How history repeats itself....Pence and Nixon

Of course, Pence should know (maybe) that a special counsel's investigations' length averages about 2 years and 4 months

Pence says it's time for Mueller to 'wrap it up' - The Boston Globe
"What I think is that it’s been about a year since this investigation began," Pence said,….. and in the interest of the country, I think it’s time to wrap it up."

Nixon: 'One year of Watergate is enough' - CNN Video -
Pence is also smart enough to know that there is no need for a Special Counsel that has no crime to investigate, as the case with Mueller's Witch Hunt.

There is no evidence of any crime being committed warranting a Special Counsel, let alone any crime of 'illegal Collusion'.

The Special Counsel / Mueller is clearly 'off the reservation', telling one Judge that he has the authority to go back a decade to investigate crimes that have nothing to do with Russians or the 2016 election, telling the Judge that the Judge can not question his authority...which is sealed in an envelope and can not be seen by anyone, not even the judge, that the judge will just have to proceed with the trial and take his word for it that he has the authority to do what he is doing....

The Special Counsel / Mueller has definitely gone mad, committing Obstruction of Justice by illegally refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena, telling Congress he does not have to hand over documents and that his 'Super Secret Source' driving part of the investigation is 'off limits' to them, that - just like he told the Judge regarding his sealed authority - they will just have to take his word for it that he has the authority to tell Congress to F* off!

Mueller has demonstrated he believes he has authority not given to him by the Constitution, authority that allows him to do whatever he wants without answering to anyone.


Time to shut the 'witch hunt' down...then appoint 2 new Special Counsels: 1 to investigate the Witch hunters and 1 to re-open Hillary's case to being her to justice for the crimes already been proven she committed.

Refresh yourself with some history. Starr took over four years investigating Whitewater. Bill and Hillary were exonerated....but others were not.

The reason for the investigation DID NOT take Bill down...pardon the pun. Rather Bill lied in a deposition....sort of like the Stormy issue...
I was expecting you to show up claiming you know that Mueller has nothing, that it's a "Witch Hunt" and that the investigators MUST be investigated!

That's because you yourself know its true and can not offer any evidence to the contrary....

No No NO Easy - That's not the way it works. When you guys tell us that "Mueller has nothing" then it's up to you to PROVE that he has nothing.

Since you can't, you then ask ME to provide evidence?

LoL dude - :lol:
Funny the OP brings up 'Nixon'.

What the Obama administration / Cabinet, FBI, CIA, DOJ / US AG perpetrated against candidate Trump and President Trump blows 'Watergate' away.

In this case you have a DNC candidate protected from prosecution for crimes the FBI Director admitted she committed....the DNC candidate paying a foreign sy and Russians for a debunked propaganda-filled report she uses illegally in an election and one that the FBI uses illegally to obtain warrants to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during an election (in essence the FBI was working FOR the DNC candidate and spied on the GOP candidate to help the DNC candidate win and to take down the GOP candidate if he should happen to win).

This is the biggest treasonous Conspiracy / crime of its kind in US history.

Yes....trump people collaborating with a foreign adversary is the biggest and most complicated criminal activity in US history. Mueller may need several more years to find the dirt that the trump criminals have covered up.
The problem with the left is that they are still using the old Watergate playbook in the age of information. They hope (against all logic) that history will repeat itself and the angry vindictive media will get away with unverified anonymous leaks by unidentified sources. Bill Clinton was arguably the most interesting president in modern history and sex drugs and rock&roll and mysterious deaths marked his administration but so-called "investigative reporters" weren't interested. Instead the media circled the wagons around the criminal enterprise of the Clinton administration. The hard core angry democrat base today may not understand it but people are smarter and better informed than they were when the red diaper baby and the young arrogant Post reporter used an informant that wasn't identified until he was dead and couldn't verify the breathless leaks. Bill and Hill made Nixon look like a choir boy.
The Watergate playbook seemed to work OK back in the day. The overall tally during that period of the GOP get was;

1. One presidential resignation
2. One vice-presidential resignation – unrelated to Watergate
3. 40 government officials indicted or jailed
4. GOP corruption laid open with a mass exodus from a once decent political party with a moral backbone which has continued to rot.

