How is Romney Different Than Bush?

here is far more demonstrable difference between Bush and Romney than between Obama and Stalin.

Stalin? Whoa there, let's not get carried away here. I'm not an Obama supporter by any means, but he's a long way from being anything like Joe Stalin.

Interesting question about Bush43 and Romney. Assuming he gets elected, Romney will have to deal with a divided Senate no matter who has the majority. The repubs may keep their majority in the House aibeit a bit smaller, but even so how will he get the Dems on board with the things we wants to do?

Surely their goal will be to make him a one-term president, whether they say so or not. Won't be easy to get spending cuts through, will it? Bush had to compromise on some things to get other things, usually at the expense of increased spending. So how is he going to get much done and cut the size of gov't spending at the same time? The major difference as I see it is that Romney wil have the TP branch of the GOP to deal with as much as the Dems. They might not like some of the compromises he agrees to, could be a tough 4 years for him and us.

Still better than Obama though, at least IMHO Romney will be trying to go in the right direction for our economy.
I am approaching the 1% on my income alone. I am a technical architect for a major high tech firm. I did not finish college, I did not come from a wealthy background. My father was skilled labor, he helped assemble Nuclear Power Plant Control Panels for General Electric. He did not graduate college, my grand fathers, one was a contractor, the other operated printing presses. Most of the women in my families background were stay at home moms. My father worked his @ss off as do I and all of my brothers.

The middle class certainly is made by free market principles. The fact that we are able to empower ourselves and elevate our own financial status through hard work and determination is a testament to that. Just take a look at Jesse James, the guy who became famous for making motorcycles. He didn't come from wealth, he isn't highly educated... He learned how to work metal and fabricate by going to work for Boyd Coddington, his love for motorcycles and his passion to create is what drove him to create west coast choppers. He was making good money long before he was famous. Once he got in to the reality TV phenomena it really took off.

That kind of success is not possible in any other country. And I am sorry, but the government didn't make it possible either. He didn't use government grants.. In fact government regulation made his success more difficult.. Vehicle licensing, safety standards, EPA regulations etc. etc. all added to the cost of his business through compliance.

Sorry buddy, but you're wrong.

Like Jesse James, I know a lot of small business owners who made their fortunes selling their products and services to highly paid union workers.

And how many Jesse James' are out there? A lot more people in the middle class got there by having a good paying union job. Your way, only the inventor or business owner makes a good living. If he just stays working for Boyd Coddington, he never gets ahead. Unless they pay their employees well and if so, that's because unions brought up the wages of all working Americans.

You would have never made it into the top 1% if we did things Ron Paul's way. For many reasons. No Degree? You work for someone else?

And you would be doing what your grandfather did. Either that or get someone else to let you be their apprentice. So you would probably fall into the small merchantile class.

Most Americans would fall into the large working poor class if it weren't for liberal progressive democracy. I would think most Republicans think they would never fall into the last catagory but I have to say many of them are wrong.

I hold a job that most people with advanced degrees salavate over. I grossed nearly 200,000 last year. I can and probably will be starting a consulting business soon and it will eclipse the numbers brought in by my salary / bonus. I have learned a skill, worked hard and leveraged my people skills to create relationships that have allowed me to advance in my career.

You claim high paid union workers buy goods... Yeah.. Look at what liberal / union policies have done to Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, etc. etc. They're rotting cesspools... That's what progressive liberal policies get you.

I am not a pure Libertarian or a devout Ron Paul follower. I do believe however that our government has grown FAR outside it's boundaries and it needs to be scaled back dramatically.

As for your comments on our currency.. Sure it's a fiat currency.. The problem with your disregard for the debt is they are PRINTING currency which does what? That's right, DEVALUES IT... So if you have savings and investments that are substantial they are being devalued.. You are being robbed blind... Nice job buddy...

Zimbabwe anyone??? You do know about ZImbabwe right? I have actual ZImbabwe currency right here in my office.. One single bill, five hundred trillion zimbabwe dollars.. Shocking huh? It used to trade on par with the US Dollar in the 80's.. WHat happened?


