How is it we lack protective gear for health care workers?

Obama had his entire 8 year presidency to get the supplies back up, after the 2009 H1N1. He failed, governors of every state failed, and Trump has also failed.

But of course according to Dimocrats, EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THIS CRISIS IS TRUMP'S FAULT !

They're running low on facemasks in Britain..........................IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT !

They're running low on facemasks in Italy..........................IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT !

They're running low on facemasks in France..........................IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT !

They're running low on facemasks in Spain..........................IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT !

They're running low on facemasks in Africa..........................IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT !

They're running low on facemasks in Australia..........................IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT !

But, but, but, but...Obama...but, but, but Hillary. Hey, you think her emails are to blame for the 2.5+ years the Trump admin didn't restock our supplies?
Why was the 2005 HHS study that concluded we would need 740,000 ventilators if we were hit by another Spanish Flu kind of pandemic ignored by Obama ?

But but but...…………………………………'s Trump's fault !!!!!!!!!!

Oh shit..really? Obama didn't restock supplies..but your lord and savior didn't either. And he's been El Prez since 2017? Make America Stupid Again... That sums Trump supporters up in a nutshell.

Obama had 8 years, and he also had a first hand example with H1N1 to see what can happen with an outbreak. Even so, he still didn't get those stocks resupplied !

So if you're going to blame Trump for the lack of supplies, you can also point to others out there that dropped the ball !
we knew this was coming back in january - plenty of time to prep... but donny ignored it, instead having secret SCIF room meetings at HHS, where the actual experts were kept out but the insider traders were attending.

the virus itself isn't donny's fault - but everything else that has to do with it is all on him.
We could have watied 6 months like Obama.... Instead of acting inside 14 days as Trump did... Hell, Trump was even trying to get us to onshore our manufacturing BEFORE this even happened...

Facebook posts
stated on February 29, 2020 in a Facebook post:

Says President Barack Obama “waited six months to call swine flu an emergency after thousands died.”


If Your Time is short [or you have a poorly educated short attention span]
  • The Obama administration declared swine flu, or H1N1, a public health emergency six weeks before H1N1 was declared a pandemic.
  • No H1N1 deaths had yet been recorded in the United States.
  • Six months after that initial declaration, when more than 1,000 deaths had occurred, Obama himself declared H1N1 a national emergency.
See the sources for this fact-check
PolitiFact - President Obama declared H1N1 a public health emergency before anyone in the United States died

now, b4 you reply with the obligatory rw bullshit spin that politifact is a left wing site ... any number of credible unbiased sites will give you the same info. & when i said they knew back in january? THAT was the fucking time to start stockpiling even more PPE, instead of waiting & waiting & waiting some more.

WHY did donny wait to impose the defensive protection act?
WHAT the fuck was he waiting for?
WHY did he try to pit one state against another to compete for precious supplies?
WHY does any state hafta pay upwards of $10 OR MORE for a fucking mask that normally costs less than $1?

try answering some of those very legit questions without finding the answers up donny's colon for a change.
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What the fuck are you ralking about? If the virus turned out to be nothing buy hype, the never of cases could end up being far fewer than expected. Do you understand what a hypothetical is?

Obviously not.

I am not good at playing "what if" games, lets stick to reality.

I talked with my daughter an hour ago and her hospital in Florida has a critical shortage of PPE gear, including N95 mask, and they have not even had a positive patient yet. Our medical personnel are now being told the complete opposite to what they have been told for decades. Now all of a sudden it is ok to just wipe off an N95 mask and reuse it, it is ok to just wear a surgical mask, you do not need that face shield we told you that you needed for the last 50 years.

The same things are going on all over the country.

