How liberals and Conservatives see the poor......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Just found this piece about the difference between liberals and conservatives and how they see the poor....

The Liberal Vision For The Poor Vs. The Conservative Vision For The Poor - John Hawkins - Page 1

When liberals look at the poor, first and foremost, they see people who will vote for them in exchange for goodies. This gives liberals a perverse incentive to keep as many Americans mired in poverty as humanly possible.

This is why liberals are always willing to make a government handout a little bigger, easier to qualify for, or to make sure as many people as possible are using it. They want poor people to remain poor – and no wonder. Show me a ghetto in America and I will show you an area that votes heavily Democrat despite the fact that its condition never seems to improve.

Incidentally, that’s just how liberals like it. If you’re poor today, they’d like you to remain poor next year, the next ten years or even for the rest of your life. Then, not only do liberals get your vote, they get to feel better about themselves because they’re “helping” a “pitiful, helpless failure” like you. It’s the best of all worlds for liberals: they get to feel “generous,” it helps keep them in power, and other people pick up the bill.

And how the conservatives see the poor......

On the other hand, conservatives don’t believe anyone is destined to remain poor.

We believe if you make good decisions, work hard and are willing to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, you can at least join the middle class. Unlike the Democrats, Republicans get most of their votes from the middle class; so unlike them, we’re incentivized to help poor Americans improve their situation financially. The same poor person who won’t vote Republican today may vote for the GOP tomorrow if he is off the dole, has a better job and is living in a better neighborhood.

So conservatives do believe in a social safety net, but we believe it should be temporary. We don’t want anyone to become dependent on the government or to take advantage of the system. In other words, we don’t want the safety net to become a hammock.

That’s why we want people to work for welfare, think drug addicts should be ineligible and believe there should be limits to how long someone can stay on a program.

We agree with Ronald Reagan who once said, "I believe the best social program is a job."

Instead of the whip and the chain, the liberals have created the soft manacles of government dependence....
I don't think to many of them do it consciously, but the end result of millions of small choices, does lead to this reality.
Just found this piece about the difference between liberals and conservatives and how they see the poor....

The Liberal Vision For The Poor Vs. The Conservative Vision For The Poor - John Hawkins - Page 1

When liberals look at the poor, first and foremost, they see people who will vote for them in exchange for goodies. This gives liberals a perverse incentive to keep as many Americans mired in poverty as humanly possible.

This is why liberals are always willing to make a government handout a little bigger, easier to qualify for, or to make sure as many people as possible are using it. They want poor people to remain poor – and no wonder. Show me a ghetto in America and I will show you an area that votes heavily Democrat despite the fact that its condition never seems to improve.

Incidentally, that’s just how liberals like it. If you’re poor today, they’d like you to remain poor next year, the next ten years or even for the rest of your life. Then, not only do liberals get your vote, they get to feel better about themselves because they’re “helping” a “pitiful, helpless failure” like you. It’s the best of all worlds for liberals: they get to feel “generous,” it helps keep them in power, and other people pick up the bill.

And how the conservatives see the poor......

On the other hand, conservatives don’t believe anyone is destined to remain poor.

We believe if you make good decisions, work hard and are willing to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, you can at least join the middle class. Unlike the Democrats, Republicans get most of their votes from the middle class; so unlike them, we’re incentivized to help poor Americans improve their situation financially. The same poor person who won’t vote Republican today may vote for the GOP tomorrow if he is off the dole, has a better job and is living in a better neighborhood.

So conservatives do believe in a social safety net, but we believe it should be temporary. We don’t want anyone to become dependent on the government or to take advantage of the system. In other words, we don’t want the safety net to become a hammock.

That’s why we want people to work for welfare, think drug addicts should be ineligible and believe there should be limits to how long someone can stay on a program.

We agree with Ronald Reagan who once said, "I believe the best social program is a job."

Instead of the whip and the chain, the liberals have created the soft manacles of government dependence....

In what world are you living in?

I am a liberal.

