosecutors are also letting more criminals free, sending the message that theft is an understandable response to poverty. In early 2020, San Francisco’s progressive District Attorney, Chesa Boudin, told the co-founder of Black Lives Matter before an audience at the Commonwealth Club that wealth inequality caused crime, and declared he would reduce prosecution of theft.

“We have some of the richest people in the history of the world in this city. Fortunes never imaginable 10 or 20 or 50 years ago. . . . When we have those extremes in close proximity, there’s going to be some level of property crime. That’s a reality.”

Progressives will still blame businesses and whites for staying out of downtown urban areas across the US. Get ready for a new rendition of “White Flight” bitching and moaning. Progressives including BLM, feel entitled to businesses staying in the city, Whites come to to the city and spend their money, and then they expect both businesses and Whites to take it in the ass when they become victims of crime.

Selfishness and sloth are hiding in this blm baboon’s claim of poverty. This mistake will give at least some Americans not only something to boycott, but also a chance to hone their craftsmanship and innovation skills. The exciting future challenge is the problem of continuous video footgae of the baboon from the time it leaves the store.
This sewage-slime marxist opportunism occurred during 700,000+ American disappearances and this:

‘The lockdown disintegrated vital food chains, dramatically increased rates of child abuse, suicide, addiction, alcoholism, obesity, mental illness, as well as debilitating developmental delays, isolation, depression, and severe educational deficits in young children. One third of teens and young adults reported worsening mental health during the pandemic. According to an Ohio State University study, suicide rates among children rose 50 percent. An August 11, 2021 study by Brown University found that infants born during the quarantine were short, on averge, 22 IQ points as measured by Baylor scale tests.

Some 93,000 American died of overdoses in 2020 — a 30 percent rise over 2019. Overdoses from synthetic opioids increased by 38.4 percent, and 11 percent of US adults considered suicide in June 2020. Three million children disappeared from public school systems, and ER saw a 31 percent increase in adolescent mental health visits, according to Gutentag. Record numbers of young children failed to reach crucial development milestones. Millions of hospital and nursing home patients died alone without comfort or final goodbye from their families.’
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci)

Gayer-than-gay baboon POS cocksuckers deserve lasting boycott with relentless critique.
Fog City is perfect for drone sport, though baboon hunting must be made a sport, like it is in South Africa. Directly because of the gay boys of the FAA, to do the sport correctly, one can’t get paid for it:

Top 4 Drone Law Mistakes - Flying Without a License

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