CDZ How is Transgender Theory Different from Religion?

For destroying the lives of young children all over the world

Gender confusion is up some 4000% after this crap has started to be taught.

Destroying the innocence of children is a top offense for me

And destroying my country in addition is a close second.

I can't decide which they care less about, the children or the country.

Judging from the numbers of babies thrown in dumpsters every day, they probably care less about the children.

These people are subhuman
No Human is subhuman.

That's why it's a greater moral calling to be a Christian. You have to deal with people, and cannot be merely the latest tyrannical dictator, choosing to devalue them for the sake of convenience.
If I read this thread 30 yrs ago I would faint at this nonsense. Most of the country would


^^^^^^ This is not normal. Anyone who thinks it is ,is abbynormal...This is mental illness. Anyone who says it isn't is mentally ill also. Nearly half of the above bozos make a serious attempt on their life. That is mental illness
You're right. Gender dysphoria Has definitely been observed as a mental disorder. However, Transgender ideology is the suggestion that it's not a mental disorder, and that all of the traits and connections of the different sexes we know naturally or intellectually throughout history are wrong and don't exist.

50 years ago, homosexuality was considered a "mental disorder"... until it wasn't. Now it is just recognized as another form or sexuality. The same is happening with gender dysphoria.

Is it just "mentioned" in society or classrooms? No, it's not just mentioned in passing. It's highlighted and supported, despite its mythological nature.

Again, gender dysphoria is real, and having teachers tell kids to not be bigots is hardly "highlighting" it.

Yes, they can be documented absolutely. Any psychiatrist and psychologist can do so.

As far as "understood scientifically", you'll have to say how that is.

Educated people who aren't religious bigots understand it just fine.

What in the heck are you even talking about?
You made a claim that Christians are tolerant of people who don't think that Jesus did magic tricks. 2000 years of history prove otherwise. When you weren't killing 'infidels" for their land, you were killing each other over weather or not Jesus was made of stale wafers or not.

Again.. what? Who is trying to force everyone to believe in any faith besides the Muslims? They can answer for themselves, I'll talk about Christianity. It's a free will religion. You can choose to join the team or not.
Um, yeah... except for the crusades, inquisitions, witch burnings, wars of religion, you guys were totally into "Free-will", just using the threat of eternal damnation to get people to think Jesus did magic tricks now.

Here's an example of what I talked about in the previous post. It's awful that you'd resort to such nasty tactics with absolutely zero proof. Spreading false rumors isn't a good action no matter which moral code you subscribe to.

Uh, bud, you were the one who started the trolling thread.

If there's a trans person, they aren't bothering you. They are having no effect on your life in any way, shape or form.
If I read this thread 30 yrs ago I would faint at this nonsense. Most of the country would

60 years ago, if someone started a thread saying black folks should be able to drink out of the same water fountains, ride on the front of the bus and marry white folks, most people would have fainted as such nonsense.

We are making progress when we don't need to hate on the other.
50 years ago, homosexuality was considered a "mental disorder"... until it wasn't. Now it is just recognized as another form or sexuality. The same is happening with gender dysphoria.

Again, gender dysphoria is real, and having teachers tell kids to not be bigots is hardly "highlighting" it.

Educated people who aren't religious bigots understand it just fine.

You made a claim that Christians are tolerant of people who don't think that Jesus did magic tricks. 2000 years of history prove otherwise. When you weren't killing 'infidels" for their land, you were killing each other over weather or not Jesus was made of stale wafers or not.

Um, yeah... except for the crusades, inquisitions, witch burnings, wars of religion, you guys were totally into "Free-will", just using the threat of eternal damnation to get people to think Jesus did magic tricks now.

Uh, bud, you were the one who started the trolling thread.

If there's a trans person, they aren't bothering you. They are having no effect on your life in any way, shape or form.
Wow, you clearly have a lot of disrespect and anger to project. I seek intellectual, respectful convo. Your offering is so far from that, it's just not compelling to address.

If you'd like to make your points without the insults and mockery.. feel free to reply.
I think the goal is to get shop owners to stop embarrassing these people when they go out in public. Doesn’t matter if it makes you uncomfortable. Get over it.