Get a clue dude.

Liberals think that people who have no college degree are worthless redneck scum. They also think that snot-nosed liberal punks fresh out from under the mind-numbing influence of tenured-for-life communist indoctrinators deserve to step into a position not lower than vice president of a corporation, which, of course, they wholeheartedly despise.

I had my own experience with such. All their written communications had to be proof-read by someone with no college degree - me -, so they don't make a total ass of themselves. Their work needed to be corrected by same. Yet they mocked my accent.

Yes, English is my second language. And I got out of the union as soon as I could and spoke for myself in my heavily accented way to earn myself the salary that both I and the company knew I EARNED.
Obama/Bush/McCain/Romney? Man, when are people gonna figure it out? They all work for the same Bosses in the end. Obama has only continued all of Bush's policies. In fact, he has actually made things worse. He has created massive debt and massive poverty. He has also dramatically increased the size & power of the Police State. Obama is Bush...and McCain and Romney, so on and so on.
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They should give voters a tax break. Then people would show up.

In Obama's case, he'd only give it to the unions.

Always picking losers and (not to many) winners. Can you say Solyndra ?

Lets see. Give money to unions that represent middle class manufacturing workers or

Give it to defense contractors in Iraq.

And Solyndra is one of many "investments" the government makes when corporations won't. Do you understand why corporations won't take on the work? Because they don't see it as profitable. This is true with vaccines and the internet. If the government didn't invest in risky ideas that might work out but might not, we wouldn't have either.

When a righty brings up Solyndra I think they are dumb just like the ones who wouldn't shut up about ACORN.

What if I don't want any union or anyone representing me? What if I just want to work, support myself and my family, do the best I can and earn the pay I am getting? What if I consider myself smart enough to use my God/Nature given brains and speak for and represent myself? What if I am comfortable with the fact that I may not be paid as much as the other guy, but I would not sink to the level of envying him?

If I was young I would look for a job in a Right-To-Work state and the Hell with the Unions.
You know, for someone who kept claiming that Bush was a failure at everything he did, I would think it would be obvious how Romney, someone who has been completely successful at almost everything he has done, is different than Bush.

But let's be honest here. You don't really want an answer. You just want to try to spread propaganda to convince unsuspecting people that Romney and Bush as the same while completely ignoring the fact that Obama has kept many of Bush's crappy policies and added just about 100 Times more debt, inflation, corruption, and more bad policies.

Oh and for a more policy issue, when did Bush ever balance a Budget? Romney has done it throughout his life. But at least Bush submitted budgets.

What was Romney successful at? And be careful how you define "success".

what was Obama successful at before he became President? And be careful how you define "success"
How is Obama different than Bush?

obama hates us much more.
obama is dedicated to the destruction of the country
obama's favorite book is The Post American World"
obama is a hard core racist.
obama is a drug addict and past gang banger
obama has turned in some of our most important informants in the middle east
obama supports al quaeda and the muslim brotherhood
obama ended DADT and supports same sex marriage
obama has declared war on Christianity
obama is condescending and patronizinig to women
obama wants to choose your dinner menu
obama has appointed John Holdren, Eric Holder, Van Jones and Cass Sunstein to decision making but unaccountable positions
obama considers half the nation his enemies

I'm sure there is much more
How is Obama different than Bush?

That's what I've been trying to figure out. All that I can come up with is:

Obama apologizes, while Bush proclaims "With us or against us"

Obama passed Obamacare

Other than those two they've been the same policy wise. Obviously, what they say is vastly different, but talk doesn't mean shit in D.C.
Like Jesse James, I know a lot of small business owners who made their fortunes selling their products and services to highly paid union workers.

And how many Jesse James' are out there? A lot more people in the middle class got there by having a good paying union job. Your way, only the inventor or business owner makes a good living. If he just stays working for Boyd Coddington, he never gets ahead. Unless they pay their employees well and if so, that's because unions brought up the wages of all working Americans.

