How Jon Stewart Turned Conservative Lies Into Groundbreaking Comedy and Enlightened a Generation


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Jon Stewart is a brilliant comedian, but like all entertainers, he needs material in order to create satire and comedy. The Daily Show isn't a standup routine, it's a natural consequence of America's political culture. After all, when Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly represent patriotism and American exceptionalism, the fodder for laughs is endless.

Stewart's brand of humor and political analyses has always been based on an amusing look at conservative media's attempt to shape a national narrative. Insane quotes and odd viewpoints on everything from health care to where Obama was born can be found from conservatives today, and the GOP seems to know exactly what God is thinking and even why the good Lord thinks rape is a "gift." While many conservatives are happy to see him leave the show he created, the truth is that all Stewart's done is dare to look at Michele Bachmann from the vantage point of a sane person. In doing so, we laugh because changing "French fries" to "freedom Fries" is funny. Therefore, let's take a quick look at some of the "material" Stewart and hisDaily Show has turned into comedy, at the expense of Republicans who have assured voters they weren't witches and that God wanted John Boehner to remain Speaker of the House.

According to Pew Research, 30 percent of Republicans in 2012 believed President Obama was Muslim. In 2011, POLITICO stated that 51 percent of Republican primary voters thought Obama was born in a different country. This caused Newt Gingrich to claim that, "Shariah law is a mortal threat to the survival of freedom in the United States and in the world as we know it." Many conservatives still believe the president is a socialist and Herman Cain once stated that Obama was "determined to destroy our capitalistic system."

If conservatives view Jon Stewart as an irresponsible political satirist, it could be because conservative ideology is often times bizarre. The notion of a Muslim president born in Africa, advocating Shariah law and the destruction of our capitalist system, isn't just a perfect storyline for a comedian like Stewart. People around the country take this mentality seriously, which makes it even funnier. The Daily Show pounces upon this irrationality in our political system.

Mike Huckabee has compared being gay to drinking, swearing and classical music, while Rick Santorum believes gay marriage will hurt the economy. Indiana State Republican candidate Richard Mourdock once said that pregnancies from rape are "something that God intends to happen" and Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akinexplained that women's bodies can "shut down" pregnancies from "legitimate rapes." Rush Limbaugh once called a female college student a "slut," less than four years after he stated, "I hope Obama fails." According to Bill O'Reilly, Robert Bergdhal "looks like a Muslim" because of his long beard, but Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson is a darling of Fox News. Phil Robertson, by the way, is always good for some laughs, especially since he's on record as stating, "It seems like, to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man's anus."

Conservatives dislike Jon Stewart and The Daily Show, primarily because they've utilized conservative rhetoric from the vantage point of a sane person. For many, it is simply not sane or rational to believe that women's bodies can "shut down" a pregnancy after rape, or that "looking Muslim" is a bad thing, or that America should hear one's thoughts on why a vagina is better than a man's anus. Thus, imagine a Republican Mad Libs where you write in GOP quotes within the blank spaces of a sentence. Funny, right?

Ben Carson recently said that Obamacare was "the worst thing that has happened to this nation since slavery." Speaking of Obamacare, Michele Bachmann advocatedrepealing the ACA before "it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens." Bachman also believed that "God is going to answer our prayers" and repeal Obamacare, and even said that fellow Republicans needed "to slit our wrists" and "be blood brothers" in order to defeat the ACA. Pertaining to immigration, Texas GOP Representative Louie Gohmert stated that Texas had the right to use "troops" and "ships of war" in order to defend against illegal immigrant children he likened to the "D-Day invasion."

So, a health care law is not only worse than slavery, but will kill people with what Sarah Palin coined as "death panels." Illegal immigrant children are invading the country and one Congressman believes Texas has the right to possibly wage war to protect its border. Do you find this bizarre, or does this make perfect sense to you?

If it does, then you've watched a lot of Fox News.

This is the material Jon Stewart has utilized for years in jokes, satire, and political commentary. What conservatives take seriously and what Fox News viewers feel is legitimate commentary is the same thing Stewart has used for years to make us all laugh. This says a lot about American politics.

