How is Romney Different Than Bush?

You know, for someone who kept claiming that Bush was a failure at everything he did, I would think it would be obvious how Romney, someone who has been completely successful at almost everything he has done, is different than Bush.

But let's be honest here. You don't really want an answer. You just want to try to spread propaganda to convince unsuspecting people that Romney and Bush as the same while completely ignoring the fact that Obama has kept many of Bush's crappy policies and added just about 100 Times more debt, inflation, corruption, and more bad policies.

Oh and for a more policy issue, when did Bush ever balance a Budget? Romney has done it throughout his life. But at least Bush submitted budgets.

What was Romney successful at? And be careful how you define "success".
We don't know how different Romney is from Bush because Romney has not served 8 years in the white house yet.
Marginally.. If it weren't for the SCOTUS I wouldn't give a crap which one of them was in office.. Toe May Toe, Tuh Mah Toe, Poe Tay Toe...

Why? Do you believe in Corporatism, feudalism and/or fascism? Because the GOP Alito and Roberts have already handed the country over to corporations in their Citizens United case.

Even most cons I know don't like Citizens United. And you want to put another righty on the bench? Insane!

I asked someone else this. If this is true:

The "middle class" is not the natural result of freeing business to do whatever it wants, of "free and open markets," or of "free trade." The "middle class" is not a normal result of "free markets." Those policies will produce a small but powerful wealthy class, a small "middle" mercantilist class, and a huge and terrified worker class which have traditionally been called "serfs."

What did your grandfather and father do for a living and what do you do for a living? And where do you think you would fall if what I posted is true?

I am approaching the 1% on my income alone. I am a technical architect for a major high tech firm. I did not finish college, I did not come from a wealthy background. My father was skilled labor, he helped assemble Nuclear Power Plant Control Panels for General Electric. He did not graduate college, my grand fathers, one was a contractor, the other operated printing presses. Most of the women in my families background were stay at home moms. My father worked his @ss off as do I and all of my brothers.

The middle class certainly is made by free market principles. The fact that we are able to empower ourselves and elevate our own financial status through hard work and determination is a testament to that. Just take a look at Jesse James, the guy who became famous for making motorcycles. He didn't come from wealth, he isn't highly educated... He learned how to work metal and fabricate by going to work for Boyd Coddington, his love for motorcycles and his passion to create is what drove him to create west coast choppers. He was making good money long before he was famous. Once he got in to the reality TV phenomena it really took off.

That kind of success is not possible in any other country. And I am sorry, but the government didn't make it possible either. He didn't use government grants.. In fact government regulation made his success more difficult.. Vehicle licensing, safety standards, EPA regulations etc. etc. all added to the cost of his business through compliance.

Sorry buddy, but you're wrong.

I wouldn't mind driving my family around in a car built without and safety standards on a street without a speed limit.

You are so full of shit, the whites of your eyes are brown.
You know, for someone who kept claiming that Bush was a failure at everything he did, I would think it would be obvious how Romney, someone who has been completely successful at almost everything he has done, is different than Bush.
But let's be honest here. You don't really want an answer. You just want to try to spread propaganda to convince unsuspecting people that Romney and Bush as the same while completely ignoring the fact that Obama has kept many of Bush's crappy policies and added just about 100 Times more debt, inflation, corruption, and more bad policies.
Oh and for a more policy issue, when did Bush ever balance a Budget? Romney has done it throughout his life. But at least Bush submitted budgets.

What was Romney successful at? And be careful how you define "success".

Romney is a successful business man governor husband father Mormon
Romney is to the left of Bush, he is almost aligned with Bill Clinton politically. Democrats should love him...

Obama is way left of Clinton.

Asking for a 20% across the board income tax cut is not exactly in Bill Clinton's thinking. And thinking that Obama is way left of Clinton is a stretch. You really should look at facts rather than listening so much to the talking heads who have you guys believing that Obama is some Muslim Socialist Communist traitor.

Obama's own words in his books and speeches have me convinced that he is a fan of marxism and a black liberation theologist.

He is certainly left of Bill Clinton...

As for Romney, I'll believe the tax cut when I see it. Sounds like campaign rhetoric to me.

