How is your county doing? I'm seeing something fishy.

It appears my county in Arizona has stopped reporting number of China Virus patients in ICU. :dunno: As of April 10th there were over 500 CV cases and 32 bad enough to be in ICU. After April 10th there are no ICU reports that I can find.

FYI there are over 1 million people in my county. 32 critical cases. That is about 3 critical cases per 100 thousand residents. How is your county doing?

Your county somewhere on here.
AZDHS | COVID-19 Dashboards
That is one of a half dozen sources I have been monitoring. They all dropped number of ICU cases reported. How is your county doing?
Its just starting to hit the hospitals here. I have been busy last few days have not paid attention like I was but last week they were at like 12 deaths. OSU was ahead of this shit when every one was complaining about the protective gear my sister had hers for over a week.

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