How is the Left Going To Maintain Momentum?


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
After months of The Covid DemPanic and the social fatigue had most people losing interest; they managed to spice things up with the riots. But even they are losing steam, and the crack downs have begun.

We still still have five months till the election, so whatā€™s next? Will the Left ratchet up the mob violence associated with the riots, with full on shoot outs, and IEDs? Or are the Lefties spooling up to terrify their base with a sequel to the previous success ā€œThe Chinese Flu part 2-The Search For More Hand Outsā€?

One things for sure we can all count on those wacky Leftists to think of something creative to disrupt the general peace, and order of our society, and economy. So... Whatā€™s next?
After months of The Covid DemPanic and the social fatigue had most people losing interest; they managed to spice things up with the riots. But even they are losing steam, and the crack downs have begun.

We still still have five months till the election, so whatā€™s next? Will the Left ratchet up the mob violence associated with the riots, with full on shoot outs, and IEDs? Or are the Lefties spooling up to terrify their base with a sequel to the previous success ā€œThe Chinese Flu part 2-The Search For More Hand Outsā€?

One things for sure we can all count on those wacky Leftists to think of something creative to disrupt the general peace, and order of our society, and economy. So... Whatā€™s next?

Well, the biggest political outcome of all of this is it gives Trump a green light to get outside, go on the road, basically to start campaigning.

Before all of these protests and riots, MSM tried to keep him away from this claiming the Wuhan Virus, now with the millions who have been on the streets, their own reporters among them, nobody caring about social distancing, they have essentially eliminated their own outrage and reasoning regarding the virus. If the threat still exists, few believe it. It also means you can be sure many don't believe the death numbers either, and some are going to demand answers about how many causes of death to the virus were loosely applied or outright lying.

I heard Elon Musk talk about this and he made some staggering points. Some deaths are attributed to the virus even if they didn't have it, just due to them dying "in a stake of weakness". Isn't that what ALL deaths have at some point?
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After months of The Covid DemPanic and the social fatigue had most people losing interest; they managed to spice things up with the riots. But even they are losing steam, and the crack downs have begun.

We still still have five months till the election, so whatā€™s next? Will the Left ratchet up the mob violence associated with the riots, with full on shoot outs, and IEDs? Or are the Lefties spooling up to terrify their base with a sequel to the previous success ā€œThe Chinese Flu part 2-The Search For More Hand Outsā€?

One things for sure we can all count on those wacky Leftists to think of something creative to disrupt the general peace, and order of our society, and economy. So... Whatā€™s next?

Well, the biggest political outcome of all of this is it gives Trump a green light to get outside, go on the road, basically to start campaigning.

Before all of these protests and riots, MSM tried to keep him away from this claiming the Wuhan Virus, now with the millions who have been on the streets, their own reporters among them, nobody caring about social distancing, they have essentially eliminated their own outrage and reasoning regarding the virus. If the threat still exists, few believe it. It also means you can be sure many don't believe the death numbers either, and some are going to demand answers about how many causes of death to the virus were loosely applied or outright lying.

I heard Elon Musk talk about this and he made some staggering points. Some deaths are attributed to the virus even if they didn't have it, just due to them dying "in a stake of weakness". Isn't that what ALL deaths have at some point?
Well the riots are played out for the most part unless they can reorganize, and significantly up the ante. And Iā€™m not sure the public will go for a sequel to the Covid hoax. Iā€™m genuinely curious to see where they take it from here, or if they blew their load too soon..
After months of The Covid DemPanic and the social fatigue had most people losing interest; they managed to spice things up with the riots. But even they are losing steam, and the crack downs have begun.

We still still have five months till the election, so whatā€™s next? Will the Left ratchet up the mob violence associated with the riots, with full on shoot outs, and IEDs? Or are the Lefties spooling up to terrify their base with a sequel to the previous success ā€œThe Chinese Flu part 2-The Search For More Hand Outsā€?

One things for sure we can all count on those wacky Leftists to think of something creative to disrupt the general peace, and order of our society, and economy. So... Whatā€™s next?