None of this is hypothetical for me as I have two loved ones on the front lines of this, including my wife who Friday had her first positive COVID-19 patient.

here in CT, governor lamont has stated that we only received 14% of the PPE that we asked for. my nephew works in a hospital here & he was told to reuse his mask for 3 days b4 switching it out. his mother (my sister) is sewing as many new ones as she can for him hoping that it will protect him given he has asthma himself but needs the job.
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We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Section 8.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States

if 'general welfare' includes stimulus cash - - - & waiving all medical costs associated with this disease --- then the ability to impose the DEFENSE PROTECTION ACT is something donny could have & should have enacted 2 months ago; in anticipation of & to ward off the clusterfuck that he helped create.

you're welcome for the education., no go wash that cheeto dust off yer mouth.

but b4 you do, IF you do... here are 2 links that verify my other points:

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised
By DEB RIECHMANNMarch 14, 2020 GMT
Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

WASHINGTON (AP) — Public health and national security experts shake their heads when President Donald Trump says the coronavirus “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world.”
They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.
Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

Homeland Security
May 31, 2018
This Mock Pandemic Killed 150 Million People. Next Time It Might Not Be A Drill.

The Johns Hopkins pandemic exercise, as some of the audience members noted, took place one week after the top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic left the administration and the global health security team he oversaw was disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.

By the end of the exercise, failure to develop a vaccine within 20 months had led to 150 million deaths globally, or about 2 percent of the world’s population. Players underscored the need for the United States to “go from bug to drug” faster, said Jim Talent, a former Republican senator from Missouri who played the defense secretary.

Added Tara O’Toole, a former top Homeland Security Department official who played the homeland security secretary: “We are in an age of epidemics, but we aren’t treating them like the national security issues that they are.”
This Mock Pandemic Killed 150 Million People. Next Time It Might Not Be A Drill.
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Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You idiots that think the president is responsible for everything in the country are the biggest retards of all time. You see that individual states are supposed to take care of themselves, idiot.
If we extend Trump's philosophy that he is an absolute ruler within the executive branch then it follows that he is ultimately responsible for the mistakes of any executive branch agency. He's a pretty handy scapegoat too since he continues to mishandle this crisis. This was his time to shine and finally become The President but unfortunately for us he is incapable of thinking of himself as a public servant.
The greatest failing of the feds was the failure of medical professionals at CDC/NIH to pursue research into corona viruses and instead wasted their time and money on bullshit having nothing to do with epidemics

the state and local authorities failed to maintain adequate supplies on hand

there is also the problem of globalization and the offshoring of vital production that should be here

Great in ignoring the actual problem...

The White House:
Cut CDC budget
Cut NIH budget
Didn't order masks three months then blames Obama
Hid the the threat it was going impose on US
Downplayed it
And still today are more worried about the economy than peoples lives

Lie, lies, and more lies. Why don't you STFU and go back into hiding where your idiocy belongs?

Lies, lies, lies, yeah...
So, again, when did we depend on what other countries do before we acted.?
Trump campaigned..while people died...Almost writes itself?
Trump has done a good job so far to overcome shortages of supplies that are a state and local responsibility

no he hasn't. he had the 'power' to impose the DEFENSE PROTECTION ACT weeks if not months ago & he did nothing.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Because America in particular, Canada as well, has allowed the outsourcing of these critical materials. Hospitals are going to, I assume, generally have more than enough gear at their disposal. For a pandemic, however, they obviously need much much more.

Since the so-called "supply chain" (as if it's forever set in stone) involves China and other nations and countries are at their mercy. For instance, France just ordered one BILLION face masks from the communists, who have made off like bandits in this pandemic. Other nations are hoarding their own stash since they need it, this includes U.S allies.

Bottom line, if you don't manufacture locally, you are at the mercy of another country in some form or another. Be it medical supplies, life or death prescriptions or energy sources. China is reaching out to Western nations and now after harming them with their silence, they try and become the hero.

