How exactly is being pro-capital punishment consistent with being pro-life?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
The sheer number of other "pro-life" people who are totally cool with killing people for committing a crime is probably second only to the religiosity of the organized pro-life movement in reasons I try to dissociate myself with it. How can someone justify using this label if they're okay with killing? It kind of seems like trying to say you're a vegan Jew who just happens to reserve and use the right to eat bacon.
A child in the womb is as innocent as it gets.

A murderer, on the other hand...
The Catholic Church is pretty consistent on these issues. They are against abortion and the death penalty.
A child in the womb is as innocent as it gets.

A murderer, on the other hand...
I can see where the pro-death penalty people are coming from, even if I don't personally agree with them. I can see where the anti-abortion people are coming from and do agree with them. I can't really see how someone could take the label of "pro-life" because they oppose abortion but then turn around and support killing an offender despite the label they claim.
The sheer number of other "pro-life" people who are totally cool with killing people for committing a crime is probably second only to the religiosity of the organized pro-life movement in reasons I try to dissociate myself with it. How can someone justify using this label if they're okay with killing? It kind of seems like trying to say you're a vegan Jew who just happens to reserve and use the right to eat bacon.

Well, if you're really interested in the answer, rather than in making the question the answer - which I doubt, from your tone - it has to do with innocence versus guilt.

For the record, I find it very hard to believe that you're really as clueless about the reason as you pretend to be.
The sheer number of other "pro-life" people who are totally cool with killing people for committing a crime is probably second only to the religiosity of the organized pro-life movement in reasons I try to dissociate myself with it. How can someone justify using this label if they're okay with killing? It kind of seems like trying to say you're a vegan Jew who just happens to reserve and use the right to eat bacon.

And the same can be said of "prochoice" people who only apply this to abortion,
but curiously swing "antichoice" when it comes to health care mandates
that penalize the freedom to choose to pay and provide for health care
in ways that are not crimes, but just not recognized as exemptions by federal govt.
A child in the womb is as innocent as it gets.

A murderer, on the other hand...
I can see where the pro-death penalty people are coming from, even if I don't personally agree with them. I can see where the anti-abortion people are coming from and do agree with them. I can't really see how someone could take the label of "pro-life" because they oppose abortion but then turn around and support killing an offender despite the label they claim.
A murderer took an innocent life. Therefore, it is not exactly contradictory to call oneself "pro-life" for wanting to see someone who took an innocent life be put to death.
The two are not related to each other in any way.

Really, this is just plain weird and more than a little creepy.

Maybe to you Luddly Neddite
but to the credit of Catholics who strive for a consistent prolife policy,
they are against war, abortion, euthanisia, death penalty, anything
that demeans the idea that life is sacred and natural and taking it away is unnatural.
I can see where the anti-abortion people are coming from and do agree with them. I can't really see how someone could take the label of "pro-life" because they oppose abortion but then turn around and support killing an offender despite the label they claim.
That doesn't even make sense. Someone that raped and murdered a woman would be equivalent to a baby in a womb? Who did the baby kill?
I personally have a problem with the way the death penalty is meted out in America. There are obvious flaws in our judicial system. Too many innocent people have been found on death row as science improves forensics. These people are ending up on death row due to shenanigans on the part of police and prosecutors.

For this reason, I believe there should be a moratorium on the death penalty. I'm perfectly okay with life with no chance of parole.

Nor do I believe the death penalty is a deterrent.
The sheer number of other "pro-life" people who are totally cool with killing people for committing a crime is probably second only to the religiosity of the organized pro-life movement in reasons I try to dissociate myself with it. How can someone justify using this label if they're okay with killing? It kind of seems like trying to say you're a vegan Jew who just happens to reserve and use the right to eat bacon.

I'm pro-choice and against the death penalty, but this is a stupid argument.

Protect the innocent, punish the guilty. Explain the conflict in that
The two are not related to each other in any way.

Really, this is just plain weird and more than a little creepy.

Maybe to you Luddly Neddite
but to the credit of Catholics who strive for a consistent prolife policy,
they are against war, abortion, euthanisia, death penalty, anything
that demeans the idea that life is sacred and natural and taking it away is unnatural.
The Catholic Church is remarkably consistent on this issue, sometimes to the point of annoyance. :)
A child in the womb is as innocent as it gets.

A murderer, on the other hand...
I can see where the pro-death penalty people are coming from, even if I don't personally agree with them. I can see where the anti-abortion people are coming from and do agree with them. I can't really see how someone could take the label of "pro-life" because they oppose abortion but then turn around and support killing an offender despite the label they claim.

The phrase "due process" is not in your world, is it? I am pro-liberty, but I support putting criminals in prison. Do you seriously not get why that is not a contradiction?
The sheer number of other "pro-life" people who are totally cool with killing people for committing a crime is probably second only to the religiosity of the organized pro-life movement in reasons I try to dissociate myself with it. How can someone justify using this label if they're okay with killing? It kind of seems like trying to say you're a vegan Jew who just happens to reserve and use the right to eat bacon.

I'm pro-choice and against the death penalty, but this is a stupid argument.

Protect the innocent, punish the guilty. Explain the conflict in that
Hi kaz
Whether we see each other's line in the sand as consistent or not,
the point is that our views of life and who has or has not the authority to terminate life
constitute political BELIEFS.

And if the laws favor some beliefs over others,
that is technically establishing or endorsing beliefs of one group over others.

We cannot help that we have our own beliefs,
but if we are to have a consistent govt that does not "establish religion by political pressure or majority"
then we do need to talk out these issues, and decide what we AGREE on should be public policy
where we aren't discriminating against the beliefs of people who disagree.

As long as we AGREE where to draw the lines in the sand,
then govt has authority to reflect the will of the people, just not one religious bias over another (unless people consent to that).
A child in the womb is as innocent as it gets.

A murderer, on the other hand...

But the catholic church doesn't consider it innocent once its born.
The sheer number of other "pro-life" people who are totally cool with killing people for committing a crime is probably second only to the religiosity of the organized pro-life movement in reasons I try to dissociate myself with it. How can someone justify using this label if they're okay with killing? It kind of seems like trying to say you're a vegan Jew who just happens to reserve and use the right to eat bacon.

And the same can be said of "prochoice" people who only apply this to abortion,
but curiously swing "antichoice" when it comes to health care mandates
that penalize the freedom to choose to pay and provide for health care
in ways that are not crimes, but just not recognized as exemptions by federal govt.

Why do you always try to derail every damn thread? Not everything is about the ACA.

The two are not related to each other in any way.

Really, this is just plain weird and more than a little creepy.

Maybe to you Luddly Neddite
but to the credit of Catholics who strive for a consistent prolife policy,
they are against war, abortion, euthanisia, death penalty, anything
that demeans the idea that life is sacred and natural and taking it away is unnatural.

Your answer is not related to my comment.

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