How is this a tax break? thanks obama

When Obama runs this country into the ground then will a hard-headed democrat like you admit your wrong or will you still say Obama is doing good for this country?

I'm not a Democrat and if he does that.... Yes. I wil admit I made a mistake but you have no idea what you're talking about.
1st post
So hostile.

we've done this before.

It's not just MY taxes that affect my business. It's the raise in taxes on all the companies that supply products, services or equipment I need to run my business. Multiply all those little increases by a couple hundred suppliers and....

If my suppliers pay more to operate, they charge me more, i have to charge more. if I get to the point where my price raises drive customers away, what should I do? reduce my offering of products and services or reduce my operating costs?

Keep in mind that the price raises i put in place are NOT to increase my profit but are just to keep my income in line with operating expenses.

So your answer to the problem is to hire more people regardless of the fact that new employees will ADD to my operating expenses thus forcing me to raise prices even more?

This is something i try to explain to friends of mine who don't run a business.

Lets say I buy product X at wholesale. i charge double what i pay and you say it's too much of a mark up. but what goes into that mark up.

OK These are some of the costs in ordering and reselling a product let's say a medication

Pay an employee to order the product

Pay for shipping

Pay for an employee to unpack and stock the products making sure that we take expired product off the shelf at the same time

keep in mind that employee pay includes all kind of state and federal taxes and fees

Pay an accountant to keep track of all those taxes and fees

Pay for all DEA and state licenses and the additional insurance required to sell drugs

Pay for an alarm system so people don't steal my drugs

Take into account some product will expire and you make no profit on that

Pay an employee to update the computer inventory

Pay to heat, cool and light the storage space

If the product needs to be refrigerated, pay for that

Pay an employee to locate dispense product for customers

Pay for the containers and labels given to customer

If the medication is administered by injection, pay for syringes and all the related costs of disposing of syringes

Pay to get the trash picked up


See it's not as simple as pay a dollar for something and mark it up a little is it?

:clap2: I own a small business people think if you own a business you are just swimming in money. I know me and my partners struggle to keep our head above water. People who have never run a business have no clue as what they are talking about.

You cannot imagine what your employees demand of you. I promise you will never think you make enough money to put up with the crap you have to put up with. The business world is loaded up with greed. The people who rent your building to you or your space every year it is another price increase. You would think you are renting a freaking mansion. The whole sellers jack up their prices so I have to increase my prices which end up in fewer sales less money when everything else is going up like supplies, electric, telephone, insurance, license fees and now Obama wants to jack up our taxes. Well crap why not everybody else is tiring to suck the blood out of us he might as well join the party.

I enjoy giving money to the ones who do not pay any federal taxes. That sounds fair doesn't it? Just in case you are clueless no it is not fair.
The same can be said for people who need the wealth to be spread around. If they can't afford the necessities they did a horrible job of managing their finances and should have made provisions for harder times instead of buying TVs and cell phones :eusa_whistle:

I think we saw that after Katrina when people were given vouchers to buy things they lost and they were running around buying designer purses. You cannot fix stupid with money.
5th post
:clap2: I own a small business people think if you own a business you are just swimming in money. I know me and my partners struggle to keep our head above water. People who have never run a business have no clue as what they are talking about.

You cannot imagine what your employees demand of you. I promise you will never think you make enough money to put up with the crap you have to put up with. The business world is loaded up with greed. The people who rent your building to you or your space every year it is another price increase. You would think you are renting a freaking mansion. The whole sellers jack up their prices so I have to increase my prices which end up in fewer sales less money when everything else is going up like supplies, electric, telephone, insurance, license fees and now Obama wants to jack up our taxes. Well crap why not everybody else is tiring to suck the blood out of us he might as well join the party.

I enjoy giving money to the ones who do not pay any federal taxes. That sounds fair doesn't it? Just in case you are clueless no it is not fair.

Did you take the tax cut you got from Bush in 2003 and add it to your personal income or did you use it to keep your company afloat?

What kept your company afloat before the Bush tax cut in 2003?

But yes, I agree with you regarding how hard and complicated it is to run a is NOT for the faint hearted, it takes alot of cajones!
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Obama will run this country into the ground and when he does i will say to obama supporters: "I told you so" that is if we still have any rights left.
Did you take the tax cut you got from Bush in 2003 and add it to your personal income or did you use it to keep your company afloat?

What kept your company afloat before the Bush tax cut in 2003?

But yes, I agree with you regarding how hard and complicated it is to run a is NOT for the faint hearted, it takes alot of cajones!

Determination but should we have to struggle to help those who pay NOTHING in federal taxes?
:clap2: I own a small business people think if you own a business you are just swimming in money. I know me and my partners struggle to keep our head above water. People who have never run a business have no clue as what they are talking about.

You cannot imagine what your employees demand of you. I promise you will never think you make enough money to put up with the crap you have to put up with. The business world is loaded up with greed. The people who rent your building to you or your space every year it is another price increase. You would think you are renting a freaking mansion. The whole sellers jack up their prices so I have to increase my prices which end up in fewer sales less money when everything else is going up like supplies, electric, telephone, insurance, license fees and now Obama wants to jack up our taxes. Well crap why not everybody else is tiring to suck the blood out of us he might as well join the party.

I enjoy giving money to the ones who do not pay any federal taxes. That sounds fair doesn't it? Just in case you are clueless no it is not fair.

I applaud you for your entrepreneurial spirit. Most people don't have a clue what it takes to run a business. In addition, Obama will penalize you if you don't provide health insurance for your workers.

If businesses take a hit because of new taxes, who do you think will suffer? All of us. People will pay higher prices, people will get laid off... So don't think it's ok to tax the crap out of our businesses. Look at the bigger picture.
10th post
Obama will penalize you if you don't provide health insurance for your workers .

I think this is dependent on the size of the business, the point is that it does not make any sense to let large employers that pay minimum wage to rely on taxpayers (through Medicaid) for the provision of health benefits.

The argument could be to just eliminate Medicaid but then employers would need to pick up these benefits through private insurers which would be much more expensive. Those costs would then (under your analysis) be passed on to the consumer.

If businesses take a hit because of new taxes, who do you think will suffer? All of us. People will pay higher prices, people will get laid off... So don't think it's ok to tax the crap out of our businesses. Look at the bigger picture.

Are we talking corporate rates here? Is Obama planning on raising the marginal rate on corporate taxes? If not and we are talking about a partnership or other flow through entity that is taxed on proceeds paid to owners, the owners could just invest more in the business to keep out of the Obama Danger Zone and defer taxable income until they can pull it out as a capital gain or until the next republican in office rearranges the rates.

Either way, running a small business is tough, but if you are pulling over $250K out of the business you deserve to be taxed just like anyone in the same income bracket. Business owners have a lot more options when it comes to reclassifying or deferring income than W-2 or 1099 workers so my heart does not weep for them unless their accountant is an idiot or a crook.
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Look, Clinton's tax plans were similar. Unemployment rates didn't go up while he was in office. In fact, the economy did exceedingly well. Then again, it's futile to try to refute people who are completely to the right.
Look, Clinton's tax plans were similar. Unemployment rates didn't go up while he was in office. In fact, the economy did exceedingly well. Then again, it's futile to try to refute people who are completely to the right.

It's also futile to pretend that what worked a decade ago will work now.

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