Hey, shit-for-brains, the SUBSTANCE of those incriminating tapes of Nixon in the Oval Office had not a damn thing to do with Woodward and Bernstein's sources and their WAPO disclosures!! And that type of evidence is what will eventually catch the fuck up with that Orange Assed Clown!
The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate
So you keep hoping.

It’s not a matter of hoping. There was no underlying charge. It’s just not there
The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate
So you keep hoping.

It’s not a matter of hoping. There was no underlying charge. It’s just not there
Of course it is mere disillusioned hope on your part. The investigations, the indictments, the convictions, the continual Trumplian lying, crying, and whying shows that he and his ilk know the hammer is coming.
Refresh yourself with some history. Starr took over four years investigating Whitewater. Bill and Hillary were exonerated....but others were not.
How many times are you going to try this Fake News tactic? THERE WAS A CRIME TO INVESTIGATE regarding Clinton / the Clintons - there was NONE in this case. ZERO! NO EVIDENCE of any crime committed requiring / calling for a Special Counsel.

Once again you throw up this ruse and it goes nowhere.
The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate

Lets break the news to you... Interfering in the US Election and hacking the Democrat email servers are a crime....

So breaking to Democrat offices is BAD.

Breaking to Democrat servers is GOOD ...

The similarities between the two are actually uncanny...
The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate
Exactly, he's an expensive, tax payer funded solution that can't find a relevant problem to solve.

… maybe the DOJ should reassign him to the Federal Government's "The effects of Cocaine on Monkeys Brains" project, at least he'd be doing something of value there.:cool:

Again the Crime:

Democrats servers were hacked and emails stolen... That is a crime..
Did Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's terrorist-connected Pakistani Spies, to whom she gave access to the DNC severs, the list of all DNC members' e-mail addresses, their usernames, and passwords work for the Russians?

'Cause that's the only way the 'Russians' hacked the DNC server and leaked all the damaging facts about what the Democrats were up to.

(Funny - the DEMOCRATS were caught and exposed being racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-Semitic and illegally rigging primaries, cheating in debates, committing election fraud, violating lection laws, violating campaign finance laws, and with the help of their Lame Stream Fake News media they were able to turn the entire story around to make themselves look like victims while perpetuating the 'Illegal Russian Collusion' lie / Witch Hunt..... Bravo, Democrats - you TRULY are the 'Masters of BS & Spin'!)
The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate
So you keep hoping.

It’s not a matter of hoping. There was no underlying charge. It’s just not there
There was no underlying charge. It’s just not there
And you know that because you have been completely through the Special Counsel's files and you found nothing, or because there is that thread of hope in your still beating heart? I get a laugh out of the prognostications based on the desperate hope of you true believers proclaiming, "Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause"!
Did Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's terrorist-connected Pakistani Spies, to whom she gave access to the DNC severs, the list of all DNC members' e-mail addresses, their usernames, and passwords work for the Russians?

'Cause that's the only way the 'Russians' hacked the DNC server and leaked all the damaging facts about what the Democrats were up to.

(Funny - the DEMOCRATS were caught and exposed being racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-Semitic and illegally rigging primaries, cheating in debates, committing election fraud, violating lection laws, violating campaign finance laws, and with the help of their Lame Stream Fake News media they were able to turn the entire story around to make themselves look like victims while perpetuating the 'Illegal Russian Collusion' lie / Witch Hunt..... Bravo, Democrats - you TRULY are the 'Masters of BS & Spin'!)

Wow.... Can you buy guns as well?

Good Alternative world your living in there
Again the Crime:

Democrats servers were hacked and emails stolen... That is a crime..
So is:
- Running a terrorist-connected Pakistani Spy Ring: Giving them illegal access to Classified House Files, allowing them to download and steal TERA-BYTES of classified information

- Hiring them back after they have been caught, banned from the house, and an espionage investigation started on them illegal access to classified House files AGAIN....

- Aiding and abetting the terrorist-connected Pakistani spies by GIVING them access to the DNC server, GIVING them the list of all DNC members' e-mail addresses, usernames, and passwords, facilitating the hack and release of personal information....

....which is what DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz did......Not the d@mn 'Russians.
Did Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's terrorist-connected Pakistani Spies, to whom she gave access to the DNC severs, the list of all DNC members' e-mail addresses, their usernames, and passwords work for the Russians?