Reminds me of the old Stalin story, I think the below describes the West leadership quite well at the moment, and we'd all be wise to appreciate this story:

On one occasion, so it was narrated, Stalin called for a live chicken and proceeded to use it to make an unforgettable point before some of his henchmen. Forcefully clutching the chicken in one hand, with the other he began to systematically pluck out its feathers. As the chicken struggled in vain to escape, he continued with the painful denuding until the bird was completely stripped. “Now you watch,” Stalin said as he placed the chicken on the floor and walked away with some bread crumbs in his hand. Incredibly, the fear-crazed chicken hobbled toward him and clung to the legs of his trousers. StalinThere is no war protectionthrew a handful of grain to the bird, and it began to follow him around the room, he turned to his dumbfounded colleagues and said quietly, “This is the way to rule the people. Did you see how that chicken followed me for food, even though I had caused it such torture? People are like that chicken. If you inflict inordinate pain on them they will follow you for food the rest of their lives.”

You are talking shit...

Even if US made masks, European countries can buy them... Trump refuses to enact the War Production Act...

Hey dumbass! He already did!

Trump invokes Defense Production Act to require GM to make ventilators

a little late don'thcha think given that the virus was heading this way with no way of stopping it? he waited & waited & waited & now - FINALLY signed it into action. a freakin' payroll tax cut wasn't the answer.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
we knew this was coming back in january - plenty of time to prep... but donny ignored it, instead having secret SCIF room meetings at HHS, where the actual experts were kept out but the insider traders were attending.

the virus itself isn't donny's fault - but everything else that has to do with it is all on him.
All we knew in January was about the fake impeachment you liars and the media staged for us all.

donny knew. HHS knew. the inside traders knew.... & they did nothing.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You idiots that think the president is responsible for everything in the country are the biggest retards of all time. You see that individual states are supposed to take care of themselves, idiot.
If we extend Trump's philosophy that he is an absolute ruler within the executive branch then it follows that he is ultimately responsible for the mistakes of any executive branch agency. He's a pretty handy scapegoat too since he continues to mishandle this crisis. This was his time to shine and finally become The President but unfortunately for us he is incapable of thinking of himself as a public servant.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

The blob sent a shitload of it overseas. Where to you ask? China of course.

View attachment 316746
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You mean everyone yelling about the deficit might not have had anything to do with it? You mean having Mueller trying to give him a colonoscopy wasn't a concern? You mean the democrats in the house and senate grabbing the mic and condemning him for even daring to look cross eyed gave him nothing else to think about? You think CNN with its 24/7 hate was not a concern? You think that 44 should not have bothered because he wasn't elected to a third term?
I could go on but no matter what you will still blame Trump rather then 44.

Damn. That's the best deflection I've seen on the board today. And I gave you that Obama shares some blame. Look, Trump has no interest in being President. It's just a popularity contest for him. So even if he didn't make all of his own problems with Russia and Ukraine (because he's a fundamentally corrupt liar), he still wouldn't have had any interest in actually doing the job he was elected for. He did what he's capable of. Campaigning, tweeting, bullying.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.
Around JAN 15th, our news reported that as soon as the Chinese people were told about the new virus, there was absolute mayhem and run at their stores for protective gear and sanitizer....

Search Bloomberg news, they had an article on masks etc selling out in China, (it's hard for me to do on this device) in mid January.

OBVIOUSLY our Pandemic team and National security teams HAD TO KNOW this was happening, if just a reporter knew....

At that very moment, our guys in charge of a pandemic response HAD TO KNOW the same run on masks and sanitizer response by our citizens, would be the same, ( and was the same).....

FAILED IN SECURING SUPPLIES EARLY, for the just in case scenario....

This team is suppose to have foresight.
Do you know how many times sick people in foreign lands hop on a plane to Cuba to avoid the profit oriented USA health care? NOT ONCE!!
Actually genius, it's something like thousands every year.

LefTarded filth have kept our president quite distracted since the 2016 election...that and filthy LefTards have been burying our healthcare system in dirty wetbacks for decades.
We desperately need Auschwitz style concentration camps for Americas worst enemy....THE LEFT.

