How far will your president go to stay in office

Would Trump start a war to stay in office?
Sure, he already attacked Iran over a drone.
When did he attack Iran? Prove it or you're a liar!!!
Last week. This is from CNN.

Would Trump start a war to stay in office?
FDR did and you adore him.
To stay in office ya sure. Bush and Cheney did it for money , Two biggest monetary winners in the war Halliburton and Carlyle and you love them.
You have no idea. Search this forum for “war criminal” posted by me. Unlike you possibly, I can’t stand either party and consider them all criminals.
and why would I go through that effort.
The pathological liar song for all my republican fiends
Typical because Trump is The Pathological Liar-in-Chief.

"The Pathological Liar Song" by Et2Bruté and the Conspiracy
Really not much different from Big Ears.
This I have to hear, scum bag your leader is as truthful as Obama. Get a life, try getting away from Fox Crap news. What a joke,.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
24 investigations, eh.

I wish there were more to keep the libtards occupied and out of my life and away from my money.
Tracking 29 Investigations Related to Trump - The New York Times
Trump inaugural committee
donations and spending
Southern District of New York

Trump inaugural committee donations /
committee chairman’s ties to Middle East
Eastern District of New York

Business and political dealings of top fund-raiser
for Trump’s campaign and inauguration
Justice Department’s public integrity section

Possible role of Trump and others
in concealing hush money payments
Southern District of New York

Whether Trump’s lawyers offered
presidential pardon to Cohen
Southern District of New York

Allegations of inflated insurance claims
Southern District of New York

Pending prosecution of Roger J. Stone Jr.
United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia

Possible lobbying violations by firms recruited
by former Trump campaign chairman
Southern District of New York

Pending prosecution of former Manafort associate
United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia

Bank officer who sought Trump administration job
Southern District of New York
State and Local Investigations

Authorities in New York, New Jersey and Washington, D.C., are also examining Mr. Trump, his businesses and associates through various — mostly civil — investigations.

Trump Organization insurance practices
New York Department of Financial Services

Contributions to Trump inaugural committee
New Jersey attorney general

Role of Trump’s children and
businesses in Trump’s inauguration
District of Columbia attorney general

Pending criminal prosecution of Manafort
on state mortgage fraud charges
Manhattan district attorney

Allegations of misused charitable
assets, self-dealing and campaign finance
violations by the Trump Foundation
New York attorney general

Allegations that the Trump
Organization inflated financial assets
New York attorney general

Trump family’s tax schemes
New York attorney general

Whether Trump and his family underpaid taxes
New York City
Congressional Investigations

In the months since Democrats took control of the House, several committees have opened inquiries that could turn up politically damaging or embarrassing material or, in the case of the obstruction investigation, lead to impeachment proceedings.

Potential foreign influence over Trump
and possible attempts to obstruct justice
House Intelligence Committee

Possible role of Trump and others
in concealing hush money payments
House Oversight and Reform Committee

Possible obstruction of justice and abuse
of power by Trump and his administration
House Judiciary Committee

Possible abuses of the White
House security clearance process
House Oversight and Reform Committee

Whether Trump misrepresented his net worth
House Oversight and Reform Committee

Alleged use of private messaging
by White House officials
House Oversight and Reform Committee

Trump’s tax returns
House Ways and Means Committee

Trump’s communications with Putin
House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight and Reform Committees

Possible money laundering
House Intelligence and Financial Services Committees

Russian interference in the 2016 election
Senate Intelligence Committee

Proposed U.S. nuclear venture in Saudi Arabia
House Oversight and Reform Committee
Dodd/Frank and Obamacare,,,,,,,,,,,
The ultimate stupidity is someone bringing up a question about President scum bag and get a answer about Obama or Clinton , like it can justify what scum bag does somehow. These people are weak and not very bright.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
Hell I hope he tries to stay in office simply to start a civil war in this country! I don't give a shit if he actually stays or not....
Interesting , kind of hilarious but still interesting.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,