So they show gays and lesbians kiss on tv. Yes, to get your kids used to it. Why? Because otherwise they pick on gays. And gays feel guilty for their normal feelings
I agree that showing gays kissing on TV and movies is to get kids used to it. It's called indoctrination.
50 years ago, homosexuality was considered a "mental disorder"... until it wasn't. Now it is just recognized as another form or sexuality. The same is happening with gender dysphoria.

Homosexuality •IS• a mental disorder. And a moral disorder as well. Denying the truth about it will not change that truth.

And gender dysphoria, even more so, is a severe mental disorder. Seriously, how fucked-up in the head do you have to be to be that confused about the basic biological distinction between men and women?
I know that the godless creatures here will snicker at this statement, but I honestly believe that all this push of queer lifestyle and transgender crap is spiritual. It's demonic. I come to that conclusion because I see otherwise intelligent people totally blind to basic biology.
The problem here for me isnt the transexualism. If an adult wants to identify as the other gender and makes an adult decision to change rhings around, that is no skin off my teeth.

What I DO have a problem with is the fascist left's sexualization of children and the way they keep indoctrinating them with adult subject matter at an earlier and earlier age. They are taking their childhood away from them and messing with a very important developmental stage. There is a reason we take so long to mature into adulthood, and allowing children their age of innocence helps themturn into healthy adults. The fascist lefy only cates about their agenda, thoughj, and couldnt care less about how they are fucking up the kids.
I agree that showing gays kissing on TV and movies is to get kids used to it. It's called indoctrination.
If it's always shown as some ground breaking, brave, heroic notion.. yes. And that's what is being done.

I've never seen an antagonist who was gay or trans. They're always the hero in every movie they're in. It's such a political push, and extremely boring, as it's done over, and over, and over.. and every time it's desperately celebrated by the left.. but you can tell it's out of political necessity, not because it's anything new.
Homosexuality •IS• a mental disorder. And a moral disorder as well. Denying the truth about it will not change that truth.

And gender dysphoria, even more so, is a severe mental disorder. Seriously, how fucked-up in the head do you have to be to be that confused about the basic biological distinction between men and women?
I think "mental disorder" is a loaded term for homosexuality. To me, it's just an unnatural urge. A homosexual who partakes in sex with another of the same sex is in the same boat as anyone who has pre-marital sex with the other sex. Both have sinned quite seriously. I used to struggle with pre-marital sex, and I was no better than any homosexual who also struggled.

Now, being gay is totally different. A homosexual struggling with their physical urges is compatible with the church. The gay tribe of "there's nothing wrong with what I want" is not. That logic goes for anyone who acts outside of the faith. But, the gay community likes to pretend their special. They're nothing special, just another group of sinners like the rest of us.
The problem here for me isnt the transexualism. If an adult wants to identify as the other gender and makes an adult decision to change rhings around, that is no skin off my teeth.

What I DO have a problem with is the fascist left's sexualization of children and the way they keep indoctrinating them with adult subject matter at an earlier and earlier age. They are taking their childhood away from them and messing with a very important developmental stage. There is a reason we take so long to mature into adulthood, and allowing children their age of innocence helps themturn into healthy adults. The fascist lefy only cates about their agenda, thoughj, and couldnt care less about how they are fucking up the kids.
Yes, the STRONG push to indoctrinate children is VERY creepy.

While I don't agree with Trans ideology, I can accept if an adult wants to do their thing, provided they don't expect me to partake in their delusion (which they usually do in demanding to be called something they aren't, and go out of my way to use their pronouns, etc.)

As a Christian, I don't demand non-believers to say Amen, pray, or do anything. They are free to not believe.
50 years ago, homosexuality was considered a "mental disorder"... until it wasn't. Now it is just recognized as another form or sexuality. The same is happening with gender dysphoria.
It is a mental disorder though. There's an imbalance that's linked to a chromosome deficiency.

I don't care what a heavily conditioned society in which progressivism is forced upon them thinks to the contrary.

Conversion therapy worked on some folk.
Didn't work on some others.

There's people who don't like being gay, some who are ashamed of it and some who just outright embrace it.

