After Syria Strike, Populist Supporters Abandon Trump at Home and Abroad


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘Nigel Farage, the pro-Brexit leader, aligned himself with Trump during last year's campaign, spoke at his rallies and was among the first to meet with him after his election. On Friday morning, however, he said he was "very surprised" by the Syria action.

"I think a lot of Trump voters will be waking up this morning and scratching their heads and saying, 'Where will it all end?'" he said. "As a firm Trump supporter, I say, yes, the pictures were horrible, but I'm surprised," Farage continued, arguing that in a region riven by Islamic extremism, "whatever Assad's sins, he is secular."

Farage's comments captured the wave of right-wing anger and frustration that followed the US strike -- and they pointed up an odd reversal.


Populist leaders within the US registered their disapproval as well. "I'm deeply concerned that these strikes could lead to the United States once again being dragged back into the quagmire of long-term military engagement in the Middle East," said Vermont's Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders. "If the last 15 years have shown anything, it's that such engagements are disastrous for American security, for the American economy and for the American people."

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul, a staunch advocate for keeping the US out of foreign entanglements, called on Trump to consult on Congress. "While we all condemn the atrocities in Syria, the United States was not attacked," Paul said. "The President needs congressional authorization for military action as required by the Constitution, and I call on him to come to Congress for a proper debate."

Conservative foreign policy experts who often support the President's positions also expressed dismay. John Glaser, the Cato Institute's associate director of foreign policy studies, said that "Trump's decision to attack the Syrian regime has no legal authority and little chance of actually mitigating the suffering of Syrians caught in the civil war."’

After Syria strike, populist supporters abandon Trump at home and abroad -


The attack was clearly unwarranted, illegal, and will not have the desired effect.

Indeed, Trump’s actions will only further destabilize the Region and foment anti-American sentiment in the ME.
‘Nigel Farage, the pro-Brexit leader, aligned himself with Trump during last year's campaign, spoke at his rallies and was among the first to meet with him after his election. On Friday morning, however, he said he was "very surprised" by the Syria action.

"I think a lot of Trump voters will be waking up this morning and scratching their heads and saying, 'Where will it all end?'" he said. "As a firm Trump supporter, I say, yes, the pictures were horrible, but I'm surprised," Farage continued, arguing that in a region riven by Islamic extremism, "whatever Assad's sins, he is secular."

Farage's comments captured the wave of right-wing anger and frustration that followed the US strike -- and they pointed up an odd reversal.


Populist leaders within the US registered their disapproval as well. "I'm deeply concerned that these strikes could lead to the United States once again being dragged back into the quagmire of long-term military engagement in the Middle East," said Vermont's Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders. "If the last 15 years have shown anything, it's that such engagements are disastrous for American security, for the American economy and for the American people."

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul, a staunch advocate for keeping the US out of foreign entanglements, called on Trump to consult on Congress. "While we all condemn the atrocities in Syria, the United States was not attacked," Paul said. "The President needs congressional authorization for military action as required by the Constitution, and I call on him to come to Congress for a proper debate."
Rand Paul always says that. Didn't stop Obama, Bush, Clinton or Reagan so maybe he's wrong? Your post doesn't back up your title. Quoting Bernie Sanders? Are you on dope?

What's with you libtards that think you can simply make accusations and shape reality?
I love how white supremacists demand muslims be secularists, but have nothing but the worst things to say about secularism in their own countries. I'm pretty sure farage once called secularism "marxist devil worship" lol
I love how white supremacists demand muslims be secularists, but have nothing but the worst things to say about secularism in their own countries. I'm pretty sure farage once called secularism "marxist devil worship" lol
I don't know any white supremacists or why you care what they think. But I never heard such a demand. Secularism means atheism. Who's demanding atheism? Only an atheist would do that.
I love how white supremacists demand muslims be secularists, but have nothing but the worst things to say about secularism in their own countries. I'm pretty sure farage once called secularism "marxist devil worship" lol
I don't know any white supremacists or why you care what they think. But I never heard such a demand. Secularism means atheism. Who's demanding atheism? Only an atheist would do that.
nigel farage you dipshit
Another butt hurt liberal trying to tell us conservatives that Trump isn't a good President.
I love how white supremacists demand muslims be secularists, but have nothing but the worst things to say about secularism in their own countries. I'm pretty sure farage once called secularism "marxist devil worship" lol
I don't know any white supremacists or why you care what they think. But I never heard such a demand. Secularism means atheism. Who's demanding atheism? Only an atheist would do that.
nigel farage you dipshit
Turdbrain, that doesn't translate to populists supporters abandon Trump. Farage is neither the supporters nor does saying he's surprised make the case. Have a toddler walk you through it.
I love how white supremacists demand muslims be secularists, but have nothing but the worst things to say about secularism in their own countries. I'm pretty sure farage once called secularism "marxist devil worship" lol
I don't know any white supremacists or why you care what they think. But I never heard such a demand. Secularism means atheism. Who's demanding atheism? Only an atheist would do that.
nigel farage you dipshit
Turdbrain, that doesn't translate to populists supporters abandon Trump. Farage is neither the supporters nor does saying he's surprised make the case. Have a toddler walk you through it.
you said "But I never heard such a demand. Secularism means atheism. Who's demanding atheism? Only an atheist would do that..... " can we atleast agree that you just wrote that or you going to weasel your way out of that too?
white supremacists demand muslims be secularists, but have nothing but the worst things to say about secularism in their own countries