Do you remember the PRWORA? People could go to school for a year to get a better job like data entry AT THE SAME TIME the US was outsourcing those jobs overseas?

Did you know that every state that has used drug testing to obtain welfare has wasted a crap load of money and came to same conclusion? There aren't too many on on drugs. It's not just one state. Hell, there was a study and every state that has tried it came to the same conclusion. It's to the point that I'm thinking the conservatives just want to help out a good buddy in the biz.

As a liberal, people that live in poverty are not some nameless, faceless group. Some of them are mentally ill, some of them are intellectually challenged and a few are flat out lazy. Then there are those that work 1, 2 or 3 jobs because they cannot find one job that pays enough or is full time. How convenient it must be for conservatives that were all about deinstitutionalization to look at that faceless nameless group of people and point fingers. Out of sight and out of mind, amiright?

As a liberal, I expect conservatives to start paying attention to the insurance scam under SNAP instead of pretending it doesn't exist and pointing to people that use SNAP itself. I expect you stop looking into shopping carts and start paying attention to the fact that there are states where you can get SNAP and be homeless rely on fast food because you don't have anything to cook on. You can get SNAP and be disabled and not be able to make your own meals and not be able to leave your residence.

Conservatives like to pretend that they can keep outsourcing jobs, busting unions and dropping wages, raise the age for social security because you don't want to remove those stay at home wives that didn't work jack, allow those dear hospitals not to pay property taxes, and allow the banks to do fuck all and still have social mobility.

People like you suck ass. You are clearly not a representative of conservatism. I don't give a hot damn who you vote for. In fact, I am not surprised when people don't.

As a liberal--I have no desire to support someone to sit on their ass and play x box all day. I want this done right the first time around not do the least you can do and then throw your hands in the air and whine.
I can't believe conservatives take absolute bullshit like that article seriously.

The truth is the truth........just because you have borg implants and can't see it, isn't my fault......
Wrong. You think Liberals see the poor as political pawns willing ready and able to vote for larger entitlements. Could you produce evidence for this assumption? Do you think that, with less than 40% of the electorate turning up at polling stations, the tactic you assumed of Liberals is an effective one?

Liberals see the poor as disadvantaged by circumstance. Lack of opportunity largest among those circumstances. Lack of jobs, lack of education to attain jobs are the two biggest factors in the continuing poverty in America.

Conservative policies, by contrast, see the poor as a result of their poor decision making. Perhaps that's ture. Many of the poor did not get out of communities that failed after the largest employers in town pulled up stakes and left for Asia or Latin America. And why did these employers do this? Incentives provided by Conservative policies.

Once you're stuck in a dying town, the situation becomes more dire by the day. The value of your house plummets and potential buyers run away. Now, if you're stuck there, there is no escape. You cannot afford to pull up stakes and leave because no one is going to buy your house, giving you the capital to move on. And once you do move on to 'where the jobs are', chances are you will move to a 'right to work for less' state. So, your wages stagnate at best, erode as per usual. All the while Conservative policies are coddling those with capital.
I can't believe conservatives take absolute bullshit like that article seriously.

The truth is the truth........just because you have borg implants and can't see it, isn't my fault......
Wrong. You think Liberals see the poor as political pawns willing ready and able to vote for larger entitlements. Could you produce evidence for this assumption? Do you think that, with less than 40% of the electorate turning up at polling stations, the tactic you assumed of Liberals is an effective one?

Liberals see the poor as disadvantaged by circumstance. Lack of opportunity largest among those circumstances. Lack of jobs, lack of education to attain jobs are the two biggest factors in the continuing poverty in America.

Conservative policies, by contrast, see the poor as a result of their poor decision making. Perhaps that's ture. Many of the poor did not get out of communities that failed after the largest employers in town pulled up stakes and left for Asia or Latin America. And why did these employers do this? Incentives provided by Conservative policies.

Once you're stuck in a dying town, the situation becomes more dire by the day. The value of your house plummets and potential buyers run away. Now, if you're stuck there, there is no escape. You cannot afford to pull up stakes and leave because no one is going to buy your house, giving you the capital to move on. And once you do move on to 'where the jobs are', chances are you will move to a 'right to work for less' state. So, your wages stagnate at best, erode as per usual. All the while Conservative policies are coddling those with capital.