Then of course, there's Christine O'Donnell's legendary television ad claiming that she isn't a witch. If you can get through the first sentence of this commercial without laughing, or at least smiling, then you might not have a sense of humor. In addition to not being a witch, O'Donnell made a statement many years back on MTV that might ruin the night lives of Newt Gingrich and especially Rush Limbaugh:

"It is not enough to be abstinent with other people, you also have to be, be abstinent alone. The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery, so you can't masturbate without lust."

So, according to a person who could have become Delaware's Senator in 2010, masturbation is the same as cheating on your wife.

How is that not funny?

How did O'Donnell become the GOP candidate for Senate?

More: How Jon Stewart Turned Conservative Lies Into Groundbreaking Comedy and Enlightened a Generation - H. A. Goodman

Thank you, H. A. Goodman, for this enlightening and hilariously true article. I'm a big Jon Stewart fan.
I can't imagine who could replace Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. John Oliver is good - but he's not Stewart.
I can't imagine who could replace Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. John Oliver is good - but he's not Stewart.

It's a tough one. He really does great interviews. The best one was when he just NAILED Bill Kristol on health care reform. I mean he cornered the fucking slimeball and literally left Kristol stuttering.

His team of researchers for finding juxtaposing video footage on a chosen topic is unmatched. I don't know how they do it.

The only one who could replace him is Stephen Colbert, but he takes over for David Letterman in another month or so.
I can't imagine who could replace Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. John Oliver is good - but he's not Stewart.

Not even Stewart was Stewart in the beginning.

The right slash Fox certainly gave him no end of material but he roasted his share of liberals and Dems too.

He had a very positive impact on a lot of issues and his research was almost always impeccable and above reproach. When he showed actual footage of Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, it showed them for what they really are - whores for the 1% and poison for America.

Remember when he pressured the Do Nothing Repubs refused to vote for medical help for the 9/11 first responders? Same with the segments he did to benefit veterans. The Repubs had no choice but to listen to their constituents after those shows.

Fox, Limbaugh, Brietbart, etc are still just as dishonest but at least more people know it now. RWs now have no choice but to admit that they base their beliefs and opinions of full-out lies.
I can't imagine who could replace Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. John Oliver is good - but he's not Stewart.

Not even Stewart was Stewart in the beginning.

The right slash Fox certainly gave him no end of material but he roasted his share of liberals and Dems too.

He had a very positive impact on a lot of issues and his research was almost always impeccable and above reproach. When he showed actual footage of Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, it showed them for what they really are - whores for the 1% and poison for America.

Remember when he pressured the Do Nothing Repubs refused to vote for medical help for the 9/11 first responders?

Oh yes!!!!!

"Worst Responders"

Worst Responders - The Daily Show - Video Clip Comedy Central
I can't imagine who could replace Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. John Oliver is good - but he's not Stewart.

They could give John Fugalsang a shot.

You're right. John Fugelsang is brilliant.

I've never heard of him! But maybe Louis C.K.
Frankly, I'd love it if Chris Rock took over if Stewart insists on leaving.

Chris Rock is great - but I don't know his politics. How about Dave Chappelle? Although I don't know his politics either. Does anyone remember Dave's skit on Clayton Bigsby (blind black racist who thought he was white)? I couldn't stop laughing.
The real genius of Jon Stewart is being able to parody US politics.
How can you manufacture jokes from something that is already so completely ridiculous?
Ahhh, the most repeatable and influential person for the liberal left... A guy whose show comes on after a puppet show, oddly that's the same answer he gives when people point out his misinformation and lies... He then asks how seriously can you take him when he comes on after a puppet show. I dono, I guess you would have to ask a liberal drone like we have on these boards.

Didn't john once say that if you get your news from him then your a fucking idiot? Lol, keep telling us about how much you love JS guys =)
Ahhh, the most repeatable and influential person for the liberal left... A guy whose show comes on after a puppet show, oddly that's the same answer he gives when people point out his misinformation and lies... He then asks how seriously can you take him when he comes on after a puppet show. I dono, I guess you would have to ask a liberal drone like we have on these boards.