It's no coincidence that when society all of a sudden decides being gay is normal and "the done thing" all of a sudden record amounts of folk are gay.

For a lot of folk it's them being a little more comfortable coming out and not needing to keep it a secret which is good for them, but I won't let anyone tell me that for a lot of other folk it isn't a choice. A lifestyle choice.
Yes, the STRONG push to indoctrinate children is VERY creepy.

While I don't agree with Trans ideology, I can accept if an adult wants to do their thing, provided they don't expect me to partake in their delusion (which they usually do in demanding to be called something they aren't, and go out of my way to use their pronouns, etc.)

As a Christian, I don't demand non-believers to say Amen, pray, or do anything. They are free to not believe.
Agree. That's the problem. The queers and freaks demand that you respect them, while they feel they have the right to slander, insult, belittle, and abuse Christians. To hell with that.
The problem here for me isnt the transexualism. If an adult wants to identify as the other gender and makes an adult decision to change rhings around, that is no skin off my teeth.

What I DO have a problem with is the fascist left's sexualization of children and the way they keep indoctrinating them with adult subject matter at an earlier and earlier age. They are taking their childhood away from them and messing with a very important developmental stage. There is a reason we take so long to mature into adulthood, and allowing children their age of innocence helps themturn into healthy adults. The fascist lefy only cates about their agenda, thoughj, and couldnt care less about how they are fucking up the kids.

Uh, dude, kids are going to be curious about sex long before they hit puberty. I went to a pretty repressed Catholic School, and yet we all had our porn stashes, we all tried to cop a feel on Mary Sue at the junior prom, and we all knew that one kid who was stuck with a kid in her teens because she didn't know enough about birth control because the Nuns didn't tell her.

Nobody is going to go out and be gay or trans because a teacher told them it was okay unless they were already inclined to be gay or trans. It was certainly better the Catholic version, which was to hound the LGBTQ kids into the clergy and that wasn't going to be a problem later.
Homosexuality •IS• a mental disorder. And a moral disorder as well. Denying the truth about it will not change that truth.

And gender dysphoria, even more so, is a severe mental disorder. Seriously, how fucked-up in the head do you have to be to be that confused about the basic biological distinction between men and women?

SO I put the question to you again, not that you will ever answer it.

Tell me why homosexuality is bad without resorting to "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad".

Because honestly, at the end of the day, that's the crux of your argument.

Best boss I ever had was a gay woman. Didn't even know she was gay until I had worked for her for nearly a year. Very good at her job and today works as an executive at a major Pharma company.
If it's always shown as some ground breaking, brave, heroic notion.. yes. And that's what is being done.

I've never seen an antagonist who was gay or trans. They're always the hero in every movie they're in. It's such a political push, and extremely boring, as it's done over, and over, and over.. and every time it's desperately celebrated by the left.. but you can tell it's out of political necessity, not because it's anything new.


How about Buffalo Bill in the Silence of the Lambs. (As well as Hannibal Lecter, who is probably at least bi.)
Prince Edward in Braveheart?

If anything, gay characters are usually not the heroes of movies or TV, they are at best supporting characters, like the sassy gay friend that the female protagonist complains about her boyfriend to.
I think "mental disorder" is a loaded term for homosexuality. To me, it's just an unnatural urge. A homosexual who partakes in sex with another of the same sex is in the same boat as anyone who has pre-marital sex with the other sex. Both have sinned quite seriously. I used to struggle with pre-marital sex, and I was no better than any homosexual who also struggled.

Now, being gay is totally different. A homosexual struggling with their physical urges is compatible with the church. The gay tribe of "there's nothing wrong with what I want" is not. That logic goes for anyone who acts outside of the faith. But, the gay community likes to pretend their special. They're nothing special, just another group of sinners like the rest of us.

If you wonder why I dislike religionists as much as I do, it's statements like this. ^^^^^

If anything is unnatural, it's monogamous marriage. It exists almost nowhere else in the animal kingdom except for Homo Sapiens, and there it has to be reinforced with a lot of religious nonsense mostly to keep women in their place.

If you are living your life because you think an invisible pixie in the sky is going to punish you, you are going to have a pretty miserable existence.

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