Yeah....95% of blacks vote for democrats every election...

Democrats will not fix the education system, their democrat controlled schools protect democrat controlled unions, not students, who go on to donate vast sums to the political wing of the democrat party.......condemning poor children with the inability to read and write and do math.....

Democrats drove out businesses with their tax, fine and fee policies depriving the poor of jobs...and poor teenagers work experience.....businesses flee high tax, high fee, high fine states and when they can find even better countries to build in they go their rather than incentivizing businesses to stay here...democrats increase taxes, fines and fees even more.....

The democrat President Lyndon Johnson stated that their goal through the welfare system was to get blacks to vote for democrats for the next 200 years........

So yeah....the democrats want poor people to stay poor and then show up on election day......
I can't believe conservatives take absolute bullshit like that article seriously.

The truth is the truth........just because you have borg implants and can't see it, isn't my fault......
Wrong. You think Liberals see the poor as political pawns willing ready and able to vote for larger entitlements. Could you produce evidence for this assumption? Do you think that, with less than 40% of the electorate turning up at polling stations, the tactic you assumed of Liberals is an effective one?

Liberals see the poor as disadvantaged by circumstance. Lack of opportunity largest among those circumstances. Lack of jobs, lack of education to attain jobs are the two biggest factors in the continuing poverty in America.

Conservative policies, by contrast, see the poor as a result of their poor decision making. Perhaps that's ture. Many of the poor did not get out of communities that failed after the largest employers in town pulled up stakes and left for Asia or Latin America. And why did these employers do this? Incentives provided by Conservative policies.

Once you're stuck in a dying town, the situation becomes more dire by the day. The value of your house plummets and potential buyers run away. Now, if you're stuck there, there is no escape. You cannot afford to pull up stakes and leave because no one is going to buy your house, giving you the capital to move on. And once you do move on to 'where the jobs are', chances are you will move to a 'right to work for less' state. So, your wages stagnate at best, erode as per usual. All the while Conservative policies are coddling those with capital.

Yeah....95% of blacks vote for democrats every election...

Democrats will not fix the education system, their democrat controlled schools protect democrat controlled unions, not students, who go on to donate vast sums to the political wing of the democrat party.......condemning poor children with the inability to read and write and do math.....

Democrats drove out businesses with their tax, fine and fee policies depriving the poor of jobs...and poor teenagers work experience.....businesses flee high tax, high fee, high fine states and when they can find even better countries to build in they go their rather than incentivizing businesses to stay here...democrats increase taxes, fines and fees even more.....

The democrat President Lyndon Johnson stated that their goal through the welfare system was to get blacks to vote for democrats for the next 200 years........

So yeah....the democrats want poor people to stay poor and then show up on election day......
Which unions are those exactly?
Just found this piece about the difference between liberals and conservatives and how they see the poor....

The Liberal Vision For The Poor Vs. The Conservative Vision For The Poor - John Hawkins - Page 1

When liberals look at the poor, first and foremost, they see people who will vote for them in exchange for goodies. This gives liberals a perverse incentive to keep as many Americans mired in poverty as humanly possible.

This is why liberals are always willing to make a government handout a little bigger, easier to qualify for, or to make sure as many people as possible are using it. They want poor people to remain poor – and no wonder. Show me a ghetto in America and I will show you an area that votes heavily Democrat despite the fact that its condition never seems to improve.

Incidentally, that’s just how liberals like it. If you’re poor today, they’d like you to remain poor next year, the next ten years or even for the rest of your life. Then, not only do liberals get your vote, they get to feel better about themselves because they’re “helping” a “pitiful, helpless failure” like you. It’s the best of all worlds for liberals: they get to feel “generous,” it helps keep them in power, and other people pick up the bill.

And how the conservatives see the poor......

On the other hand, conservatives don’t believe anyone is destined to remain poor.

