How journalists see the world


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Andrew Neil

✔ @afneil

What has neutral Sweden done to deserve this?
  • Never in Mid-East war
  • Non-Nato
  • Most welcoming of Muslim refugees.
  • Massive foreign aid

You see? Importing an alien and historically hostile culture should be no problemo as long as you are really nice and don't do anything to upset them and send them lots of money.

The US, on the other hand,
  • bombs as fast as Israeli blood lust can finger targets
  • NATO member
  • fairly unwelcoming of Muslim refugees
  • lion's share of the massive foreign aid goes to Israel.
Clearly, the US deserves every attack it suffers.
Andrew Neil

✔ @afneil

What has neutral Sweden done to deserve this?
  • Never in Mid-East war
  • Non-Nato
  • Most welcoming of Muslim refugees.
  • Massive foreign aid

You see? Importing an alien and historically hostile culture should be no problemo as long as you are really nice and don't do anything to upset them and send them lots of money.

The US, on the other hand,
  • bombs as fast as Israeli blood lust can finger targets
  • NATO member
  • fairly unwelcoming of Muslim refugees
  • lion's share of the massive foreign aid goes to Israel.
Clearly, the US deserves every attack it suffers.
What do you have against Israel?
Andrew Neil

✔ @afneil

What has neutral Sweden done to deserve this?
  • Never in Mid-East war
  • Non-Nato
  • Most welcoming of Muslim refugees.
  • Massive foreign aid

You see? Importing an alien and historically hostile culture should be no problemo as long as you are really nice and don't do anything to upset them and send them lots of money.

The US, on the other hand,
  • bombs as fast as Israeli blood lust can finger targets
  • NATO member
  • fairly unwelcoming of Muslim refugees
  • lion's share of the massive foreign aid goes to Israel.
Clearly, the US deserves every attack it suffers.
What do you have against Israel?
he's a neonazi why do you think?
He's my goy gardener. I let him come here and blow off steam. It keeps his drinking down and the lawns looks better.
Andrew Neil

✔ @afneil

What has neutral Sweden done to deserve this?
  • Never in Mid-East war
  • Non-Nato
  • Most welcoming of Muslim refugees.
  • Massive foreign aid

You see? Importing an alien and historically hostile culture should be no problemo as long as you are really nice and don't do anything to upset them and send them lots of money.

The US, on the other hand,
  • bombs as fast as Israeli blood lust can finger targets
  • NATO member
  • fairly unwelcoming of Muslim refugees
  • lion's share of the massive foreign aid goes to Israel.
Clearly, the US deserves every attack it suffers.

Well, yes, the US deserves a lot more than it gets, the US has gone around the world exporting misery, and then complains about attacks which kill a few people, as if they would never go and kill others.
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  • #7
Andrew Neil

✔ @afneil

What has neutral Sweden done to deserve this?
  • Never in Mid-East war
  • Non-Nato
  • Most welcoming of Muslim refugees.
  • Massive foreign aid

You see? Importing an alien and historically hostile culture should be no problemo as long as you are really nice and don't do anything to upset them and send them lots of money.

The US, on the other hand,
  • bombs as fast as Israeli blood lust can finger targets
  • NATO member
  • fairly unwelcoming of Muslim refugees
  • lion's share of the massive foreign aid goes to Israel.
Clearly, the US deserves every attack it suffers.
What do you have against Israel?
Getting us into the Iraq War, for one thing. The constant warmongering. The blood lust. Working through AIPAC to push us into war with Iran. And Russia.
  • Thread starter
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  • #8
Andrew Neil

✔ @afneil

What has neutral Sweden done to deserve this?
  • Never in Mid-East war
  • Non-Nato
  • Most welcoming of Muslim refugees.
  • Massive foreign aid

You see? Importing an alien and historically hostile culture should be no problemo as long as you are really nice and don't do anything to upset them and send them lots of money.

The US, on the other hand,
  • bombs as fast as Israeli blood lust can finger targets
  • NATO member
  • fairly unwelcoming of Muslim refugees
  • lion's share of the massive foreign aid goes to Israel.
Clearly, the US deserves every attack it suffers.