No one has kept him distracted. Other than the issues he's made all on his own.
Seriously. Pence steps in on March 13th and the ship seems to right itself. Trump's poll numbers go up. Then sometime around March 23rd, they decide to take the training wheels off and let Trump be out front again. Slowly but surely, it heads downhill again. Fauci and the rest of the experts sidelined and second guessed. What happened?
Right. Because being impeached is not a distraction. And don't tell us he brought that on himself. It couldn't be more obvious that it's Pelosi and Adolph Schiffler orchestrated smear.

lol, a real stable genius would have been able to handle it.
Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here.

No, it kinda isn't and no, you aren't. Lack of protective gear in hospitals is not a new issue. It's gone on for years and it is not the responsibility of the president to make sure that hospitals have it. It's a state and local responsibility.

it's the president's responsibility to prepare for a pandemic sized catastrophe by having PPE in it's stockpile - just like the oil reserves we have. back in january DONNY knew this was heading our way & did no preparing. at all. the pandemic response team was dismantled in 2018 & we just had a gov'ment size mock drill for just this kind of catastrophe & we failed miserably. donny simply wasn't interested.

that is a fact, jack.
The idea that the government would stockpile sufficient supplies for a pandemic of any concievable disease doesn't pass the laugh test.

the US flunked a pandemic drill just a short while ago & the US should have & could have done what it took to remedy that. literally.

the US did nothing & so ..... here 'we' are.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
we knew this was coming back in january - plenty of time to prep... but donny ignored it, instead having secret SCIF room meetings at HHS, where the actual experts were kept out but the insider traders were attending.

the virus itself isn't donny's fault - but everything else that has to do with it is all on him.
All we knew in January was about the fake impeachment you liars and the media staged for us all.

donny knew. HHS knew. the inside traders knew.... & they did nothing.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You idiots that think the president is responsible for everything in the country are the biggest retards of all time. You see that individual states are supposed to take care of themselves, idiot.
If we extend Trump's philosophy that he is an absolute ruler within the executive branch then it follows that he is ultimately responsible for the mistakes of any executive branch agency. He's a pretty handy scapegoat too since he continues to mishandle this crisis. This was his time to shine and finally become The President but unfortunately for us he is incapable of thinking of himself as a public servant.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

The blob sent a shitload of it overseas. Where to you ask? China of course.

View attachment 316746
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You mean everyone yelling about the deficit might not have had anything to do with it? You mean having Mueller trying to give him a colonoscopy wasn't a concern? You mean the democrats in the house and senate grabbing the mic and condemning him for even daring to look cross eyed gave him nothing else to think about? You think CNN with its 24/7 hate was not a concern? You think that 44 should not have bothered because he wasn't elected to a third term?
I could go on but no matter what you will still blame Trump rather then 44.

Damn. That's the best deflection I've seen on the board today. And I gave you that Obama shares some blame. Look, Trump has no interest in being President. It's just a popularity contest for him. So even if he didn't make all of his own problems with Russia and Ukraine (because he's a fundamentally corrupt liar), he still wouldn't have had any interest in actually doing the job he was elected for. He did what he's capable of. Campaigning, tweeting, bullying.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.
Around JAN 15th, our news reported that as soon as the Chinese people were told about the new virus, there was absolute mayhem and run at their stores for protective gear and sanitizer....

Search Bloomberg news, they had an article on masks etc selling out in China, (it's hard for me to do on this device) in mid January.

OBVIOUSLY our Pandemic team and National security teams HAD TO KNOW this was happening, if just a reporter knew....

At that very moment, our guys in charge of a pandemic response HAD TO KNOW the same run on masks and sanitizer response by our citizens, would be the same, ( and was the same).....

FAILED IN SECURING SUPPLIES EARLY, for the just in case scenario....