We believe if you make good decisions, work hard and are willing to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, you can at least join the middle class. Unlike the Democrats, Republicans get most of their votes from the middle class; so unlike them, we’re incentivized to help poor Americans improve their situation financially. The same poor person who won’t vote Republican today may vote for the GOP tomorrow if he is off the dole, has a better job and is living in a better neighborhood.

So conservatives do believe in a social safety net, but we believe it should be temporary. We don’t want anyone to become dependent on the government or to take advantage of the system. In other words, we don’t want the safety net to become a hammock.

That’s why we want people to work for welfare, think drug addicts should be ineligible and believe there should be limits to how long someone can stay on a program.

We agree with Ronald Reagan who once said, "I believe the best social program is a job."

Instead of the whip and the chain, the liberals have created the soft manacles of government dependence....

I got just one quick question for you......and I know your not gonna answer it because it requires you to provide FACTS.....Reagan had 8 years, Bush jr had 8 years and both Clinton and Obama had 8 years ........of the 4, not counting Obama yet....but who's left the country with the highest defict, high unemployment and and less jobs....just asking and if you don't answer, I'll understand,
I can't believe conservatives take absolute bullshit like that article seriously.

The truth is the truth........just because you have borg implants and can't see it, isn't my fault......
Wrong. You think Liberals see the poor as political pawns willing ready and able to vote for larger entitlements. Could you produce evidence for this assumption? Do you think that, with less than 40% of the electorate turning up at polling stations, the tactic you assumed of Liberals is an effective one?

Liberals see the poor as disadvantaged by circumstance. Lack of opportunity largest among those circumstances. Lack of jobs, lack of education to attain jobs are the two biggest factors in the continuing poverty in America.

Conservative policies, by contrast, see the poor as a result of their poor decision making. Perhaps that's ture. Many of the poor did not get out of communities that failed after the largest employers in town pulled up stakes and left for Asia or Latin America. And why did these employers do this? Incentives provided by Conservative policies.

Once you're stuck in a dying town, the situation becomes more dire by the day. The value of your house plummets and potential buyers run away. Now, if you're stuck there, there is no escape. You cannot afford to pull up stakes and leave because no one is going to buy your house, giving you the capital to move on. And once you do move on to 'where the jobs are', chances are you will move to a 'right to work for less' state. So, your wages stagnate at best, erode as per usual. All the while Conservative policies are coddling those with capital.

Yeah....95% of blacks vote for democrats every election...

Democrats will not fix the education system, their democrat controlled schools protect democrat controlled unions, not students, who go on to donate vast sums to the political wing of the democrat party.......condemning poor children with the inability to read and write and do math.....

Democrats drove out businesses with their tax, fine and fee policies depriving the poor of jobs...and poor teenagers work experience.....businesses flee high tax, high fee, high fine states and when they can find even better countries to build in they go their rather than incentivizing businesses to stay here...democrats increase taxes, fines and fees even more.....

The democrat President Lyndon Johnson stated that their goal through the welfare system was to get blacks to vote for democrats for the next 200 years........

So yeah....the democrats want poor people to stay poor and then show up on election day......
You are seeing the end result of a once held world monopoly on manufacturing after WWII...The main problem is...these US companies said bye bye because of greed in the profit motive...The US has had the last two years of the largest increases in foreign investment in the US ..Why the hell would they be willing to come here and build manufacturing plants, give US citizens a job, play by the rules, pay taxes obey the EPA and still make a profit?

If what you claim is true?
I can't believe conservatives take absolute bullshit like that article seriously.

The truth is the truth........just because you have borg implants and can't see it, isn't my fault......
Wrong. You think Liberals see the poor as political pawns willing ready and able to vote for larger entitlements. Could you produce evidence for this assumption? Do you think that, with less than 40% of the electorate turning up at polling stations, the tactic you assumed of Liberals is an effective one?

Liberals see the poor as disadvantaged by circumstance. Lack of opportunity largest among those circumstances. Lack of jobs, lack of education to attain jobs are the two biggest factors in the continuing poverty in America.