PimpleOw! tends to get a little overwrought when she tries to express her prejudices. It can be difficult to grasp. Why don't you provide us with an example of a white supremacist demanding Muslims be secular, PimpleOw! Heck, why don't you provide us with an example of a white supremacist. That will help us untangle what's going on in that pimple sitting on your shoulders. Then (and I know this may be overreaching), give us an example of white supremacists saying the worst things to say about secularism in their own country. (This ought to be good, if she'll rise to the challenge).
I love how white supremacists demand muslims be secularists, but have nothing but the worst things to say about secularism in their own countries. I'm pretty sure farage once called secularism "marxist devil worship" lol
I don't know any white supremacists or why you care what they think. But I never heard such a demand. Secularism means atheism. Who's demanding atheism? Only an atheist would do that.
nigel farage you dipshit
Turdbrain, that doesn't translate to populists supporters abandon Trump. Farage is neither the supporters nor does saying he's surprised make the case. Have a toddler walk you through it.
you said "But I never heard such a demand. Secularism means atheism. Who's demanding atheism? Only an atheist would do that..... " can we atleast agree that you just wrote that or you going to weasel your way out of that too?
Huh? Like I said get some kid to explain the words to you.
white supremacists demand muslims be secularists, but have nothing but the worst things to say about secularism in their own countries

PimpleOw! tends to get a little overwrought when she tries to express her prejudices. It can be difficult to grasp. Why don't you provide us with an example of a white supremacist demanding Muslims be secular, PimpleOw! Heck, why don't you provide us with an example of a white supremacist. That will help us untangle what's going on in that pimple sitting on your shoulders. Then (and I know this may be overreaching), give us an example of white supremacists saying the worst things to say about secularism in their own country. (This ought to be good, if she'll rise to the challenge).
you nazis sure cant read..... its in the OP, obviously im calling farage aka "the Ukip nazi" a white supremacist. and he's says in the first paragraph of this thread .... i know a paragraph is alot of reading but still.... "whatever Assad's sins, he is secular." meaning he is acknowledging assad used sarin gas on his own citizens but thats okay because he's secular....
I love how white supremacists demand muslims be secularists, but have nothing but the worst things to say about secularism in their own countries. I'm pretty sure farage once called secularism "marxist devil worship" lol
I don't know any white supremacists or why you care what they think. But I never heard such a demand. Secularism means atheism. Who's demanding atheism? Only an atheist would do that.
nigel farage you dipshit
Turdbrain, that doesn't translate to populists supporters abandon Trump. Farage is neither the supporters nor does saying he's surprised make the case. Have a toddler walk you through it.
you said "But I never heard such a demand. Secularism means atheism. Who's demanding atheism? Only an atheist would do that..... " can we atleast agree that you just wrote that or you going to weasel your way out of that too?
Huh? Like I said get some kid to explain the words to you.
I'm pretty sure only your personal therapist could explain what those rambling words mean
white supremacists demand muslims be secularists, but have nothing but the worst things to say about secularism in their own countries

PimpleOw! tends to get a little overwrought when she tries to express her prejudices. It can be difficult to grasp. Why don't you provide us with an example of a white supremacist demanding Muslims be secular, PimpleOw! Heck, why don't you provide us with an example of a white supremacist. That will help us untangle what's going on in that pimple sitting on your shoulders. Then (and I know this may be overreaching), give us an example of white supremacists saying the worst things to say about secularism in their own country. (This ought to be good, if she'll rise to the challenge).
you nazis sure cant read..... its in the OP, obviously im calling farage aka "the Ukip nazi" a white supremacist. and he's says in the first paragraph of this thread .... i know a paragraph is alot of reading but still.... "whatever Assad's sins, he is secular." meaning he is acknowledging assad used sarin gas on his own citizens but thats okay because he's secular....
PimpleOw!'s world is simply crawling with nazis. I'm guessing she has some sort of masturbatory relationship going.

First, Farage is not a white supremacist. At least, unlike God's Chosen People, I've never seen any indication he believes white people should rule over non-white people.

Second, he did not acknowledge Assad used Sarin gas (and it is highly unlikely that he did)

Third, he said it is a point for Assad that he is secular in a region of religious/political fanaticisms like Wahabism and Zionism.

Fourth, I actually challenged you (and you ducked) on your absurd claim that white supremacists hate secularism in their own country.

Damn, you people are truly clueless.
I don't know any white supremacists or why you care what they think. But I never heard such a demand. Secularism means atheism. Who's demanding atheism? Only an atheist would do that.
nigel farage you dipshit
Turdbrain, that doesn't translate to populists supporters abandon Trump. Farage is neither the supporters nor does saying he's surprised make the case. Have a toddler walk you through it.
you said "But I never heard such a demand. Secularism means atheism. Who's demanding atheism? Only an atheist would do that..... " can we atleast agree that you just wrote that or you going to weasel your way out of that too?
Huh? Like I said get some kid to explain the words to you.
I'm pretty sure only your personal therapist could explain what those rambling words mean
I win.
Rand Paul always says that. Didn't stop Obama, Bush, Clinton or Reagan so maybe he's wrong?
No, he's right on Constitutional grounds.
It wasn't a declaration of war so he's wrong.
So, an act of war isn't a declaration of war?
No, a declaration is a formal announcement that the countries are now at war. And you are not in a position to define what "act of war" means. If it was an act of war I imagine the palace and intel infrastructure would have been hit first. Along with taking out their military. That's how war works.

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