This team is suppose to have foresight.
Do you know how many times sick people in foreign lands hop on a plane to Cuba to avoid the profit oriented USA health care? NOT ONCE!!
Actually genius, it's something like thousands every year.

LefTarded filth have kept our president quite distracted since the 2016 election...that and filthy LefTards have been burying our healthcare system in dirty wetbacks for decades.
We desperately need Auschwitz style concentration camps for Americas worst enemy....THE LEFT.

No one has kept him distracted. Other than the issues he's made all on his own.
Seriously. Pence steps in on March 13th and the ship seems to right itself. Trump's poll numbers go up. Then sometime around March 23rd, they decide to take the training wheels off and let Trump be out front again. Slowly but surely, it heads downhill again. Fauci and the rest of the experts sidelined and second guessed. What happened?
Right. Because being impeached is not a distraction. And don't tell us he brought that on himself. It couldn't be more obvious that it's Pelosi and Adolph Schiffler orchestrated smear.

lol, a real stable genius would have been able to handle it.
Spare us. you TDS assholes always find a way to excuse your sleazy behavior.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You idiots that think the president is responsible for everything in the country are the biggest retards of all time. You see that individual states are supposed to take care of themselves, idiot.
If we extend Trump's philosophy that he is an absolute ruler within the executive branch then it follows that he is ultimately responsible for the mistakes of any executive branch agency. He's a pretty handy scapegoat too since he continues to mishandle this crisis. This was his time to shine and finally become The President but unfortunately for us he is incapable of thinking of himself as a public servant.
The greatest failing of the feds was the failure of medical professionals at CDC/NIH to pursue research into corona viruses and instead wasted their time and money on bullshit having nothing to do with epidemics

the state and local authorities failed to maintain adequate supplies on hand

there is also the problem of globalization and the offshoring of vital production that should be here

Great in ignoring the actual problem...

The White House:
Cut CDC budget
Cut NIH budget
Didn't order masks three months then blames Obama
Hid the the threat it was going impose on US
Downplayed it
And still today are more worried about the economy than peoples lives
Fake news.

^ liar.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You idiots that think the president is responsible for everything in the country are the biggest retards of all time. You see that individual states are supposed to take care of themselves, idiot.
If we extend Trump's philosophy that he is an absolute ruler within the executive branch then it follows that he is ultimately responsible for the mistakes of any executive branch agency. He's a pretty handy scapegoat too since he continues to mishandle this crisis. This was his time to shine and finally become The President but unfortunately for us he is incapable of thinking of himself as a public servant.
The greatest failing of the feds was the failure of medical professionals at CDC/NIH to pursue research into corona viruses and instead wasted their time and money on bullshit having nothing to do with epidemics

the state and local authorities failed to maintain adequate supplies on hand

there is also the problem of globalization and the offshoring of vital production that should be here

Great in ignoring the actual problem...

The White House:
Cut CDC budget
Cut NIH budget
Didn't order masks three months then blames Obama
Hid the the threat it was going impose on US
Downplayed it
And still today are more worried about the economy than peoples lives
There was no cut in the CDC budget, douchebag.

they dismantled the pandemic response team in 2018 & donny outright lied when he said he knew nothing about it.
The idea that the government would stockpile sufficient supplies for a pandemic of any concievable disease doesn't pass the laugh test.
True, in that we can't have everything already stockpiled to prepare for everything.

But we could out a plan in place to quickly respond to potential pandemics by stockpiling the tests and medical supplies that will be needed. South Korea had such a plan and implemented it. Their quick reaction in stockpiling the tests has been shown to be very effective.

we had a mock pandemic drill & the US failed miserably ... & nothing was done to correct that. hense the clusterfuck we are now experiencing.... thanx to donny.
The idea that the government would stockpile sufficient supplies for a pandemic of any concievable disease doesn't pass the laugh test.
True, in that we can't have everything already stockpiled to prepare for everything.