Conservative policies, by contrast, see the poor as a result of their poor decision making. Perhaps that's ture. Many of the poor did not get out of communities that failed after the largest employers in town pulled up stakes and left for Asia or Latin America. And why did these employers do this? Incentives provided by Conservative policies.

Once you're stuck in a dying town, the situation becomes more dire by the day. The value of your house plummets and potential buyers run away. Now, if you're stuck there, there is no escape. You cannot afford to pull up stakes and leave because no one is going to buy your house, giving you the capital to move on. And once you do move on to 'where the jobs are', chances are you will move to a 'right to work for less' state. So, your wages stagnate at best, erode as per usual. All the while Conservative policies are coddling those with capital.

Yeah....95% of blacks vote for democrats every election...

Democrats will not fix the education system, their democrat controlled schools protect democrat controlled unions, not students, who go on to donate vast sums to the political wing of the democrat party.......condemning poor children with the inability to read and write and do math.....

Democrats drove out businesses with their tax, fine and fee policies depriving the poor of jobs...and poor teenagers work experience.....businesses flee high tax, high fee, high fine states and when they can find even better countries to build in they go their rather than incentivizing businesses to stay here...democrats increase taxes, fines and fees even more.....

The democrat President Lyndon Johnson stated that their goal through the welfare system was to get blacks to vote for democrats for the next 200 years........

So yeah....the democrats want poor people to stay poor and then show up on election day......
Poor folks are less likely to vote, and less likely to get time off from their employers to vote. So not strictly true if the goal is to create poor 'voters'.
Just found this piece about the difference between liberals and conservatives and how they see the poor....

The Liberal Vision For The Poor Vs. The Conservative Vision For The Poor - John Hawkins - Page 1

When liberals look at the poor, first and foremost, they see people who will vote for them in exchange for goodies. This gives liberals a perverse incentive to keep as many Americans mired in poverty as humanly possible.

This is why liberals are always willing to make a government handout a little bigger, easier to qualify for, or to make sure as many people as possible are using it. They want poor people to remain poor – and no wonder. Show me a ghetto in America and I will show you an area that votes heavily Democrat despite the fact that its condition never seems to improve.

Incidentally, that’s just how liberals like it. If you’re poor today, they’d like you to remain poor next year, the next ten years or even for the rest of your life. Then, not only do liberals get your vote, they get to feel better about themselves because they’re “helping” a “pitiful, helpless failure” like you. It’s the best of all worlds for liberals: they get to feel “generous,” it helps keep them in power, and other people pick up the bill.

And how the conservatives see the poor......

On the other hand, conservatives don’t believe anyone is destined to remain poor.

We believe if you make good decisions, work hard and are willing to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, you can at least join the middle class. Unlike the Democrats, Republicans get most of their votes from the middle class; so unlike them, we’re incentivized to help poor Americans improve their situation financially. The same poor person who won’t vote Republican today may vote for the GOP tomorrow if he is off the dole, has a better job and is living in a better neighborhood.

So conservatives do believe in a social safety net, but we believe it should be temporary. We don’t want anyone to become dependent on the government or to take advantage of the system. In other words, we don’t want the safety net to become a hammock.

That’s why we want people to work for welfare, think drug addicts should be ineligible and believe there should be limits to how long someone can stay on a program.

We agree with Ronald Reagan who once said, "I believe the best social program is a job."

Instead of the whip and the chain, the liberals have created the soft manacles of government dependence....

I got just one quick question for you......and I know your not gonna answer it because it requires you to provide FACTS.....Reagan had 8 years, Bush jr had 8 years and both Clinton and Obama had 8 years ........of the 4, not counting Obama yet....but who's left the country with the highest defict, high unemployment and and less jobs....just asking and if you don't answer, I'll understand, mean obama.....with the national debt at 18 trillion dollars.......Reagan was fighting the Soviets, Bush was fighting the muslim terrorists and clinton spent money until the Republicans reigned him in...and it was the republicans that voted in the current budget caps....and of course you want obama to take credit for it.....

and real unemployment is sky high...especially for minorities.....and there are 90 million fewer Americans working thanks to obama....and those who are...are working part time...those "burger flipping" jobs they always accused Reagan of creating.....

that 18 trillion is the death of this country and obama created most of it....
I can't believe conservatives take absolute bullshit like that article seriously.