Well, yes, the US deserves a lot more than it gets, the US has gone around the world exporting misery, and then complains about attacks which kill a few people, as if they would never go and kill others.
The bombing needs to stop on all sides.
  • Thread starter
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  • #9
Andrew Neil

✔ @afneil

What has neutral Sweden done to deserve this?
  • Never in Mid-East war
  • Non-Nato
  • Most welcoming of Muslim refugees.
  • Massive foreign aid

You see? Importing an alien and historically hostile culture should be no problemo as long as you are really nice and don't do anything to upset them and send them lots of money.

The US, on the other hand,
  • bombs as fast as Israeli blood lust can finger targets
  • NATO member
  • fairly unwelcoming of Muslim refugees
  • lion's share of the massive foreign aid goes to Israel.
Clearly, the US deserves every attack it suffers.
What do you have against Israel?
he's a neonazi why do you think?
Brilliant response.
He's my goy gardener. I let him come here and blow off steam. It keeps his drinking down and the lawns looks better.
Is it true "goyim" means "cattle"?
Isn't "goyim" the Jewish term for all non-Jews?
Do Jews refer to all non-Jews as cattle?
Doesn't that seem a little racist?
Jew supremacist?
Andrew Neil

✔ @afneil

What has neutral Sweden done to deserve this?
  • Never in Mid-East war
  • Non-Nato
  • Most welcoming of Muslim refugees.
  • Massive foreign aid

You see? Importing an alien and historically hostile culture should be no problemo as long as you are really nice and don't do anything to upset them and send them lots of money.

The US, on the other hand,
  • bombs as fast as Israeli blood lust can finger targets
  • NATO member
  • fairly unwelcoming of Muslim refugees
  • lion's share of the massive foreign aid goes to Israel.
Clearly, the US deserves every attack it suffers.

Well, yes, the US deserves a lot more than it gets, the US has gone around the world exporting misery, and then complains about attacks which kill a few people, as if they would never go and kill others.
The bombing needs to stop on all sides.

But never will, because bombing is good for too many people (the ones who don't get bombed, of course).
Andrew Neil

✔ @afneil

What has neutral Sweden done to deserve this?
  • Never in Mid-East war
  • Non-Nato
  • Most welcoming of Muslim refugees.
  • Massive foreign aid

You see? Importing an alien and historically hostile culture should be no problemo as long as you are really nice and don't do anything to upset them and send them lots of money.

The US, on the other hand,
  • bombs as fast as Israeli blood lust can finger targets
  • NATO member
  • fairly unwelcoming of Muslim refugees
  • lion's share of the massive foreign aid goes to Israel.
Clearly, the US deserves every attack it suffers.

Well, yes, the US deserves a lot more than it gets, the US has gone around the world exporting misery, and then complains about attacks which kill a few people, as if they would never go and kill others.
The bombing needs to stop on all sides.

You go make that demand to Assad and Isis and then get back to us on the response, Tinkerbell.
Andrew Neil

✔ @afneil

What has neutral Sweden done to deserve this?
  • Never in Mid-East war
  • Non-Nato
  • Most welcoming of Muslim refugees.
  • Massive foreign aid

You see? Importing an alien and historically hostile culture should be no problemo as long as you are really nice and don't do anything to upset them and send them lots of money.

The US, on the other hand,
  • bombs as fast as Israeli blood lust can finger targets
  • NATO member
  • fairly unwelcoming of Muslim refugees
  • lion's share of the massive foreign aid goes to Israel.
Clearly, the US deserves every attack it suffers.
What do you have against Israel?
he's a neonazi why do you think?
Brilliant response.
ill give this atleast your honest, nothing more pathetic than an open racist who spends 99% of his time denying that he's racist
I wonder how many of the spineless bigmouths posting about how terrible America is would ever have the stones to live anywhere but under the security of the world's strongest nation.
Andrew Neil

✔ @afneil

What has neutral Sweden done to deserve this?
  • Never in Mid-East war
  • Non-Nato
  • Most welcoming of Muslim refugees.
  • Massive foreign aid

You see? Importing an alien and historically hostile culture should be no problemo as long as you are really nice and don't do anything to upset them and send them lots of money.

The US, on the other hand,
  • bombs as fast as Israeli blood lust can finger targets
  • NATO member
  • fairly unwelcoming of Muslim refugees
  • lion's share of the massive foreign aid goes to Israel.
Clearly, the US deserves every attack it suffers.
What do you have against Israel?
he's a neonazi why do you think?
Brilliant response.
ill give this atleast your honest, nothing more pathetic than an open racist who spends 99% of his time denying that he's racist
If he's denying it he's not open, is he?