But we could out a plan in place to quickly respond to potential pandemics by stockpiling the tests and medical supplies that will be needed. South Korea had such a plan and implemented it. Their quick reaction in stockpiling the tests has been shown to be very effective.
If a new virus developes, we can't have any tests on hand. It can only be developed after the disease exists.

the WHO instructed how to make the COVID-19 test as soon as china put out the virus genome info. the US refused to make them, instead opting for our own ... which right from the start was a huge mistake because that put the US behind the 8 ball. then the tests were flawed with the results they were giving AND the CDC being the only lab to work them thru was CONtaminated. SK was testing 10k people the very first week. we only reached that milestone the last week orso.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Section 8.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States

if 'general welfare' includes stimulus cash - - - & waiving all medical costs associated with this disease --- then the ability to impose the DEFENSE PROTECTION ACT is something donny could have & should have enacted 2 months ago; in anticipation of & to ward off the clusterfuck that he helped create.

you're welcome for the education., no go wash that cheeto dust off yer mouth.

but b4 you do, IF you do... here are 2 links that verify my other points:

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised
By DEB RIECHMANNMarch 14, 2020 GMT
Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

WASHINGTON (AP) — Public health and national security experts shake their heads when President Donald Trump says the coronavirus “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world.”
They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.
Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

Homeland Security
May 31, 2018
This Mock Pandemic Killed 150 Million People. Next Time It Might Not Be A Drill.

The Johns Hopkins pandemic exercise, as some of the audience members noted, took place one week after the top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic left the administration and the global health security team he oversaw was disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.

By the end of the exercise, failure to develop a vaccine within 20 months had led to 150 million deaths globally, or about 2 percent of the world’s population. Players underscored the need for the United States to “go from bug to drug” faster, said Jim Talent, a former Republican senator from Missouri who played the defense secretary.

Added Tara O’Toole, a former top Homeland Security Department official who played the homeland security secretary: “We are in an age of epidemics, but we aren’t treating them like the national security issues that they are.”
This Mock Pandemic Killed 150 Million People. Next Time It Might Not Be A Drill.

It's a lie no matter how many times you say it!
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You idiots that think the president is responsible for everything in the country are the biggest retards of all time. You see that individual states are supposed to take care of themselves, idiot.
If we extend Trump's philosophy that he is an absolute ruler within the executive branch then it follows that he is ultimately responsible for the mistakes of any executive branch agency. He's a pretty handy scapegoat too since he continues to mishandle this crisis. This was his time to shine and finally become The President but unfortunately for us he is incapable of thinking of himself as a public servant.
The greatest failing of the feds was the failure of medical professionals at CDC/NIH to pursue research into corona viruses and instead wasted their time and money on bullshit having nothing to do with epidemics

the state and local authorities failed to maintain adequate supplies on hand

there is also the problem of globalization and the offshoring of vital production that should be here

Great in ignoring the actual problem...

The White House:
Cut CDC budget
Cut NIH budget
Didn't order masks three months then blames Obama
Hid the the threat it was going impose on US
Downplayed it
And still today are more worried about the economy than peoples lives
There was no cut in the CDC budget, douchebag.

they dismantled the pandemic response team in 2018 & donny outright lied when he said he knew nothing about it.
So when your accusation turns out to be false you switch to a different accusation.

How beautifully liberal!
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
we knew this was coming back in january - plenty of time to prep... but donny ignored it, instead having secret SCIF room meetings at HHS, where the actual experts were kept out but the insider traders were attending.

the virus itself isn't donny's fault - but everything else that has to do with it is all on him.
All we knew in January was about the fake impeachment you liars and the media staged for us all.

donny knew. HHS knew. the inside traders knew.... & they did nothing.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You idiots that think the president is responsible for everything in the country are the biggest retards of all time. You see that individual states are supposed to take care of themselves, idiot.
If we extend Trump's philosophy that he is an absolute ruler within the executive branch then it follows that he is ultimately responsible for the mistakes of any executive branch agency. He's a pretty handy scapegoat too since he continues to mishandle this crisis. This was his time to shine and finally become The President but unfortunately for us he is incapable of thinking of himself as a public servant.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

The blob sent a shitload of it overseas. Where to you ask? China of course.