Well, the biggest political outcome of all of this is it gives Trump a green light to get outside, go on the road, basically to start campaigning.

Before all of these protests and riots, MSM tried to keep him away from this claiming the Wuhan Virus, now with the millions who have been on the streets, their own reporters among them, nobody caring about social distancing, they have essentially eliminated their own outrage and reasoning regarding the virus. If the threat still exists, few believe it. It also means you can be sure many don't believe the death numbers either, and some are going to demand answers about how many causes of death to the virus were loosely applied or outright lying.

I heard Elon Musk talk about this and he made some staggering points. Some deaths are attributed to the virus even if they didn't have it, just due to them dying "in a stake of weakness". Isn't that what ALL deaths have at some point?
Well the riots are played out for the most part unless they can reorganize, and significantly up the ante. And Iā€™m not sure the public will go for a sequel to the Covid hoax. Iā€™m genuinely curious to see where they take it from here, or if they blew their load too soon..

I think the riots and excessive protests without concern for the virus gave creative license for Trump to hit the road and go full blown campaign mode. Hell, he could even do a rally with a stadium full and the media couldn't complain as they were in the middle of many thousands themselves over this week.

So, there cannot be another "wave" that will strike fear. People have very quickly turned it off, even if there is a threat there.
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After months of The Covid DemPanic and the social fatigue had most people losing interest; they managed to spice things up with the riots. But even they are losing steam, and the crack downs have begun.

We still still have five months till the election, so whatā€™s next? Will the Left ratchet up the mob violence associated with the riots, with full on shoot outs, and IEDs? Or are the Lefties spooling up to terrify their base with a sequel to the previous success ā€œThe Chinese Flu part 2-The Search For More Hand Outsā€?

One things for sure we can all count on those wacky Leftists to think of something creative to disrupt the general peace, and order of our society, and economy. So... Whatā€™s next?

Well, the biggest political outcome of all of this is it gives Trump a green light to get outside, go on the road, basically to start campaigning.

Before all of these protests and riots, MSM tried to keep him away from this claiming the Wuhan Virus, now with the millions who have been on the streets, their own reporters among them, nobody caring about social distancing, they have essentially eliminated their own outrage and reasoning regarding the virus. If the threat still exists, few believe it. It also means you can be sure many don't believe the death numbers either, and some are going to demand answers about how many causes of death to the virus were loosely applied or outright lying.

I heard Elon Musk talk about this and he made some staggering points. Some deaths are attributed to the virus even if they didn't have it, just due to them dying "in a stake of weakness". Isn't that what ALL deaths have at some point?
Well the riots are played out for the most part unless they can reorganize, and significantly up the ante. And Iā€™m not sure the public will go for a sequel to the Covid hoax. Iā€™m genuinely curious to see where they take it from here, or if they blew their load too soon..

I think the riots and excessive protests without concern for the virus gave creative freedom for Trump to hit the road and go full blown campaign mode. Hell, he could even do a rally with a stadium full and the media couldn't complain as they were in the middle of many thousands themselves over this week.
True. But how might the Left turn his rallyā€™s into magnets for their mobs to target. Theyā€™d love nothing more than to have a few of their rabid constituents get gunned down by Trumps supporters on live TV...
Not a peep from the social gathering Nazis since the riots started. Isn't that interesting? Where are the Democratic leaders of New York, Michigan, New Jersey, California etc who were ready to cart your ass off to jail if you dared have a birthday party with more than 10 people? China virus must be aware of social justice so it doesn't spread when mobs are expressing their feelings.
After months of The Covid DemPanic and the social fatigue had most people losing interest; they managed to spice things up with the riots. But even they are losing steam, and the crack downs have begun.

We still still have five months till the election, so whatā€™s next? Will the Left ratchet up the mob violence associated with the riots, with full on shoot outs, and IEDs? Or are the Lefties spooling up to terrify their base with a sequel to the previous success ā€œThe Chinese Flu part 2-The Search For More Hand Outsā€?

One things for sure we can all count on those wacky Leftists to think of something creative to disrupt the general peace, and order of our society, and economy. So... Whatā€™s next?