As it turns out, you fall into the 99 percent category of those who deny they are racist but actually are. Everyone is racist, just like everyone is familyist. They are the same thing, in point of fact.
Andrew Neil

✔ @afneil

What has neutral Sweden done to deserve this?
  • Never in Mid-East war
  • Non-Nato
  • Most welcoming of Muslim refugees.
  • Massive foreign aid

You see? Importing an alien and historically hostile culture should be no problemo as long as you are really nice and don't do anything to upset them and send them lots of money.

The US, on the other hand,
  • bombs as fast as Israeli blood lust can finger targets
  • NATO member
  • fairly unwelcoming of Muslim refugees
  • lion's share of the massive foreign aid goes to Israel.
Clearly, the US deserves every attack it suffers.
What do you have against Israel?
he's a neonazi why do you think?
Brilliant response.
ill give this atleast your honest, nothing more pathetic than an open racist who spends 99% of his time denying that he's racist
If he's denying it he's not open, is he?

As it turns out, you fall into the 99 percent category of those who deny they are racist but actually are. Everyone is racist, just like everyone is familyist. They are the same thing, in point of fact.
abolish the family, the family is only a tool of the bourgeoisie
What do you have against Israel?
he's a neonazi why do you think?
Brilliant response.
ill give this atleast your honest, nothing more pathetic than an open racist who spends 99% of his time denying that he's racist
If he's denying it he's not open, is he?

As it turns out, you fall into the 99 percent category of those who deny they are racist but actually are. Everyone is racist, just like everyone is familyist. They are the same thing, in point of fact.
abolish the family, the family is only a tool of the bourgeoisie
I should have guessed it. PimpleOw! is a Bolshi.
he's a neonazi why do you think?
Brilliant response.
ill give this atleast your honest, nothing more pathetic than an open racist who spends 99% of his time denying that he's racist
If he's denying it he's not open, is he?

As it turns out, you fall into the 99 percent category of those who deny they are racist but actually are. Everyone is racist, just like everyone is familyist. They are the same thing, in point of fact.
abolish the family, the family is only a tool of the bourgeoisie
I should have guessed it. PimpleOw! is a Bolshi.
Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.

On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution.

The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.

Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty.

But, you say, we destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social.

And your education! Is not that also social, and determined by the social conditions under which you educate, by the intervention direct or indirect, of society, by means of schools, &c.? The Communists have not invented the intervention of society in education; they do but seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class.

The bourgeois clap-trap about the family and education, about the hallowed co-relation of parents and child, becomes all the more disgusting, the more, by the action of Modern Industry, all the family ties among the proletarians are torn asunder, and their children transformed into simple articles of commerce and instruments of labour.

Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)
Brilliant response.
ill give this atleast your honest, nothing more pathetic than an open racist who spends 99% of his time denying that he's racist
If he's denying it he's not open, is he?

As it turns out, you fall into the 99 percent category of those who deny they are racist but actually are. Everyone is racist, just like everyone is familyist. They are the same thing, in point of fact.
abolish the family, the family is only a tool of the bourgeoisie
I should have guessed it. PimpleOw! is a Bolshi.
Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.

On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution.

The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.

Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty.

But, you say, we destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social.

And your education! Is not that also social, and determined by the social conditions under which you educate, by the intervention direct or indirect, of society, by means of schools, &c.? The Communists have not invented the intervention of society in education; they do but seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class.

The bourgeois clap-trap about the family and education, about the hallowed co-relation of parents and child, becomes all the more disgusting, the more, by the action of Modern Industry, all the family ties among the proletarians are torn asunder, and their children transformed into simple articles of commerce and instruments of labour.

Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)
Bleak, dead-souled garbage.
Andrew Neil

✔ @afneil

What has neutral Sweden done to deserve this?
  • Never in Mid-East war
  • Non-Nato
  • Most welcoming of Muslim refugees.
  • Massive foreign aid

You see? Importing an alien and historically hostile culture should be no problemo as long as you are really nice and don't do anything to upset them and send them lots of money.

The US, on the other hand,
  • bombs as fast as Israeli blood lust can finger targets
  • NATO member
  • fairly unwelcoming of Muslim refugees
  • lion's share of the massive foreign aid goes to Israel.
Clearly, the US deserves every attack it suffers.

i love when lying jew hating loons make up things in their head that they pretend other people "think" and then rage against what they've made up in their heads.


israeli blood lust? stfu antisemite freak.

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