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Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You mean everyone yelling about the deficit might not have had anything to do with it? You mean having Mueller trying to give him a colonoscopy wasn't a concern? You mean the democrats in the house and senate grabbing the mic and condemning him for even daring to look cross eyed gave him nothing else to think about? You think CNN with its 24/7 hate was not a concern? You think that 44 should not have bothered because he wasn't elected to a third term?
I could go on but no matter what you will still blame Trump rather then 44.

Damn. That's the best deflection I've seen on the board today. And I gave you that Obama shares some blame. Look, Trump has no interest in being President. It's just a popularity contest for him. So even if he didn't make all of his own problems with Russia and Ukraine (because he's a fundamentally corrupt liar), he still wouldn't have had any interest in actually doing the job he was elected for. He did what he's capable of. Campaigning, tweeting, bullying.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.
Around JAN 15th, our news reported that as soon as the Chinese people were told about the new virus, there was absolute mayhem and run at their stores for protective gear and sanitizer....

Search Bloomberg news, they had an article on masks etc selling out in China, (it's hard for me to do on this device) in mid January.

OBVIOUSLY our Pandemic team and National security teams HAD TO KNOW this was happening, if just a reporter knew....

At that very moment, our guys in charge of a pandemic response HAD TO KNOW the same run on masks and sanitizer response by our citizens, would be the same, ( and was the same).....

FAILED IN SECURING SUPPLIES EARLY, for the just in case scenario....

This team is suppose to have foresight.
Do you know how many times sick people in foreign lands hop on a plane to Cuba to avoid the profit oriented USA health care? NOT ONCE!!
Actually genius, it's something like thousands every year.

LefTarded filth have kept our president quite distracted since the 2016 election...that and filthy LefTards have been burying our healthcare system in dirty wetbacks for decades.
We desperately need Auschwitz style concentration camps for Americas worst enemy....THE LEFT.

No one has kept him distracted. Other than the issues he's made all on his own.
Seriously. Pence steps in on March 13th and the ship seems to right itself. Trump's poll numbers go up. Then sometime around March 23rd, they decide to take the training wheels off and let Trump be out front again. Slowly but surely, it heads downhill again. Fauci and the rest of the experts sidelined and second guessed. What happened?
Right. Because being impeached is not a distraction. And don't tell us he brought that on himself. It couldn't be more obvious that it's Pelosi and Adolph Schiffler orchestrated smear.

lol, a real stable genius would have been able to handle it.
Spare us. you TDS assholes always find a way to excuse your sleazy behavior.

^^^ most ironic post so far today ^^^
The idea that the government would stockpile sufficient supplies for a pandemic of any concievable disease doesn't pass the laugh test.
True, in that we can't have everything already stockpiled to prepare for everything.

But we could out a plan in place to quickly respond to potential pandemics by stockpiling the tests and medical supplies that will be needed. South Korea had such a plan and implemented it. Their quick reaction in stockpiling the tests has been shown to be very effective.
If a new virus developes, we can't have any tests on hand. It can only be developed after the disease exists.

the WHO instructed how to make the COVID-19 test as soon as china put out the virus genome info. the US refused to make them, instead opting for our own ... which right from the start was a huge mistake because that put the US behind the 8 ball. then the tests were flawed with the results they were giving AND the CDC being the only lab to work them thru was CONtaminated. SK was testing 10k people the very first week. we only reached that milestone the last week orso.
Of what relevance is that? The fact remains: If a new virus developes, we can't have any tests on hand. It can only be developed after the disease exists.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Section 8.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States

if 'general welfare' includes stimulus cash - - - & waiving all medical costs associated with this disease --- then the ability to impose the DEFENSE PROTECTION ACT is something donny could have & should have enacted 2 months ago; in anticipation of & to ward off the clusterfuck that he helped create.