Didn't john once say that if you get your news from him then your a fucking idiot? Lol, keep telling us about how much you love JS guys =)
Yet, scientific research has shown that people that watch The Daily Show are better informed than those that watch Fox fact, people that watch NO news are better informed than those that watch Fox News.
That's Science.
Ahhh, the most repeatable and influential person for the liberal left... A guy whose show comes on after a puppet show, oddly that's the same answer he gives when people point out his misinformation and lies... He then asks how seriously can you take him when he comes on after a puppet show. I dono, I guess you would have to ask a liberal drone like we have on these boards.

Didn't john once say that if you get your news from him then your a fucking idiot? Lol, keep telling us about how much you love JS guys =)
Yet, scientific research has shown that people that watch The Daily Show are better informed than those that watch Fox fact, people that watch NO news are better informed than those that watch Fox News.
That's Science.

What's your point?

Why are you talking about fox news?

Did I defend Fox news?

Do you get your news from John Stewart?

Read this if you have the time, it's not funny so you might not make it very far, but who knows.

How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation New York Post
Ahhh, the most repeatable and influential person for the liberal left... A guy whose show comes on after a puppet show, oddly that's the same answer he gives when people point out his misinformation and lies... He then asks how seriously can you take him when he comes on after a puppet show. I dono, I guess you would have to ask a liberal drone like we have on these boards.

Didn't john once say that if you get your news from him then your a fucking idiot? Lol, keep telling us about how much you love JS guys =)
Yet, scientific research has shown that people that watch The Daily Show are better informed than those that watch Fox fact, people that watch NO news are better informed than those that watch Fox News.
That's Science.

I wonder if there is truth to this: Before you know it, if you point out that Bill O’Reilly’s audience is just as well informed as NPR’s (as a Pew poll found), or that Sarah Palin never said, “I can see Russia from my house” (that was “Saturday Night Live”), you’re just a buzzkill.
Ahhh, the most repeatable and influential person for the liberal left... A guy whose show comes on after a puppet show, oddly that's the same answer he gives when people point out his misinformation and lies... He then asks how seriously can you take him when he comes on after a puppet show. I dono, I guess you would have to ask a liberal drone like we have on these boards.

Didn't john once say that if you get your news from him then your a fucking idiot? Lol, keep telling us about how much you love JS guys =)
Yet, scientific research has shown that people that watch The Daily Show are better informed than those that watch Fox fact, people that watch NO news are better informed than those that watch Fox News.
That's Science.

What's your point?

Why are you talking about fox news?

Did I defend Fox news?

Do you get your news from John Stewart?

Read this if you have the time, it's not funny so you might not make it very far, but who knows.

How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation New York Post
I'm refuting your position that the Daily Show can't be taken seriously by pointing out that they are more effective in informing people than a 'serious' news channel.
Ahhh, the most repeatable and influential person for the liberal left... A guy whose show comes on after a puppet show, oddly that's the same answer he gives when people point out his misinformation and lies... He then asks how seriously can you take him when he comes on after a puppet show. I dono, I guess you would have to ask a liberal drone like we have on these boards.

Didn't john once say that if you get your news from him then your a fucking idiot? Lol, keep telling us about how much you love JS guys =)
Yet, scientific research has shown that people that watch The Daily Show are better informed than those that watch Fox fact, people that watch NO news are better informed than those that watch Fox News.
That's Science.

What's your point?

Why are you talking about fox news?

Did I defend Fox news?

Do you get your news from John Stewart?

Read this if you have the time, it's not funny so you might not make it very far, but who knows.

How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation New York Post
I'm refuting your position that the Daily Show can't be taken seriously by pointing out that they are more effective in informing people than a 'serious' news channel.

Yet he still lies and misrepresents the truth, and that's all I pointed out. So your point is retarded.

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