That depends. Seeing as how depraved and overtly for every evil under the sun the postmodernist core of the Democratic Party has become, you haters of our POTUS could yet get the tyrannical version of Him that keeps you up all night shaking fairy dust from your pellucid wings. The Democratic Party has pushed We The People far, far too far past the point of no return with their relentless culture war to normalize anti-human behaviors and outright philosophical/ideological abomination. The price for doing that, for doubling down on doing that, could still well be an authoritarian smackdown right between your wittle eyes. At this point, avoiding the whirlwind of retribution for your side's embrace of the darkest darkness within the human heart could be inevitable. I'll bring the popcorn, you shed the tears. I prefer them neat.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
Still butthurt, eh?
I'm overjoyed at the thought of scum bag and his family spendinf lots of time in jail and I just don't want to get rid of Scum bBag I want to get rid of his whole hate party and I'm jumping for joy knowing that will happen faster then demographics having you people elect this cruel ugly evil hateful monster. That will be your epitaph. When You haters are gone another conservative voice will replace them but it will govern on the need of the people instead of just the rich and corporations. and will govern with my great party to build a future. So I'm more then happy you elected scum bag.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
If Trump goes to jail, Pelosi should be his cellmate. Guilty of doing nothing. Democrats created the crisis on the border by doing nothing about illegal immigration. Since when do we have to take care of the worlds poor? We have enough of our own and charity begins at home. The bible says a man is less than a man if he does not take care of is own. They continue to come because they know we will take care of them and that needs to stop if WE want to survive as a nation. Yes, Pelosi it is child abuse and you and your welcome mat are to blame.
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Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,

It wouldn't surprise me. These are Nazi Dictator type tactics; suppress all opposition. Birds of a feather I always say.

So states are going to file charges against a President who exercises his constitutional authority? Like I said, Nazi.
NO he is the same criminal without the protection of his office. With the feds feds or the states but scum bag has zero protection from the charges of the states. So you trying to tell us that these people that have been charged and admitted guilt are Innocent and just being persecuted by the government or the democrats or the courts . You can't even sell that one to the rest of your hate party,
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
Still butthurt, eh?
I'm overjoyed at the thought of scum bag and his family spendinf lots of time in jail and I just don't want to get rid of Scum bBag I want to get rid of his whole hate party and I'm jumping for joy knowing that will happen faster then demographics having you people elect this cruel ugly evil hateful monster. That will be your epitaph. When You haters are gone another conservative voice will replace them but it will govern on the need of the people instead of just the rich and corporations. and will govern with my great party to build a future. So I'm more then happy you elected scum bag.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,

That depends. Seeing as how depraved and overtly for every evil under the sun the postmodernist core of the Democratic Party has become, you haters of our POTUS could yet get the tyrannical version of Him that keeps you up all night shaking fairy dust from your pellucid wings. The Democratic Party has pushed We The People far, far too far past the point of no return with their relentless culture war to normalize anti-human behaviors and outright philosophical/ideological abomination. The price for doing that, for doubling down on doing that, could still well be an authoritarian smackdown right between your wittle eyes. At this point, avoiding the whirlwind of retribution for your side's embrace of the darkest darkness within the human heart could be inevitable. I'll bring the popcorn, you shed the tears. I prefer them neat.
The mans a poet. Not very bright but still a poet.anyone have a clue what this poetry is about?
What a stupid thread topic.

Trump will run for reelection in 2020 like any other President.

And he will step down in 2025 like any other President.

That's really not too much of a question whether he will or not. The real question is how will the Democrats say Trump or the Republicans cheated this time.
We have no doubt that your hate party will do anything legal or illegal to stay in power, because it doesn't take a genius to realize that demographics will put your hate group in the history books quite soon and this is your last show in the big top.
What a stupid thread topic.

Trump will run for reelection in 2020 like any other President.

And he will step down in 2025 like any other President.

That's really not too much of a question whether he will or not. The real question is how will the Democrats say Trump or the Republicans cheated this time.

We've seen that before though. Ahead of the election whatever numbnuts the Democrats nominate will be leading by double digits but will lose anyway.

They will have to think of something they didn't use yet. Let's see.

They used hanging chads, but because of that, nearly the entire country had to spend millions to replace all those machines.

Same with Diebold. We spent millions replacing those machines as well.

Russian conspiracy. That won't fly for a second time.