The truth is the truth........just because you have borg implants and can't see it, isn't my fault......
Wrong. You think Liberals see the poor as political pawns willing ready and able to vote for larger entitlements. Could you produce evidence for this assumption? Do you think that, with less than 40% of the electorate turning up at polling stations, the tactic you assumed of Liberals is an effective one?

Liberals see the poor as disadvantaged by circumstance. Lack of opportunity largest among those circumstances. Lack of jobs, lack of education to attain jobs are the two biggest factors in the continuing poverty in America.

Conservative policies, by contrast, see the poor as a result of their poor decision making. Perhaps that's ture. Many of the poor did not get out of communities that failed after the largest employers in town pulled up stakes and left for Asia or Latin America. And why did these employers do this? Incentives provided by Conservative policies.

Once you're stuck in a dying town, the situation becomes more dire by the day. The value of your house plummets and potential buyers run away. Now, if you're stuck there, there is no escape. You cannot afford to pull up stakes and leave because no one is going to buy your house, giving you the capital to move on. And once you do move on to 'where the jobs are', chances are you will move to a 'right to work for less' state. So, your wages stagnate at best, erode as per usual. All the while Conservative policies are coddling those with capital.

Yeah....95% of blacks vote for democrats every election...

Democrats will not fix the education system, their democrat controlled schools protect democrat controlled unions, not students, who go on to donate vast sums to the political wing of the democrat party.......condemning poor children with the inability to read and write and do math.....

Democrats drove out businesses with their tax, fine and fee policies depriving the poor of jobs...and poor teenagers work experience.....businesses flee high tax, high fee, high fine states and when they can find even better countries to build in they go their rather than incentivizing businesses to stay here...democrats increase taxes, fines and fees even more.....

The democrat President Lyndon Johnson stated that their goal through the welfare system was to get blacks to vote for democrats for the next 200 years........

So yeah....the democrats want poor people to stay poor and then show up on election day......
Poor folks are less likely to vote, and less likely to get time off from their employers to vote. So not strictly true if the goal is to create poor 'voters'.

No....sorry...they are bussed in by Chicago on election day.......or any major democrat controlled povetry warehouse city......New York, L.A.......
I can't believe conservatives take absolute bullshit like that article seriously.

The truth is the truth........just because you have borg implants and can't see it, isn't my fault......

The truth is, in fact, the truth. That article is not the truth though. No matter how many times, or how many ways you repeat a right wing lie, it is still a lie.
I can't believe conservatives take absolute bullshit like that article seriously.

The truth is the truth........just because you have borg implants and can't see it, isn't my fault......

The truth is, in fact, the truth. That article is not the truth though. No matter how many times, or how many ways you repeat a right wing lie, it is still a lie.

For the left the truth is a lie and their lies are the truth..........
I can't believe conservatives take absolute bullshit like that article seriously.

The truth is the truth........just because you have borg implants and can't see it, isn't my fault......

The truth is, in fact, the truth. That article is not the truth though. No matter how many times, or how many ways you repeat a right wing lie, it is still a lie.

For the left the truth is a lie and their lies are the truth..........

And you are an idiot.
I can't believe conservatives take absolute bullshit like that article seriously.

The truth is the truth........just because you have borg implants and can't see it, isn't my fault......

The truth is, in fact, the truth. That article is not the truth though. No matter how many times, or how many ways you repeat a right wing lie, it is still a lie.

For the left the truth is a lie and their lies are the truth..........

So, you got nothing. Again.

You just wanted the same ol' same ol' fight. Predictable.
Whats funny is that republicans are so stupid they believe

Opinion: Liberals "buy" votes by offering goodies

Fact: Red States are the highest receivers of said "goodies"

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