You would have never made it into the top 1% if we did things Ron Paul's way. For many reasons. No Degree? You work for someone else?

And you would be doing what your grandfather did. Either that or get someone else to let you be their apprentice. So you would probably fall into the small merchantile class.

Most Americans would fall into the large working poor class if it weren't for liberal progressive democracy. I would think most Republicans think they would never fall into the last catagory but I have to say many of them are wrong.

I hold a job that most people with advanced degrees salavate over. I grossed nearly 200,000 last year. I can and probably will be starting a consulting business soon and it will eclipse the numbers brought in by my salary / bonus. I have learned a skill, worked hard and leveraged my people skills to create relationships that have allowed me to advance in my career.

You claim high paid union workers buy goods... Yeah.. Look at what liberal / union policies have done to Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, etc. etc. They're rotting cesspools... That's what progressive liberal policies get you.

I am not a pure Libertarian or a devout Ron Paul follower. I do believe however that our government has grown FAR outside it's boundaries and it needs to be scaled back dramatically.

As for your comments on our currency.. Sure it's a fiat currency.. The problem with your disregard for the debt is they are PRINTING currency which does what? That's right, DEVALUES IT... So if you have savings and investments that are substantial they are being devalued.. You are being robbed blind... Nice job buddy...

Zimbabwe anyone??? You do know about ZImbabwe right? I have actual ZImbabwe currency right here in my office.. One single bill, five hundred trillion zimbabwe dollars.. Shocking huh? It used to trade on par with the US Dollar in the 80's.. WHat happened?


Get a clue dude.

Liberals think that people who have no college degree are worthless redneck scum.

Yeah.....we never could fool you "conservative" mind-readers....but, to compare yourselves with.... quite-the-stretch, for a bunch o' weenies, like yourselves.

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The only women that support Romney are uneducated poor white women. That says a lot too. We need to wake them up. Chances are they are religous and anti abortion.

Shame on you for not giving the world the complete picture. You forgot to mention that they are also straight (as in NOT gay or bi) and able-bodied (as in not physically challenged), and that their first or happily and competently adopted language is English, so they would not make fools of themselves with incoherent and misspelled rubbish like the one that you spew here.
You know, for someone who kept claiming that Bush was a failure at everything he did, I would think it would be obvious how Romney, someone who has been completely successful at almost everything he has done, is different than Bush.

But let's be honest here. You don't really want an answer. You just want to try to spread propaganda to convince unsuspecting people that Romney and Bush as the same while completely ignoring the fact that Obama has kept many of Bush's crappy policies and added just about 100 Times more debt, inflation, corruption, and more bad policies.

Oh and for a more policy issue, when did Bush ever balance a Budget? Romney has done it throughout his life. But at least Bush submitted budgets.

What was Romney successful at? And be careful how you define "success".

Success is doubling your financial worth, like Romney did.

You are a SUCCESS! You doubled your worth. But twice zero is still zero.
We don't know how different Romney is from Bush because Romney has not served 8 years in the white house yet.

Romney is no different than Bob Dole, John Kerry or John McCain. Loser. :lol:

By that logic, Obama is not different from Sarah Palin, except that she only quit once while Obama quit twice. Also Palin was a decisive and strong governor, while Obama was a spineless fence-sitter with a record number of gutless "PRESENT" votes.

But at least he was utterly and amazingly excellent at the job that none of the former presidents had, but which is the most valuable and reliable qualifier for the presidency:

As a conservative, I dislike Romney even more than I dislike Bush. Both are better options than Obama, though.

Marginally.. If it weren't for the SCOTUS I wouldn't give a crap which one of them was in office.. Toe May Toe, Tuh Mah Toe, Poe Tay Toe...

pretty much what I'm thinking...

and since I live in a "safely red state", I might not even show up to vote in the presidential election, which would be a first for me...
I have been asking this and no one seems to be able to answer.

well....let's see...elitist? check. Corporatist asshole? check. Would sell American workers out and leave them struggling to make his rich buddies billions more? check. I guess the only difference is that he's not named question?

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