Unless it's really close (which I"m not counting on) they can't use the Supreme Court selected Trump excuse.

Gerrymandering? Nah, not for a Presidential election. Maybe if Republicans take over the House again.

Voter-ID? Yes, that has some possibilities

The Mueller report? That has a tinge of conspiracy and reminds people of the Comey reopening of the Hillary investigation. It doesn't take much to set off a liberal mind.

Hopefully Vegas will run some bets on this one. They might be more creative than I am.
I know one thing they will use again , the Russians. Don't you think?
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,

It wouldn't surprise me. These are Nazi Dictator type tactics; suppress all opposition. Birds of a feather I always say.

So states are going to file charges against a President who exercises his constitutional authority? Like I said, Nazi.
NO he is the same criminal without the protection of his office. With the feds feds or the states but scum bag has zero protection from the charges of the states. So you trying to tell us that these people that have been charged and admitted guilt are Innocent and just being persecuted by the government or the democrats or the courts . You can't even sell that one to the rest of your hate party,

The people who have been prosecuted had nothing to do with Russia collusion or the campaign. This was exemplified by the Mueller report. Furthermore creating all these BS charges will never hold up in court. It's merely the Nazi mentality of getting even with a person who is doing the best for our country, but not part of the click.

Let's see who ends up with charges against them after the IG report, the AG report, and various other investigations that have never been explored because the last administration was so careless and confident that a Trump would never reside in the White House.

The show is just starting. I suggest pop some popcorn and prepare for the worst.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
If Trump goes to jail, Pelosi should be his cellmate. Guilty of doing nothing. Democrats created the crisis on the border by doing nothing about illegal immigration. Since when do we have to take care of the worlds poor? We have enough of our own and charity begins at home. The bible says a man is less than a man if he does not take care of is own. They continue to come because they know we will take care of them and that needs to stop if WE want to survive as a nation. Yes, Pelosi it is child abuse and you and your welcome mat are to blame.
With one simple chart I'll prove without a doubt what a pile of shit your trying to sell here. Your a joke. Simple question who took care of the border problem?

I'll add to the rights stupidity by saying that since scum bag came into office it has gone up, not side ways or down .It has increased considerably. So that makes it his fault right? One more thing all these massively shrinking numbers came about as the border patrols were increased by many many people but they still arrested less and less people . Why because Bush and Obama decreased the numbers to 1/22 (that's about a decrease of about 96%)that it was in the in the beginning of 2000. Obama did most of this Scum bag obviously made it worse.
This has to be the most stupidest Idea that the hate party has about the border. You people and your policy have made things worse - that is if the numbers mean everything like you suggest.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,

It wouldn't surprise me. These are Nazi Dictator type tactics; suppress all opposition. Birds of a feather I always say.

So states are going to file charges against a President who exercises his constitutional authority? Like I said, Nazi.
NO he is the same criminal without the protection of his office. With the feds feds or the states but scum bag has zero protection from the charges of the states. So you trying to tell us that these people that have been charged and admitted guilt are Innocent and just being persecuted by the government or the democrats or the courts . You can't even sell that one to the rest of your hate party,

The people who have been prosecuted had nothing to do with Russia collusion or the campaign. This was exemplified by the Mueller report. Furthermore creating all these BS charges will never hold up in court. It's merely the Nazi mentality of getting even with a person who is doing the best for our country, but not part of the click.

Let's see who ends up with charges against them after the IG report, the AG report, and various other investigations that have never been explored because the last administration was so careless and confident that a Trump would never reside in the White House.