'Cause that's the only way the 'Russians' hacked the DNC server and leaked all the damaging facts about what the Democrats were up to.

(Funny - the DEMOCRATS were caught and exposed being racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-Semitic and illegally rigging primaries, cheating in debates, committing election fraud, violating lection laws, violating campaign finance laws, and with the help of their Lame Stream Fake News media they were able to turn the entire story around to make themselves look like victims while perpetuating the 'Illegal Russian Collusion' lie / Witch Hunt..... Bravo, Democrats - you TRULY are the 'Masters of BS & Spin'!)

Wow.... Can you buy guns as well?

Good Alternative world your living in there
Says the guys who refuses to accept the outcome of the 2016 election yet believes every Conspiracy Theory BS fed to him by butt-hurt hate-driven Democrats who have no evidence to support their claims...after almost 2 years of digging. :p
The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate
There was no evidence of an underlying crime at Benghazi but there were 8 Republican led investigations that lasted nearly 4 years. Mueller is finding plenty of witches with his witch hunt. See the difference?

4 murdered Americans isn't a crime?
The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate

We know now crimes were committed concerning Watergate, that wasn't the case at the start of the investigation.
The problem with the left is that they are still using the old Watergate playbook in the age of information. They hope (against all logic) that history will repeat itself and the angry vindictive media will get away with unverified anonymous leaks by unidentified sources. Bill Clinton was arguably the most interesting president in modern history and sex drugs and rock&roll and mysterious deaths marked his administration but so-called "investigative reporters" weren't interested. Instead the media circled the wagons around the criminal enterprise of the Clinton administration. The hard core angry democrat base today may not understand it but people are smarter and better informed than they were when the red diaper baby and the young arrogant Post reporter used an informant that wasn't identified until he was dead and couldn't verify the breathless leaks. Bill and Hill made Nixon look like a choir boy.
The Watergate playbook seemed to work OK back in the day. The overall tally during that period of the GOP get was;

1. One presidential resignation
2. One vice-presidential resignation – unrelated to Watergate
3. 40 government officials indicted or jailed
4. GOP corruption laid open with a mass exodus from a once decent political party with a moral backbone which has continued to rot.

Hey, shit-for-brains, the SUBSTANCE of those incriminating tapes of Nixon in the Oval Office had not a damn thing to do with Woodward and Bernstein's sources and their WAPO disclosures!! And that type of evidence is what will eventually catch the fuck up with that Orange Assed Clown!

The Watergate playbook worked back in the day because the only information available to the public was filtered through liberal media outlets. There was no talk radio or fair and balanced reporting. How many people know that one half of the Washington Post reporter team was the son of card carrying communists and was brought up with an abiding hatred for HUAC prosecutor Richard Nixon? How far could today's media go with unverified anonymous reports from a "source" who wasn't identified until thirty years later when he was dead? LBJ was such a joke that corruption in the administration was routinely overlooked. It was alleged that LBJ had Barry Goldwater's plane bugged. Black bag operations were common in government going back to FDR but the media only took notice and pretended outrage when a hated republican was in office.
The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate

We know now crimes were committed concerning Watergate, that wasn't the case at the start of the investigation.
Hillary declared, "I lost the election because Donald Trump illegally colluded with the Russians to win....and her is the evidence to prove it...this iron-clad, verified 'Dossier'... that I bought form a foreign spy who got most of his 2nd- and 3rd-account propaganda Russians....and I want the FBI to use this to go get wiretaps and to spy on Trump and his team'.... AND A PARTISAN SPECIAL CONSEL-DRIVEN WITCH HUNT WAS BORN....

For once I agree with Vice President Torquemada, time to stop wasting tax payer money on this political fishing expedition and move on, Dudley Do Right needs to release whatever hard evidence he and his gang of Kojaks have come up with relating to the original scope of this investigation, that is, if they have any at all.

Sure...........does that ALSO mean that Trump is willing to (under oath) address any questions from the Mueller team and finally DECLARE his unquestionable innocence???

I dunno, ask President Twitter.....

I don't see what that has to do with Mueller & Co. presenting whatever hard evidence they have relative to the original scope of this investigation and wrapping up this farce, if he's got any goods on Daffy Don then cough 'em up, otherwise asking him to testify is just (more) fishing.

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