What words would those be? Make it good.
Wow, these right wingers can write some fantastic bullshit. Imagine if they worked that hard in "real life"?
You know, for someone who kept claiming that Bush was a failure at everything he did, I would think it would be obvious how Romney, someone who has been completely successful at almost everything he has done, is different than Bush.
But let's be honest here. You don't really want an answer. You just want to try to spread propaganda to convince unsuspecting people that Romney and Bush as the same while completely ignoring the fact that Obama has kept many of Bush's crappy policies and added just about 100 Times more debt, inflation, corruption, and more bad policies.
Oh and for a more policy issue, when did Bush ever balance a Budget? Romney has done it throughout his life. But at least Bush submitted budgets.

What was Romney successful at? And be careful how you define "success".

Romney is a successful business man governor husband father Mormon

I'm sure Romney is a good father, just like his father was. Why else would you shove a silver spoon in a kids mouth the day he is born? He selfishly loves his sons. Because instead of leaving them an enheritance of $25 million each, he thinks they deserve to have all $50 million. But this is how America pays for so much shit. Welfare, wars, FEMA, EPA,etc.

This is a good read for someone like you.

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

P.S. Mormon's think that all other Christians are a cult and not following the true God. Joseph Smith prayed and God told him all the other churches were corrupt and start his own church. We lost our connection to God when Jesus' apostles died 2000 years ago. They didn't pass on the authority to the corrupt Catholic Church, and I agree with that. But God did talk to Joseph in 1800. So this is like you are voting for a Branch Dividian, Waco Cult, Jim Jones, Manson, Heavens Gate, etc. :cuckoo:

Proof Republicans will vote for anything. They said they wanted a Christian and instead they're voting for the Mormon over Obama the Christian. :eusa_liar:
I have been asking this and no one seems to be able to answer.

Actually, the GOP today are even worse than the Bush GOP. The Tea Baggers have taken over the party completely. Backed by the Heritage Foundation, ALEC, the Koch Brothers and Wallstreet, Oil and Healthcare CEO's AND the Supreme Court ala Citizens United.

The rich tried a coup on us before. This is nothing new.

Business Plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Will they be successful this time? With the media now in the top 1%'s pocket, it seems our citizens are dumb enough now that they're going to try it again. If they could rip us off with the bank bailout, get away with lying us into Iraq, and stealing the 2000 and 2004 elections, now is definately the time. God help America.
You know, for someone who kept claiming that Bush was a failure at everything he did, I would think it would be obvious how Romney, someone who has been completely successful at almost everything he has done, is different than Bush.

But let's be honest here. You don't really want an answer. You just want to try to spread propaganda to convince unsuspecting people that Romney and Bush as the same while completely ignoring the fact that Obama has kept many of Bush's crappy policies and added just about 100 Times more debt, inflation, corruption, and more bad policies.

Oh and for a more policy issue, when did Bush ever balance a Budget? Romney has done it throughout his life. But at least Bush submitted budgets.

What was Romney successful at? And be careful how you define "success".

Mitt Romney is one of the best investors in the country.
I have been asking this and no one seems to be able to answer.

George W. Bush, Mitt Romney like two peas in a pod

Mitt Romney like George W. Bush will put our economy in the gutter

George W. Bush murdered his own company for profit and Mitt Romney murdered American Companies for profit

Mitt Romney and G.W. Bush are both Draft Dodging Chickenhawks

They're both Republican politicians who inherited wealth & power

Bush Jr. is a solid social conservative. Romney is not

Romney made a lot of money from other businesses failing while Bush lost a lot of money from his own businesses failing

Mitt Romney and G.W. Bush both belong to the Ayn Rand Cult

Bothe Mitt Romney and G.W. Bush economic plans will bankrupt the working class while making the rich wealther
How similar is George W. Bush to Mitt Romney?
How is Obama different from any Democrat that came before him? Most Democrats and Republicans share the same basic core values and beliefs as other Democrats and Republicans so you won't find much difference between them some though are more willing to work with the other side than other's Reagan could do that so could Clinton.
I'm assuming anyone who is voting for Romney would vote for Bush if he were able to run again? Even the Ron Paul Republicans and tea baggers who distanced themselves from Bush would now go back to defending him? Or would you vote for Obama over Bush?

I'd vote for your dick over Obama.....Romeny is probably similar to Bush, but Bush is way better than a more ways than one!
Bush was an excellent president much better than the evil creature now infecting the People's House. If Romney is as good as Bush, we will be a fortunate nation indeed.

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