The show is just starting. I suggest pop some popcorn and prepare for the worst.
You live in a make believe world , I have to ask you a question, where do these ideas come from, now they don't come from the Mueller report, so I'm asuming you listening to your president on this . Simple question do you believe that scum bag doesn't lie that he can be listened to because he tell the truth?
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have "American blood" on their hands because they have not agreed to fund a wall along the southern border. Americans who have died at the hands of illegal aliens and drugs and the blood of every illegal alien who have died crossing the border. With their open border policies and sanctuary cities. There has to be a special place in hell for them. It is not racist or inhuman to have secure borders and an orderly legal immigration system. GOD was the first to create boundaries and border are to be respected and they are installed for a reason. A country without borders is not a country.
The Bible and borders
The Mueller Report… is like having the sheet music to a song, never having actually heard it sung
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
If Trump goes to jail, Pelosi should be his cellmate. Guilty of doing nothing. Democrats created the crisis on the border by doing nothing about illegal immigration. Since when do we have to take care of the worlds poor? We have enough of our own and charity begins at home. The bible says a man is less than a man if he does not take care of is own. They continue to come because they know we will take care of them and that needs to stop if WE want to survive as a nation. Yes, Pelosi it is child abuse and you and your welcome mat are to blame.
With one simple chart I'll prove without a doubt what a pile of shit your trying to sell here. Your a joke. Simple question who took care of the border problem?
View attachment 266602
I'll add to the rights stupidity by saying that since scum bag came into office it has gone up, not side ways or down .It has increased considerably. So that makes it his fault right? One more thing all these massively shrinking numbers came about as the border patrols were increased by many many people but they still arrested less and less people . Why because Bush and Obama decreased the numbers to 1/22 (that's about a decrease of about 96%)that it was in the in the beginning of 2000. Obama did most of this Scum bag obviously made it worse.
This has to be the most stupidest Idea that the hate party has about the border. You people and your policy have made things worse - that is if the numbers mean everything like you suggest.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
If Trump goes to jail, Pelosi should be his cellmate. Guilty of doing nothing. Democrats created the crisis on the border by doing nothing about illegal immigration. Since when do we have to take care of the worlds poor? We have enough of our own and charity begins at home. The bible says a man is less than a man if he does not take care of is own. They continue to come because they know we will take care of them and that needs to stop if WE want to survive as a nation. Yes, Pelosi it is child abuse and you and your welcome mat are to blame.
With one simple chart I'll prove without a doubt what a pile of shit your trying to sell here. Your a joke. Simple question who took care of the border problem?
View attachment 266602
I'll add to the rights stupidity by saying that since scum bag came into office it has gone up, not side ways or down .It has increased considerably. So that makes it his fault right? One more thing all these massively shrinking numbers came about as the border patrols were increased by many many people but they still arrested less and less people . Why because Bush and Obama decreased the numbers to 1/22 (that's about a decrease of about 96%)that it was in the in the beginning of 2000. Obama did most of this Scum bag obviously made it worse.
This has to be the most stupidest Idea that the hate party has about the border. You people and your policy have made things worse - that is if the numbers mean everything like you suggest.
Knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in court or jail on charges as long as your arm. 24 investigations. With the promise from New York that they will be standing on the white house front steps waiting for him when he leaves office. California has charges waiting for him also in my opinion . Simply look at what this clown has tried to do to California because of the threat. He can't pardon Manafort because of the promise of states to file charges against Manafort if your leader does this,
If Trump goes to jail, Pelosi should be his cellmate. Guilty of doing nothing. Democrats created the crisis on the border by doing nothing about illegal immigration. Since when do we have to take care of the worlds poor? We have enough of our own and charity begins at home. The bible says a man is less than a man if he does not take care of is own. They continue to come because they know we will take care of them and that needs to stop if WE want to survive as a nation. Yes, Pelosi it is child abuse and you and your welcome mat are to blame.
With one simple chart I'll prove without a doubt what a pile of shit your trying to sell here. Your a joke. Simple question who took care of the border problem?
View attachment 266602
I'll add to the rights stupidity by saying that since scum bag came into office it has gone up, not side ways or down .It has increased considerably. So that makes it his fault right? One more thing all these massively shrinking numbers came about as the border patrols were increased by many many people but they still arrested less and less people . Why because Bush and Obama decreased the numbers to 1/22 (that's about a decrease of about 96%)that it was in the in the beginning of 2000. Obama did most of this Scum bag obviously made it worse.
This has to be the most stupidest Idea that the hate party has about the border. You people and your policy have made things worse - that is if the numbers mean everything like you suggest.
Border apprehensions increased in 2018 – especially for migrant families
There were nearly 467,000 apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2018,
Border apprehensions increased in 2018 – especially for migrant families

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