How long before the Kenyan has to speak out?

The stench of that kenyan lawn jockey remains over all 57 states. Imagine that tedious fuck trying to handle a pandemic. Well actually we can, right? Just run out the clock and mumble "huh? I just heard about it on cable news... like you!!" While the marxist politburo dutifully blushes and giggles.

We need at least 4 more years to unfuck this country from that muslim shitstain. Thank God they've fielded a comatose, beclowned reject that continues to shit the bed from his basement. "Whew!!" is all I can say.
Let me know when he's doing the perp walk.

Until then, ODS! ODS! ODS!

I assume you'll never criticize president Trump again until he is arrested, right?

Unless this is typical mac, rules for thee, not for me...
You guys sure don't like it when you get a taste of your own medicine.

But it looks like you don't even realize that's what I'm doing.

Which is even FUNNIER.

The ACA was just one of the great accomplishments of Pres Obama. Interesting youtube below.

Science under another president....

The ACA did more damage to health care than anything else in the history of this country.

That is like saying "Hitler's greatest accomplishment was genocide".

Destroying healthcare with onerous regulations and running up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles for the paying customers just to provide subsidies to the filthy welfare queens was a terrible plan.

No wonder none of the stupid Democrats that voted for the stupid bill never bothered to read it.
We won't be seeing any Kenyans. But don't worry, the Obamas are coming and that is going to be the worst nightmare you right wing racist fucks ever had.
Obama's greatest accomplishment was getting Trump elected into office.
It was simply inevitable after 8 years of that shit.

It looks like Obama's endorsement of that asshole Biden will be as worthless as his endorsement of Crooked Hillary.
That's why Biden is beating trump so badly in every poll that he blew up at his campaign staff. This is not 2016 so don't even try that one.
The ACA was just one of the great accomplishments of Pres Obama. Interesting youtube below.

Science under another president....

Romneycare was the worst thing to happen to the American people under that President!

Good thing that Lard donnie replaced it with something better right after he took office like he promised. No....wait......

And if you thought he was going to then you shouldn't be voting...
At what point will Marshall Davis's protege have to speak out on his spying of the Trump campaign and coordinating efforts to undermine it
Never seen a president so void of integrity as obama.
I used to be undecided who was the worst prez, Bush or Obama.
But this definitely gives barry the advantage
Congrats Barry, you win the tyroneweaver lemon award.
The Kenyan will speak and the clueless libs will lap it all up.
At what point will Marshall Davis's protege have to speak out on his spying of the Trump campaign and coordinating efforts to undermine it
Never seen a president so void of integrity as obama.
I used to be undecided who was the worst prez, Bush or Obama.
But this definitely gives barry the advantage
Congrats Barry, you win the tyroneweaver lemon award.
It's funny that a Trump supporter would speak of integrity. Trump and his boobs are still trying to rub two sticks together to ignite a canard. Everything is someone else's fault in grievance politics. No accountability no responsibility no governing, just blame. Where's the virtue in that?
At what point will Marshall Davis's protege have to speak out on his spying of the Trump campaign and coordinating efforts to undermine it
Never seen a president so void of integrity as obama.
I used to be undecided who was the worst prez, Bush or Obama.
But this definitely gives barry the advantage
Congrats Barry, you win the tyroneweaver lemon award.
I care about what Obama thinks about as much as I care what Jimmy Carter thinks.

They (and Bush/Clinton) can shut the fuck up.

oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not your LEMON AWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm sure he's devastated at the prospect of getting one of them! that's even worse than the fickle finger of fate award!!!!


You probably shouldn't have said know .....because.....

yep- sure do.

The stench of that kenyan lawn jockey remains
Not for much longer. ObamaCare is being dismantled as we speak.

& people know it. it's moving up the foodchain in the courts.

why do you think the house flipped? people showed up in DROVES at republican town halls over healthcare. now more than ever they need it for this disease that donny so incompetently handled. people are not going to vote for that to go away or the people responsible for taking it away. count on it.

AND the polls are also undeniable in the fact that a majority of people think his handling the pandemic sucks bigley.
At what point will Marshall Davis's protege have to speak out on his spying of the Trump campaign and coordinating efforts to undermine it
Never seen a president so void of integrity as obama.
I used to be undecided who was the worst prez, Bush or Obama.
But this definitely gives barry the advantage
Congrats Barry, you win the tyroneweaver lemon award.

Who is Marshall Davis?
Everything, love machine.

Please be more specific, honey. What did you see that gave you the idea that Obama ordered someone to get Trump?
I get my information from people who tell the truth. You, on the other hand listen to the MSM smartasses day and night and believe every little fibbie they tell for getting interviews with the controversial people on the left who hold secret meetings away from the Congress members of the opposition party and make a huge stink when someone calls them on those little white lies they tell to get votes and put lipstick on their little piggies who squeal "move over!" and "Get outta my way!" at the trough.

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