you're welcome for the education., no go wash that cheeto dust off yer mouth.

but b4 you do, IF you do... here are 2 links that verify my other points:

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised
By DEB RIECHMANNMarch 14, 2020 GMT
Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

WASHINGTON (AP) — Public health and national security experts shake their heads when President Donald Trump says the coronavirus “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world.”
They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.
Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

Homeland Security
May 31, 2018
This Mock Pandemic Killed 150 Million People. Next Time It Might Not Be A Drill.

The Johns Hopkins pandemic exercise, as some of the audience members noted, took place one week after the top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic left the administration and the global health security team he oversaw was disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.

By the end of the exercise, failure to develop a vaccine within 20 months had led to 150 million deaths globally, or about 2 percent of the world’s population. Players underscored the need for the United States to “go from bug to drug” faster, said Jim Talent, a former Republican senator from Missouri who played the defense secretary.

Added Tara O’Toole, a former top Homeland Security Department official who played the homeland security secretary: “We are in an age of epidemics, but we aren’t treating them like the national security issues that they are.”
This Mock Pandemic Killed 150 Million People. Next Time It Might Not Be A Drill.

It's a lie no matter how many times you say it!

facts must hurt yer brain.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You idiots that think the president is responsible for everything in the country are the biggest retards of all time. You see that individual states are supposed to take care of themselves, idiot.
If we extend Trump's philosophy that he is an absolute ruler within the executive branch then it follows that he is ultimately responsible for the mistakes of any executive branch agency. He's a pretty handy scapegoat too since he continues to mishandle this crisis. This was his time to shine and finally become The President but unfortunately for us he is incapable of thinking of himself as a public servant.
The greatest failing of the feds was the failure of medical professionals at CDC/NIH to pursue research into corona viruses and instead wasted their time and money on bullshit having nothing to do with epidemics

the state and local authorities failed to maintain adequate supplies on hand

there is also the problem of globalization and the offshoring of vital production that should be here

Great in ignoring the actual problem...

The White House:
Cut CDC budget
Cut NIH budget
Didn't order masks three months then blames Obama
Hid the the threat it was going impose on US
Downplayed it
And still today are more worried about the economy than peoples lives
There was no cut in the CDC budget, douchebag.

they dismantled the pandemic response team in 2018 & donny outright lied when he said he knew nothing about it.
So when your accusation turns out to be false you switch to a different accusation.

How beautifully liberal!

he cut funding for pandemic response team ... no pandemic response team = less funding for it because - - - now understand this ---- it no longer exists.

& he lied when he said he didn't know it was dismantled.
The idea that the government would stockpile sufficient supplies for a pandemic of any concievable disease doesn't pass the laugh test.
True, in that we can't have everything already stockpiled to prepare for everything.

But we could out a plan in place to quickly respond to potential pandemics by stockpiling the tests and medical supplies that will be needed. South Korea had such a plan and implemented it. Their quick reaction in stockpiling the tests has been shown to be very effective.
If a new virus developes, we can't have any tests on hand. It can only be developed after the disease exists.

the WHO instructed how to make the COVID-19 test as soon as china put out the virus genome info. the US refused to make them, instead opting for our own ... which right from the start was a huge mistake because that put the US behind the 8 ball. then the tests were flawed with the results they were giving AND the CDC being the only lab to work them thru was CONtaminated. SK was testing 10k people the very first week. we only reached that milestone the last week orso.
Of what relevance is that? The fact remains: If a new virus developes, we can't have any tests on hand. It can only be developed after the disease exists.

what? what relevance? we could have had the tests right away. the US chose not to use them; resulting in skyrocketing infections & death.

why is that so hard for you to grasp?

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