How Embarrassing: Nikki Haley loses to "None Of These Candidates" by 32 Points in Nevada Primary

First of all, it's time to baley on Haley. It was 63% for 'none of these candidates' (aka Trump), 30% for Haley and 4% for Pence (also Trump votes). So 67 to 30 is an absolute thrashing for Haley when Trump's name wasn't even on the primary. These are the numbers you can expect when Democrats / leftists can't vote for Haley. I'm offering free assistance to people that want to throw away their 'vote for Haley' signs.
Trump cheated.
First of all, it's time to baley on Haley. It was 63% for 'none of these candidates' (aka Trump), 30% for Haley and 4% for Pence (also Trump votes). So 67 to 30 is an absolute thrashing for Haley when Trump's name wasn't even on the primary. These are the numbers you can expect when Democrats / leftists can't vote for Haley. I'm offering free assistance to people that want to throw away their 'vote for Haley' signs.
Haley does not need to beat Trump
She just needs to be the best available option if he drops out.
From one of my favorite political commentators, Wayne Allyn Root. :bow2:

Nikki Haley just suffered the most humiliating loss in the history of American politics. She lost to “None of the Above” in my home state of Nevada. Political pundits outside Nevada are shocked. They can’t figure out how that happened.

Well, I know. My audience and I made that happen!

Yes I believe that's her plan
If and when Trump crashes and burns, Haley wants to be the Republican best situated to pick up the pieces and reform the Republican Party.
Won’t be DeSantis, won’t be Pence, won’t be a MAGA candidate .

May not be this year, but Haley is looking long term
By losing to None Of The Above? How do you figure that one?
The longer she stays in the race, the more unhinged Trump becomes. The more he rages.
He doesn't like strong women standing up to him. He desperately wants to declare himself the nominee
and start campaigning against Biden...even though the convention isn't until July and there are a lot
primaries yet to go. :)
If her name somehow ends up on the ballot, I will not be voting. She will lose many MAGA voters, a big chunk of the minority votes will be conceded back to Democrats and the liberal media mob will flip the script faster on her than Johnny Depp on coke.
Speaking of the liberal media. Have you noticed how they are spinning the Biden wins in SC and NV? LMAO, landslides? WTF did they think the outcome would be with the incumbent and a nobodies running. I am soooo surprised --- not.
Wow... that pic of Haley in OP

is.. BAD

Appearances are often important... I mean, frankly, she looks a bit like a witch

She is wasting our time..
If and when Trump crashes and burns, Haley wants to be the Republican best situated to pick up the pieces and reform the Republican Party.
Won’t be DeSantis, won’t be Pence, won’t be a MAGA candidate .

May not be this year, but Haley is looking long term
"Reform"??? The neowimps will not cut it. They will go back being apologists and will be soft on Democrats / leftists. MAGA is the global solution to the deep rot caused by the globalists and leftists.
"Reform"??? The neowimps will not cut it. They will go back being apologists and will be soft on Democrats / leftists. MAGA is the global solution to the deep rot caused by the globalists and leftists.
When Trump crashes, he will bring down MAGA with him.

That will leave mainstream Republicans to pick up the pieces.

If not Nikki Haley, what Republican do you expect to rise to the top?
From one of my favorite political commentators, Wayne Allyn Root. :bow2:

Nikki Haley just suffered the most humiliating loss in the history of American politics. She lost to “None of the Above” in my home state of Nevada. Political pundits outside Nevada are shocked. They can’t figure out how that happened.

Well, I know. My audience and I made that happen!


The more I hear of Wayne Allen Root the more I like this guy!

The dude GETS IT.

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