Xi has this all planned out.
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After months of The Covid DemPanic and the social fatigue had most people losing interest; they managed to spice things up with the riots. But even they are losing steam, and the crack downs have begun.

We still still have five months till the election, so whatā€™s next? Will the Left ratchet up the mob violence associated with the riots, with full on shoot outs, and IEDs? Or are the Lefties spooling up to terrify their base with a sequel to the previous success ā€œThe Chinese Flu part 2-The Search For More Hand Outsā€?

One things for sure we can all count on those wacky Leftists to think of something creative to disrupt the general peace, and order of our society, and economy. So... Whatā€™s next?

Xi has this all planned out.
Whatever the plan; time is of the essence. They have a very narrow window.
Man, those "leftists" are incredible. They have resources previously unimagined in the annals of time. They are capable of having a virus arise on the other side of the planet with the plan that its effects will work to their advantage. Then, they arrange for the death of a black man at the hands (or knee) of a policeman with the plan that this will work to their advantage. It is almost unbelievable.
Fortunately, we have the well regulated militia protecting us.
After months of The Covid DemPanic and the social fatigue had most people losing interest; they managed to spice things up with the riots. But even they are losing steam, and the crack downs have begun.

We still still have five months till the election, so whatā€™s next? Will the Left ratchet up the mob violence associated with the riots, with full on shoot outs, and IEDs? Or are the Lefties spooling up to terrify their base with a sequel to the previous success ā€œThe Chinese Flu part 2-The Search For More Hand Outsā€?

One things for sure we can all count on those wacky Leftists to think of something creative to disrupt the general peace, and order of our society, and economy. So... Whatā€™s next?

Xi has this all planned out.
Whatever the plan; time is of the essence. They have a very narrow window.
I agree. Reparations are the next promise in their vote buying scheme.

What the next crisis is I donā€™t know but their problem is crisis fatigue. The media spends a few weeks screaming the world is ending because (fill in the blank) and then moves on when numbness sets in. Their shills drop it and move with them. Like serial killers they have to up the crisismongering each time.

So I donā€™t know what it will be. Hurricane season is here so maybe they will claim Trump is going to steer storms to black areas like they accused sad sack Bush if doing.

But whatever it is you know the only answer will be more money from the Federal government.
After months of The Covid DemPanic and the social fatigue had most people losing interest; they managed to spice things up with the riots. But even they are losing steam, and the crack downs have begun.

We still still have five months till the election, so whatā€™s next? Will the Left ratchet up the mob violence associated with the riots, with full on shoot outs, and IEDs? Or are the Lefties spooling up to terrify their base with a sequel to the previous success ā€œThe Chinese Flu part 2-The Search For More Hand Outsā€?

One things for sure we can all count on those wacky Leftists to think of something creative to disrupt the general peace, and order of our society, and economy. So... Whatā€™s next?

BTW most of the evidence coming out now is that lockdowns did no good except to damage the economy and the health of people with poverty.
They had to focus somewhere else. I just think they played with fire and itā€™s getting out of hand. What if the rioters move from slums to The Hamptons or 5th Ave or Silicon Valley?
After months of The Covid DemPanic and the social fatigue had most people losing interest; they managed to spice things up with the riots. But even they are losing steam, and the crack downs have begun.

We still still have five months till the election, so whatā€™s next? Will the Left ratchet up the mob violence associated with the riots, with full on shoot outs, and IEDs? Or are the Lefties spooling up to terrify their base with a sequel to the previous success ā€œThe Chinese Flu part 2-The Search For More Hand Outsā€?

One things for sure we can all count on those wacky Leftists to think of something creative to disrupt the general peace, and order of our society, and economy. So... Whatā€™s next?

Something else to consider. The Washington Post led the media in demanding retail shutdowns for the China Virus and Amazon makes another billion dollars.
Now the Washington Post is leading them in cheering on looters burning retail stores to the ground. Amazon and Target will benefit again.
In both cases mom and pop stores and hair salons suffered most.

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